2024-02-19 21:00:36 +03:00

203 lines
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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror
/// <summary>Network Reader for most simple types like floats, ints, buffers, structs, etc. Use NetworkReaderPool.GetReader() to avoid allocations.</summary>
// Note: This class is intended to be extremely pedantic,
// and throw exceptions whenever stuff is going slightly wrong.
// The exceptions will be handled in NetworkServer/NetworkClient.
public class NetworkReader
// internal buffer
// byte[] pointer would work, but we use ArraySegment to also support
// the ArraySegment constructor
ArraySegment<byte> buffer;
/// <summary>Next position to read from the buffer</summary>
// 'int' is the best type for .Position. 'short' is too small if we send >32kb which would result in negative .Position
// -> converting long to int is fine until 2GB of data (MAX_INT), so we don't have to worry about overflows here
public int Position;
/// <summary>Total number of bytes to read from buffer</summary>
public int Length
get => buffer.Count;
/// <summary>Remaining bytes that can be read, for convenience.</summary>
public int Remaining
get => Length - Position;
public NetworkReader(byte[] bytes)
buffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(bytes);
public NetworkReader(ArraySegment<byte> segment)
buffer = segment;
// sometimes it's useful to point a reader on another buffer instead of
// allocating a new reader (e.g. NetworkReaderPool)
public void SetBuffer(byte[] bytes)
buffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(bytes);
Position = 0;
public void SetBuffer(ArraySegment<byte> segment)
buffer = segment;
Position = 0;
// ReadBlittable<T> from DOTSNET
// this is extremely fast, but only works for blittable types.
// => private to make sure nobody accidentally uses it for non-blittable
// Benchmark: see NetworkWriter.WriteBlittable!
// Note:
// ReadBlittable assumes same endianness for server & client.
// All Unity 2018+ platforms are little endian.
internal unsafe T ReadBlittable<T>()
where T : unmanaged
// check if blittable for safety
if (!UnsafeUtility.IsBlittable(typeof(T)))
throw new ArgumentException($"{typeof(T)} is not blittable!");
// calculate size
// sizeof(T) gets the managed size at compile time.
// Marshal.SizeOf<T> gets the unmanaged size at runtime (slow).
// => our 1mio writes benchmark is 6x slower with Marshal.SizeOf<T>
// => for blittable types, sizeof(T) is even recommended:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/native-interop/best-practices
int size = sizeof(T);
// enough data to read?
if (Position + size > buffer.Count)
throw new EndOfStreamException($"ReadBlittable<{typeof(T)}> out of range: {ToString()}");
// read blittable
T value;
fixed (byte* ptr = &buffer.Array[buffer.Offset + Position])
// on some android systems, reading *(T*)ptr throws a NRE if
// the ptr isn't aligned (i.e. if Position is 1,2,3,5, etc.).
// here we have to use memcpy.
// => we can't get a pointer of a struct in C# without
// marshalling allocations
// => instead, we stack allocate an array of type T and use that
// => stackalloc avoids GC and is very fast. it only works for
// value types, but all blittable types are anyway.
// this way, we can still support blittable reads on android.
// see also: https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/3044
// (solution discovered by AIIO, FakeByte, mischa)
T* valueBuffer = stackalloc T[1];
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(valueBuffer, ptr, size);
value = valueBuffer[0];
// cast buffer to a T* pointer and then read from it.
value = *(T*)ptr;
Position += size;
return value;
// blittable'?' template for code reuse
// note: bool isn't blittable. need to read as byte.
internal T? ReadBlittableNullable<T>()
where T : unmanaged =>
ReadByte() != 0 ? ReadBlittable<T>() : default(T?);
public byte ReadByte() => ReadBlittable<byte>();
/// <summary>Read 'count' bytes into the bytes array</summary>
// NOTE: returns byte[] because all reader functions return something.
public byte[] ReadBytes(byte[] bytes, int count)
// check if passed byte array is big enough
if (count > bytes.Length)
throw new EndOfStreamException($"ReadBytes can't read {count} + bytes because the passed byte[] only has length {bytes.Length}");
// check if within buffer limits
if (Position + count > buffer.Count)
throw new EndOfStreamException($"ReadBytesSegment can't read {count} bytes because it would read past the end of the stream. {ToString()}");
Array.Copy(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset + Position, bytes, 0, count);
Position += count;
return bytes;
/// <summary>Read 'count' bytes allocation-free as ArraySegment that points to the internal array.</summary>
public ArraySegment<byte> ReadBytesSegment(int count)
// check if within buffer limits
if (Position + count > buffer.Count)
throw new EndOfStreamException($"ReadBytesSegment can't read {count} bytes because it would read past the end of the stream. {ToString()}");
// return the segment
ArraySegment<byte> result = new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset + Position, count);
Position += count;
return result;
public override string ToString() =>
$"NetworkReader pos={Position} len={Length} buffer={BitConverter.ToString(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset, buffer.Count)}";
/// <summary>Reads any data type that mirror supports. Uses weaver populated Reader(T).read</summary>
public T Read<T>()
Func<NetworkReader, T> readerDelegate = Reader<T>.read;
if (readerDelegate == null)
Debug.LogError($"No reader found for {typeof(T)}. Use a type supported by Mirror or define a custom reader");
return default;
return readerDelegate(this);
/// <summary>Helper class that weaver populates with all reader types.</summary>
// Note that c# creates a different static variable for each type
// -> Weaver.ReaderWriterProcessor.InitializeReaderAndWriters() populates it
public static class Reader<T>
public static Func<NetworkReader, T> read;