using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

namespace Koptilnya
    public class Task
        /// Returns true if and only if the coroutine is running.  Paused tasks
        /// are considered to be running.
        public bool Running
            get { return task.Running; }

        /// Returns true if and only if the coroutine is currently paused.
        public bool Paused
            get { return task.Paused; }

        /// Delegate for termination subscribers.  manual is true if and only if
        /// the coroutine was stopped with an explicit call to Stop().
        public delegate void FinishedHandler(bool manual);

        /// Termination event.  Triggered when the coroutine completes execution.
        public event FinishedHandler Finished;

        /// Creates a new Task object for the given coroutine.
        /// If autoStart is true (default) the task is automatically started
        /// upon construction.
        public Task(IEnumerator c, bool autoStart = true)
            task = TaskManager.CreateTask(c);
            task.Finished += TaskFinished;
            if (autoStart)

        /// Begins execution of the coroutine
        public void Start()

        /// Discontinues execution of the coroutine at its next yield.
        public void Stop()

        public void Pause()

        public void Unpause()

        void TaskFinished(bool manual)
            FinishedHandler handler = Finished;
            if (handler != null)

        TaskManager.TaskState task;

    class TaskManager : MonoBehaviour
        public class TaskState
            public bool Running
                get { return running; }

            public bool Paused
                get { return paused; }

            public delegate void FinishedHandler(bool manual);

            public event FinishedHandler Finished;

            IEnumerator coroutine;
            bool running;
            bool paused;
            bool stopped;

            public TaskState(IEnumerator c)
                coroutine = c;

            public void Pause()
                paused = true;

            public void Unpause()
                paused = false;

            public void Start()
                running = true;

            public void Stop()
                stopped = true;
                running = false;

            IEnumerator CallWrapper()
                yield return null;
                IEnumerator e = coroutine;
                while (running)
                    if (paused)
                        yield return null;
                        if (e != null && e.MoveNext())
                            yield return e.Current;
                            running = false;

                FinishedHandler handler = Finished;
                if (handler != null)

        static TaskManager singleton;

        public static TaskState CreateTask(IEnumerator coroutine)
            if (singleton == null)
                GameObject go = new GameObject("TaskManager");
                singleton = go.AddComponent<TaskManager>();

            return new TaskState(coroutine);