using UnityEngine;

namespace Mirror.Examples.MultipleAdditiveScenes
    public class Reward : NetworkBehaviour
        public bool available = true;
        public RandomColor randomColor;

        void OnValidate()
            if (randomColor == null)
                randomColor = GetComponent<RandomColor>();

        void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))

        // This is called from PlayerController.CmdClaimPrize which is invoked by PlayerController.OnControllerColliderHit
        // This only runs on the server
        public void ClaimPrize(GameObject player)
            if (available)
                // This is a fast switch to prevent two players claiming the prize in a bang-bang close contest for it.
                // First hit turns it off, pending the object being destroyed a few frames later.
                available = false;

                Color32 color = randomColor.color;

                // calculate the points from the color ... lighter scores higher as the average approaches 255
                // UnityEngine.Color RGB values are float fractions of 255
                uint points = (uint)(((color.r) + (color.g) + (color.b)) / 3);
                //Debug.Log($"Scored {points} points R:{color.r} G:{color.g} B:{color.b}");

                // award the points via SyncVar on the PlayerController
                player.GetComponent<PlayerScore>().score += points;

                // spawn a replacement

                // destroy this one