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using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror.Tests.SyncVarAttributeTests
class MockPlayer : NetworkBehaviour
public struct Guild
public string name;
public Guild guild;
class SyncVarGameObject : NetworkBehaviour
public GameObject value;
class SyncVarNetworkIdentity : NetworkBehaviour
public NetworkIdentity value;
class SyncVarTransform : NetworkBehaviour
public Transform value;
class SyncVarNetworkBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour
public SyncVarNetworkBehaviour value;
class SyncVarAbstractNetworkBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour
public abstract class MockMonsterBase : NetworkBehaviour
public abstract string GetName();
public class MockZombie : MockMonsterBase
public override string GetName() => "Zombie";
public class MockWolf : MockMonsterBase
public override string GetName() => "Wolf";
public MockMonsterBase monster1;
public MockMonsterBase monster2;
public class SyncVarAttributeTest : MirrorTest
public override void SetUp()
// start server & connect client because we need spawn functions
// we are testing server->client syncs.
// so we need truly separted server & client, not host.
ConnectClientBlockingAuthenticatedAndReady(out _);
public override void TearDown()
public void TestSettingStruct()
CreateNetworked(out _, out _, out MockPlayer player);
// synchronize immediately
player.syncInterval = 0f;
Assert.That(player.IsDirty(), Is.False, "First time object should not be dirty");
MockPlayer.Guild myGuild = new MockPlayer.Guild
name = "Back street boys"
player.guild = myGuild;
Assert.That(player.IsDirty(), "Setting struct should mark object as dirty");
Assert.That(player.IsDirty(), Is.False, "ClearAllDirtyBits() should clear dirty flag");
// clearing the guild should set dirty bit too
player.guild = default;
Assert.That(player.IsDirty(), "Clearing struct should mark object as dirty");
public void TestSyncIntervalAndClearDirtyComponents()
CreateNetworked(out _, out _, out MockPlayer player);
player.lastSyncTime = NetworkTime.localTime;
// synchronize immediately
player.syncInterval = 1f;
player.guild = new MockPlayer.Guild
name = "Back street boys"
Assert.That(player.IsDirty(), Is.False, "Sync interval not met, so not dirty yet");
// ClearDirtyComponents should do nothing since syncInterval is not
// elapsed yet
// set lastSyncTime far enough back to be ready for syncing
player.lastSyncTime = NetworkTime.localTime - player.syncInterval;
// should be dirty now
Assert.That(player.IsDirty(), Is.True, "Sync interval met, should be dirty");
public void TestSyncIntervalAndClearAllComponents()
CreateNetworked(out _, out _, out MockPlayer player);
player.lastSyncTime = NetworkTime.localTime;
// synchronize immediately
player.syncInterval = 1f;
player.guild = new MockPlayer.Guild
name = "Back street boys"
Assert.That(player.IsDirty(), Is.False, "Sync interval not met, so not dirty yet");
// ClearAllComponents should clear dirty even if syncInterval not
// elapsed yet
// set lastSyncTime far enough back to be ready for syncing
player.lastSyncTime = NetworkTime.localTime - player.syncInterval;
// should be dirty now
Assert.That(player.IsDirty(), Is.False, "Sync interval met, should still not be dirty");
public void SyncsGameobject()
out _, out _, out SyncVarGameObject serverObject,
out _, out _, out SyncVarGameObject clientObject);
// create spawned because we will look up netId in .spawned
out GameObject serverValue, out _,
out GameObject clientValue, out _);
serverObject.value = serverValue;
clientObject.value = null;
Assert.That(clientObject.value, Is.EqualTo(clientValue));
public void SyncIdentity()
out _, out _, out SyncVarNetworkIdentity serverObject,
out _, out _, out SyncVarNetworkIdentity clientObject);
// create spawned because we will look up netId in .spawned
out _, out NetworkIdentity serverValue,
out _, out NetworkIdentity clientValue);
serverObject.value = serverValue;
clientObject.value = null;
Assert.That(clientObject.value, Is.EqualTo(clientValue));
public void SyncTransform()
out _, out _, out SyncVarTransform serverObject,
out _, out _, out SyncVarTransform clientObject);
// create spawned because we will look up netId in .spawned
out _, out NetworkIdentity serverIdentity,
out _, out NetworkIdentity clientIdentity);
Transform serverValue = serverIdentity.transform;
Transform clientValue = clientIdentity.transform;
serverObject.value = serverValue;
clientObject.value = null;
Assert.That(clientObject.value, Is.EqualTo(clientValue));
public void SyncsBehaviour()
out _, out _, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour serverObject,
out _, out _, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour clientObject);
// create spawned because we will look up netId in .spawned
out _, out _, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour serverValue,
out _, out _, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour clientValue);
serverObject.value = serverValue;
clientObject.value = null;
Assert.That(clientObject.value, Is.EqualTo(clientValue));
public void SyncsMultipleBehaviour()
out _, out _, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour serverObject,
out _, out _, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour clientObject);
// create spawned because we will look up netId in .spawned
out _, out NetworkIdentity serverIdentity, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour serverBehaviour1, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour serverBehaviour2,
out _, out NetworkIdentity clientIdentity, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour clientBehaviour1, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour clientBehaviour2);
// create array/set indices
_ = serverIdentity.NetworkBehaviours;
int index1 = serverBehaviour1.ComponentIndex;
int index2 = serverBehaviour2.ComponentIndex;
// check components of same type have different indexes
Assert.That(index1, Is.Not.EqualTo(index2));
// check behaviour 1 can be synced
serverObject.value = serverBehaviour1;
clientObject.value = null;
Assert.That(clientObject.value, Is.EqualTo(clientBehaviour1));
// check that behaviour 2 can be synced
serverObject.value = serverBehaviour2;
clientObject.value = null;
Assert.That(clientObject.value, Is.EqualTo(clientBehaviour2));
// this test is also important if we do LocalWorldState later:
// - if LocalWorldMessage spawns netId=N
// - and we remove N from NetworkClient.spawned
// - and the next LocalWorldMessage contains updated payload for N
// => client should NOT assume it's a spawned payload just because the
// netId isn't in spawned anymore.
public void SyncVarCacheNetidForGameObject()
out _, out _, out SyncVarGameObject serverObject,
out _, out _, out SyncVarGameObject clientObject);
// create spawned because we will look up netId in .spawned
out GameObject serverValue, out NetworkIdentity serverIdentity,
out GameObject clientValue, out NetworkIdentity clientIdentity);
Assert.That(serverValue, Is.Not.Null, "getCreatedValue should not return null");
serverObject.value = serverValue;
clientObject.value = null;
// remove identity from client, as if it walked out of range
// check field shows as null
Assert.That(clientObject.value, Is.EqualTo(null), "field should return null");
// add identity back to collection, as if it walked back into range
NetworkClient.spawned.Add(clientIdentity.netId, clientIdentity);
// check field finds value
Assert.That(clientObject.value, Is.EqualTo(clientValue), "fields should return clientValue");
// this test is also important if we do LocalWorldState later:
// - if LocalWorldMessage spawns netId=N
// - and we remove N from NetworkClient.spawned
// - and the next LocalWorldMessage contains updated payload for N
// => client should NOT assume it's a spawned payload just because the
// netId isn't in spawned anymore.
public void SyncVarCacheNetidForIdentity()
out _, out _, out SyncVarNetworkIdentity serverObject,
out _, out _, out SyncVarNetworkIdentity clientObject);
// create spawned because we will look up netId in .spawned
out _, out NetworkIdentity serverValue,
out _, out NetworkIdentity clientValue);
Assert.That(serverValue, Is.Not.Null, "getCreatedValue should not return null");
serverObject.value = serverValue;
clientObject.value = null;
// remove identity from client, as if it walked out of range
// check field shows as null
Assert.That(clientObject.value, Is.EqualTo(null), "field should return null");
// add identity back to collection, as if it walked back into range
NetworkClient.spawned.Add(clientValue.netId, clientValue);
// check field finds value
Assert.That(clientObject.value, Is.EqualTo(clientValue), "fields should return clientValue");
// this test is also important if we do LocalWorldState later:
// - if LocalWorldMessage spawns netId=N
// - and we remove N from NetworkClient.spawned
// - and the next LocalWorldMessage contains updated payload for N
// => client should NOT assume it's a spawned payload just because the
// netId isn't in spawned anymore.
public void SyncVarCacheNetidForBehaviour()
out _, out _, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour serverObject,
out _, out _, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour clientObject);
// create spawned because we will look up netId in .spawned
out _, out NetworkIdentity serverIdentity, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour serverValue,
out _, out NetworkIdentity clientIdentity, out SyncVarNetworkBehaviour clientValue);
Assert.That(serverValue, Is.Not.Null, "getCreatedValue should not return null");
// set on server
serverObject.value = serverValue;
clientObject.value = null;
// remove identity from client, as if it walked out of range
// check field shows as null
Assert.That(clientObject.value, Is.EqualTo(null), "field should return null");
// add identity back to collection, as if it walked back into range
NetworkClient.spawned.Add(clientIdentity.netId, clientIdentity);
// check field finds value
Assert.That(clientObject.value, Is.EqualTo(clientValue), "fields should return clientValue");
public void TestSyncingAbstractNetworkBehaviour()
// set up a "server" object
CreateNetworked(out _, out NetworkIdentity serverIdentity, out SyncVarAbstractNetworkBehaviour serverBehaviour);
// spawn syncvar targets
CreateNetworked(out _, out NetworkIdentity wolfIdentity, out SyncVarAbstractNetworkBehaviour.MockWolf wolf);
CreateNetworked(out _, out NetworkIdentity zombieIdentity, out SyncVarAbstractNetworkBehaviour.MockZombie zombie);
wolfIdentity.netId = 135;
zombieIdentity.netId = 246;
serverBehaviour.monster1 = wolf;
serverBehaviour.monster2 = zombie;
// serialize all the data as we would for the network
NetworkWriter ownerWriter = new NetworkWriter();
// not really used in this Test
NetworkWriter observersWriter = new NetworkWriter();
serverIdentity.OnSerializeAllSafely(true, ownerWriter, observersWriter);
// set up a "client" object
CreateNetworked(out _, out NetworkIdentity clientIdentity, out SyncVarAbstractNetworkBehaviour clientBehaviour);
// apply all the data from the server object
NetworkReader reader = new NetworkReader(ownerWriter.ToArray());
clientIdentity.OnDeserializeAllSafely(reader, true);
// check that the syncvars got updated
Assert.That(clientBehaviour.monster1, Is.EqualTo(serverBehaviour.monster1), "Data should be synchronized");
Assert.That(clientBehaviour.monster2, Is.EqualTo(serverBehaviour.monster2), "Data should be synchronized");