using UnityEngine; namespace Mirror.Examples.Tanks { public class Projectile : NetworkBehaviour { public float destroyAfter = 2; public Rigidbody rigidBody; public float force = 1000; public override void OnStartServer() { Invoke(nameof(DestroySelf), destroyAfter); } // set velocity for server and client. this way we don't have to sync the // position, because both the server and the client simulate it. void Start() { rigidBody.AddForce(transform.forward * force); } // destroy for everyone on the server [Server] void DestroySelf() { NetworkServer.Destroy(gameObject); } // ServerCallback because we don't want a warning // if OnTriggerEnter is called on the client [ServerCallback] void OnTriggerEnter(Collider co) { NetworkServer.Destroy(gameObject); } } }