using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Mirror { [AddComponentMenu("Network/ Interest Management/ Match/Match Interest Management")] public class MatchInterestManagement : InterestManagement { readonly Dictionary> matchObjects = new Dictionary>(); readonly Dictionary lastObjectMatch = new Dictionary(); readonly HashSet dirtyMatches = new HashSet(); public override void OnSpawned(NetworkIdentity identity) { if (!identity.TryGetComponent(out NetworkMatch networkMatch)) return; Guid currentMatch = networkMatch.matchId; lastObjectMatch[identity] = currentMatch; // Guid.Empty is never a valid not add to matchObjects collection if (currentMatch == Guid.Empty) return; // Debug.Log($"MatchInterestManagement.OnSpawned({}) currentMatch: {currentMatch}"); if (!matchObjects.TryGetValue(currentMatch, out HashSet objects)) { objects = new HashSet(); matchObjects.Add(currentMatch, objects); } objects.Add(identity); } public override void OnDestroyed(NetworkIdentity identity) { lastObjectMatch.TryGetValue(identity, out Guid currentMatch); lastObjectMatch.Remove(identity); if (currentMatch != Guid.Empty && matchObjects.TryGetValue(currentMatch, out HashSet objects) && objects.Remove(identity)) RebuildMatchObservers(currentMatch); } // internal so we can update from tests [ServerCallback] internal void Update() { // for each spawned: // if match changed: // add previous to dirty // add new to dirty foreach (NetworkIdentity netIdentity in NetworkServer.spawned.Values) { // Ignore objects that don't have a NetworkMatch component if (!netIdentity.TryGetComponent(out NetworkMatch networkMatch)) continue; Guid newMatch = networkMatch.matchId; lastObjectMatch.TryGetValue(netIdentity, out Guid currentMatch); // Guid.Empty is never a valid matchId // Nothing to do if matchId hasn't changed if (newMatch == Guid.Empty || newMatch == currentMatch) continue; // Mark new/old matches as dirty so they get rebuilt UpdateDirtyMatches(newMatch, currentMatch); // This object is in a new match so observers in the prior match // and the new match need to rebuild their respective observers lists. UpdateMatchObjects(netIdentity, newMatch, currentMatch); } // rebuild all dirty matchs foreach (Guid dirtyMatch in dirtyMatches) RebuildMatchObservers(dirtyMatch); dirtyMatches.Clear(); } void UpdateDirtyMatches(Guid newMatch, Guid currentMatch) { // Guid.Empty is never a valid matchId if (currentMatch != Guid.Empty) dirtyMatches.Add(currentMatch); dirtyMatches.Add(newMatch); } void UpdateMatchObjects(NetworkIdentity netIdentity, Guid newMatch, Guid currentMatch) { // Remove this object from the hashset of the match it just left // Guid.Empty is never a valid matchId if (currentMatch != Guid.Empty) matchObjects[currentMatch].Remove(netIdentity); // Set this to the new match this object just entered lastObjectMatch[netIdentity] = newMatch; // Make sure this new match is in the dictionary if (!matchObjects.ContainsKey(newMatch)) matchObjects.Add(newMatch, new HashSet()); // Add this object to the hashset of the new match matchObjects[newMatch].Add(netIdentity); } void RebuildMatchObservers(Guid matchId) { foreach (NetworkIdentity netIdentity in matchObjects[matchId]) if (netIdentity != null) NetworkServer.RebuildObservers(netIdentity, false); } public override bool OnCheckObserver(NetworkIdentity identity, NetworkConnectionToClient newObserver) { // Never observed if no NetworkMatch component if (!identity.TryGetComponent(out NetworkMatch identityNetworkMatch)) return false; // Guid.Empty is never a valid matchId if (identityNetworkMatch.matchId == Guid.Empty) return false; // Never observed if no NetworkMatch component if (!newObserver.identity.TryGetComponent(out NetworkMatch newObserverNetworkMatch)) return false; // Guid.Empty is never a valid matchId if (newObserverNetworkMatch.matchId == Guid.Empty) return false; return identityNetworkMatch.matchId == newObserverNetworkMatch.matchId; } public override void OnRebuildObservers(NetworkIdentity identity, HashSet newObservers) { if (!identity.TryGetComponent(out NetworkMatch networkMatch)) return; Guid matchId = networkMatch.matchId; // Guid.Empty is never a valid matchId if (matchId == Guid.Empty) return; if (!matchObjects.TryGetValue(matchId, out HashSet objects)) return; // Add everything in the hashset for this object's current match foreach (NetworkIdentity networkIdentity in objects) if (networkIdentity != null && networkIdentity.connectionToClient != null) newObservers.Add(networkIdentity.connectionToClient); } } }