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2024-02-19 21:00:36 +03:00
using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
namespace Mirror.Tests.RemoteAttrributeTest
class TargetRpcBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour
public event Action<int> onSendInt;
public void SendInt(int someInt)
public void SendIntWithTarget(NetworkConnection target, int someInt)
class TargetRpcOverloads : NetworkBehaviour
public int firstCalled = 0;
public int secondCalled = 0;
public void TargetRpcTest(int _) => ++firstCalled;
public void TargetRpcTest(string _) => ++secondCalled;
public class TargetRpcTest : MirrorTest
NetworkConnectionToClient connectionToClient;
public override void SetUp()
// start server/client
ConnectClientBlockingAuthenticatedAndReady(out connectionToClient);
public override void TearDown() => base.TearDown();
public void TargetRpcIsCalled()
// spawn with owner
CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour serverComponent,
out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour clientComponent,
const int someInt = 20;
int callCount = 0;
clientComponent.onSendInt += incomingInt =>
Assert.That(incomingInt, Is.EqualTo(someInt));
Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void TargetRpcIsCalledOnTarget()
// spawn without owner
CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour serverComponent,
out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour clientComponent);
const int someInt = 20;
int callCount = 0;
clientComponent.onSendInt += incomingInt =>
Assert.That(incomingInt, Is.EqualTo(someInt));
serverComponent.SendIntWithTarget(connectionToClient, someInt);
Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void ErrorForTargetRpcWithNoOwner()
// spawn without owner
CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour serverComponent,
out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour clientComponent);
const int someInt = 20;
clientComponent.onSendInt += incomingInt =>
Assert.Fail("Event should not be invoked with error");
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, $"TargetRPC System.Void Mirror.Tests.RemoteAttrributeTest.TargetRpcBehaviour::SendInt(System.Int32) was given a null connection, make sure the object has an owner or you pass in the target connection");
public void ErrorForTargetRpcWithNullArgment()
// spawn without owner
CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour serverComponent,
out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour clientComponent);
const int someInt = 20;
clientComponent.onSendInt += incomingInt =>
Assert.Fail("Event should not be invoked with error");
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, $"TargetRPC System.Void Mirror.Tests.RemoteAttrributeTest.TargetRpcBehaviour::SendIntWithTarget(Mirror.NetworkConnection,System.Int32) was given a null connection, make sure the object has an owner or you pass in the target connection");
serverComponent.SendIntWithTarget(null, someInt);
public void ErrorForTargetRpcWhenNotGivenConnectionToClient()
// spawn without owner
CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour serverComponent,
out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour clientComponent);
const int someInt = 20;
clientComponent.onSendInt += incomingInt =>
Assert.Fail("Event should not be invoked with error");
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, $"TargetRPC System.Void Mirror.Tests.RemoteAttrributeTest.TargetRpcBehaviour::SendIntWithTarget(Mirror.NetworkConnection,System.Int32) requires a NetworkConnectionToClient but was given {typeof(FakeConnection).Name}");
serverComponent.SendIntWithTarget(new FakeConnection(), someInt);
class FakeConnection : NetworkConnection
public override string address => throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void Disconnect() => throw new NotImplementedException();
internal override void Send(ArraySegment<byte> segment, int channelId = 0) => throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override void SendToTransport(ArraySegment<byte> segment, int channelId = Channels.Reliable) => throw new NotImplementedException();
public void ErrorForTargetRpcWhenServerNotActive()
// spawn without owner
CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour serverComponent,
out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour clientComponent);
const int someInt = 20;
clientComponent.onSendInt += incomingInt =>
Assert.Fail("Event should not be invoked with error");
}; = false;
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, $"TargetRPC System.Void Mirror.Tests.RemoteAttrributeTest.TargetRpcBehaviour::SendInt(System.Int32) called when server not active");
public void ErrorForTargetRpcWhenObjectNotSpawned()
// create without spawning
CreateNetworked(out _, out _, out TargetRpcBehaviour component);
const int someInt = 20;
component.onSendInt += incomingInt =>
Assert.Fail("Event should not be invoked with error");
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Warning, $"TargetRpc System.Void Mirror.Tests.RemoteAttrributeTest.TargetRpcBehaviour::SendInt(System.Int32) called on {} but that object has not been spawned or has been unspawned");
// RemoteCalls uses md.FullName which gives us the full command/rpc name
// like "System.Void Mirror.Tests.RemoteAttrributeTest.AuthorityBehaviour::SendInt(System.Int32)"
// which means overloads with same name but different types should work.
public void TargetRpcOverload()
// spawn with owner
CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out TargetRpcOverloads serverComponent,
out _, out _, out TargetRpcOverloads clientComponent,
Assert.That(clientComponent.firstCalled, Is.EqualTo(1));
Assert.That(clientComponent.secondCalled, Is.EqualTo(1));