// Grid2D from uMMORPG: get/set values of type T at any point
// -> not named 'Grid' because Unity already has a Grid type. causes warnings.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Mirror
    public class Grid2D<T>
        // the grid
        // note that we never remove old keys.
        // => over time, HashSet<T>s will be allocated for every possible
        //    grid position in the world
        // => Clear() doesn't clear them so we don't constantly reallocate the
        //    entries when populating the grid in every Update() call
        // => makes the code a lot easier too
        // => this is FINE because in the worst case, every grid position in the
        //    game world is filled with a player anyway!
        Dictionary<Vector2Int, HashSet<T>> grid = new Dictionary<Vector2Int, HashSet<T>>();

        // cache a 9 neighbor grid of vector2 offsets so we can use them more easily
        Vector2Int[] neighbourOffsets =
            Vector2Int.up + Vector2Int.left,
            Vector2Int.up + Vector2Int.right,
            Vector2Int.down + Vector2Int.left,
            Vector2Int.down + Vector2Int.right

        // helper function so we can add an entry without worrying
        public void Add(Vector2Int position, T value)
            // initialize set in grid if it's not in there yet
            if (!grid.TryGetValue(position, out HashSet<T> hashSet))
                hashSet = new HashSet<T>();
                grid[position] = hashSet;

            // add to it

        // helper function to get set at position without worrying
        // -> result is passed as parameter to avoid allocations
        // -> result is not cleared before. this allows us to pass the HashSet from
        //    GetWithNeighbours and avoid .UnionWith which is very expensive.
        void GetAt(Vector2Int position, HashSet<T> result)
            // return the set at position
            if (grid.TryGetValue(position, out HashSet<T> hashSet))
                foreach (T entry in hashSet)

        // helper function to get at position and it's 8 neighbors without worrying
        // -> result is passed as parameter to avoid allocations
        public void GetWithNeighbours(Vector2Int position, HashSet<T> result)
            // clear result first

            // add neighbours
            foreach (Vector2Int offset in neighbourOffsets)
                GetAt(position + offset, result);

        // clear: clears the whole grid
        // IMPORTANT: we already allocated HashSet<T>s and don't want to do
        //            reallocate every single update when we rebuild the grid.
        //            => so simply remove each position's entries, but keep
        //               every position in there
        //            => see 'grid' comments above!
        //            => named ClearNonAlloc to make it more obvious!
        public void ClearNonAlloc()
            foreach (HashSet<T> hashSet in grid.Values)