using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Mirror.RemoteCalls;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Mirror
    public enum ConnectState
        // connecting between Connect() and OnTransportConnected()
        // disconnecting between Disconnect() and OnTransportDisconnected()

    /// <summary>NetworkClient with connection to server.</summary>
    public static class NetworkClient
        // message handlers by messageId
        internal static readonly Dictionary<ushort, NetworkMessageDelegate> handlers =
            new Dictionary<ushort, NetworkMessageDelegate>();

        /// <summary>All spawned NetworkIdentities by netId.</summary>
        // client sees OBSERVED spawned ones.
        public static readonly Dictionary<uint, NetworkIdentity> spawned =
            new Dictionary<uint, NetworkIdentity>();

        /// <summary>Client's NetworkConnection to server.</summary>
        public static NetworkConnection connection { get; internal set; }

        /// <summary>True if client is ready (= joined world).</summary>
        // TODO redundant state. point it to .connection.isReady instead (& test)
        // TODO OR remove NetworkConnection.isReady? unless it's used on server
        // TODO maybe ClientState.Connected/Ready/AddedPlayer/etc.?
        //      way better for security if we can check states in callbacks
        public static bool ready;

        /// <summary>NetworkIdentity of the localPlayer </summary>
        public static NetworkIdentity localPlayer { get; internal set; }

        // NetworkClient state
        internal static ConnectState connectState = ConnectState.None;

        /// <summary>IP address of the connection to server.</summary>
        // empty if the client has not connected yet.
        public static string serverIp => connection.address;

        /// <summary>active is true while a client is connecting/connected</summary>
        // (= while the network is active)
        public static bool active => connectState == ConnectState.Connecting ||
                                     connectState == ConnectState.Connected;

        /// <summary>Check if client is connecting (before connected).</summary>
        public static bool isConnecting => connectState == ConnectState.Connecting;

        /// <summary>Check if client is connected (after connecting).</summary>
        public static bool isConnected => connectState == ConnectState.Connected;

        /// <summary>True if client is running in host mode.</summary>
        public static bool isHostClient => connection is LocalConnectionToServer;

        // OnConnected / OnDisconnected used to be NetworkMessages that were
        // invoked. this introduced a bug where external clients could send
        // Connected/Disconnected messages over the network causing undefined
        // behaviour.
        // => public so that custom NetworkManagers can hook into it
        public static Action OnConnectedEvent;
        public static Action OnDisconnectedEvent;
        public static Action<Exception> OnErrorEvent;

        /// <summary>Registered spawnable prefabs by assetId.</summary>
        public static readonly Dictionary<Guid, GameObject> prefabs =
            new Dictionary<Guid, GameObject>();

        // spawn handlers
        internal static readonly Dictionary<Guid, SpawnHandlerDelegate> spawnHandlers =
            new Dictionary<Guid, SpawnHandlerDelegate>();
        internal static readonly Dictionary<Guid, UnSpawnDelegate> unspawnHandlers =
            new Dictionary<Guid, UnSpawnDelegate>();

        // spawning
        // internal for tests
        internal static bool isSpawnFinished;

        // Disabled scene objects that can be spawned again, by sceneId.
        internal static readonly Dictionary<ulong, NetworkIdentity> spawnableObjects =
            new Dictionary<ulong, NetworkIdentity>();

        static Unbatcher unbatcher = new Unbatcher();

        // interest management component (optional)
        // only needed for SetHostVisibility
        public static InterestManagement aoi;

        // scene loading
        public static bool isLoadingScene;

        // initialization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        static void AddTransportHandlers()
            Transport.activeTransport.OnClientConnected = OnTransportConnected;
            Transport.activeTransport.OnClientDataReceived = OnTransportData;
            Transport.activeTransport.OnClientDisconnected = OnTransportDisconnected;
            Transport.activeTransport.OnClientError = OnError;

        internal static void RegisterSystemHandlers(bool hostMode)
            // host mode client / remote client react to some messages differently.
            // but we still need to add handlers for all of them to avoid
            // 'message id not found' errors.
            if (hostMode)
                RegisterHandler<NetworkPongMessage>(_ => {}, false);
                // host mode doesn't need spawning
                RegisterHandler<ObjectSpawnStartedMessage>(_ => {});
                // host mode doesn't need spawning
                RegisterHandler<ObjectSpawnFinishedMessage>(_ => {});
                // host mode doesn't need state updates
                RegisterHandler<EntityStateMessage>(_ => {});
                RegisterHandler<NetworkPongMessage>(NetworkTime.OnClientPong, false);

            // These handlers are the same for host and remote clients

        // connect /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// <summary>Connect client to a NetworkServer by address.</summary>
        public static void Connect(string address)
            // Debug.Log($"Client Connect: {address}");
            Debug.Assert(Transport.activeTransport != null, "There was no active transport when calling NetworkClient.Connect, If you are calling Connect manually then make sure to set 'Transport.activeTransport' first");

            Transport.activeTransport.enabled = true;

            connectState = ConnectState.Connecting;

            connection = new NetworkConnectionToServer();

        /// <summary>Connect client to a NetworkServer by Uri.</summary>
        public static void Connect(Uri uri)
            // Debug.Log($"Client Connect: {uri}");
            Debug.Assert(Transport.activeTransport != null, "There was no active transport when calling NetworkClient.Connect, If you are calling Connect manually then make sure to set 'Transport.activeTransport' first");

            Transport.activeTransport.enabled = true;

            connectState = ConnectState.Connecting;

            connection = new NetworkConnectionToServer();

        // TODO why are there two connect host methods?
        // called from NetworkManager.FinishStartHost()
        public static void ConnectHost()
            //Debug.Log("Client Connect Host to Server");


            connectState = ConnectState.Connected;

            // create local connection objects and connect them
            LocalConnectionToServer connectionToServer = new LocalConnectionToServer();
            LocalConnectionToClient connectionToClient = new LocalConnectionToClient();
            connectionToServer.connectionToClient = connectionToClient;
            connectionToClient.connectionToServer = connectionToServer;

            connection = connectionToServer;

            // create server connection to local client

        /// <summary>Connect host mode</summary>
        // called from NetworkManager.StartHostClient
        // TODO why are there two connect host methods?
        public static void ConnectLocalServer()
            // call server OnConnected with server's connection to client

            // call client OnConnected with client's connection to server
            // => previously we used to send a ConnectMessage to
            //    NetworkServer.localConnection. this would queue the message
            //    until NetworkClient.Update processes it.
            // => invoking the client's OnConnected event directly here makes
            //    tests fail. so let's do it exactly the same order as before by
            //    queueing the event for next Update!

        // disconnect //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// <summary>Disconnect from server.</summary>
        public static void Disconnect()
            // only if connected or connecting.
            // don't disconnect() again if already in the process of
            // disconnecting or fully disconnected.
            if (connectState != ConnectState.Connecting &&
                connectState != ConnectState.Connected)

            // we are disconnecting until OnTransportDisconnected is called.
            // setting state to Disconnected would stop OnTransportDisconnected
            // from calling cleanup code because it would think we are already
            // disconnected fully.
            // TODO move to 'cleanup' code below if safe
            connectState = ConnectState.Disconnecting;
            ready = false;

            // call Disconnect on the NetworkConnection

            // IMPORTANT: do NOT clear connection here yet.
            // we still need it in OnTransportDisconnected for callbacks.
            // connection = null;

        // transport events ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // called by Transport
        static void OnTransportConnected()
            if (connection != null)
                // reset network time stats

                // reset unbatcher in case any batches from last session remain.
                unbatcher = new Unbatcher();

                // the handler may want to send messages to the client
                // thus we should set the connected state before calling the handler
                connectState = ConnectState.Connected;
            else Debug.LogError("Skipped Connect message handling because connection is null.");

        // helper function
        static bool UnpackAndInvoke(NetworkReader reader, int channelId)
            if (MessagePacking.Unpack(reader, out ushort msgType))
                // try to invoke the handler for that message
                if (handlers.TryGetValue(msgType, out NetworkMessageDelegate handler))
                    handler.Invoke(connection, reader, channelId);

                    // message handler may disconnect client, making connection = null
                    // therefore must check for null to avoid NRE.
                    if (connection != null)
                        connection.lastMessageTime = Time.time;

                    return true;
                    // message in a batch are NOT length prefixed to save bandwidth.
                    // every message needs to be handled and read until the end.
                    // otherwise it would overlap into the next message.
                    // => need to warn and disconnect to avoid undefined behaviour.
                    // => WARNING, not error. can happen if attacker sends random data.
                    Debug.LogWarning($"Unknown message id: {msgType}. This can happen if no handler was registered for this message.");
                    // simply return false. caller is responsible for disconnecting.
                    return false;
                // => WARNING, not error. can happen if attacker sends random data.
                Debug.LogWarning("Invalid message header.");
                // simply return false. caller is responsible for disconnecting.
                return false;

        // called by Transport
        internal static void OnTransportData(ArraySegment<byte> data, int channelId)
            if (connection != null)
                // server might batch multiple messages into one packet.
                // feed it to the Unbatcher.
                // NOTE: we don't need to associate a channelId because we
                //       always process all messages in the batch.
                if (!unbatcher.AddBatch(data))
                    Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkClient: failed to add batch, disconnecting.");

                // process all messages in the batch.
                // only while NOT loading a scene.
                // if we get a scene change message, then we need to stop
                // processing. otherwise we might apply them to the old scene.
                // => fixes
                // NOTE: is scene starts loading, then the rest of the batch
                //       would only be processed when OnTransportData is called
                //       the next time.
                //       => consider moving processing to NetworkEarlyUpdate.
                while (!isLoadingScene &&
                       unbatcher.GetNextMessage(out NetworkReader reader, out double remoteTimestamp))
                    // enough to read at least header size?
                    if (reader.Remaining >= MessagePacking.HeaderSize)
                        // make remoteTimeStamp available to the user
                        connection.remoteTimeStamp = remoteTimestamp;

                        // handle message
                        if (!UnpackAndInvoke(reader, channelId))
                            // warn, disconnect and return if failed
                            // -> warning because attackers might send random data
                            // -> messages in a batch aren't length prefixed.
                            //    failing to read one would cause undefined
                            //    behaviour for every message afterwards.
                            //    so we need to disconnect.
                            // -> return to avoid the below unbatches.count error.
                            //    we already disconnected and handled it.
                            Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkClient: failed to unpack and invoke message. Disconnecting.");
                    // otherwise disconnect
                        // WARNING, not error. can happen if attacker sends random data.
                        Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkClient: received Message was too short (messages should start with message id)");

                // if we weren't interrupted by a scene change,
                // then all batched messages should have been processed now.
                // if not, we need to log an error to avoid debugging hell.
                // otherwise batches would silently grow.
                // we need to log an error to avoid debugging hell.
                // EXAMPLE:
                // -> UnpackAndInvoke silently returned because no handler for id
                // -> Reader would never be read past the end
                // -> Batch would never be retired because end is never reached
                // NOTE: prefixing every message in a batch with a length would
                //       avoid ever not reading to the end. for extra bandwidth.
                // IMPORTANT: always keep this check to detect memory leaks.
                //            this took half a day to debug last time.
                if (!isLoadingScene && unbatcher.BatchesCount > 0)
                    Debug.LogError($"Still had {unbatcher.BatchesCount} batches remaining after processing, even though processing was not interrupted by a scene change. This should never happen, as it would cause ever growing batches.\nPossible reasons:\n* A message didn't deserialize as much as it serialized\n*There was no message handler for a message id, so the reader wasn't read until the end.");
            else Debug.LogError("Skipped Data message handling because connection is null.");

        // called by Transport
        // IMPORTANT: often times when disconnecting, we call this from Mirror
        //            too because we want to remove the connection and handle
        //            the disconnect immediately.
        //            => which is fine as long as we guarantee it only runs once
        //            => which we do by setting the state to Disconnected!
        internal static void OnTransportDisconnected()
            // StopClient called from user code triggers Disconnected event
            // from transport which calls StopClient again, so check here
            // and short circuit running the Shutdown process twice.
            if (connectState == ConnectState.Disconnected) return;

            // Raise the event before changing ConnectState
            // because 'active' depends on this during shutdown
            if (connection != null) OnDisconnectedEvent?.Invoke();

            connectState = ConnectState.Disconnected;
            ready = false;

            // now that everything was handled, clear the connection.
            // previously this was done in Disconnect() already, but we still
            // need it for the above OnDisconnectedEvent.
            connection = null;

        static void OnError(Exception exception)

        // send ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// <summary>Send a NetworkMessage to the server over the given channel.</summary>
        public static void Send<T>(T message, int channelId = Channels.Reliable)
            where T : struct, NetworkMessage
            if (connection != null)
                if (connectState == ConnectState.Connected)
                    connection.Send(message, channelId);
                else Debug.LogError("NetworkClient Send when not connected to a server");
            else Debug.LogError("NetworkClient Send with no connection");

        // message handlers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// <summary>Register a handler for a message type T. Most should require authentication.</summary>
        public static void RegisterHandler<T>(Action<T> handler, bool requireAuthentication = true)
            where T : struct, NetworkMessage
            ushort msgType = MessagePacking.GetId<T>();
            if (handlers.ContainsKey(msgType))
                Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkClient.RegisterHandler replacing handler for {typeof(T).FullName}, id={msgType}. If replacement is intentional, use ReplaceHandler instead to avoid this warning.");
            // we use the same WrapHandler function for server and client.
            // so let's wrap it to ignore the NetworkConnection parameter.
            // it's not needed on client. it's always NetworkClient.connection.
            void HandlerWrapped(NetworkConnection _, T value) => handler(value);
            handlers[msgType] = MessagePacking.WrapHandler((Action<NetworkConnection, T>) HandlerWrapped, requireAuthentication);

        /// <summary>Replace a handler for a particular message type. Should require authentication by default.</summary>
        // RegisterHandler throws a warning (as it should) if a handler is assigned twice
        // Use of ReplaceHandler makes it clear the user intended to replace the handler
        public static void ReplaceHandler<T>(Action<NetworkConnection, T> handler, bool requireAuthentication = true)
            where T : struct, NetworkMessage
            ushort msgType = MessagePacking.GetId<T>();
            handlers[msgType] = MessagePacking.WrapHandler(handler, requireAuthentication);

        /// <summary>Replace a handler for a particular message type. Should require authentication by default.</summary>
        // RegisterHandler throws a warning (as it should) if a handler is assigned twice
        // Use of ReplaceHandler makes it clear the user intended to replace the handler
        public static void ReplaceHandler<T>(Action<T> handler, bool requireAuthentication = true)
            where T : struct, NetworkMessage
            ReplaceHandler((NetworkConnection _, T value) => { handler(value); }, requireAuthentication);

        /// <summary>Unregister a message handler of type T.</summary>
        public static bool UnregisterHandler<T>()
            where T : struct, NetworkMessage
            // use int to minimize collisions
            ushort msgType = MessagePacking.GetId<T>();
            return handlers.Remove(msgType);

        // spawnable prefabs ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// <summary>Find the registered prefab for this asset id.</summary>
        // Useful for debuggers
        public static bool GetPrefab(Guid assetId, out GameObject prefab)
            prefab = null;
            return assetId != Guid.Empty &&
                   prefabs.TryGetValue(assetId, out prefab) && prefab != null;

        /// <summary>Validates Prefab then adds it to prefabs dictionary.</summary>
        static void RegisterPrefabIdentity(NetworkIdentity prefab)
            if (prefab.assetId == Guid.Empty)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register '{}' because it had empty assetid. If this is a scene Object use RegisterSpawnHandler instead");

            if (prefab.sceneId != 0)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register '{}' because it has a sceneId, make sure you are passing in the original prefab and not an instance in the scene.");

            NetworkIdentity[] identities = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<NetworkIdentity>();
            if (identities.Length > 1)
                Debug.LogError($"Prefab '{}' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There should only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.");

            if (prefabs.ContainsKey(prefab.assetId))
                GameObject existingPrefab = prefabs[prefab.assetId];
                Debug.LogWarning($"Replacing existing prefab with assetId '{prefab.assetId}'. Old prefab '{}', New prefab '{}'");

            if (spawnHandlers.ContainsKey(prefab.assetId) || unspawnHandlers.ContainsKey(prefab.assetId))
                Debug.LogWarning($"Adding prefab '{}' with assetId '{prefab.assetId}' when spawnHandlers with same assetId already exists.");

            // Debug.Log($"Registering prefab '{}' as asset:{prefab.assetId}");

            prefabs[prefab.assetId] = prefab.gameObject;

        /// <summary>Register spawnable prefab with custom assetId.</summary>
        // Note: newAssetId can not be set on GameObjects that already have an assetId
        // Note: registering with assetId is useful for assetbundles etc. a lot
        //       of people use this.
        public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, Guid newAssetId)
            if (prefab == null)
                Debug.LogError("Could not register prefab because it was null");

            if (newAssetId == Guid.Empty)
                Debug.LogError($"Could not register '{}' with new assetId because the new assetId was empty");

            NetworkIdentity identity = prefab.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
            if (identity == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Could not register '{}' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component");

            if (identity.assetId != Guid.Empty && identity.assetId != newAssetId)
                Debug.LogError($"Could not register '{}' to {newAssetId} because it already had an AssetId, Existing assetId {identity.assetId}");

            identity.assetId = newAssetId;


        /// <summary>Register spawnable prefab.</summary>
        public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab)
            if (prefab == null)
                Debug.LogError("Could not register prefab because it was null");

            NetworkIdentity identity = prefab.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
            if (identity == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Could not register '{}' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component");


        /// <summary>Register a spawnable prefab with custom assetId and custom spawn/unspawn handlers.</summary>
        // Note: newAssetId can not be set on GameObjects that already have an assetId
        // Note: registering with assetId is useful for assetbundles etc. a lot
        //       of people use this.
        // TODO why do we have one with SpawnDelegate and one with SpawnHandlerDelegate?
        public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, Guid newAssetId, SpawnDelegate spawnHandler, UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler)
            // We need this check here because we don't want a null handler in the lambda expression below
            if (spawnHandler == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register null SpawnHandler for {newAssetId}");

            RegisterPrefab(prefab, newAssetId, msg => spawnHandler(msg.position, msg.assetId), unspawnHandler);

        /// <summary>Register a spawnable prefab with custom spawn/unspawn handlers.</summary>
        // TODO why do we have one with SpawnDelegate and one with SpawnHandlerDelegate?
        public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, SpawnDelegate spawnHandler, UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler)
            if (prefab == null)
                Debug.LogError("Could not register handler for prefab because the prefab was null");

            NetworkIdentity identity = prefab.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
            if (identity == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Could not register handler for '{}' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component");

            if (identity.sceneId != 0)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register '{}' because it has a sceneId, make sure you are passing in the original prefab and not an instance in the scene.");

            Guid assetId = identity.assetId;

            if (assetId == Guid.Empty)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register handler for '{}' because it had empty assetid. If this is a scene Object use RegisterSpawnHandler instead");

            // We need this check here because we don't want a null handler in the lambda expression below
            if (spawnHandler == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register null SpawnHandler for {assetId}");

            RegisterPrefab(prefab, msg => spawnHandler(msg.position, msg.assetId), unspawnHandler);

        /// <summary>Register a spawnable prefab with custom assetId and custom spawn/unspawn handlers.</summary>
        // Note: newAssetId can not be set on GameObjects that already have an assetId
        // Note: registering with assetId is useful for assetbundles etc. a lot
        //       of people use this.
        // TODO why do we have one with SpawnDelegate and one with SpawnHandlerDelegate?
        public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, Guid newAssetId, SpawnHandlerDelegate spawnHandler, UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler)
            if (newAssetId == Guid.Empty)
                Debug.LogError($"Could not register handler for '{}' with new assetId because the new assetId was empty");

            if (prefab == null)
                Debug.LogError("Could not register handler for prefab because the prefab was null");

            NetworkIdentity identity = prefab.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
            if (identity == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Could not register handler for '{}' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component");

            if (identity.assetId != Guid.Empty && identity.assetId != newAssetId)
                Debug.LogError($"Could not register Handler for '{}' to {newAssetId} because it already had an AssetId, Existing assetId {identity.assetId}");

            if (identity.sceneId != 0)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register '{}' because it has a sceneId, make sure you are passing in the original prefab and not an instance in the scene.");

            identity.assetId = newAssetId;
            Guid assetId = identity.assetId;

            if (spawnHandler == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register null SpawnHandler for {assetId}");

            if (unspawnHandler == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register null UnSpawnHandler for {assetId}");

            if (spawnHandlers.ContainsKey(assetId) || unspawnHandlers.ContainsKey(assetId))
                Debug.LogWarning($"Replacing existing spawnHandlers for prefab '{}' with assetId '{assetId}'");

            if (prefabs.ContainsKey(assetId))
                // this is error because SpawnPrefab checks prefabs before handler
                Debug.LogError($"assetId '{assetId}' is already used by prefab '{prefabs[assetId].name}', unregister the prefab first before trying to add handler");

            NetworkIdentity[] identities = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<NetworkIdentity>();
            if (identities.Length > 1)
                Debug.LogError($"Prefab '{}' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There should only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.");

            //Debug.Log($"Registering custom prefab {} as asset:{assetId} {spawnHandler.GetMethodName()}/{unspawnHandler.GetMethodName()}");

            spawnHandlers[assetId] = spawnHandler;
            unspawnHandlers[assetId] = unspawnHandler;

        /// <summary>Register a spawnable prefab with custom spawn/unspawn handlers.</summary>
        // TODO why do we have one with SpawnDelegate and one with SpawnHandlerDelegate?
        public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, SpawnHandlerDelegate spawnHandler, UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler)
            if (prefab == null)
                Debug.LogError("Could not register handler for prefab because the prefab was null");

            NetworkIdentity identity = prefab.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
            if (identity == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Could not register handler for '{}' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component");

            if (identity.sceneId != 0)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register '{}' because it has a sceneId, make sure you are passing in the original prefab and not an instance in the scene.");

            Guid assetId = identity.assetId;

            if (assetId == Guid.Empty)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register handler for '{}' because it had empty assetid. If this is a scene Object use RegisterSpawnHandler instead");

            if (spawnHandler == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register null SpawnHandler for {assetId}");

            if (unspawnHandler == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register null UnSpawnHandler for {assetId}");

            if (spawnHandlers.ContainsKey(assetId) || unspawnHandlers.ContainsKey(assetId))
                Debug.LogWarning($"Replacing existing spawnHandlers for prefab '{}' with assetId '{assetId}'");

            if (prefabs.ContainsKey(assetId))
                // this is error because SpawnPrefab checks prefabs before handler
                Debug.LogError($"assetId '{assetId}' is already used by prefab '{prefabs[assetId].name}', unregister the prefab first before trying to add handler");

            NetworkIdentity[] identities = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<NetworkIdentity>();
            if (identities.Length > 1)
                Debug.LogError($"Prefab '{}' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There should only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.");

            //Debug.Log($"Registering custom prefab {} as asset:{assetId} {spawnHandler.GetMethodName()}/{unspawnHandler.GetMethodName()}");

            spawnHandlers[assetId] = spawnHandler;
            unspawnHandlers[assetId] = unspawnHandler;

        /// <summary>Removes a registered spawn prefab that was setup with NetworkClient.RegisterPrefab.</summary>
        public static void UnregisterPrefab(GameObject prefab)
            if (prefab == null)
                Debug.LogError("Could not unregister prefab because it was null");

            NetworkIdentity identity = prefab.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
            if (identity == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Could not unregister '{}' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component");

            Guid assetId = identity.assetId;


        // spawn handlers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// <summary>This is an advanced spawning function that registers a custom assetId with the spawning system.</summary>
        // This can be used to register custom spawning methods for an assetId -
        // instead of the usual method of registering spawning methods for a
        // prefab. This should be used when no prefab exists for the spawned
        // objects - such as when they are constructed dynamically at runtime
        // from configuration data.
        public static void RegisterSpawnHandler(Guid assetId, SpawnDelegate spawnHandler, UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler)
            // We need this check here because we don't want a null handler in the lambda expression below
            if (spawnHandler == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register null SpawnHandler for {assetId}");

            RegisterSpawnHandler(assetId, msg => spawnHandler(msg.position, msg.assetId), unspawnHandler);

        /// <summary>This is an advanced spawning function that registers a custom assetId with the spawning system.</summary>
        // This can be used to register custom spawning methods for an assetId -
        // instead of the usual method of registering spawning methods for a
        // prefab. This should be used when no prefab exists for the spawned
        // objects - such as when they are constructed dynamically at runtime
        // from configuration data.
        public static void RegisterSpawnHandler(Guid assetId, SpawnHandlerDelegate spawnHandler, UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler)
            if (spawnHandler == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register null SpawnHandler for {assetId}");

            if (unspawnHandler == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Can not Register null UnSpawnHandler for {assetId}");

            if (assetId == Guid.Empty)
                Debug.LogError("Can not Register SpawnHandler for empty Guid");

            if (spawnHandlers.ContainsKey(assetId) || unspawnHandlers.ContainsKey(assetId))
                Debug.LogWarning($"Replacing existing spawnHandlers for {assetId}");

            if (prefabs.ContainsKey(assetId))
                // this is error because SpawnPrefab checks prefabs before handler
                Debug.LogError($"assetId '{assetId}' is already used by prefab '{prefabs[assetId].name}'");

            // Debug.Log("RegisterSpawnHandler asset {assetId} {spawnHandler.GetMethodName()}/{unspawnHandler.GetMethodName()}");

            spawnHandlers[assetId] = spawnHandler;
            unspawnHandlers[assetId] = unspawnHandler;

        /// <summary> Removes a registered spawn handler function that was registered with NetworkClient.RegisterHandler().</summary>
        public static void UnregisterSpawnHandler(Guid assetId)

        /// <summary>This clears the registered spawn prefabs and spawn handler functions for this client.</summary>
        public static void ClearSpawners()

        internal static bool InvokeUnSpawnHandler(Guid assetId, GameObject obj)
            if (unspawnHandlers.TryGetValue(assetId, out UnSpawnDelegate handler) && handler != null)
                return true;
            return false;

        // ready ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// <summary>Sends Ready message to server, indicating that we loaded the scene, ready to enter the game.</summary>
        // This could be for example when a client enters an ongoing game and
        // has finished loading the current scene. The server should respond to
        // the SYSTEM_READY event with an appropriate handler which instantiates
        // the players object for example.
        public static bool Ready()
            // Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.Ready() called with connection {conn}");
            if (ready)
                Debug.LogError("NetworkClient is already ready. It shouldn't be called twice.");
                return false;

            // need a valid connection to become ready
            if (connection == null)
                Debug.LogError("Ready() called with invalid connection object: conn=null");
                return false;

            // Set these before sending the ReadyMessage, otherwise host client
            // will fail in InternalAddPlayer with null readyConnection.
            // TODO this is redundant. have one source of truth for .ready
            ready = true;
            connection.isReady = true;

            // Tell server we're ready to have a player object spawned
            connection.Send(new ReadyMessage());
            return true;

        // add player //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // called from message handler for Owner message
        internal static void InternalAddPlayer(NetworkIdentity identity)

            // NOTE: It can be "normal" when changing scenes for the player to be destroyed and recreated.
            // But, the player structures are not cleaned up, we'll just replace the old player
            localPlayer = identity;

            // NOTE: we DONT need to set isClient=true here, because OnStartClient
            // is called before OnStartLocalPlayer, hence it's already set.
            // localPlayer.isClient = true;

            // TODO this check might not be necessary
            //if (readyConnection != null)
            if (ready && connection != null)
                connection.identity = identity;
            else Debug.LogWarning("No ready connection found for setting player controller during InternalAddPlayer");

        /// <summary>Sends AddPlayer message to the server, indicating that we want to join the world.</summary>
        public static bool AddPlayer()
            // ensure valid ready connection
            if (connection == null)
                Debug.LogError("AddPlayer requires a valid NetworkClient.connection.");
                return false;

            // UNET checked 'if readyConnection != null'.
            // in other words, we need a connection and we need to be ready.
            if (!ready)
                Debug.LogError("AddPlayer requires a ready NetworkClient.");
                return false;

            if (connection.identity != null)
                Debug.LogError("NetworkClient.AddPlayer: a PlayerController was already added. Did you call AddPlayer twice?");
                return false;

            // Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.AddPlayer() called with connection {readyConnection}");
            connection.Send(new AddPlayerMessage());
            return true;

        // spawning ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        internal static void ApplySpawnPayload(NetworkIdentity identity, SpawnMessage message)
            if (message.assetId != Guid.Empty)
                identity.assetId = message.assetId;

            if (!identity.gameObject.activeSelf)

            // apply local values for VR support
            identity.transform.localPosition = message.position;
            identity.transform.localRotation = message.rotation;
            identity.transform.localScale = message.scale;
            identity.hasAuthority = message.isOwner;
            identity.netId = message.netId;

            if (message.isLocalPlayer)

            // deserialize components if any payload
            // (Count is 0 if there were no components)
            if (message.payload.Count > 0)
                using (PooledNetworkReader payloadReader = NetworkReaderPool.GetReader(message.payload))
                    identity.OnDeserializeAllSafely(payloadReader, true);

            spawned[message.netId] = identity;

            // the initial spawn with OnObjectSpawnStarted/Finished calls all
            // object's OnStartClient/OnStartLocalPlayer after they were all
            // spawned.
            // this only happens once though.
            // for all future spawns, we need to call OnStartClient/LocalPlayer
            // here immediately since there won't be another OnObjectSpawnFinished.
            if (isSpawnFinished)

        // Finds Existing Object with NetId or spawns a new one using AssetId or sceneId
        internal static bool FindOrSpawnObject(SpawnMessage message, out NetworkIdentity identity)
            // was the object already spawned?
            identity = GetExistingObject(message.netId);

            // if found, return early
            if (identity != null)
                return true;

            if (message.assetId == Guid.Empty && message.sceneId == 0)
                Debug.LogError($"OnSpawn message with netId '{message.netId}' has no AssetId or sceneId");
                return false;

            identity = message.sceneId == 0 ? SpawnPrefab(message) : SpawnSceneObject(message.sceneId);

            if (identity == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Could not spawn assetId={message.assetId} scene={message.sceneId:X} netId={message.netId}");
                return false;

            return true;

        static NetworkIdentity GetExistingObject(uint netid)
            spawned.TryGetValue(netid, out NetworkIdentity localObject);
            return localObject;

        static NetworkIdentity SpawnPrefab(SpawnMessage message)
            if (GetPrefab(message.assetId, out GameObject prefab))
                GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, message.position, message.rotation);
                //Debug.Log($"Client spawn handler instantiating [netId{message.netId} asset ID:{message.assetId} pos:{message.position} rotation:{message.rotation}]");
                return obj.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
            if (spawnHandlers.TryGetValue(message.assetId, out SpawnHandlerDelegate handler))
                GameObject obj = handler(message);
                if (obj == null)
                    Debug.LogError($"Spawn Handler returned null, Handler assetId '{message.assetId}'");
                    return null;
                NetworkIdentity identity = obj.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
                if (identity == null)
                    Debug.LogError($"Object Spawned by handler did not have a NetworkIdentity, Handler assetId '{message.assetId}'");
                    return null;
                return identity;
            Debug.LogError($"Failed to spawn server object, did you forget to add it to the NetworkManager? assetId={message.assetId} netId={message.netId}");
            return null;

        static NetworkIdentity SpawnSceneObject(ulong sceneId)
            NetworkIdentity identity = GetAndRemoveSceneObject(sceneId);
            if (identity == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Spawn scene object not found for {sceneId:X}. Make sure that client and server use exactly the same project. This only happens if the hierarchy gets out of sync.");

                // dump the whole spawnable objects dict for easier debugging
                //foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, NetworkIdentity> kvp in spawnableObjects)
                //    Debug.Log($"Spawnable: SceneId={kvp.Key:X} name={}");
            //else Debug.Log($"Client spawn for [netId:{msg.netId}] [sceneId:{msg.sceneId:X}] obj:{identity}");
            return identity;

        static NetworkIdentity GetAndRemoveSceneObject(ulong sceneId)
            if (spawnableObjects.TryGetValue(sceneId, out NetworkIdentity identity))
                return identity;
            return null;

        // Checks if identity is not spawned yet, not hidden and has sceneId
        static bool ConsiderForSpawning(NetworkIdentity identity)
            // not spawned yet, not hidden, etc.?
            return !identity.gameObject.activeSelf &&
                   identity.gameObject.hideFlags != HideFlags.NotEditable &&
                   identity.gameObject.hideFlags != HideFlags.HideAndDontSave &&
                   identity.sceneId != 0;

        /// <summary>Call this after loading/unloading a scene in the client after connection to register the spawnable objects</summary>
        public static void PrepareToSpawnSceneObjects()
            // remove existing items, they will be re-added below

            // finds all NetworkIdentity currently loaded by unity (includes disabled objects)
            NetworkIdentity[] allIdentities = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<NetworkIdentity>();
            foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in allIdentities)
                // add all unspawned NetworkIdentities to spawnable objects
                if (ConsiderForSpawning(identity))
                    spawnableObjects.Add(identity.sceneId, identity);

        internal static void OnObjectSpawnStarted(ObjectSpawnStartedMessage _)
            // Debug.Log("SpawnStarted");
            isSpawnFinished = false;

        internal static void OnObjectSpawnFinished(ObjectSpawnFinishedMessage _)

            // paul: Initialize the objects in the same order as they were
            // initialized in the server. This is important if spawned objects
            // use data from scene objects
            foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in spawned.Values.OrderBy(uv => uv.netId))
            isSpawnFinished = true;

        static readonly List<uint> removeFromSpawned = new List<uint>();
        static void ClearNullFromSpawned()
            // spawned has null objects after changing scenes on client using
            // NetworkManager.ServerChangeScene remove them here so that 2nd
            // loop below does not get NullReferenceException
            // see
            // TODO fix scene logic so that client scene doesn't have null objects
            foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, NetworkIdentity> kvp in spawned)
                if (kvp.Value == null)

            // can't modify NetworkIdentity.spawned inside foreach so need 2nd loop to remove
            foreach (uint id in removeFromSpawned)

        // host mode callbacks /////////////////////////////////////////////////
        static void OnHostClientObjectDestroy(ObjectDestroyMessage message)
            //Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.OnLocalObjectObjDestroy netId:{message.netId}");

        static void OnHostClientObjectHide(ObjectHideMessage message)
            //Debug.Log($"ClientScene::OnLocalObjectObjHide netId:{message.netId}");
            if (spawned.TryGetValue(message.netId, out NetworkIdentity localObject) &&
                localObject != null)
                if (aoi != null)
                    aoi.SetHostVisibility(localObject, false);

        internal static void OnHostClientSpawn(SpawnMessage message)
            // on host mode, the object already exist in NetworkServer.spawned.
            // simply add it to NetworkClient.spawned too.
            if (NetworkServer.spawned.TryGetValue(message.netId, out NetworkIdentity localObject) && localObject != null)
                spawned[message.netId] = localObject;

                // now do the actual 'spawning' on host mode
                if (message.isLocalPlayer)

                localObject.hasAuthority = message.isOwner;

                if (aoi != null)
                    aoi.SetHostVisibility(localObject, true);


        // client-only mode callbacks //////////////////////////////////////////
        static void OnEntityStateMessage(EntityStateMessage message)
            // Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.OnUpdateVarsMessage {msg.netId}");
            if (spawned.TryGetValue(message.netId, out NetworkIdentity localObject) && localObject != null)
                using (PooledNetworkReader networkReader = NetworkReaderPool.GetReader(message.payload))
                    localObject.OnDeserializeAllSafely(networkReader, false);
            else Debug.LogWarning($"Did not find target for sync message for {message.netId} . Note: this can be completely normal because UDP messages may arrive out of order, so this message might have arrived after a Destroy message.");

        static void OnRPCMessage(RpcMessage message)
            // Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.OnRPCMessage hash:{msg.functionHash} netId:{msg.netId}");
            if (spawned.TryGetValue(message.netId, out NetworkIdentity identity))
                using (PooledNetworkReader networkReader = NetworkReaderPool.GetReader(message.payload))
                    identity.HandleRemoteCall(message.componentIndex, message.functionHash, RemoteCallType.ClientRpc, networkReader);

        static void OnObjectHide(ObjectHideMessage message) => DestroyObject(message.netId);

        internal static void OnObjectDestroy(ObjectDestroyMessage message) => DestroyObject(message.netId);

        internal static void OnSpawn(SpawnMessage message)
            // Debug.Log($"Client spawn handler instantiating netId={msg.netId} assetID={msg.assetId} sceneId={msg.sceneId:X} pos={msg.position}");
            if (FindOrSpawnObject(message, out NetworkIdentity identity))
                ApplySpawnPayload(identity, message);

        internal static void OnChangeOwner(ChangeOwnerMessage message)
            NetworkIdentity identity = GetExistingObject(message.netId);

            if (identity != null)
                ChangeOwner(identity, message);
                Debug.LogError($"OnChangeOwner: Could not find object with netId {message.netId}");

        internal static void ChangeOwner(NetworkIdentity identity, ChangeOwnerMessage message)
            identity.hasAuthority = message.isOwner;

            identity.isLocalPlayer = message.isLocalPlayer;
            if (identity.isLocalPlayer)
                localPlayer = identity;
            else if (localPlayer == identity)
                // localPlayer may already be assigned to something else
                // so only make it null if it's this identity.
                localPlayer = null;


        internal static void CheckForLocalPlayer(NetworkIdentity identity)
            if (identity == localPlayer)
                // Set isLocalPlayer to true on this NetworkIdentity and trigger
                // OnStartLocalPlayer in all scripts on the same GO
                identity.connectionToServer = connection;
                // Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.OnOwnerMessage player:{}");

        // destroy /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        static void DestroyObject(uint netId)
            // Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.OnObjDestroy netId: {netId}");
            if (spawned.TryGetValue(netId, out NetworkIdentity localObject) && localObject != null)
                if (localObject.isLocalPlayer)


                // user handling
                if (InvokeUnSpawnHandler(localObject.assetId, localObject.gameObject))
                    // reset object after user's handler
                // default handling
                else if (localObject.sceneId == 0)
                    // don't call reset before destroy so that values are still set in OnDestroy
                // scene object.. disable it in scene instead of destroying
                    spawnableObjects[localObject.sceneId] = localObject;
                    // reset for scene objects

                // remove from dictionary no matter how it is unspawned
            //else Debug.LogWarning($"Did not find target for destroy message for {netId}");

        // update //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // NetworkEarlyUpdate called before any Update/FixedUpdate
        // (we add this to the UnityEngine in NetworkLoop)
        internal static void NetworkEarlyUpdate()
            // process all incoming messages first before updating the world
            if (Transport.activeTransport != null)

        // NetworkLateUpdate called after any Update/FixedUpdate/LateUpdate
        // (we add this to the UnityEngine in NetworkLoop)
        internal static void NetworkLateUpdate()
            // local connection?
            if (connection is LocalConnectionToServer localConnection)
            // remote connection?
            else if (connection is NetworkConnectionToServer remoteConnection)
                // only update things while connected
                if (active && connectState == ConnectState.Connected)
                    // update NetworkTime

                    // update connection to flush out batched messages

            // process all outgoing messages after updating the world
            if (Transport.activeTransport != null)

        // shutdown ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// <summary>Destroys all networked objects on the client.</summary>
        // Note: NetworkServer.CleanupNetworkIdentities does the same on server.
        public static void DestroyAllClientObjects()
            // user can modify spawned lists which causes InvalidOperationException
            // list can modified either in UnSpawnHandler or in OnDisable/OnDestroy
            // we need the Try/Catch so that the rest of the shutdown does not get stopped
                foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in spawned.Values)
                    if (identity != null && identity.gameObject != null)
                        if (identity.isLocalPlayer)


                        bool wasUnspawned = InvokeUnSpawnHandler(identity.assetId, identity.gameObject);
                        if (!wasUnspawned)
                            // scene objects are reset and disabled.
                            // they always stay in the scene, we don't destroy them.
                            if (identity.sceneId != 0)
                            // spawned objects are destroyed
            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                Debug.LogError("Could not DestroyAllClientObjects because spawned list was modified during loop, make sure you are not modifying NetworkIdentity.spawned by calling NetworkServer.Destroy or NetworkServer.Spawn in OnDestroy or OnDisable.");

        /// <summary>Shutdown the client.</summary>
        // RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod -> fast playmode without domain reload
        public static void Shutdown()
            //Debug.Log("Shutting down client.");

            // calls prefabs.Clear();
            // calls spawnHandlers.Clear();
            // calls unspawnHandlers.Clear();

            // calls spawned.Clear() if no exception occurs


            // sets nextNetworkId to 1
            // sets clientAuthorityCallback to null
            // sets previousLocalPlayer to null

            // disconnect the client connection.
            // we do NOT call Transport.Shutdown, because someone only called
            // NetworkClient.Shutdown. we can't assume that the server is
            // supposed to be shut down too!
            if (Transport.activeTransport != null)

            // reset statics
            connectState = ConnectState.None;
            connection = null;
            localPlayer = null;
            ready = false;
            isSpawnFinished = false;
            isLoadingScene = false;

            unbatcher = new Unbatcher();

            // clear events. someone might have hooked into them before, but
            // we don't want to use those hooks after Shutdown anymore.
            OnConnectedEvent = null;
            OnDisconnectedEvent = null;
            OnErrorEvent = null;