using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Mirror.Tests

    /// <summary>
    /// Used by both runtime and edit time tests
    /// </summary>
    public abstract class ClientSceneTestsBase : MirrorEditModeTest
        // use guid to find asset so that the path does not matter
        protected const string ValidPrefabAssetGuid = "33169286da0313d45ab5bfccc6cf3775";
        protected const string PrefabWithChildrenAssetGuid = "a78e009e3f2dee44e8859516974ede43";
        protected const string InvalidPrefabAssetGuid = "78f0a3f755d35324e959f3ecdd993fb0";
        // random guid, not used anywhere
        protected const string AnotherGuidString = "5794128cdfda04542985151f82990d05";

        protected GameObject validPrefab;
        protected NetworkIdentity validPrefabNetworkIdentity;
        protected GameObject prefabWithChildren;
        protected GameObject invalidPrefab;
        protected Guid validPrefabGuid;
        protected Guid anotherGuid;

        static GameObject LoadPrefab(string guid)
            return AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<GameObject>(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid));

        public void OneTimeSetUp()
            validPrefab = LoadPrefab(ValidPrefabAssetGuid);
            validPrefabNetworkIdentity = validPrefab.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>();
            prefabWithChildren = LoadPrefab(PrefabWithChildrenAssetGuid);
            invalidPrefab = LoadPrefab(InvalidPrefabAssetGuid);
            validPrefabGuid = new Guid(ValidPrefabAssetGuid);
            anotherGuid = new Guid(AnotherGuidString);

        public override void TearDown()
            // reset asset id in case they are changed by tests
            validPrefabNetworkIdentity.assetId = validPrefabGuid;


        public void OneTimeTearDown()
            validPrefab = null;
            prefabWithChildren = null;
            invalidPrefab = null;