using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using kcp2k;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;

namespace Mirror
    public enum PlayerSpawnMethod { Random, RoundRobin }
    public enum NetworkManagerMode { Offline, ServerOnly, ClientOnly, Host }

    [AddComponentMenu("Network/Network Manager")]
    public class NetworkManager : MonoBehaviour
        /// <summary>Enable to keep NetworkManager alive when changing scenes.</summary>
        // This should be set if your game has a single NetworkManager that exists for the lifetime of the process. If there is a NetworkManager in each scene, then this should not be set.</para>
        [Tooltip("Should the Network Manager object be persisted through scene changes?")]
        public bool dontDestroyOnLoad = true;

        /// <summary>Multiplayer games should always run in the background so the network doesn't time out.</summary>
        [Tooltip("Multiplayer games should always run in the background so the network doesn't time out.")]
        public bool runInBackground = true;

        /// <summary>Should the server auto-start when 'Server Build' is checked in build settings</summary>
        [Tooltip("Should the server auto-start when 'Server Build' is checked in build settings")]
        public bool autoStartServerBuild = true;

        /// <summary>Server Update frequency, per second. Use around 60Hz for fast paced games like Counter-Strike to minimize latency. Use around 30Hz for games like WoW to minimize computations. Use around 1-10Hz for slow paced games like EVE.</summary>
        [Tooltip("Server Update frequency, per second. Use around 60Hz for fast paced games like Counter-Strike to minimize latency. Use around 30Hz for games like WoW to minimize computations. Use around 1-10Hz for slow paced games like EVE.")]
        public int serverTickRate = 30;

        /// <summary>Automatically switch to this scene upon going offline (on start / on disconnect / on shutdown).</summary>
        [Header("Scene Management")]
        [Tooltip("Scene that Mirror will switch to when the client or server is stopped")]
        public string offlineScene = "";

        /// <summary>Automatically switch to this scene upon going online (after connect/startserver).</summary>
        [Tooltip("Scene that Mirror will switch to when the server is started. Clients will recieve a Scene Message to load the server's current scene when they connect.")]
        public string onlineScene = "";

        // transport layer
        [Header("Network Info")]
        [Tooltip("Transport component attached to this object that server and client will use to connect")]
        protected Transport transport;

        /// <summary>Server's address for clients to connect to.</summary>
        [Tooltip("Network Address where the client should connect to the server. Server does not use this for anything.")]
        public string networkAddress = "localhost";

        /// <summary>The maximum number of concurrent network connections to support.</summary>
        [Tooltip("Maximum number of concurrent connections.")]
        public int maxConnections = 100;

        [Tooltip("Authentication component attached to this object")]
        public NetworkAuthenticator authenticator;

        /// <summary>The default prefab to be used to create player objects on the server.</summary>
        // Player objects are created in the default handler for AddPlayer() on
        // the server. Implementing OnServerAddPlayer overrides this behaviour.
        [Header("Player Object")]
        [Tooltip("Prefab of the player object. Prefab must have a Network Identity component. May be an empty game object or a full avatar.")]
        public GameObject playerPrefab;

        /// <summary>Enable to automatically create player objects on connect and on scene change.</summary>
        [Tooltip("Should Mirror automatically spawn the player after scene change?")]
        public bool autoCreatePlayer = true;

        /// <summary>Where to spawn players.</summary>
        [Tooltip("Round Robin or Random order of Start Position selection")]
        public PlayerSpawnMethod playerSpawnMethod;

        /// <summary>Prefabs that can be spawned over the network need to be registered here.</summary>
        [FormerlySerializedAs("m_SpawnPrefabs"), HideInInspector]
        public List<GameObject> spawnPrefabs = new List<GameObject>();

        /// <summary>List of transforms populated by NetworkStartPositions</summary>
        public static List<Transform> startPositions = new List<Transform>();
        public static int startPositionIndex;

        /// <summary>The one and only NetworkManager</summary>
        public static NetworkManager singleton { get; internal set; }

        /// <summary>Number of active player objects across all connections on the server.</summary>
        public int numPlayers => NetworkServer.connections.Count(kv => kv.Value.identity != null);

        /// <summary>True if the server is running or client is connected/connecting.</summary>
        public bool isNetworkActive => ||;

        // TODO remove this
        // internal for tests
        internal static NetworkConnection clientReadyConnection;

        /// <summary>True if the client loaded a new scene when connecting to the server.</summary>
        // This is set before OnClientConnect is called, so it can be checked
        // there to perform different logic if a scene load occurred.
        protected bool clientLoadedScene;

        // helper enum to know if we started the networkmanager as server/client/host.
        // -> this is necessary because when StartHost changes server scene to
        //    online scene, FinishLoadScene is called and the host client isn't
        //    connected yet (no need to connect it before server was fully set up).
        //    in other words, we need this to know which mode we are running in
        //    during FinishLoadScene.
        public NetworkManagerMode mode { get; private set; }

        // virtual so that inheriting classes' OnValidate() can call base.OnValidate() too
        public virtual void OnValidate()
            // always >= 0
            maxConnections = Mathf.Max(maxConnections, 0);

            if (playerPrefab != null && playerPrefab.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>() == null)
                Debug.LogError("NetworkManager - Player Prefab must have a NetworkIdentity.");
                playerPrefab = null;

            // This avoids the mysterious "Replacing existing prefab with assetId ... Old prefab 'Player', New prefab 'Player'" warning.
            if (playerPrefab != null && spawnPrefabs.Contains(playerPrefab))
                Debug.LogWarning("NetworkManager - Player Prefab should not be added to Registered Spawnable Prefabs list...removed it.");

        // virtual so that inheriting classes' Reset() can call base.Reset() too
        // Reset only gets called when the component is added or the user resets the component
        // Thats why we validate these things that only need to be validated on adding the NetworkManager here
        // If we would do it in OnValidate() then it would run this everytime a value changes
        public virtual void Reset()
            // make sure someone doesn't accidentally add another NetworkManager
            // need transform.root because when adding to a child, the parent's
            // Reset isn't called.
            foreach (NetworkManager manager in transform.root.GetComponentsInChildren<NetworkManager>())
                if (manager != this)
                    Debug.LogError($"{name} detected another component of type {typeof(NetworkManager)} in its hierarchy on {}. There can only be one, please remove one of them.");
                    // return early so that transport component isn't auto-added
                    // to the duplicate NetworkManager.

            // add transport if there is none yet. makes upgrading easier.
            if (transport == null)
                // RecordObject needs to be called before we make the change
                UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(gameObject, "Added default Transport");

                transport = GetComponent<Transport>();

                // was a transport added yet? if not, add one
                if (transport == null)
                    transport = gameObject.AddComponent<KcpTransport>();
                    Debug.Log("NetworkManager: added default Transport because there was none yet.");

        // virtual so that inheriting classes' Awake() can call base.Awake() too
        public virtual void Awake()
            // Don't allow collision-destroyed second instance to continue.
            if (!InitializeSingleton()) return;

            Debug.Log("Mirror | |");

            // Set the networkSceneName to prevent a scene reload
            // if client connection to server fails.
            networkSceneName = offlineScene;

            // setup OnSceneLoaded callback
            SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;

        // virtual so that inheriting classes' Start() can call base.Start() too
        public virtual void Start()
            // headless mode? then start the server
            // can't do this in Awake because Awake is for initialization.
            // some transports might not be ready until Start.
            // (tick rate is applied in StartServer!)
            if (autoStartServerBuild)

        // virtual so that inheriting classes' LateUpdate() can call base.LateUpdate() too
        public virtual void LateUpdate()

        // keep the online scene change check in a separate function
        bool IsServerOnlineSceneChangeNeeded()
            // Only change scene if the requested online scene is not blank, and is not already loaded
            return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(onlineScene) && !IsSceneActive(onlineScene) && onlineScene != offlineScene;

        public static bool IsSceneActive(string scene)
            Scene activeScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
            return activeScene.path == scene || == scene;

        // full server setup code, without spawning objects yet
        void SetupServer()
            // Debug.Log("NetworkManager SetupServer");

            if (runInBackground)
                Application.runInBackground = true;

            if (authenticator != null)


            // start listening to network connections

            // call OnStartServer AFTER Listen, so that is
            // true and we can call NetworkServer.Spawn in OnStartServer
            // overrides.
            // (useful for loading & spawning stuff from database etc.)
            // note: there is no risk of someone connecting after Listen() and
            //       before OnStartServer() because this all runs in one thread
            //       and we don't start processing connects until Update.

            // this must be after Listen(), since that registers the default message handlers

        /// <summary>Starts the server, listening for incoming connections.</summary>
        public void StartServer()
            if (
                Debug.LogWarning("Server already started.");

            mode = NetworkManagerMode.ServerOnly;

            // StartServer is inherently ASYNCHRONOUS (=doesn't finish immediately)
            // Here is what it does:
            //   Listen
            //   if onlineScene:
            //       LoadSceneAsync
            //       ...
            //       FinishLoadSceneServerOnly
            //           SpawnObjects
            //   else:
            //       SpawnObjects
            // there is NO WAY to make it synchronous because both LoadSceneAsync
            // and LoadScene do not finish loading immediately. as long as we
            // have the onlineScene feature, it will be asynchronous!


            // scene change needed? then change scene and spawn afterwards.
            if (IsServerOnlineSceneChangeNeeded())
            // otherwise spawn directly

        /// <summary>Starts the client, connects it to the server with networkAddress.</summary>
        public void StartClient()
            if (
                Debug.LogWarning("Client already started.");

            mode = NetworkManagerMode.ClientOnly;


            if (runInBackground)
                Application.runInBackground = true;

            if (authenticator != null)

            // In case this is a headless client...


            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(networkAddress))
                Debug.LogError("Must set the Network Address field in the manager");
            // Debug.Log($"NetworkManager StartClient address:{networkAddress}");



        /// <summary>Starts the client, connects it to the server via Uri</summary>
        public void StartClient(Uri uri)
            if (
                Debug.LogWarning("Client already started.");

            mode = NetworkManagerMode.ClientOnly;


            if (runInBackground)
                Application.runInBackground = true;

            if (authenticator != null)


            // Debug.Log($"NetworkManager StartClient address:{uri}");
            networkAddress = uri.Host;



        /// <summary>Starts a network "host" - a server and client in the same application.</summary>
        public void StartHost()
            if ( ||
                Debug.LogWarning("Server or Client already started.");

            mode = NetworkManagerMode.Host;

            // StartHost is inherently ASYNCHRONOUS (=doesn't finish immediately)
            // Here is what it does:
            //   Listen
            //   ConnectHost
            //   if onlineScene:
            //       LoadSceneAsync
            //       ...
            //       FinishLoadSceneHost
            //           FinishStartHost
            //               SpawnObjects
            //               StartHostClient      <= not guaranteed to happen after SpawnObjects if onlineScene is set!
            //                   ClientAuth
            //                       success: server sends changescene msg to client
            //   else:
            //       FinishStartHost
            // there is NO WAY to make it synchronous because both LoadSceneAsync
            // and LoadScene do not finish loading immediately. as long as we
            // have the onlineScene feature, it will be asynchronous!

            // setup server first

            // call OnStartHost AFTER SetupServer. this way we can use
            // NetworkServer.Spawn etc. in there too. just like OnStartServer
            // is called after the server is actually properly started.

            // scene change needed? then change scene and spawn afterwards.
            // => BEFORE host client connects. if client auth succeeds then the
            //    server tells it to load 'onlineScene'. we can't do that if
            //    server is still in 'offlineScene'. so load on server first.
            if (IsServerOnlineSceneChangeNeeded())
                // call FinishStartHost after changing scene.
                finishStartHostPending = true;
            // otherwise call FinishStartHost directly

        // This may be set true in StartHost and is evaluated in FinishStartHost
        bool finishStartHostPending;

        // FinishStartHost is guaranteed to be called after the host server was
        // fully started and all the asynchronous StartHost magic is finished
        // (= scene loading), or immediately if there was no asynchronous magic.
        // note: we don't really need FinishStartClient/FinishStartServer. the
        //       host version is enough.
        void FinishStartHost()
            // ConnectHost needs to be called BEFORE SpawnObjects:
            // -> this sets NetworkServer.localConnection.
            // -> localConnection needs to be set before SpawnObjects because:
            //    -> SpawnObjects calls OnStartServer in all NetworkBehaviours
            //       -> OnStartServer might spawn an object and set [SyncVar(hook="OnColorChanged")] object.color = green;
            //          -> this calls SyncVar.set (generated by Weaver), which has
            //             a custom case for host mode (because host mode doesn't
            //             get OnDeserialize calls, where SyncVar hooks are usually
            //             called):
            //               if (!SyncVarEqual(value, ref color))
            //               {
            //                   if (NetworkServer.localClientActive && !getSyncVarHookGuard(1uL))
            //                   {
            //                       setSyncVarHookGuard(1uL, value: true);
            //                       OnColorChangedHook(value);
            //                       setSyncVarHookGuard(1uL, value: false);
            //                   }
            //                   SetSyncVar(value, ref color, 1uL);
            //               }
            //          -> localClientActive needs to be true, otherwise the hook
            //             isn't called in host mode!
            // TODO call this after spawnobjects and worry about the syncvar hook fix later?

            // server scene was loaded. now spawn all the objects

            // connect client and call OnStartClient AFTER server scene was
            // loaded and all objects were spawned.
            // DO NOT do this earlier. it would cause race conditions where a
            // client will do things before the server is even fully started.
            //Debug.Log("StartHostClient called");

        void StartHostClient()
            //Debug.Log("NetworkManager ConnectLocalClient");

            if (authenticator != null)

            networkAddress = "localhost";

            // ConnectLocalServer needs to be called AFTER RegisterClientMessages
            // (


        /// <summary>This stops both the client and the server that the manager is using.</summary>
        public void StopHost()

            // calling OnTransportDisconnected was needed to fix
            // so that the host client receives a DisconnectMessage
            // TODO reevaluate if this is still needed after all the disconnect
            //      fixes, and try to put this into LocalConnection.Disconnect!


        /// <summary>Stops the server from listening and simulating the game.</summary>
        public void StopServer()
            // return if already stopped to avoid recursion deadlock
            if (!

            if (authenticator != null)

            // Get Network Manager out of DDOL before going to offline scene
            // to avoid collision and let a fresh Network Manager be created.
            // IMPORTANT: .gameObject can be null if StopClient is called from
            //            OnApplicationQuit or from tests!
            if (gameObject != null
                && == "DontDestroyOnLoad"
                && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(offlineScene)
                && SceneManager.GetActiveScene().path != offlineScene)
                SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(gameObject, SceneManager.GetActiveScene());


            //Debug.Log("NetworkManager StopServer");

            // set offline mode BEFORE changing scene so that FinishStartScene
            // doesn't think we need initialize anything.
            mode = NetworkManagerMode.Offline;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(offlineScene))

            startPositionIndex = 0;

            networkSceneName = "";

        /// <summary>Stops and disconnects the client.</summary>
        public void StopClient()
            if (mode == NetworkManagerMode.Offline)

            if (authenticator != null)

            // Get Network Manager out of DDOL before going to offline scene
            // to avoid collision and let a fresh Network Manager be created.
            // IMPORTANT: .gameObject can be null if StopClient is called from
            //            OnApplicationQuit or from tests!
            if (gameObject != null
                && == "DontDestroyOnLoad"
                && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(offlineScene)
                && SceneManager.GetActiveScene().path != offlineScene)
                SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(gameObject, SceneManager.GetActiveScene());


            //Debug.Log("NetworkManager StopClient");

            // set offline mode BEFORE changing scene so that FinishStartScene
            // doesn't think we need initialize anything.
            // set offline mode BEFORE NetworkClient.Disconnect so StopClient
            // only runs once.
            mode = NetworkManagerMode.Offline;

            // shutdown client

            // If this is the host player, StopServer will already be changing scenes.
            // Check loadingSceneAsync to ensure we don't double-invoke the scene change.
            // Check if because we can get here via Disconnect before server has started to change scenes.
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(offlineScene) && !IsSceneActive(offlineScene) && loadingSceneAsync == null && !
                ClientChangeScene(offlineScene, SceneOperation.Normal);

            networkSceneName = "";

        // called when quitting the application by closing the window / pressing
        // stop in the editor. virtual so that inheriting classes'
        // OnApplicationQuit() can call base.OnApplicationQuit() too
        public virtual void OnApplicationQuit()
            // stop client first
            // (we want to send the quit packet to the server instead of waiting
            //  for a timeout)
            if (NetworkClient.isConnected)
                //Debug.Log("OnApplicationQuit: stopped client");

            // stop server after stopping client (for proper host mode stopping)
            if (
                //Debug.Log("OnApplicationQuit: stopped server");

            // Call ResetStatics to reset statics and singleton

        /// <summary>Set the frame rate for a headless builds. Override to disable or modify.</summary>
        // useful for dedicated servers.
        // useful for headless benchmark clients.
        public virtual void ConfigureHeadlessFrameRate()
            Application.targetFrameRate = serverTickRate;
            // Debug.Log($"Server Tick Rate set to {Application.targetFrameRate} Hz.");

        bool InitializeSingleton()
            if (singleton != null && singleton == this)
                return true;

            if (dontDestroyOnLoad)
                if (singleton != null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Multiple NetworkManagers detected in the scene. Only one NetworkManager can exist at a time. The duplicate NetworkManager will be destroyed.");

                    // Return false to not allow collision-destroyed second instance to continue.
                    return false;
                //Debug.Log("NetworkManager created singleton (DontDestroyOnLoad)");
                singleton = this;
                if (Application.isPlaying)
                    // Force the object to scene root, in case user made it a child of something
                    // in the scene since DDOL is only allowed for scene root objects
                //Debug.Log("NetworkManager created singleton (ForScene)");
                singleton = this;

            // set active transport AFTER setting singleton.
            // so only if we didn't destroy ourselves.
            Transport.activeTransport = transport;
            return true;

        void RegisterServerMessages()
            NetworkServer.OnConnectedEvent = OnServerConnectInternal;
            NetworkServer.OnDisconnectedEvent = OnServerDisconnect;
            NetworkServer.OnErrorEvent = OnServerError;

            // Network Server initially registers its own handler for this, so we replace it here.

        void RegisterClientMessages()
            NetworkClient.OnConnectedEvent = OnClientConnectInternal;
            NetworkClient.OnDisconnectedEvent = OnClientDisconnectInternal;
            NetworkClient.OnErrorEvent = OnClientError;
            NetworkClient.RegisterHandler<SceneMessage>(OnClientSceneInternal, false);

            if (playerPrefab != null)

            foreach (GameObject prefab in spawnPrefabs.Where(t => t != null))

        // This is the only way to clear the singleton, so another instance can be created.
        // RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod -> fast playmode without domain reload
        public static void ResetStatics()
            // call StopHost if we have a singleton
            if (singleton)

            // reset all statics
            startPositionIndex = 0;
            clientReadyConnection = null;
            loadingSceneAsync = null;
            networkSceneName = string.Empty;

            // and finally (in case it isn't null already)...
            singleton = null;

        // virtual so that inheriting classes' OnDestroy() can call base.OnDestroy() too
        public virtual void OnDestroy()
            //Debug.Log("NetworkManager destroyed");

        /// <summary>The name of the current network scene.</summary>
        // set by NetworkManager when changing the scene.
        // new clients will automatically load this scene.
        // Loading a scene manually won't set it.
        public static string networkSceneName { get; protected set; } = "";

        public static AsyncOperation loadingSceneAsync;

        /// <summary>Change the server scene and all client's scenes across the network.</summary>
        // Called automatically if onlineScene or offlineScene are set, but it
        // can be called from user code to switch scenes again while the game is
        // in progress. This automatically sets clients to be not-ready during
        // the change and ready again to participate in the new scene.
        public virtual void ServerChangeScene(string newSceneName)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newSceneName))
                Debug.LogError("ServerChangeScene empty scene name");

            if (NetworkServer.isLoadingScene && newSceneName == networkSceneName)
                Debug.LogError($"Scene change is already in progress for {newSceneName}");

            // Debug.Log($"ServerChangeScene {newSceneName}");
            networkSceneName = newSceneName;

            // Let server prepare for scene change

            // set server flag to stop processing messages while changing scenes
            // it will be re-enabled in FinishLoadScene.
            NetworkServer.isLoadingScene = true;

            loadingSceneAsync = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(newSceneName);

            // ServerChangeScene can be called when stopping the server
            // when this happens the server is not active so does not need to tell clients about the change
            if (
                // notify all clients about the new scene
                NetworkServer.SendToAll(new SceneMessage { sceneName = newSceneName });

            startPositionIndex = 0;

        // This is only set in ClientChangeScene below...never on server.
        // We need to check this in OnClientSceneChanged called from FinishLoadSceneClientOnly
        // to prevent AddPlayer message after loading/unloading additive scenes
        SceneOperation clientSceneOperation = SceneOperation.Normal;

        internal void ClientChangeScene(string newSceneName, SceneOperation sceneOperation = SceneOperation.Normal, bool customHandling = false)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newSceneName))
                Debug.LogError("ClientChangeScene empty scene name");

            //Debug.Log($"ClientChangeScene newSceneName: {newSceneName} networkSceneName{networkSceneName}");

            // Let client prepare for scene change
            OnClientChangeScene(newSceneName, sceneOperation, customHandling);

            // After calling OnClientChangeScene, exit if server since server is already doing
            // the actual scene change, and we don't need to do it for the host client
            if (

            // set client flag to stop processing messages while loading scenes.
            // otherwise we would process messages and then lose all the state
            // as soon as the load is finishing, causing all kinds of bugs
            // because of missing state.
            // (client may be null after StopClient etc.)
            // Debug.Log("ClientChangeScene: pausing handlers while scene is loading to avoid data loss after scene was loaded.");
            NetworkClient.isLoadingScene = true;

            // Cache sceneOperation so we know what was requested by the
            // Scene message in OnClientChangeScene and OnClientSceneChanged
            clientSceneOperation = sceneOperation;

            // scene handling will happen in overrides of OnClientChangeScene and/or OnClientSceneChanged
            // Do not call FinishLoadScene here. Custom handler will assign loadingSceneAsync and we need
            // to wait for that to finish. UpdateScene already checks for that to be not null and isDone.
            if (customHandling)

            switch (sceneOperation)
                case SceneOperation.Normal:
                    loadingSceneAsync = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(newSceneName);
                case SceneOperation.LoadAdditive:
                    // Ensure additive scene is not already loaded on client by name or path
                    // since we don't know which was passed in the Scene message
                    if (!SceneManager.GetSceneByName(newSceneName).IsValid() && !SceneManager.GetSceneByPath(newSceneName).IsValid())
                        loadingSceneAsync = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(newSceneName, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
                        Debug.LogWarning($"Scene {newSceneName} is already loaded");

                        // Reset the flag that we disabled before entering this switch
                        NetworkClient.isLoadingScene = false;
                case SceneOperation.UnloadAdditive:
                    // Ensure additive scene is actually loaded on client by name or path
                    // since we don't know which was passed in the Scene message
                    if (SceneManager.GetSceneByName(newSceneName).IsValid() || SceneManager.GetSceneByPath(newSceneName).IsValid())
                        loadingSceneAsync = SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(newSceneName, UnloadSceneOptions.UnloadAllEmbeddedSceneObjects);
                        Debug.LogWarning($"Cannot unload {newSceneName} with UnloadAdditive operation");

                        // Reset the flag that we disabled before entering this switch
                        NetworkClient.isLoadingScene = false;

            // don't change the client's current networkSceneName when loading additive scene content
            if (sceneOperation == SceneOperation.Normal)
                networkSceneName = newSceneName;

        // support additive scene loads:
        //   NetworkScenePostProcess disables all scene objects on load, and
        //   * NetworkServer.SpawnObjects enables them again on the server when
        //     calling OnStartServer
        //   * NetworkClient.PrepareToSpawnSceneObjects enables them again on the
        //     client after the server sends ObjectSpawnStartedMessage to client
        //     in SpawnObserversForConnection. this is only called when the
        //     client joins, so we need to rebuild scene objects manually again
        // TODO merge this with FinishLoadScene()?
        void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
            if (mode == LoadSceneMode.Additive)
                if (
                    // TODO only respawn the server objects from that scene later!
                    // Debug.Log($"Respawned Server objects after additive scene load: {}");
                if (
                    // Debug.Log($"Rebuild Client spawnableObjects after additive scene load: {}");

        void UpdateScene()
            if (loadingSceneAsync != null && loadingSceneAsync.isDone)
                //Debug.Log($"ClientChangeScene done readyConn {clientReadyConnection}");

                // try-finally to guarantee loadingSceneAsync being cleared.
                // fixes where if
                // FinishLoadScene throws an exception, loadingSceneAsync would
                // never be cleared and this code would run every Update.
                    loadingSceneAsync.allowSceneActivation = true;
                    loadingSceneAsync = null;

        protected void FinishLoadScene()
            // NOTE: this cannot use NetworkClient.allClients[0] - that client may be for a completely different purpose.

            // process queued messages that we received while loading the scene
            //Debug.Log("FinishLoadScene: resuming handlers after scene was loading.");
            NetworkServer.isLoadingScene = false;
            NetworkClient.isLoadingScene = false;

            // host mode?
            if (mode == NetworkManagerMode.Host)
            // server-only mode?
            else if (mode == NetworkManagerMode.ServerOnly)
            // client-only mode?
            else if (mode == NetworkManagerMode.ClientOnly)
            // otherwise we called it after stopping when loading offline scene.
            // do nothing then.

        // finish load scene part for host mode. makes code easier and is
        // necessary for FinishStartHost later.
        // (the 3 things have to happen in that exact order)
        void FinishLoadSceneHost()
            // debug message is very important. if we ever break anything then
            // it's very obvious to notice.
            //Debug.Log("Finished loading scene in host mode.");

            if (clientReadyConnection != null)
#pragma warning disable 618
                // obsolete method calls new method because it's not empty
#pragma warning restore 618
                clientLoadedScene = true;
                clientReadyConnection = null;

            // do we need to finish a StartHost() call?
            // then call FinishStartHost and let it take care of spawning etc.
            if (finishStartHostPending)
                finishStartHostPending = false;

                // call OnServerSceneChanged

                // DO NOT call OnClientSceneChanged here.
                // the scene change happened because StartHost loaded the
                // server's online scene. it has nothing to do with the client.
                // this was not meant as a client scene load, so don't call it.
                // otherwise AddPlayer would be called twice:
                // -> once for client OnConnected
                // -> once in OnClientSceneChanged
            // otherwise we just changed a scene in host mode
                // spawn server objects

                // call OnServerSceneChanged

                if (NetworkClient.isConnected)
                    // let client know that we changed scene
#pragma warning disable 618
                    // obsolete method calls new method because it's not empty
#pragma warning restore 618

        // finish load scene part for server-only. . makes code easier and is
        // necessary for FinishStartServer later.
        void FinishLoadSceneServerOnly()
            // debug message is very important. if we ever break anything then
            // it's very obvious to notice.
            //Debug.Log("Finished loading scene in server-only mode.");


        // finish load scene part for client-only. makes code easier and is
        // necessary for FinishStartClient later.
        void FinishLoadSceneClientOnly()
            // debug message is very important. if we ever break anything then
            // it's very obvious to notice.
            //Debug.Log("Finished loading scene in client-only mode.");

            if (clientReadyConnection != null)
#pragma warning disable 618
                // obsolete method calls new method because it's not empty
#pragma warning restore 618
                clientLoadedScene = true;
                clientReadyConnection = null;

            if (NetworkClient.isConnected)
#pragma warning disable 618
                // obsolete method calls new method because it's not empty
#pragma warning restore 618

        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the transform of a game object as a player spawn location.
        /// <para>This is done automatically by NetworkStartPosition components, but can be done manually from user script code.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">Transform to register.</param>
        // Static because it's called from NetworkStartPosition::Awake
        // and singleton may not exist yet
        public static void RegisterStartPosition(Transform start)
            // Debug.Log($"RegisterStartPosition: {} {start.position}");

            // reorder the list so that round-robin spawning uses the start positions
            // in hierarchy order.  This assumes all objects with NetworkStartPosition
            // component are siblings, either in the scene root or together as children
            // under a single parent in the scene.
            startPositions = startPositions.OrderBy(transform => transform.GetSiblingIndex()).ToList();

        /// <summary>Unregister a Transform from start positions.</summary>
        // Static because it's called from NetworkStartPosition::OnDestroy
        // and singleton may not exist yet
        public static void UnRegisterStartPosition(Transform start)
            //Debug.Log($"UnRegisterStartPosition: {} {start.position}");

        /// <summary>Get the next NetworkStartPosition based on the selected PlayerSpawnMethod.</summary>
        public Transform GetStartPosition()
            // first remove any dead transforms
            startPositions.RemoveAll(t => t == null);

            if (startPositions.Count == 0)
                return null;

            if (playerSpawnMethod == PlayerSpawnMethod.Random)
                return startPositions[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, startPositions.Count)];
                Transform startPosition = startPositions[startPositionIndex];
                startPositionIndex = (startPositionIndex + 1) % startPositions.Count;
                return startPosition;

        void OnServerConnectInternal(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)

            if (authenticator != null)
                // we have an authenticator - let it handle authentication
                // authenticate immediately

        // called after successful authentication
        // TODO do the NetworkServer.OnAuthenticated thing from x branch
        void OnServerAuthenticated(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)

            // set connection to authenticated
            conn.isAuthenticated = true;

            // proceed with the login handshake by calling OnServerConnect
            if (networkSceneName != "" && networkSceneName != offlineScene)
                SceneMessage msg = new SceneMessage() { sceneName = networkSceneName };


        void OnServerReadyMessageInternal(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, ReadyMessage msg)

        public void OnServerAddPlayerInternal(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, AddPlayerMessage msg)

            if (autoCreatePlayer && playerPrefab == null)
                Debug.LogError("The PlayerPrefab is empty on the NetworkManager. Please setup a PlayerPrefab object.");

            if (autoCreatePlayer && playerPrefab.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>() == null)
                Debug.LogError("The PlayerPrefab does not have a NetworkIdentity. Please add a NetworkIdentity to the player prefab.");

            if (conn.identity != null)
                Debug.LogWarning("There is already a player for this connection.");


        void OnClientConnectInternal()

            if (authenticator != null)
                // we have an authenticator - let it handle authentication
                // authenticate immediately

        // called after successful authentication
        void OnClientAuthenticated()

            // set connection to authenticated
            NetworkClient.connection.isAuthenticated = true;

            // proceed with the login handshake by calling OnClientConnect
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(onlineScene) || onlineScene == offlineScene || IsSceneActive(onlineScene))
                clientLoadedScene = false;
#pragma warning disable 618
                // obsolete method calls new method because it's not empty
#pragma warning restore 618
                // will wait for scene id to come from the server.
                clientLoadedScene = true;
                clientReadyConnection = NetworkClient.connection;

        void OnClientDisconnectInternal()
#pragma warning disable 618
            // obsolete method calls new method because it's not empty
#pragma warning restore 618

        void OnClientNotReadyMessageInternal(NotReadyMessage msg)
            NetworkClient.ready = false;
#pragma warning disable 618
#pragma warning restore 618

            // NOTE: clientReadyConnection is not set here! don't want OnClientConnect to be invoked again after scene changes.

        void OnClientSceneInternal(SceneMessage msg)

            // This needs to run for host client too. is checked there
            if (NetworkClient.isConnected)
                ClientChangeScene(msg.sceneName, msg.sceneOperation, msg.customHandling);

        /// <summary>Called on the server when a new client connects.</summary>
        public virtual void OnServerConnect(NetworkConnectionToClient conn) { }

        /// <summary>Called on the server when a client disconnects.</summary>
        // Called by NetworkServer.OnTransportDisconnect!
        public virtual void OnServerDisconnect(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
            // by default, this function destroys the connection's player.
            // can be overwritten for cases like delayed logouts in MMOs to
            // avoid players escaping from PvP situations by logging out.
            //Debug.Log("OnServerDisconnect: Client disconnected.");

        /// <summary>Called on the server when a client is ready (= loaded the scene)</summary>
        public virtual void OnServerReady(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
            if (conn.identity == null)
                // this is now allowed (was not for a while)
                //Debug.Log("Ready with no player object");

        /// <summary>Called on server when a client requests to add the player. Adds playerPrefab by default. Can be overwritten.</summary>
        // The default implementation for this function creates a new player object from the playerPrefab.
        public virtual void OnServerAddPlayer(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
            Transform startPos = GetStartPosition();
            GameObject player = startPos != null
                ? Instantiate(playerPrefab, startPos.position, startPos.rotation)
                : Instantiate(playerPrefab);

            // instantiating a "Player" prefab gives it the name "Player(clone)"
            // => appending the connectionId is WAY more useful for debugging!
   = $"{} [connId={conn.connectionId}]"; // PlayerPrefs.GetString("NickName")
            NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(conn, player);

        /// <summary>Called on server when transport raises an exception. NetworkConnection may be null.</summary>
        public virtual void OnServerError(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, Exception exception) { }

        /// <summary>Called from ServerChangeScene immediately before SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync is executed</summary>
        public virtual void OnServerChangeScene(string newSceneName) { }

        /// <summary>Called on server after a scene load with ServerChangeScene() is completed.</summary>
        public virtual void OnServerSceneChanged(string sceneName) { }

        /// <summary>Called on the client when connected to a server. By default it sets client as ready and adds a player.</summary>
        public virtual void OnClientConnect()
            // OnClientConnect by default calls AddPlayer but it should not do
            // that when we have online/offline scenes. so we need the
            // clientLoadedScene flag to prevent it.
            if (!clientLoadedScene)
                // Ready/AddPlayer is usually triggered by a scene load completing.
                // if no scene was loaded, then Ready/AddPlayer it here instead.
                if (!NetworkClient.ready)

                if (autoCreatePlayer)

        // Deprecated 2021-12-11
        [Obsolete("Remove the NetworkConnection parameter in your override and use NetworkClient.connection instead.")]
        public virtual void OnClientConnect(NetworkConnection conn) => OnClientConnect();

        /// <summary>Called on clients when disconnected from a server.</summary>
        public virtual void OnClientDisconnect()
            if (mode == NetworkManagerMode.Offline)


        // Deprecated 2021-12-11
        [Obsolete("Remove the NetworkConnection parameter in your override and use NetworkClient.connection instead.")]
        public virtual void OnClientDisconnect(NetworkConnection conn) => OnClientDisconnect();

        /// <summary>Called on client when transport raises an exception.</summary>
        public virtual void OnClientError(Exception exception) { }

        /// <summary>Called on clients when a servers tells the client it is no longer ready, e.g. when switching scenes.</summary>
        public virtual void OnClientNotReady() { }

        // Deprecated 2021-12-11
        [Obsolete("Remove the NetworkConnection parameter in your override and use NetworkClient.connection instead.")]
        public virtual void OnClientNotReady(NetworkConnection conn) { }

        /// <summary>Called from ClientChangeScene immediately before SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync is executed</summary>
        // customHandling: indicates if scene loading will be handled through overrides
        public virtual void OnClientChangeScene(string newSceneName, SceneOperation sceneOperation, bool customHandling) { }

        /// <summary>Called on clients when a scene has completed loaded, when the scene load was initiated by the server.</summary>
        // Scene changes can cause player objects to be destroyed. The default
        // implementation of OnClientSceneChanged in the NetworkManager is to
        // add a player object for the connection if no player object exists.
        public virtual void OnClientSceneChanged()
            // always become ready.
            if (!NetworkClient.ready) NetworkClient.Ready();

            // Only call AddPlayer for normal scene changes, not additive load/unload
            if (clientSceneOperation == SceneOperation.Normal && autoCreatePlayer && NetworkClient.localPlayer == null)
                // add player if existing one is null

        // Deprecated 2021-12-11
        [Obsolete("Remove the NetworkConnection parameter in your override and use NetworkClient.connection instead.")]
        public virtual void OnClientSceneChanged(NetworkConnection conn) => OnClientSceneChanged();

        // Since there are multiple versions of StartServer, StartClient and
        // StartHost, to reliably customize their functionality, users would
        // need override all the versions. Instead these callbacks are invoked
        // from all versions, so users only need to implement this one case.

        /// <summary>This is invoked when a host is started.</summary>
        public virtual void OnStartHost() { }

        /// <summary>This is invoked when a server is started - including when a host is started.</summary>
        public virtual void OnStartServer() { }

        /// <summary>This is invoked when the client is started.</summary>
        public virtual void OnStartClient() { }

        /// <summary>This is called when a server is stopped - including when a host is stopped.</summary>
        public virtual void OnStopServer() { }

        /// <summary>This is called when a client is stopped.</summary>
        public virtual void OnStopClient() { }

        /// <summary>This is called when a host is stopped.</summary>
        public virtual void OnStopHost() { }