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2024-02-19 21:00:36 +03:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Mirror.RemoteCalls;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror
/// <summary>NetworkServer handles remote connections and has a local connection for a local client.</summary>
public static class NetworkServer
static bool initialized;
public static int maxConnections;
/// <summary>Connection to host mode client (if any)</summary>
public static NetworkConnectionToClient localConnection { get; private set; }
/// <summary>True is a local client is currently active on the server</summary>
public static bool localClientActive => localConnection != null;
/// <summary>Dictionary of all server connections, with connectionId as key</summary>
public static Dictionary<int, NetworkConnectionToClient> connections =
new Dictionary<int, NetworkConnectionToClient>();
/// <summary>Message Handlers dictionary, with mesageId as key</summary>
internal static Dictionary<ushort, NetworkMessageDelegate> handlers =
new Dictionary<ushort, NetworkMessageDelegate>();
/// <summary>All spawned NetworkIdentities by netId.</summary>
// server sees ALL spawned ones.
public static readonly Dictionary<uint, NetworkIdentity> spawned =
new Dictionary<uint, NetworkIdentity>();
/// <summary>Single player mode can use dontListen to not accept incoming connections</summary>
// see also:
public static bool dontListen;
/// <summary>active checks if the server has been started</summary>
public static bool active { get; internal set; }
// scene loading
public static bool isLoadingScene;
// interest management component (optional)
// by default, everyone observes everyone
public static InterestManagement aoi;
// OnConnected / OnDisconnected used to be NetworkMessages that were
// invoked. this introduced a bug where external clients could send
// Connected/Disconnected messages over the network causing undefined
// behaviour.
// => public so that custom NetworkManagers can hook into it
public static Action<NetworkConnectionToClient> OnConnectedEvent;
public static Action<NetworkConnectionToClient> OnDisconnectedEvent;
public static Action<NetworkConnectionToClient, Exception> OnErrorEvent;
// initialization / shutdown ///////////////////////////////////////////
static void Initialize()
if (initialized)
// Debug.Log($"NetworkServer Created version {Version.Current}");
//Make sure connections are cleared in case any old connections references exist from previous sessions
// reset Interest Management so that rebuild intervals
// start at 0 when starting again.
if (aoi != null) aoi.Reset();
// reset NetworkTime
Debug.Assert(Transport.activeTransport != null, "There was no active transport when calling NetworkServer.Listen, If you are calling Listen manually then make sure to set 'Transport.activeTransport' first");
initialized = true;
static void AddTransportHandlers()
Transport.activeTransport.OnServerConnected = OnTransportConnected;
Transport.activeTransport.OnServerDataReceived = OnTransportData;
Transport.activeTransport.OnServerDisconnected = OnTransportDisconnected;
Transport.activeTransport.OnServerError = OnError;
// calls OnStartClient for all SERVER objects in host mode once.
// client doesn't get spawn messages for those, so need to call manually.
public static void ActivateHostScene()
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in spawned.Values)
if (!identity.isClient)
// Debug.Log($"ActivateHostScene {identity.netId} {identity}");
internal static void RegisterMessageHandlers()
RegisterHandler<NetworkPingMessage>(NetworkTime.OnServerPing, false);
/// <summary>Starts server and listens to incoming connections with max connections limit.</summary>
public static void Listen(int maxConns)
maxConnections = maxConns;
// only start server if we want to listen
if (!dontListen)
//Debug.Log("Server started listening");
active = true;
// Note: NetworkClient.DestroyAllClientObjects does the same on client.
static void CleanupSpawned()
// iterate a COPY of spawned.
// DestroyObject removes them from the original collection.
// removing while iterating is not allowed.
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in spawned.Values.ToList())
if (identity != null)
// scene object
if (identity.sceneId != 0)
// spawned scene objects are unspawned and reset.
// afterwards we disable them again.
// (they always stay in the scene, we don't destroy them)
DestroyObject(identity, DestroyMode.Reset);
// spawned prefabs
// spawned prefabs are unspawned and destroyed.
DestroyObject(identity, DestroyMode.Destroy);
/// <summary>Shuts down the server and disconnects all clients</summary>
// RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod -> fast playmode without domain reload
public static void Shutdown()
if (initialized)
// stop the server.
// we do NOT call Transport.Shutdown, because someone only
// called NetworkServer.Shutdown. we can't assume that the
// client is supposed to be shut down too!
// NOTE: stop no matter what, even if 'dontListen':
// someone might enabled dontListen at runtime.
// but we still need to stop the server.
// fixes
initialized = false;
// Reset all statics here....
dontListen = false;
active = false;
isLoadingScene = false;
localConnection = null;
// this calls spawned.Clear()
// sets nextNetworkId to 1
// sets clientAuthorityCallback to null
// sets previousLocalPlayer to null
// clear events. someone might have hooked into them before, but
// we don't want to use those hooks after Shutdown anymore.
OnConnectedEvent = null;
OnDisconnectedEvent = null;
OnErrorEvent = null;
if (aoi != null) aoi.Reset();
// connections /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Add a connection and setup callbacks. Returns true if not added yet.</summary>
public static bool AddConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
if (!connections.ContainsKey(conn.connectionId))
// connection cannot be null here or conn.connectionId
// would throw NRE
connections[conn.connectionId] = conn;
return true;
// already a connection with this id
return false;
/// <summary>Removes a connection by connectionId. Returns true if removed.</summary>
public static bool RemoveConnection(int connectionId) =>
// called by LocalClient to add itself. don't call directly.
// TODO consider internal setter instead?
internal static void SetLocalConnection(LocalConnectionToClient conn)
if (localConnection != null)
Debug.LogError("Local Connection already exists");
localConnection = conn;
// removes local connection to client
internal static void RemoveLocalConnection()
if (localConnection != null)
localConnection = null;
/// <summary>True if we have no external connections (host is allowed)</summary>
// DEPRECATED 2022-02-05
[Obsolete("Use !HasExternalConnections() instead of NoExternalConnections() to avoid double negatives.")]
public static bool NoExternalConnections() => !HasExternalConnections();
/// <summary>True if we have external connections (that are not host)</summary>
public static bool HasExternalConnections()
// any connections?
if (connections.Count > 0)
// only host connection?
if (connections.Count == 1 && localConnection != null)
return false;
// otherwise we have real external connections
return true;
return false;
// send ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Send a message to all clients, even those that haven't joined the world yet (non ready)</summary>
public static void SendToAll<T>(T message, int channelId = Channels.Reliable, bool sendToReadyOnly = false)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
if (!active)
Debug.LogWarning("Can not send using NetworkServer.SendToAll<T>(T msg) because NetworkServer is not active");
// Debug.Log($"Server.SendToAll {typeof(T)}");
using (PooledNetworkWriter writer = NetworkWriterPool.GetWriter())
// pack message only once
MessagePacking.Pack(message, writer);
ArraySegment<byte> segment = writer.ToArraySegment();
// filter and then send to all internet connections at once
// -> makes code more complicated, but is HIGHLY worth it to
// avoid allocations, allow for multicast, etc.
int count = 0;
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in connections.Values)
if (sendToReadyOnly && !conn.isReady)
conn.Send(segment, channelId);
NetworkDiagnostics.OnSend(message, channelId, segment.Count, count);
/// <summary>Send a message to all clients which have joined the world (are ready).</summary>
// TODO put rpcs into NetworkServer.Update WorldState packet, then finally remove SendToReady!
public static void SendToReady<T>(T message, int channelId = Channels.Reliable)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
if (!active)
Debug.LogWarning("Can not send using NetworkServer.SendToReady<T>(T msg) because NetworkServer is not active");
SendToAll(message, channelId, true);
// this is like SendToReadyObservers - but it doesn't check the ready flag on the connection.
// this is used for ObjectDestroy messages.
static void SendToObservers<T>(NetworkIdentity identity, T message, int channelId = Channels.Reliable)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
// Debug.Log($"Server.SendToObservers {typeof(T)}");
if (identity == null || identity.observers == null || identity.observers.Count == 0)
using (PooledNetworkWriter writer = NetworkWriterPool.GetWriter())
// pack message into byte[] once
MessagePacking.Pack(message, writer);
ArraySegment<byte> segment = writer.ToArraySegment();
foreach (NetworkConnection conn in identity.observers.Values)
conn.Send(segment, channelId);
NetworkDiagnostics.OnSend(message, channelId, segment.Count, identity.observers.Count);
/// <summary>Send a message to only clients which are ready with option to include the owner of the object identity</summary>
// TODO put rpcs into NetworkServer.Update WorldState packet, then finally remove SendToReady!
public static void SendToReadyObservers<T>(NetworkIdentity identity, T message, bool includeOwner = true, int channelId = Channels.Reliable)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
// Debug.Log($"Server.SendToReady {typeof(T)}");
if (identity == null || identity.observers == null || identity.observers.Count == 0)
using (PooledNetworkWriter writer = NetworkWriterPool.GetWriter())
// pack message only once
MessagePacking.Pack(message, writer);
ArraySegment<byte> segment = writer.ToArraySegment();
int count = 0;
foreach (NetworkConnection conn in identity.observers.Values)
bool isOwner = conn == identity.connectionToClient;
if ((!isOwner || includeOwner) && conn.isReady)
conn.Send(segment, channelId);
NetworkDiagnostics.OnSend(message, channelId, segment.Count, count);
// Deprecated 2021-09-19
[Obsolete("SendToReady(identity, message, ...) was renamed to SendToReadyObservers because that's what it does.")]
public static void SendToReady<T>(NetworkIdentity identity, T message, bool includeOwner = true, int channelId = Channels.Reliable)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage =>
SendToReadyObservers(identity, message, includeOwner, channelId);
/// <summary>Send a message to only clients which are ready including the owner of the NetworkIdentity</summary>
// TODO put rpcs into NetworkServer.Update WorldState packet, then finally remove SendToReady!
public static void SendToReadyObservers<T>(NetworkIdentity identity, T message, int channelId)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
SendToReadyObservers(identity, message, true, channelId);
// Deprecated 2021-09-19
[Obsolete("SendToReady(identity, message, ...) was renamed to SendToReadyObservers because that's what it does.")]
public static void SendToReady<T>(NetworkIdentity identity, T message, int channelId)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage =>
SendToReadyObservers(identity, message, channelId);
// transport events ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// called by transport
static void OnTransportConnected(int connectionId)
// Debug.Log($"Server accepted client:{connectionId}");
// connectionId needs to be != 0 because 0 is reserved for local player
// note that some transports like kcp generate connectionId by
// hashing which can be < 0 as well, so we need to allow < 0!
if (connectionId == 0)
Debug.LogError($"Server.HandleConnect: invalid connectionId: {connectionId} . Needs to be != 0, because 0 is reserved for local player.");
// connectionId not in use yet?
if (connections.ContainsKey(connectionId))
// Debug.Log($"Server connectionId {connectionId} already in use...kicked client");
// are more connections allowed? if not, kick
// (it's easier to handle this in Mirror, so Transports can have
// less code and third party transport might not do that anyway)
// (this way we could also send a custom 'tooFull' message later,
// Transport can't do that)
if (connections.Count < maxConnections)
// add connection
NetworkConnectionToClient conn = new NetworkConnectionToClient(connectionId);
// kick
// Debug.Log($"Server full, kicked client {connectionId}");
internal static void OnConnected(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
// Debug.Log($"Server accepted client:{conn}");
// add connection and invoke connected event
static bool UnpackAndInvoke(NetworkConnectionToClient connection, NetworkReader reader, int channelId)
if (MessagePacking.Unpack(reader, out ushort msgType))
// try to invoke the handler for that message
if (handlers.TryGetValue(msgType, out NetworkMessageDelegate handler))
handler.Invoke(connection, reader, channelId);
connection.lastMessageTime = Time.time;
return true;
// message in a batch are NOT length prefixed to save bandwidth.
// every message needs to be handled and read until the end.
// otherwise it would overlap into the next message.
// => need to warn and disconnect to avoid undefined behaviour.
// => WARNING, not error. can happen if attacker sends random data.
Debug.LogWarning($"Unknown message id: {msgType} for connection: {connection}. This can happen if no handler was registered for this message.");
// simply return false. caller is responsible for disconnecting.
return false;
// => WARNING, not error. can happen if attacker sends random data.
Debug.LogWarning($"Invalid message header for connection: {connection}.");
// simply return false. caller is responsible for disconnecting.
return false;
// called by transport
internal static void OnTransportData(int connectionId, ArraySegment<byte> data, int channelId)
if (connections.TryGetValue(connectionId, out NetworkConnectionToClient connection))
// client might batch multiple messages into one packet.
// feed it to the Unbatcher.
// NOTE: we don't need to associate a channelId because we
// always process all messages in the batch.
if (!connection.unbatcher.AddBatch(data))
Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkServer: received Message was too short (messages should start with message id)");
// process all messages in the batch.
// only while NOT loading a scene.
// if we get a scene change message, then we need to stop
// processing. otherwise we might apply them to the old scene.
// => fixes
// NOTE: if scene starts loading, then the rest of the batch
// would only be processed when OnTransportData is called
// the next time.
// => consider moving processing to NetworkEarlyUpdate.
while (!isLoadingScene &&
connection.unbatcher.GetNextMessage(out NetworkReader reader, out double remoteTimestamp))
// enough to read at least header size?
if (reader.Remaining >= MessagePacking.HeaderSize)
// make remoteTimeStamp available to the user
connection.remoteTimeStamp = remoteTimestamp;
// handle message
if (!UnpackAndInvoke(connection, reader, channelId))
// warn, disconnect and return if failed
// -> warning because attackers might send random data
// -> messages in a batch aren't length prefixed.
// failing to read one would cause undefined
// behaviour for every message afterwards.
// so we need to disconnect.
// -> return to avoid the below unbatches.count error.
// we already disconnected and handled it.
Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkServer: failed to unpack and invoke message. Disconnecting {connectionId}.");
// otherwise disconnect
// WARNING, not error. can happen if attacker sends random data.
Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkServer: received Message was too short (messages should start with message id). Disconnecting {connectionId}");
// if we weren't interrupted by a scene change,
// then all batched messages should have been processed now.
// otherwise batches would silently grow.
// we need to log an error to avoid debugging hell.
// -> UnpackAndInvoke silently returned because no handler for id
// -> Reader would never be read past the end
// -> Batch would never be retired because end is never reached
// NOTE: prefixing every message in a batch with a length would
// avoid ever not reading to the end. for extra bandwidth.
// IMPORTANT: always keep this check to detect memory leaks.
// this took half a day to debug last time.
if (!isLoadingScene && connection.unbatcher.BatchesCount > 0)
Debug.LogError($"Still had {connection.unbatcher.BatchesCount} batches remaining after processing, even though processing was not interrupted by a scene change. This should never happen, as it would cause ever growing batches.\nPossible reasons:\n* A message didn't deserialize as much as it serialized\n*There was no message handler for a message id, so the reader wasn't read until the end.");
else Debug.LogError($"HandleData Unknown connectionId:{connectionId}");
// called by transport
// IMPORTANT: often times when disconnecting, we call this from Mirror
// too because we want to remove the connection and handle
// the disconnect immediately.
// => which is fine as long as we guarantee it only runs once
// => which we do by removing the connection!
internal static void OnTransportDisconnected(int connectionId)
// Debug.Log($"Server disconnect client:{connectionId}");
if (connections.TryGetValue(connectionId, out NetworkConnectionToClient conn))
// Debug.Log($"Server lost client:{connectionId}");
// NetworkManager hooks into OnDisconnectedEvent to make
// DestroyPlayerForConnection(conn) optional, e.g. for PvP MMOs
// where players shouldn't be able to escape combat instantly.
if (OnDisconnectedEvent != null)
// if nobody hooked into it, then simply call DestroyPlayerForConnection
static void OnError(int connectionId, Exception exception)
// try get connection. passes null otherwise.
connections.TryGetValue(connectionId, out NetworkConnectionToClient conn);
OnErrorEvent?.Invoke(conn, exception);
// message handlers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Register a handler for message type T. Most should require authentication.</summary>
// TODO obsolete this some day to always use the channelId version.
// all handlers in this version are wrapped with 1 extra action.
public static void RegisterHandler<T>(Action<NetworkConnectionToClient, T> handler, bool requireAuthentication = true)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
ushort msgType = MessagePacking.GetId<T>();
if (handlers.ContainsKey(msgType))
Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkServer.RegisterHandler replacing handler for {typeof(T).FullName}, id={msgType}. If replacement is intentional, use ReplaceHandler instead to avoid this warning.");
handlers[msgType] = MessagePacking.WrapHandler(handler, requireAuthentication);
/// <summary>Register a handler for message type T. Most should require authentication.</summary>
// This version passes channelId to the handler.
public static void RegisterHandler<T>(Action<NetworkConnectionToClient, T, int> handler, bool requireAuthentication = true)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
ushort msgType = MessagePacking.GetId<T>();
if (handlers.ContainsKey(msgType))
Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkServer.RegisterHandler replacing handler for {typeof(T).FullName}, id={msgType}. If replacement is intentional, use ReplaceHandler instead to avoid this warning.");
handlers[msgType] = MessagePacking.WrapHandler(handler, requireAuthentication);
/// <summary>Replace a handler for message type T. Most should require authentication.</summary>
public static void ReplaceHandler<T>(Action<NetworkConnectionToClient, T> handler, bool requireAuthentication = true)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
ushort msgType = MessagePacking.GetId<T>();
handlers[msgType] = MessagePacking.WrapHandler(handler, requireAuthentication);
/// <summary>Replace a handler for message type T. Most should require authentication.</summary>
public static void ReplaceHandler<T>(Action<T> handler, bool requireAuthentication = true)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
ReplaceHandler<T>((_, value) => { handler(value); }, requireAuthentication);
/// <summary>Unregister a handler for a message type T.</summary>
public static void UnregisterHandler<T>()
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
ushort msgType = MessagePacking.GetId<T>();
/// <summary>Clears all registered message handlers.</summary>
public static void ClearHandlers() => handlers.Clear();
internal static bool GetNetworkIdentity(GameObject go, out NetworkIdentity identity)
identity = go.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
if (identity == null)
Debug.LogError($"GameObject {} doesn't have NetworkIdentity.");
return false;
return true;
// disconnect //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Disconnect all connections, including the local connection.</summary>
// synchronous: handles disconnect events and cleans up fully before returning!
public static void DisconnectAll()
// disconnect and remove all connections.
// we can not use foreach here because if
// conn.Disconnect -> Transport.ServerDisconnect calls
// OnDisconnect -> NetworkServer.OnDisconnect(connectionId)
// immediately then OnDisconnect would remove the connection while
// we are iterating here.
// see also:
// this whole process should be simplified some day.
// until then, let's copy .Values to avoid InvalidOperatinException.
// note that this is only called when stopping the server, so the
// copy is no performance problem.
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in connections.Values.ToList())
// disconnect via connection->transport
// we want this function to be synchronous: handle disconnect
// events and clean up fully before returning.
// -> OnTransportDisconnected can safely be called without
// waiting for the Transport's callback.
// -> it has checks to only run once.
// call OnDisconnected unless local player in host mod
// TODO unnecessary check?
if (conn.connectionId != NetworkConnection.LocalConnectionId)
// cleanup
localConnection = null;
active = false;
// add/remove/replace player ///////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Called by server after AddPlayer message to add the player for the connection.</summary>
// When a player is added for a connection, the client for that
// connection is made ready automatically. The player object is
// automatically spawned, so you do not need to call NetworkServer.Spawn
// for that object. This function is used for "adding" a player, not for
// "replacing" the player on a connection. If there is already a player
// on this playerControllerId for this connection, this will fail.
public static bool AddPlayerForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, GameObject player)
NetworkIdentity identity = player.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
if (identity == null)
Debug.LogWarning($"AddPlayer: playerGameObject has no NetworkIdentity. Please add a NetworkIdentity to {player}");
return false;
// cannot have a player object in "Add" version
if (conn.identity != null)
Debug.Log("AddPlayer: player object already exists");
return false;
// make sure we have a controller before we call SetClientReady
// because the observers will be rebuilt only if we have a controller
conn.identity = identity;
// Set the connection on the NetworkIdentity on the server, NetworkIdentity.SetLocalPlayer is not called on the server (it is on clients)
// special case, we are in host mode, set hasAuthority to true so that all overrides see it
if (conn is LocalConnectionToClient)
identity.hasAuthority = true;
// set ready if not set yet
// Debug.Log($"Adding new playerGameObject object netId: {identity.netId} asset ID: {identity.assetId}");
return true;
/// <summary>Called by server after AddPlayer message to add the player for the connection.</summary>
// When a player is added for a connection, the client for that
// connection is made ready automatically. The player object is
// automatically spawned, so you do not need to call NetworkServer.Spawn
// for that object. This function is used for "adding" a player, not for
// "replacing" the player on a connection. If there is already a player
// on this playerControllerId for this connection, this will fail.
public static bool AddPlayerForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, GameObject player, Guid assetId)
if (GetNetworkIdentity(player, out NetworkIdentity identity))
identity.assetId = assetId;
return AddPlayerForConnection(conn, player);
/// <summary>Replaces connection's player object. The old object is not destroyed.</summary>
// This does NOT change the ready state of the connection, so it can
// safely be used while changing scenes.
public static bool ReplacePlayerForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, GameObject player, bool keepAuthority = false)
NetworkIdentity identity = player.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
if (identity == null)
Debug.LogError($"ReplacePlayer: playerGameObject has no NetworkIdentity. Please add a NetworkIdentity to {player}");
return false;
if (identity.connectionToClient != null && identity.connectionToClient != conn)
Debug.LogError($"Cannot replace player for connection. New player is already owned by a different connection{player}");
return false;
//NOTE: there can be an existing player
//Debug.Log("NetworkServer ReplacePlayer");
NetworkIdentity previousPlayer = conn.identity;
conn.identity = identity;
// Set the connection on the NetworkIdentity on the server, NetworkIdentity.SetLocalPlayer is not called on the server (it is on clients)
// special case, we are in host mode, set hasAuthority to true so that all overrides see it
if (conn is LocalConnectionToClient)
identity.hasAuthority = true;
// add connection to observers AFTER the playerController was set.
// by definition, there is nothing to observe if there is no player
// controller.
// IMPORTANT: do this in AddPlayerForConnection & ReplacePlayerForConnection!
//Debug.Log($"Replacing playerGameObject object netId:{player.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>().netId} asset ID {player.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>().assetId}");
if (keepAuthority)
// This needs to be sent to clear isLocalPlayer on
// client while keeping hasAuthority true
SendChangeOwnerMessage(previousPlayer, conn);
// This clears both isLocalPlayer and hasAuthority on client
return true;
/// <summary>Replaces connection's player object. The old object is not destroyed.</summary>
// This does NOT change the ready state of the connection, so it can
// safely be used while changing scenes.
public static bool ReplacePlayerForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, GameObject player, Guid assetId, bool keepAuthority = false)
if (GetNetworkIdentity(player, out NetworkIdentity identity))
identity.assetId = assetId;
return ReplacePlayerForConnection(conn, player, keepAuthority);
// ready ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Flags client connection as ready (=joined world).</summary>
// When a client has signaled that it is ready, this method tells the
// server that the client is ready to receive spawned objects and state
// synchronization updates. This is usually called in a handler for the
// SYSTEM_READY message. If there is not specific action a game needs to
// take for this message, relying on the default ready handler function
// is probably fine, so this call wont be needed.
public static void SetClientReady(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
// Debug.Log($"SetClientReadyInternal for conn:{conn}");
// set ready
conn.isReady = true;
// client is ready to start spawning objects
if (conn.identity != null)
/// <summary>Marks the client of the connection to be not-ready.</summary>
// Clients that are not ready do not receive spawned objects or state
// synchronization updates. They client can be made ready again by
// calling SetClientReady().
public static void SetClientNotReady(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
conn.isReady = false;
conn.Send(new NotReadyMessage());
/// <summary>Marks all connected clients as no longer ready.</summary>
// All clients will no longer be sent state synchronization updates. The
// player's clients can call ClientManager.Ready() again to re-enter the
// ready state. This is useful when switching scenes.
public static void SetAllClientsNotReady()
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in connections.Values)
// default ready handler.
static void OnClientReadyMessage(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, ReadyMessage msg)
// Debug.Log($"Default handler for ready message from {conn}");
// show / hide for connection //////////////////////////////////////////
internal static void ShowForConnection(NetworkIdentity identity, NetworkConnection conn)
if (conn.isReady)
SendSpawnMessage(identity, conn);
internal static void HideForConnection(NetworkIdentity identity, NetworkConnection conn)
ObjectHideMessage msg = new ObjectHideMessage
netId = identity.netId
/// <summary>Removes the player object from the connection</summary>
// destroyServerObject: Indicates whether the server object should be destroyed
public static void RemovePlayerForConnection(NetworkConnection conn, bool destroyServerObject)
if (conn.identity != null)
if (destroyServerObject)
conn.identity = null;
//else Debug.Log($"Connection {conn} has no identity");
// remote calls ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Handle command from specific player, this could be one of multiple
// players on a single client
static void OnCommandMessage(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, CommandMessage msg, int channelId)
if (!conn.isReady)
// Clients may be set NotReady due to scene change or other game logic by user, e.g. respawning.
// Ignore commands that may have been in flight before client received NotReadyMessage message.
// Unreliable messages may be out of order, so don't spam warnings for those.
if (channelId == Channels.Reliable)
Debug.LogWarning("Command received while client is not ready.\nThis may be ignored if client intentionally set NotReady.");
if (!spawned.TryGetValue(msg.netId, out NetworkIdentity identity))
// over reliable channel, commands should always come after spawn.
// over unreliable, they might come in before the object was spawned.
// for example, NetworkTransform.
// let's not spam the console for unreliable out of order messages.
if (channelId == Channels.Reliable)
Debug.LogWarning($"Spawned object not found when handling Command message [netId={msg.netId}]");
// Commands can be for player objects, OR other objects with client-authority
// -> so if this connection's controller has a different netId then
// only allow the command if clientAuthorityOwner
bool requiresAuthority = RemoteProcedureCalls.CommandRequiresAuthority(msg.functionHash);
if (requiresAuthority && identity.connectionToClient != conn)
Debug.LogWarning($"Command for object without authority [netId={msg.netId}]");
// Debug.Log($"OnCommandMessage for netId:{msg.netId} conn:{conn}");
using (PooledNetworkReader networkReader = NetworkReaderPool.GetReader(msg.payload))
identity.HandleRemoteCall(msg.componentIndex, msg.functionHash, RemoteCallType.Command, networkReader, conn as NetworkConnectionToClient);
// spawning ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static ArraySegment<byte> CreateSpawnMessagePayload(bool isOwner, NetworkIdentity identity, PooledNetworkWriter ownerWriter, PooledNetworkWriter observersWriter)
// Only call OnSerializeAllSafely if there are NetworkBehaviours
if (identity.NetworkBehaviours.Length == 0)
return default;
// serialize all components with initialState = true
// (can be null if has none)
identity.OnSerializeAllSafely(true, ownerWriter, observersWriter);
// convert to ArraySegment to avoid reader allocations
// if nothing was written, .ToArraySegment returns an empty segment.
ArraySegment<byte> ownerSegment = ownerWriter.ToArraySegment();
ArraySegment<byte> observersSegment = observersWriter.ToArraySegment();
// use owner segment if 'conn' owns this identity, otherwise
// use observers segment
ArraySegment<byte> payload = isOwner ? ownerSegment : observersSegment;
return payload;
internal static void SendSpawnMessage(NetworkIdentity identity, NetworkConnection conn)
if (identity.serverOnly) return;
//Debug.Log($"Server SendSpawnMessage: name:{} sceneId:{identity.sceneId:X} netid:{identity.netId}");
// one writer for owner, one for observers
using (PooledNetworkWriter ownerWriter = NetworkWriterPool.GetWriter(), observersWriter = NetworkWriterPool.GetWriter())
bool isOwner = identity.connectionToClient == conn;
ArraySegment<byte> payload = CreateSpawnMessagePayload(isOwner, identity, ownerWriter, observersWriter);
SpawnMessage message = new SpawnMessage
netId = identity.netId,
isLocalPlayer = conn.identity == identity,
isOwner = isOwner,
sceneId = identity.sceneId,
assetId = identity.assetId,
// use local values for VR support
position = identity.transform.localPosition,
rotation = identity.transform.localRotation,
scale = identity.transform.localScale,
payload = payload
internal static void SendChangeOwnerMessage(NetworkIdentity identity, NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
// Don't send if identity isn't spawned or only exists on server
if (identity.netId == 0 || identity.serverOnly) return;
// Don't send if conn doesn't have the identity spawned yet
// May be excluded from the client by interest management
if (!conn.observing.Contains(identity)) return;
//Debug.Log($"Server SendChangeOwnerMessage: name={} netid={identity.netId}");
conn.Send(new ChangeOwnerMessage
netId = identity.netId,
isOwner = identity.connectionToClient == conn,
isLocalPlayer = conn.identity == identity
static void SpawnObject(GameObject obj, NetworkConnection ownerConnection)
// verify if we can spawn this
if (Utils.IsPrefab(obj))
Debug.LogError($"GameObject {} is a prefab, it can't be spawned. Instantiate it first.");
if (!active)
Debug.LogError($"SpawnObject for {obj}, NetworkServer is not active. Cannot spawn objects without an active server.");
NetworkIdentity identity = obj.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
if (identity == null)
Debug.LogError($"SpawnObject {obj} has no NetworkIdentity. Please add a NetworkIdentity to {obj}");
if (identity.SpawnedFromInstantiate)
// Using Instantiate on SceneObject is not allowed, so stop spawning here
// NetworkIdentity.Awake already logs error, no need to log a second error here
identity.connectionToClient = (NetworkConnectionToClient)ownerConnection;
// special case to make sure hasAuthority is set
// on start server in host mode
if (ownerConnection is LocalConnectionToClient)
identity.hasAuthority = true;
// Debug.Log($"SpawnObject instance ID {identity.netId} asset ID {identity.assetId}");
if (aoi)
// This calls user code which might throw exceptions
// We don't want this to leave us in bad state
catch (Exception e)
RebuildObservers(identity, true);
/// <summary>Spawn the given game object on all clients which are ready.</summary>
// This will cause a new object to be instantiated from the registered
// prefab, or from a custom spawn function.
public static void Spawn(GameObject obj, NetworkConnection ownerConnection = null)
SpawnObject(obj, ownerConnection);
/// <summary>Spawns an object and also assigns Client Authority to the specified client.</summary>
// This is the same as calling NetworkIdentity.AssignClientAuthority on the spawned object.
public static void Spawn(GameObject obj, GameObject ownerPlayer)
NetworkIdentity identity = ownerPlayer.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
if (identity == null)
Debug.LogError("Player object has no NetworkIdentity");
if (identity.connectionToClient == null)
Debug.LogError("Player object is not a player.");
Spawn(obj, identity.connectionToClient);
/// <summary>Spawns an object and also assigns Client Authority to the specified client.</summary>
// This is the same as calling NetworkIdentity.AssignClientAuthority on the spawned object.
public static void Spawn(GameObject obj, Guid assetId, NetworkConnection ownerConnection = null)
if (GetNetworkIdentity(obj, out NetworkIdentity identity))
identity.assetId = assetId;
SpawnObject(obj, ownerConnection);
internal static bool ValidateSceneObject(NetworkIdentity identity)
if (identity.gameObject.hideFlags == HideFlags.NotEditable ||
identity.gameObject.hideFlags == HideFlags.HideAndDontSave)
return false;
if (UnityEditor.EditorUtility.IsPersistent(identity.gameObject))
return false;
// If not a scene object
return identity.sceneId != 0;
/// <summary>Spawns NetworkIdentities in the scene on the server.</summary>
// NetworkIdentity objects in a scene are disabled by default. Calling
// SpawnObjects() causes these scene objects to be enabled and spawned.
// It is like calling NetworkServer.Spawn() for each of them.
public static bool SpawnObjects()
// only if server active
if (!active)
return false;
NetworkIdentity[] identities = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<NetworkIdentity>();
// first pass: activate all scene objects
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in identities)
if (ValidateSceneObject(identity))
// Debug.Log($"SpawnObjects sceneId:{identity.sceneId:X} name:{}");
// fix
// -> SetActive(true) does NOT call Awake() if the parent
// is inactive
// -> we need Awake() to initialize NetworkBehaviours[] etc.
// because our second pass below spawns and works with it
// => detect this situation and manually call Awake for
// proper initialization
if (!identity.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
// second pass: spawn all scene objects
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in identities)
if (ValidateSceneObject(identity))
// pass connection so that authority is not lost when server loads a scene
Spawn(identity.gameObject, identity.connectionToClient);
return true;
static void Respawn(NetworkIdentity identity)
if (identity.netId == 0)
// If the object has not been spawned, then do a full spawn and update observers
Spawn(identity.gameObject, identity.connectionToClient);
// otherwise just replace his data
SendSpawnMessage(identity, identity.connectionToClient);
static void SpawnObserversForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
//Debug.Log($"Spawning {spawned.Count} objects for conn {conn}");
if (!conn.isReady)
// client needs to finish initializing before we can spawn objects
// otherwise it would not find them.
// let connection know that we are about to start spawning...
conn.Send(new ObjectSpawnStartedMessage());
// add connection to each nearby NetworkIdentity's observers, which
// internally sends a spawn message for each one to the connection.
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in spawned.Values)
// try with far away ones in ummorpg!
if (identity.gameObject.activeSelf) //TODO this is different
//Debug.Log($"Sending spawn message for current server objects name:{} netId:{identity.netId} sceneId:{identity.sceneId:X}");
// we need to support three cases:
// - legacy system (identity has .visibility)
// - new system (networkserver has .aoi)
// - default case: no .visibility and no .aoi means add all
// connections by default)
// ForceHidden/ForceShown overwrite all systems so check it
// first!
// ForceShown: add no matter what
if (identity.visible == Visibility.ForceShown)
// ForceHidden: don't show no matter what
else if (identity.visible == Visibility.ForceHidden)
// do nothing
// default: legacy system / new system / no system support
else if (identity.visible == Visibility.Default)
// aoi system
if (aoi != null)
// call OnCheckObserver
if (aoi.OnCheckObserver(identity, conn))
// no system: add all observers by default
// let connection know that we finished spawning, so it can call
// OnStartClient on each one (only after all were spawned, which
// is how Unity's Start() function works too)
conn.Send(new ObjectSpawnFinishedMessage());
/// <summary>This takes an object that has been spawned and un-spawns it.</summary>
// The object will be removed from clients that it was spawned on, or
// the custom spawn handler function on the client will be called for
// the object.
// Unlike when calling NetworkServer.Destroy(), on the server the object
// will NOT be destroyed. This allows the server to re-use the object,
// even spawn it again later.
public static void UnSpawn(GameObject obj) => DestroyObject(obj, DestroyMode.Reset);
// destroy /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Destroys all of the connection's owned objects on the server.</summary>
// This is used when a client disconnects, to remove the players for
// that client. This also destroys non-player objects that have client
// authority set for this connection.
public static void DestroyPlayerForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
// destroy all objects owned by this connection, including the player object
// remove connection from all of its observing entities observers
// fixes
// -> cleaning those up in NetworkConnection.Disconnect is NOT enough
// because voluntary disconnects from the other end don't call
// NetworkConnectionn.Disconnect()
conn.identity = null;
// sometimes we want to GameObject.Destroy it.
// sometimes we want to just unspawn on clients and .Reset() it on server.
// => 'bool destroy' isn't obvious enough. it's really destroy OR reset!
enum DestroyMode { Destroy, Reset }
static void DestroyObject(NetworkIdentity identity, DestroyMode mode)
// Debug.Log($"DestroyObject instance:{identity.netId}");
// only call OnRebuildObservers while active,
// not while shutting down
// (
if (active && aoi)
// This calls user code which might throw exceptions
// We don't want this to leave us in bad state
catch (Exception e)
// remove from NetworkServer (this) dictionary
// send object destroy message to all observers, clear observers
SendToObservers(identity, new ObjectDestroyMessage{netId = identity.netId});
// in host mode, call OnStopClient/OnStopLocalPlayer manually
if ( && localClientActive)
if (identity.isLocalPlayer)
// The object may have been spawned with host client ownership,
// e.g. a pet so we need to clear hasAuthority and call
// NotifyAuthority which invokes OnStopAuthority if hasAuthority.
identity.hasAuthority = false;
// remove from NetworkClient dictionary
// we are on the server. call OnStopServer.
// are we supposed to GameObject.Destroy() it completely?
if (mode == DestroyMode.Destroy)
identity.destroyCalled = true;
// Destroy if application is running
if (Application.isPlaying)
// Destroy can't be used in Editor during tests. use DestroyImmediate.
// otherwise simply .Reset() and set inactive again
else if (mode == DestroyMode.Reset)
static void DestroyObject(GameObject obj, DestroyMode mode)
if (obj == null)
Debug.Log("NetworkServer DestroyObject is null");
if (GetNetworkIdentity(obj, out NetworkIdentity identity))
DestroyObject(identity, mode);
/// <summary>Destroys this object and corresponding objects on all clients.</summary>
// In some cases it is useful to remove an object but not delete it on
// the server. For that, use NetworkServer.UnSpawn() instead of
// NetworkServer.Destroy().
public static void Destroy(GameObject obj) => DestroyObject(obj, DestroyMode.Destroy);
// interest management /////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Helper function to add all server connections as observers.
// This is used if none of the components provides their own
// OnRebuildObservers function.
internal static void AddAllReadyServerConnectionsToObservers(NetworkIdentity identity)
// add all server connections
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in connections.Values)
// only if authenticated (don't send to people during logins)
if (conn.isReady)
// add local host connection (if any)
if (localConnection != null && localConnection.isReady)
// allocate newObservers helper HashSet only once
// internal for tests
internal static readonly HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient> newObservers = new HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient>();
// rebuild observers default method (no AOI) - adds all connections
static void RebuildObserversDefault(NetworkIdentity identity, bool initialize)
// only add all connections when rebuilding the first time.
// second time we just keep them without rebuilding anything.
if (initialize)
// not force hidden?
if (identity.visible != Visibility.ForceHidden)
// rebuild observers via interest management system
static void RebuildObserversCustom(NetworkIdentity identity, bool initialize)
// clear newObservers hashset before using it
// not force hidden?
if (identity.visible != Visibility.ForceHidden)
aoi.OnRebuildObservers(identity, newObservers);
// IMPORTANT: AFTER rebuilding add own player connection in any case
// to ensure player always sees himself no matter what.
// -> OnRebuildObservers might clear observers, so we need to add
// the player's own connection AFTER. 100% fail safe.
// -> fixes where a
// player might teleport out of the ProximityChecker's cast,
// losing the own connection as observer.
if (identity.connectionToClient != null)
bool changed = false;
// add all newObservers that aren't in .observers yet
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in newObservers)
// only add ready connections.
// otherwise the player might not be in the world yet or anymore
if (conn != null && conn.isReady)
if (initialize || !identity.observers.ContainsKey(conn.connectionId))
// new observer
// Debug.Log($"New Observer for {gameObject} {conn}");
changed = true;
// remove all old .observers that aren't in newObservers anymore
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in identity.observers.Values)
if (!newObservers.Contains(conn))
// removed observer
conn.RemoveFromObserving(identity, false);
// Debug.Log($"Removed Observer for {gameObjec} {conn}");
changed = true;
// copy new observers to observers
if (changed)
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in newObservers)
if (conn != null && conn.isReady)
identity.observers.Add(conn.connectionId, conn);
// special case for host mode: we use SetHostVisibility to hide
// NetworkIdentities that aren't in observer range from host.
// this is what games like Dota/Counter-Strike do too, where a host
// does NOT see all players by default. they are in memory, but
// hidden to the host player.
// this code is from UNET, it's a bit strange but it works:
// * it hides newly connected identities in host mode
// => that part was the intended behaviour
// * it hides ALL NetworkIdentities in host mode when the host
// connects but hasn't selected a character yet
// => this only works because we have no .localConnection != null
// check. at this stage, localConnection is null because
// StartHost starts the server first, then calls this code,
// then starts the client and sets .localConnection. so we can
// NOT add a null check without breaking host visibility here.
// * it hides ALL NetworkIdentities in server-only mode because
// observers never contain the 'null' .localConnection
// => that was not intended, but let's keep it as it is so we
// don't break anything in host mode. it's way easier than
// iterating all identities in a special function in StartHost.
if (initialize)
if (!newObservers.Contains(localConnection))
if (aoi != null)
aoi.SetHostVisibility(identity, false);
// RebuildObservers does a local rebuild for the NetworkIdentity.
// This causes the set of players that can see this object to be rebuild.
// => global rebuild would be more simple, BUT
// => local rebuild is way faster for spawn/despawn because we can
// simply rebuild a select NetworkIdentity only
// => having both .observers and .observing is necessary for local
// rebuilds
// in other words, this is the perfect solution even though it's not
// completely simple (due to .observers & .observing)
// Mirror maintains .observing automatically in the background. best of
// both worlds without any worrying now!
public static void RebuildObservers(NetworkIdentity identity, bool initialize)
// observers are null until OnStartServer creates them
if (identity.observers == null)
// if there is no interest management system,
// or if 'force shown' then add all connections
if (aoi == null || identity.visible == Visibility.ForceShown)
RebuildObserversDefault(identity, initialize);
// otherwise let interest management system rebuild
RebuildObserversCustom(identity, initialize);
// broadcasting ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// helper function to get the right serialization for a connection
static NetworkWriter GetEntitySerializationForConnection(NetworkIdentity identity, NetworkConnectionToClient connection)
// get serialization for this entity (cached)
// IMPORTANT: int tick avoids floating point inaccuracy over days/weeks
NetworkIdentitySerialization serialization = identity.GetSerializationAtTick(Time.frameCount);
// is this entity owned by this connection?
bool owned = identity.connectionToClient == connection;
// send serialized data
// owner writer if owned
if (owned)
// was it dirty / did we actually serialize anything?
if (serialization.ownerWriter.Position > 0)
return serialization.ownerWriter;
// observers writer if not owned
// was it dirty / did we actually serialize anything?
if (serialization.observersWriter.Position > 0)
return serialization.observersWriter;
// nothing was serialized
return null;
// helper function to broadcast the world to a connection
static void BroadcastToConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient connection)
// for each entity that this connection is seeing
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in connection.observing)
// make sure it's not null or destroyed.
// (which can happen if someone uses
// GameObject.Destroy instead of
// NetworkServer.Destroy)
if (identity != null)
// get serialization for this entity viewed by this connection
// (if anything was serialized this time)
NetworkWriter serialization = GetEntitySerializationForConnection(identity, connection);
if (serialization != null)
EntityStateMessage message = new EntityStateMessage
netId = identity.netId,
payload = serialization.ToArraySegment()
// spawned list should have no null entries because we
// always call Remove in OnObjectDestroy everywhere.
// if it does have null then someone used
// GameObject.Destroy instead of NetworkServer.Destroy.
else Debug.LogWarning($"Found 'null' entry in observing list for connectionId={connection.connectionId}. Please call NetworkServer.Destroy to destroy networked objects. Don't use GameObject.Destroy.");
// NetworkLateUpdate called after any Update/FixedUpdate/LateUpdate
// (we add this to the UnityEngine in NetworkLoop)
// internal for tests
internal static readonly List<NetworkConnectionToClient> connectionsCopy =
new List<NetworkConnectionToClient>();
static void Broadcast()
// copy all connections into a helper collection so that
// OnTransportDisconnected can be called while iterating.
// -> OnTransportDisconnected removes from the collection
// -> which would throw 'can't modify while iterating' errors
// => see also:
// (copy nonalloc)
// TODO remove this when we move to 'lite' transports with only
// socket send/recv later.
// go through all connections
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient connection in connectionsCopy)
// has this connection joined the world yet?
// for each READY connection:
// pull in UpdateVarsMessage for each entity it observes
if (connection.isReady)
// broadcast world state to this connection
// update connection to flush out batched messages
// TODO this is way too slow because we iterate ALL spawned :/
// TODO this is way too complicated :/
// to understand what this tries to prevent, consider this example:
// monster has health=100
// we change health=200, dirty bit is set
// player comes in range, gets full serialization spawn packet.
// next Broadcast(), player gets the health=200 change because dirty bit was set.
// this code clears all dirty bits if no players are around to prevent it.
// BUT there are two issues:
// 1. what if a playerB was around the whole time?
// 2. why don't we handle broadcast and spawn packets both HERE?
// handling spawn separately is why we need this complex magic
// see test: DirtyBitsAreClearedForSpawnedWithoutObservers()
// see test: SyncObjectChanges_DontGrowWithoutObservers()
// PAUL: we also do this to avoid ever growing SyncList .changes
// this was moved to NetworkIdentity.AddObserver!
// same result, but no more O(N) loop in here!
// TODO remove this comment after moving spawning into Broadcast()!
// update //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// NetworkEarlyUpdate called before any Update/FixedUpdate
// (we add this to the UnityEngine in NetworkLoop)
internal static void NetworkEarlyUpdate()
// process all incoming messages first before updating the world
if (Transport.activeTransport != null)
internal static void NetworkLateUpdate()
// only broadcast world if active
if (active)
// process all outgoing messages after updating the world
// (even if not active. still want to process disconnects etc.)
if (Transport.activeTransport != null)