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using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
namespace Mirror.Tests
public class SyncVarTests : MirrorTest
public override void SetUp()
// SyncVar<T> hooks are only called while client is active for now.
// so we need an active client.
ConnectClientBlockingAuthenticatedAndReady(out _);
public override void TearDown()
// SyncField<GameObject> should recommend SyncFielGameObject instead
public void SyncFieldGameObject_Recommendation()
// should show even if value is null since T is <GameObject>
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Warning, new Regex($"Use explicit {nameof(SyncVarGameObject)}.*"));
SyncVar<GameObject> _ = new SyncVar<GameObject>(null);
// SyncField<NetworkIdentity> should recommend SyncFielNetworkIdentity instead
public void SyncFieldNetworkIdentity_Recommendation()
// should show even if value is null since T is <NetworkIdentity>
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Warning, new Regex($"Use explicit {nameof(SyncVarNetworkIdentity)}.*"));
SyncVar<NetworkIdentity> _ = new SyncVar<NetworkIdentity>(null);
// SyncField<NetworkBehaviour> should recommend SyncFielNetworkBehaviour instead
public void SyncFieldNetworkBehaviour_Recommendation()
// should show even if value is null since T is <NetworkBehaviour>
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Warning, new Regex($"Use explicit SyncVarNetworkBehaviour.*"));
SyncVar<NetworkBehaviour> _ = new SyncVar<NetworkBehaviour>(null);
public void SetValue_SetsValue()
// .Value is a property which does several things.
// make sure it .set actually sets the value
SyncVar<int> field = 42;
// avoid 'not initialized' exception
field.OnDirty = () => {};
field.Value = 1337;
Assert.That(field.Value, Is.EqualTo(1337));
public void SetValue_CallsOnDirty()
SyncVar<int> field = 42;
int dirtyCalled = 0;
field.OnDirty = () => ++dirtyCalled;
// setting SyncField<T>.Value should call dirty
field.Value = 1337;
Assert.That(dirtyCalled, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void SetValue_CallsOnDirty_OnlyIfValueChanged()
SyncVar<int> field = 42;
int dirtyCalled = 0;
field.OnDirty = () => ++dirtyCalled;
// setting same value should not call OnDirty again
field.Value = 42;
Assert.That(dirtyCalled, Is.EqualTo(0));
public void ImplicitTo()
SyncVar<int> field = new SyncVar<int>(42);
// T = field implicit conversion should get .Value
int value = field;
Assert.That(value, Is.EqualTo(42));
public void ImplicitFrom_SetsValue()
// field = T implicit conversion should set .Value
SyncVar<int> field = 42;
Assert.That(field.Value, Is.EqualTo(42));
public void Hook_IsCalled()
int called = 0;
void OnChanged(int oldValue, int newValue)
Assert.That(oldValue, Is.EqualTo(42));
Assert.That(newValue, Is.EqualTo(1337));
SyncVar<int> field = 42;
field.Callback += OnChanged;
// avoid 'not initialized' exception
field.OnDirty = () => {};
field.Value = 1337;
Assert.That(called, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void Hook_OnlyCalledIfValueChanged()
int called = 0;
void OnChanged(int oldValue, int newValue)
Assert.That(oldValue, Is.EqualTo(42));
Assert.That(newValue, Is.EqualTo(1337));
SyncVar<int> field = 42;
field.Callback += OnChanged;
// assign same value again. hook shouldn't be called again.
field.Value = 42;
Assert.That(called, Is.EqualTo(0));
public void Hook_Set_DoesntDeadlock()
// Value.set calls the hook.
// calling Value.set inside the hook would deadlock.
// this needs to be prevented.
SyncVar<int> field = null;
int called = 0;
void OnChanged(int oldValue, int newValue)
// setting a different value calls setter -> hook again
field.Value = 0;
field = 42;
field.Callback += OnChanged;
// avoid 'not initialized' exception
field.OnDirty = () => {};
// setting a different value will call the hook
field.Value = 1337;
// in the end, hook should've been called exactly once
Assert.That(called, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void DeserializeAll_CallsHook()
// create field with hook
int called = 0;
void OnChanged(int oldValue, int newValue)
Assert.That(oldValue, Is.EqualTo(42));
Assert.That(newValue, Is.EqualTo(1337));
SyncVar<int> field = 42;
field.Callback += OnChanged;
// avoid 'not initialized' exception
field.OnDirty = () => {};
// create reader with data
NetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter();
NetworkReader reader = new NetworkReader(writer.ToArraySegment());
// deserialize
Assert.That(called, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void DeserializeDelta_CallsHook()
// create field with hook
int called = 0;
void OnChanged(int oldValue, int newValue)
Assert.That(oldValue, Is.EqualTo(42));
Assert.That(newValue, Is.EqualTo(1337));
SyncVar<int> fieldWithHook = 42;
fieldWithHook.Callback += OnChanged;
// avoid 'not initialized' exception
fieldWithHook.OnDirty = () => {};
// create reader with data
NetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter();
NetworkReader reader = new NetworkReader(writer.ToArraySegment());
// deserialize
Assert.That(called, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void EqualsT()
// .Equals should compare .Value
SyncVar<int> field = 42;
Assert.That(field.Equals(42), Is.True);
public void EqualsNull()
// .Equals(null) should always be false. so that == null works.
SyncVar<int> field = 42;
Assert.That(field.Equals(null), Is.False);
public void EqualsEqualsT()
// == should compare .Value
SyncVar<int> field = 42;
Assert.That(field == 42, Is.True);
public void ToString_CallsValueToString()
SyncVar<int> field = 42;
Assert.That(field.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("42"));