using UnityEngine; namespace Mirror.Examples.Pong { public class Ball : NetworkBehaviour { public float speed = 30; public Rigidbody2D rigidbody2d; public override void OnStartServer() { base.OnStartServer(); // only simulate ball physics on server rigidbody2d.simulated = true; // Serve the ball from left player rigidbody2d.velocity = Vector2.right * speed; } float HitFactor(Vector2 ballPos, Vector2 racketPos, float racketHeight) { // ascii art: // || 1 <- at the top of the racket // || // || 0 <- at the middle of the racket // || // || -1 <- at the bottom of the racket return (ballPos.y - racketPos.y) / racketHeight; } // only call this on server [ServerCallback] void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col) { // Note: 'col' holds the collision information. If the // Ball collided with a racket, then: // col.gameObject is the racket // col.transform.position is the racket's position // col.collider is the racket's collider // did we hit a racket? then we need to calculate the hit factor if (col.transform.GetComponent<Player>()) { // Calculate y direction via hit Factor float y = HitFactor(transform.position, col.transform.position, col.collider.bounds.size.y); // Calculate x direction via opposite collision float x = col.relativeVelocity.x > 0 ? 1 : -1; // Calculate direction, make length=1 via .normalized Vector2 dir = new Vector2(x, y).normalized; // Set Velocity with dir * speed rigidbody2d.velocity = dir * speed; } } } }