// snapshot interpolation algorithms only,
// independent from Unity/NetworkTransform/MonoBehaviour/Mirror/etc.
// the goal is to remove all the magic from it.
// => a standalone snapshot interpolation algorithm
// => that can be simulated with unit tests easily
// BOXING: in C#, uses <T> does not box! passing the interface would box!
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Mirror
    public static class SnapshotInterpolation
        // insert into snapshot buffer if newer than first entry
        // this should ALWAYS be used when inserting into a snapshot buffer!
        public static void InsertIfNewEnough<T>(T snapshot, SortedList<double, T> buffer)
            where T : Snapshot
            // we need to drop any snapshot which is older ('<=')
            // the snapshots we are already working with.
            double timestamp = snapshot.remoteTimestamp;

            // if size == 1, then only add snapshots that are newer.
            // for example, a snapshot before the first one might have been
            // lagging.
            if (buffer.Count == 1 &&
                timestamp <= buffer.Values[0].remoteTimestamp)

            // for size >= 2, we are already interpolating between the first two
            // so only add snapshots that are newer than the second entry.
            // aka the 'ACB' problem:
            //   if we have a snapshot A at t=0 and C at t=2,
            //   we start interpolating between them.
            //   if suddenly B at t=1 comes in unexpectely,
            //   we should NOT suddenly steer towards B.
            if (buffer.Count >= 2 &&
                timestamp <= buffer.Values[1].remoteTimestamp)

            // otherwise sort it into the list
            // an UDP messages might arrive twice sometimes.
            // SortedList throws if key already exists, so check.
            if (!buffer.ContainsKey(timestamp))
                buffer.Add(timestamp, snapshot);

        // helper function to check if we have 'bufferTime' worth of snapshots
        // to start.
        // glenn fiedler article:
        // "Now for the trick with snapshots. What we do is instead of
        //  immediately rendering snapshot data received is that we buffer
        //  snapshots for a short amount of time in an interpolation buffer.
        //  This interpolation buffer holds on to snapshots for a period of time
        //  such that you have not only the snapshot you want to render but also,
        //  statistically speaking, you are very likely to have the next snapshot
        //  as well."
        // => 'statistically' implies that we always wait for a fixed amount
        //    aka LOCAL TIME has passed.
        // => it does NOT imply to wait for a remoteTime span of bufferTime.
        //    that would not be 'statistically'. it would be 'exactly'.
        public static bool HasAmountOlderThan<T>(SortedList<double, T> buffer, double threshold, int amount)
            where T : Snapshot =>
                buffer.Count >= amount &&
                buffer.Values[amount - 1].localTimestamp <= threshold;

        // for convenience, hide the 'bufferTime worth of snapshots' check in an
        // easy to use function. this way we can have several conditions etc.
        public static bool HasEnough<T>(SortedList<double, T> buffer, double time, double bufferTime)
            where T : Snapshot =>
                // two snapshots with local time older than threshold?
                HasAmountOlderThan(buffer, time - bufferTime, 2);

        // sometimes we need to know if it's still safe to skip past the first
        // snapshot.
        public static bool HasEnoughWithoutFirst<T>(SortedList<double, T> buffer, double time, double bufferTime)
            where T : Snapshot =>
                // still two snapshots with local time older than threshold if
                // we remove the first one? (in other words, need three older)
                HasAmountOlderThan(buffer, time - bufferTime, 3);

        // calculate catchup.
        // the goal is to buffer 'bufferTime' snapshots.
        // for whatever reason, we might see growing buffers.
        // in which case we should speed up to avoid ever growing delay.
        // -> everything after 'threshold' is multiplied by 'multiplier'
        public static double CalculateCatchup<T>(SortedList<double, T> buffer, int catchupThreshold, double catchupMultiplier)
            where T : Snapshot
            // NOTE: we count ALL buffer entires > threshold as excess.
            //       not just the 'old enough' ones.
            //       if buffer keeps growing, we have to catch up no matter what.
            int excess = buffer.Count - catchupThreshold;
            return excess > 0 ? excess * catchupMultiplier : 0;

        // get first & second buffer entries and delta between them.
        // helper function because we use this several times.
        // => assumes at least two entries in buffer.
        public static void GetFirstSecondAndDelta<T>(SortedList<double, T> buffer, out T first, out T second, out double delta)
            where T : Snapshot
            // get first & second
            first = buffer.Values[0];
            second = buffer.Values[1];

            // delta between first & second is needed a lot
            delta = second.remoteTimestamp - first.remoteTimestamp;

        // the core snapshot interpolation algorithm.
        // for a given remoteTime, interpolationTime and buffer,
        // we tick the snapshot simulation once.
        // => it's the same one on server and client
        // => should be called every Update() depending on authority
        // time: LOCAL time since startup in seconds. like Unity's Time.time.
        // deltaTime: Time.deltaTime from Unity. parameter for easier tests.
        // interpolationTime: time in interpolation. moved along deltaTime.
        //                    between [0, delta] where delta is snapshot
        //                    B.timestamp - A.timestamp.
        //   IMPORTANT:
        //      => we use actual time instead of a relative
        //         t [0,1] because overshoot is easier to handle.
        //         if relative t overshoots but next snapshots are
        //         further apart than the current ones, it's not
        //         obvious how to calculate it.
        //      => for example, if t = 3 every time we skip we would have to
        //         make sure to adjust the subtracted value relative to the
        //         skipped delta. way too complex.
        //      => actual time can overshoot without problems.
        //         we know it's always by actual time.
        // bufferTime: time in seconds that we buffer snapshots.
        // buffer: our buffer of snapshots.
        //         Compute() assumes full integrity of the snapshots.
        //         for example, when interpolating between A=0 and C=2,
        //         make sure that you don't add B=1 between A and C if that
        //         snapshot arrived after we already started interpolating.
        //      => InsertIfNewEnough needs to protect against the 'ACB' problem
        // catchupThreshold: amount of buffer entries after which we start to
        //                   accelerate to catch up.
        //                   if 'bufferTime' is 'sendInterval * 3', then try
        //                   a value > 3 like 6.
        // catchupMultiplier: catchup by % per additional excess buffer entry
        //                    over the amount of 'catchupThreshold'.
        // Interpolate: interpolates one snapshot to another, returns the result
        //   T Interpolate(T from, T to, double t);
        //   => needs to be Func<T> instead of a function in the Snapshot
        //      interface because that would require boxing.
        //   => make sure to only allocate that function once.
        // returns
        //   'true' if it spit out a snapshot to apply.
        //   'false' means computation moved along, but nothing to apply.
        public static bool Compute<T>(
            double time,
            double deltaTime,
            ref double interpolationTime,
            double bufferTime,
            SortedList<double, T> buffer,
            int catchupThreshold,
            float catchupMultiplier,
            Func<T, T, double, T> Interpolate,
            out T computed)
                where T : Snapshot
            // we buffer snapshots for 'bufferTime'
            // for example:
            //   * we buffer for 3 x sendInterval = 300ms
            //   * the idea is to wait long enough so we at least have a few
            //     snapshots to interpolate between
            //   * we process anything older 100ms immediately
            // IMPORTANT: snapshot timestamps are _remote_ time
            // we need to interpolate and calculate buffer lifetimes based on it.
            // -> we don't know remote's current time
            // -> NetworkTime.time fluctuates too much, that's no good
            // -> we _could_ calculate an offset when the first snapshot arrives,
            //    but if there was high latency then we'll always calculate time
            //    with high latency
            // -> at any given time, we are interpolating from snapshot A to B
            // => seems like A.timestamp += deltaTime is a good way to do it

            computed = default;
            //Debug.Log($"{name} snapshotbuffer={buffer.Count}");

            // do we have enough buffered to start interpolating?
            if (!HasEnough(buffer, time, bufferTime))
                return false;

            // multiply deltaTime by catchup.
            // for example, assuming a catch up of 50%:
            // - deltaTime = 1s => 1.5s
            // - deltaTime = 0.1s => 0.15s
            // in other words, variations in deltaTime don't matter.
            // simply multiply. that's just how time works.
            // (50% catch up means 0.5, so we multiply by 1.5)
            // if '0' catchup then we multiply by '1', which changes nothing.
            // (faster branch prediction)
            double catchup = CalculateCatchup(buffer, catchupThreshold, catchupMultiplier);
            deltaTime *= (1 + catchup);

            // interpolationTime starts at 0 and we add deltaTime to move
            // along the interpolation.
            // ONLY while we have snapshots to interpolate.
            // otherwise we might increase it to infinity which would lead
            // to skipping the next snapshots entirely.
            // IMPORTANT: interpolationTime as actual time instead of
            // t [0,1] allows us to overshoot and subtract easily.
            // if t was [0,1], and we overshoot by 0.1, that's a
            // RELATIVE overshoot for the delta between B.time - A.time.
            // => if the next C.time - B.time is not the same delta,
            //    then the relative overshoot would speed up or slow
            //    down the interpolation! CAREFUL.
            // IMPORTANT: we NEVER add deltaTime to 'time'.
            //            'time' is already NOW. that's how Unity works.
            interpolationTime += deltaTime;

            // get first & second & delta
            GetFirstSecondAndDelta(buffer, out T first, out T second, out double delta);

            // reached goal and have more old enough snapshots in buffer?
            // then skip and move to next.
            // for example, if we have snapshots at t=1,2,3
            // and we are at interpolationTime = 2.5, then
            // we should skip the first one, subtract delta and interpolate
            // between 2,3 instead.
            // IMPORTANT: we only ever use old enough snapshots.
            //            if we wouldn't check for old enough, then we would
            //            move to the next one, interpolate a little bit,
            //            and then in next compute() wait again because it
            //            wasn't old enough yet.
            while (interpolationTime >= delta &&
                   HasEnoughWithoutFirst(buffer, time, bufferTime))
                // subtract exactly delta from interpolation time
                // instead of setting to '0', where we would lose the
                // overshoot part and see jitter again.
                // IMPORTANT: subtracting delta TIME works perfectly.
                //            subtracting '1' from a ratio of t [0,1] would
                //            leave the overshoot as relative between the
                //            next delta. if next delta is different, then
                //            overshoot would be bigger than planned and
                //            speed up the interpolation.
                interpolationTime -= delta;
                //Debug.LogWarning($"{name} overshot and is now at: {interpolationTime}");

                // remove first, get first, second & delta again after change.
                GetFirstSecondAndDelta(buffer, out first, out second, out delta);

                // NOTE: it's worth consider spitting out all snapshots
                // that we skipped, in case someone still wants to move
                // along them to avoid physics collisions.
                // * for NetworkTransform it's unnecessary as we always
                //   set transform.position, which can go anywhere.
                // * for CharacterController it's worth considering

            // interpolationTime is actual time, NOT a 't' ratio [0,1].
            // we need 't' between [0,1] relative.
            // InverseLerp calculates just that.
            // InverseLerp CLAMPS between [0,1] and DOES NOT extrapolate!
            // => we already skipped ahead as many as possible above.
            // => we do NOT extrapolate for the reasons below.
            // IMPORTANT:
            //   we should NOT extrapolate & predict while waiting for more
            //   snapshots as this would introduce a whole range of issues:
            //   * player might be extrapolated WAY out if we wait for long
            //   * player might be extrapolated behind walls
            //   * once we receive a new snapshot, we would interpolate
            //     not from the last valid position, but from the
            //     extrapolated position. this could be ANYWHERE. the
            //     player might get stuck in walls, etc.
            //   => we are NOT doing client side prediction & rollback here
            //   => we are simply interpolating with known, valid positions
            // SEE TEST: Compute_Step5_OvershootWithoutEnoughSnapshots_NeverExtrapolates()
            double t = Mathd.InverseLerp(first.remoteTimestamp, second.remoteTimestamp, first.remoteTimestamp + interpolationTime);
            //Debug.Log($"InverseLerp({first.remoteTimestamp:F2}, {second.remoteTimestamp:F2}, {first.remoteTimestamp} + {interpolationTime:F2}) = {t:F2} snapshotbuffer={buffer.Count}");

            // interpolate snapshot, return true to indicate we computed one
            computed = Interpolate(first, second, t);

            // interpolationTime:
            // overshooting is ONLY allowed for smooth transitions when
            // immediately moving to the NEXT snapshot afterwards.
            // if there is ANY break, for example:
            // * reached second snapshot and waiting for more
            // * reached second snapshot and next one isn't old enough yet
            // then we SHOULD NOT overshoot because:
            // * increasing interpolationTime by deltaTime while waiting
            //   would make it grow HUGE to 100+.
            // * once we have more snapshots, we would skip most of them
            //   instantly instead of actually interpolating through them.
            // in other words: cap time if we WOULDN'T have enough after removing
            if (!HasEnoughWithoutFirst(buffer, time, bufferTime))
                // interpolationTime is always from 0..delta.
                // so we cap it at delta.
                // DO NOT cap it at second.remoteTimestamp.
                // (that's why when interpolating the third parameter is
                //  first.time + interpolationTime)
                // => covered with test:
                //    Compute_Step5_OvershootWithEnoughSnapshots_NextIsntOldEnough()
                interpolationTime = Math.Min(interpolationTime, delta);

            return true;