using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace Mirror.Examples.MultipleMatch { public class CanvasController : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary> /// Match Controllers listen for this to terminate their match and clean up /// </summary> public event Action<NetworkConnectionToClient> OnPlayerDisconnected; /// <summary> /// Cross-reference of client that created the corresponding match in openMatches below /// </summary> internal static readonly Dictionary<NetworkConnectionToClient, Guid> playerMatches = new Dictionary<NetworkConnectionToClient, Guid>(); /// <summary> /// Open matches that are available for joining /// </summary> internal static readonly Dictionary<Guid, MatchInfo> openMatches = new Dictionary<Guid, MatchInfo>(); /// <summary> /// Network Connections of all players in a match /// </summary> internal static readonly Dictionary<Guid, HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient>> matchConnections = new Dictionary<Guid, HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient>>(); /// <summary> /// Player informations by Network Connection /// </summary> internal static readonly Dictionary<NetworkConnectionToClient, PlayerInfo> playerInfos = new Dictionary<NetworkConnectionToClient, PlayerInfo>(); /// <summary> /// Network Connections that have neither started nor joined a match yet /// </summary> internal static readonly List<NetworkConnectionToClient> waitingConnections = new List<NetworkConnectionToClient>(); /// <summary> /// GUID of a match the local player has created /// </summary> internal Guid localPlayerMatch = Guid.Empty; /// <summary> /// GUID of a match the local player has joined /// </summary> internal Guid localJoinedMatch = Guid.Empty; /// <summary> /// GUID of a match the local player has selected in the Toggle Group match list /// </summary> internal Guid selectedMatch = Guid.Empty; // Used in UI for "Player #" int playerIndex = 1; [Header("GUI References")] public GameObject matchList; public GameObject matchPrefab; public GameObject matchControllerPrefab; public Button createButton; public Button joinButton; public GameObject lobbyView; public GameObject roomView; public RoomGUI roomGUI; public ToggleGroup toggleGroup; // RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod -> fast playmode without domain reload [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(RuntimeInitializeLoadType.BeforeSceneLoad)] static void ResetStatics() { playerMatches.Clear(); openMatches.Clear(); matchConnections.Clear(); playerInfos.Clear(); waitingConnections.Clear(); } #region UI Functions // Called from several places to ensure a clean reset // - MatchNetworkManager.Awake // - OnStartServer // - OnStartClient // - OnClientDisconnect // - ResetCanvas internal void InitializeData() { playerMatches.Clear(); openMatches.Clear(); matchConnections.Clear(); waitingConnections.Clear(); localPlayerMatch = Guid.Empty; localJoinedMatch = Guid.Empty; } // Called from OnStopServer and OnStopClient when shutting down void ResetCanvas() { InitializeData(); lobbyView.SetActive(false); roomView.SetActive(false); gameObject.SetActive(false); } #endregion #region Button Calls /// <summary> /// Called from <see cref="MatchGUI.OnToggleClicked"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="matchId"></param> public void SelectMatch(Guid matchId) { if (! return; if (matchId == Guid.Empty) { selectedMatch = Guid.Empty; joinButton.interactable = false; } else { if (!openMatches.Keys.Contains(matchId)) { joinButton.interactable = false; return; } selectedMatch = matchId; MatchInfo infos = openMatches[matchId]; joinButton.interactable = infos.players < infos.maxPlayers; } } /// <summary> /// Assigned in inspector to Create button /// </summary> public void RequestCreateMatch() { if (! return; NetworkClient.connection.Send(new ServerMatchMessage { serverMatchOperation = ServerMatchOperation.Create }); } /// <summary> /// Assigned in inspector to Join button /// </summary> public void RequestJoinMatch() { if (! || selectedMatch == Guid.Empty) return; NetworkClient.connection.Send(new ServerMatchMessage { serverMatchOperation = ServerMatchOperation.Join, matchId = selectedMatch }); } /// <summary> /// Assigned in inspector to Leave button /// </summary> public void RequestLeaveMatch() { if (! || localJoinedMatch == Guid.Empty) return; NetworkClient.connection.Send(new ServerMatchMessage { serverMatchOperation = ServerMatchOperation.Leave, matchId = localJoinedMatch }); } /// <summary> /// Assigned in inspector to Cancel button /// </summary> public void RequestCancelMatch() { if (! || localPlayerMatch == Guid.Empty) return; NetworkClient.connection.Send(new ServerMatchMessage { serverMatchOperation = ServerMatchOperation.Cancel }); } /// <summary> /// Assigned in inspector to Ready button /// </summary> public void RequestReadyChange() { if (! || (localPlayerMatch == Guid.Empty && localJoinedMatch == Guid.Empty)) return; Guid matchId = localPlayerMatch == Guid.Empty ? localJoinedMatch : localPlayerMatch; NetworkClient.connection.Send(new ServerMatchMessage { serverMatchOperation = ServerMatchOperation.Ready, matchId = matchId }); } /// <summary> /// Assigned in inspector to Start button /// </summary> public void RequestStartMatch() { if (! || localPlayerMatch == Guid.Empty) return; NetworkClient.connection.Send(new ServerMatchMessage { serverMatchOperation = ServerMatchOperation.Start }); } /// <summary> /// Called from <see cref="MatchController.RpcExitGame"/> /// </summary> public void OnMatchEnded() { if (! return; localPlayerMatch = Guid.Empty; localJoinedMatch = Guid.Empty; ShowLobbyView(); } /// <summary> /// Sends updated match list to all waiting connections or just one if specified /// </summary> /// <param name="conn"></param> internal void SendMatchList(NetworkConnectionToClient conn = null) { if (! return; if (conn != null) { conn.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.List, matchInfos = openMatches.Values.ToArray() }); } else { foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient waiter in waitingConnections) { waiter.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.List, matchInfos = openMatches.Values.ToArray() }); } } } #endregion #region Server & Client Callbacks // Methods in this section are called from MatchNetworkManager's corresponding methods internal void OnStartServer() { if (! return; InitializeData(); NetworkServer.RegisterHandler<ServerMatchMessage>(OnServerMatchMessage); } internal void OnServerReady(NetworkConnectionToClient conn) { if (! return; waitingConnections.Add(conn); playerInfos.Add(conn, new PlayerInfo { playerIndex = this.playerIndex, ready = false }); playerIndex++; SendMatchList(); } internal void OnServerDisconnect(NetworkConnectionToClient conn) { if (! return; // Invoke OnPlayerDisconnected on all instances of MatchController OnPlayerDisconnected?.Invoke(conn); Guid matchId; if (playerMatches.TryGetValue(conn, out matchId)) { playerMatches.Remove(conn); openMatches.Remove(matchId); foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient playerConn in matchConnections[matchId]) { PlayerInfo _playerInfo = playerInfos[playerConn]; _playerInfo.ready = false; _playerInfo.matchId = Guid.Empty; playerInfos[playerConn] = _playerInfo; playerConn.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.Departed }); } } foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient>> kvp in matchConnections) { kvp.Value.Remove(conn); } PlayerInfo playerInfo = playerInfos[conn]; if (playerInfo.matchId != Guid.Empty) { MatchInfo matchInfo; if (openMatches.TryGetValue(playerInfo.matchId, out matchInfo)) { matchInfo.players--; openMatches[playerInfo.matchId] = matchInfo; } HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient> connections; if (matchConnections.TryGetValue(playerInfo.matchId, out connections)) { PlayerInfo[] infos = connections.Select(playerConn => playerInfos[playerConn]).ToArray(); foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient playerConn in matchConnections[playerInfo.matchId]) { if (playerConn != conn) { playerConn.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.UpdateRoom, playerInfos = infos }); } } } } SendMatchList(); } internal void OnStopServer() { ResetCanvas(); } internal void OnClientConnect() { playerInfos.Add((NetworkConnectionToClient)NetworkClient.connection, new PlayerInfo { playerIndex = this.playerIndex, ready = false }); } internal void OnStartClient() { if (! return; InitializeData(); ShowLobbyView(); createButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); joinButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); NetworkClient.RegisterHandler<ClientMatchMessage>(OnClientMatchMessage); } internal void OnClientDisconnect() { if (! return; InitializeData(); } internal void OnStopClient() { ResetCanvas(); } #endregion #region Server Match Message Handlers void OnServerMatchMessage(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, ServerMatchMessage msg) { if (! return; switch (msg.serverMatchOperation) { case ServerMatchOperation.None: { Debug.LogWarning("Missing ServerMatchOperation"); break; } case ServerMatchOperation.Create: { OnServerCreateMatch(conn); break; } case ServerMatchOperation.Cancel: { OnServerCancelMatch(conn); break; } case ServerMatchOperation.Start: { OnServerStartMatch(conn); break; } case ServerMatchOperation.Join: { OnServerJoinMatch(conn, msg.matchId); break; } case ServerMatchOperation.Leave: { OnServerLeaveMatch(conn, msg.matchId); break; } case ServerMatchOperation.Ready: { OnServerPlayerReady(conn, msg.matchId); break; } } } void OnServerPlayerReady(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, Guid matchId) { if (! return; PlayerInfo playerInfo = playerInfos[conn]; playerInfo.ready = !playerInfo.ready; playerInfos[conn] = playerInfo; HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient> connections = matchConnections[matchId]; PlayerInfo[] infos = connections.Select(playerConn => playerInfos[playerConn]).ToArray(); foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient playerConn in matchConnections[matchId]) { playerConn.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.UpdateRoom, playerInfos = infos }); } } void OnServerLeaveMatch(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, Guid matchId) { if (! return; MatchInfo matchInfo = openMatches[matchId]; matchInfo.players--; openMatches[matchId] = matchInfo; PlayerInfo playerInfo = playerInfos[conn]; playerInfo.ready = false; playerInfo.matchId = Guid.Empty; playerInfos[conn] = playerInfo; foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient>> kvp in matchConnections) { kvp.Value.Remove(conn); } HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient> connections = matchConnections[matchId]; PlayerInfo[] infos = connections.Select(playerConn => playerInfos[playerConn]).ToArray(); foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient playerConn in matchConnections[matchId]) { playerConn.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.UpdateRoom, playerInfos = infos }); } SendMatchList(); conn.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.Departed }); } void OnServerCreateMatch(NetworkConnectionToClient conn) { if (! || playerMatches.ContainsKey(conn)) return; Guid newMatchId = Guid.NewGuid(); matchConnections.Add(newMatchId, new HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient>()); matchConnections[newMatchId].Add(conn); playerMatches.Add(conn, newMatchId); openMatches.Add(newMatchId, new MatchInfo { matchId = newMatchId, maxPlayers = 2, players = 1 }); PlayerInfo playerInfo = playerInfos[conn]; playerInfo.ready = false; playerInfo.matchId = newMatchId; playerInfos[conn] = playerInfo; PlayerInfo[] infos = matchConnections[newMatchId].Select(playerConn => playerInfos[playerConn]).ToArray(); conn.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.Created, matchId = newMatchId, playerInfos = infos }); SendMatchList(); } void OnServerCancelMatch(NetworkConnectionToClient conn) { if (! || !playerMatches.ContainsKey(conn)) return; conn.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.Cancelled }); Guid matchId; if (playerMatches.TryGetValue(conn, out matchId)) { playerMatches.Remove(conn); openMatches.Remove(matchId); foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient playerConn in matchConnections[matchId]) { PlayerInfo playerInfo = playerInfos[playerConn]; playerInfo.ready = false; playerInfo.matchId = Guid.Empty; playerInfos[playerConn] = playerInfo; playerConn.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.Departed }); } SendMatchList(); } } void OnServerStartMatch(NetworkConnectionToClient conn) { if (! || !playerMatches.ContainsKey(conn)) return; Guid matchId; if (playerMatches.TryGetValue(conn, out matchId)) { GameObject matchControllerObject = Instantiate(matchControllerPrefab); matchControllerObject.GetComponent<NetworkMatch>().matchId = matchId; NetworkServer.Spawn(matchControllerObject); MatchController matchController = matchControllerObject.GetComponent<MatchController>(); foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient playerConn in matchConnections[matchId]) { playerConn.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.Started }); GameObject player = Instantiate(NetworkManager.singleton.playerPrefab); player.GetComponent<NetworkMatch>().matchId = matchId; NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(playerConn, player); if (matchController.player1 == null) { matchController.player1 = playerConn.identity; } else { matchController.player2 = playerConn.identity; } /* Reset ready state for after the match. */ PlayerInfo playerInfo = playerInfos[playerConn]; playerInfo.ready = false; playerInfos[playerConn] = playerInfo; } matchController.startingPlayer = matchController.player1; matchController.currentPlayer = matchController.player1; playerMatches.Remove(conn); openMatches.Remove(matchId); matchConnections.Remove(matchId); SendMatchList(); OnPlayerDisconnected += matchController.OnPlayerDisconnected; } } void OnServerJoinMatch(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, Guid matchId) { if (! || !matchConnections.ContainsKey(matchId) || !openMatches.ContainsKey(matchId)) return; MatchInfo matchInfo = openMatches[matchId]; matchInfo.players++; openMatches[matchId] = matchInfo; matchConnections[matchId].Add(conn); PlayerInfo playerInfo = playerInfos[conn]; playerInfo.ready = false; playerInfo.matchId = matchId; playerInfos[conn] = playerInfo; PlayerInfo[] infos = matchConnections[matchId].Select(playerConn => playerInfos[playerConn]).ToArray(); SendMatchList(); conn.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.Joined, matchId = matchId, playerInfos = infos }); foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient playerConn in matchConnections[matchId]) { playerConn.Send(new ClientMatchMessage { clientMatchOperation = ClientMatchOperation.UpdateRoom, playerInfos = infos }); } } #endregion #region Client Match Message Handler void OnClientMatchMessage(ClientMatchMessage msg) { if (! return; switch (msg.clientMatchOperation) { case ClientMatchOperation.None: { Debug.LogWarning("Missing ClientMatchOperation"); break; } case ClientMatchOperation.List: { openMatches.Clear(); foreach (MatchInfo matchInfo in msg.matchInfos) { openMatches.Add(matchInfo.matchId, matchInfo); } RefreshMatchList(); break; } case ClientMatchOperation.Created: { localPlayerMatch = msg.matchId; ShowRoomView(); roomGUI.RefreshRoomPlayers(msg.playerInfos); roomGUI.SetOwner(true); break; } case ClientMatchOperation.Cancelled: { localPlayerMatch = Guid.Empty; ShowLobbyView(); break; } case ClientMatchOperation.Joined: { localJoinedMatch = msg.matchId; ShowRoomView(); roomGUI.RefreshRoomPlayers(msg.playerInfos); roomGUI.SetOwner(false); break; } case ClientMatchOperation.Departed: { localJoinedMatch = Guid.Empty; ShowLobbyView(); break; } case ClientMatchOperation.UpdateRoom: { roomGUI.RefreshRoomPlayers(msg.playerInfos); break; } case ClientMatchOperation.Started: { lobbyView.SetActive(false); roomView.SetActive(false); break; } } } void ShowLobbyView() { lobbyView.SetActive(true); roomView.SetActive(false); foreach (Transform child in matchList.transform) { if (child.gameObject.GetComponent<MatchGUI>().GetMatchId() == selectedMatch) { Toggle toggle = child.gameObject.GetComponent<Toggle>(); toggle.isOn = true; //toggle.onValueChanged.Invoke(true); } } } void ShowRoomView() { lobbyView.SetActive(false); roomView.SetActive(true); } void RefreshMatchList() { foreach (Transform child in matchList.transform) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } joinButton.interactable = false; foreach (MatchInfo matchInfo in openMatches.Values) { GameObject newMatch = Instantiate(matchPrefab,, Quaternion.identity); newMatch.transform.SetParent(matchList.transform, false); newMatch.GetComponent<MatchGUI>().SetMatchInfo(matchInfo); newMatch.GetComponent<Toggle>().group = toggleGroup; if (matchInfo.matchId == selectedMatch) { newMatch.GetComponent<Toggle>().isOn = true; } } } #endregion } }