using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using NUnit.Framework; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.TestTools; namespace Mirror.Tests.RemoteAttrributeTest { class AuthorityBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour { public event Action onSendInt; [Command] public void SendInt(int someInt) => onSendInt?.Invoke(someInt); } class IgnoreAuthorityBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour { public event Action onSendInt; [Command(requiresAuthority = false)] public void CmdSendInt(int someInt) => onSendInt?.Invoke(someInt); } class SenderConnectionBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour { public event Action onSendInt; [Command] public void CmdSendInt(int someInt, NetworkConnectionToClient conn = null) => onSendInt?.Invoke(someInt, conn); } class SenderConnectionIgnoreAuthorityBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour { public event Action onSendInt; [Command(requiresAuthority = false)] public void CmdSendInt(int someInt, NetworkConnectionToClient conn = null) => onSendInt?.Invoke(someInt, conn); } class ThrowBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour { public const string ErrorMessage = "Bad things happened"; [Command] public void SendThrow(int _) => throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } class CommandOverloads : NetworkBehaviour { public int firstCalled = 0; public int secondCalled = 0; [Command] public void TheCommand(int _) => ++firstCalled; [Command] public void TheCommand(string _) => ++secondCalled; } public class CommandTest : MirrorTest { NetworkConnectionToClient connectionToClient; [SetUp] public override void SetUp() { base.SetUp(); // start server/client NetworkServer.Listen(1); ConnectClientBlockingAuthenticatedAndReady(out connectionToClient); } [TearDown] public override void TearDown() => base.TearDown(); [Test] public void CommandIsSentWithAuthority() { // spawn with owner CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out AuthorityBehaviour serverComponent, out _, out _, out AuthorityBehaviour clientComponent, connectionToClient); const int someInt = 20; int callCount = 0; serverComponent.onSendInt += incomingInt => { callCount++; Assert.That(incomingInt, Is.EqualTo(someInt)); }; clientComponent.SendInt(someInt); ProcessMessages(); Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(1)); } [Test] public void WarningForCommandSentWithoutAuthority() { // spawn without owner CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out AuthorityBehaviour serverComponent, out _, out _, out AuthorityBehaviour clientComponent); const int someInt = 20; int callCount = 0; serverComponent.onSendInt += incomingInt => { callCount++; }; LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Warning, $"Trying to send command for object without authority. System.Void Mirror.Tests.RemoteAttrributeTest.AuthorityBehaviour::SendInt(System.Int32)"); clientComponent.SendInt(someInt); ProcessMessages(); Assert.That(callCount, Is.Zero); } [Test] public void CommandIsSentWithAuthorityWhenIgnoringAuthority() { // spawn with owner CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out IgnoreAuthorityBehaviour serverComponent, out _, out _, out IgnoreAuthorityBehaviour clientComponent, connectionToClient); const int someInt = 20; int callCount = 0; serverComponent.onSendInt += incomingInt => { callCount++; Assert.That(incomingInt, Is.EqualTo(someInt)); }; clientComponent.CmdSendInt(someInt); ProcessMessages(); Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(1)); } [Test] public void CommandIsSentWithoutAuthorityWhenIgnoringAuthority() { // spawn without owner CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out IgnoreAuthorityBehaviour serverComponent, out _, out _, out IgnoreAuthorityBehaviour clientComponent); const int someInt = 20; int callCount = 0; serverComponent.onSendInt += incomingInt => { callCount++; Assert.That(incomingInt, Is.EqualTo(someInt)); }; clientComponent.CmdSendInt(someInt); ProcessMessages(); Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(1)); } [Test] public void SenderConnectionIsSetWhenCommandIsRecieved() { // spawn with owner CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out SenderConnectionBehaviour serverComponent, out _, out _, out SenderConnectionBehaviour clientComponent, connectionToClient); const int someInt = 20; int callCount = 0; serverComponent.onSendInt += (incomingInt, incomingConn) => { callCount++; Assert.That(incomingInt, Is.EqualTo(someInt)); Assert.That(incomingConn, Is.EqualTo(connectionToClient)); }; clientComponent.CmdSendInt(someInt); ProcessMessages(); Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(1)); } [Test] public void SenderConnectionIsSetWhenCommandIsRecievedWithIgnoreAuthority() { // spawn without owner CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out SenderConnectionIgnoreAuthorityBehaviour serverComponent, out _, out _, out SenderConnectionIgnoreAuthorityBehaviour clientComponent); const int someInt = 20; int callCount = 0; serverComponent.onSendInt += (incomingInt, incomingConn) => { callCount++; Assert.That(incomingInt, Is.EqualTo(someInt)); Assert.That(incomingConn, Is.EqualTo(connectionToClient)); }; clientComponent.CmdSendInt(someInt); ProcessMessages(); Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(1)); } [Test] public void CommandThatThrowsShouldBeCaught() { // spawn with owner CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out ThrowBehaviour serverComponent, out _, out _, out ThrowBehaviour clientComponent, connectionToClient); const int someInt = 20; LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, new Regex($".*{ThrowBehaviour.ErrorMessage}.*")); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { clientComponent.SendThrow(someInt); ProcessMessages(); }, "Processing new message should not throw, the exception from SendThrow should be caught"); } // RemoteCalls uses md.FullName which gives us the full command/rpc name // like "System.Void Mirror.Tests.RemoteAttrributeTest.AuthorityBehaviour::SendInt(System.Int32)" // which means overloads with same name but different types should work. [Test] public void CommandOverloads() { // spawn with owner CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out CommandOverloads serverComponent, out _, out _, out CommandOverloads clientComponent, connectionToClient); // call both overloads once clientComponent.TheCommand(42); clientComponent.TheCommand("A"); ProcessMessages(); Assert.That(serverComponent.firstCalled, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(serverComponent.secondCalled, Is.EqualTo(1)); } } // need host mode for this one test public class CommandTest_HostMode : MirrorTest { [SetUp] public override void SetUp() { base.SetUp(); // start server/client NetworkServer.Listen(1); ConnectHostClientBlockingAuthenticatedAndReady(); } [TearDown] public override void TearDown() => base.TearDown(); // test to prevent // from happening again in the future // -> [Command]s can be called on other objects with requiresAuthority=false. // -> those objects don't have a .connectionToServer // -> we broke it when using .connectionToServer instead of // NetworkClient.connection in SendCommandInternal. [Test] public void Command_RequiresAuthorityFalse_ForOtherObjectWithoutConnectionToServer() { // spawn without owner (= without connectionToClient) CreateNetworkedAndSpawn(out _, out _, out IgnoreAuthorityBehaviour comp); // setup callback int called = 0; comp.onSendInt += _ => { ++called; }; // call command. don't require authority. // the object doesn't have a .connectionToServer (like a scene object) Assert.That(comp.connectionToServer, Is.Null); comp.CmdSendInt(0); Assert.That(called, Is.EqualTo(1)); } } }