using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace Mirror { [Serializable] public class UnityEventNetworkConnection : UnityEvent<NetworkConnectionToClient> {} /// <summary>Base class for implementing component-based authentication during the Connect phase</summary> [HelpURL("")] public abstract class NetworkAuthenticator : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary>Notify subscribers on the server when a client is authenticated</summary> [Header("Event Listeners (optional)")] [Tooltip("Mirror has an internal subscriber to this event. You can add your own here.")] public UnityEventNetworkConnection OnServerAuthenticated = new UnityEventNetworkConnection(); /// <summary>Notify subscribers on the client when the client is authenticated</summary> [Tooltip("Mirror has an internal subscriber to this event. You can add your own here.")] public UnityEvent OnClientAuthenticated = new UnityEvent(); /// <summary>Called when server starts, used to register message handlers if needed.</summary> public virtual void OnStartServer() {} /// <summary>Called when server stops, used to unregister message handlers if needed.</summary> public virtual void OnStopServer() {} /// <summary>Called on server from OnServerAuthenticateInternal when a client needs to authenticate</summary> public virtual void OnServerAuthenticate(NetworkConnectionToClient conn) {} protected void ServerAccept(NetworkConnectionToClient conn) { OnServerAuthenticated.Invoke(conn); } protected void ServerReject(NetworkConnectionToClient conn) { conn.Disconnect(); } /// <summary>Called when client starts, used to register message handlers if needed.</summary> public virtual void OnStartClient() {} /// <summary>Called when client stops, used to unregister message handlers if needed.</summary> public virtual void OnStopClient() {} /// <summary>Called on client from OnClientAuthenticateInternal when a client needs to authenticate</summary> public virtual void OnClientAuthenticate() {} protected void ClientAccept() { OnClientAuthenticated.Invoke(); } protected void ClientReject() { // Set this on the client for local reference NetworkClient.connection.isAuthenticated = false; // disconnect the client NetworkClient.connection.Disconnect(); } // Reset() instead of OnValidate(): // Any NetworkAuthenticator assigns itself to the NetworkManager, this is fine on first adding it, // but if someone intentionally sets Authenticator to null on the NetworkManager again then the // Authenticator will reassign itself if a value in the inspector is changed. // My change switches OnValidate to Reset since Reset is only called when the component is first // added (or reset is pressed). void Reset() { #if UNITY_EDITOR // automatically assign authenticator field if we add this to NetworkManager NetworkManager manager = GetComponent<NetworkManager>(); if (manager != null && manager.authenticator == null) { // undo has to be called before the change happens UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(manager, "Assigned NetworkManager authenticator"); manager.authenticator = this; } #endif } } }