2024-02-19 21:00:36 +03:00

190 lines
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// for Unity 2020+ we use ILPostProcessor.
// only automatically invoke it for older versions.
#if !UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Mono.CecilX;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Compilation;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityAssembly = UnityEditor.Compilation.Assembly;
namespace Mirror.Weaver
public static class CompilationFinishedHook
// needs to be the same as Weaver.MirrorAssemblyName!
const string MirrorRuntimeAssemblyName = "Mirror";
const string MirrorWeaverAssemblyName = "Mirror.Weaver";
// global weaver define so that tests can use it
internal static Weaver weaver;
// delegate for subscription to Weaver warning messages
public static Action<string> OnWeaverWarning;
// delete for subscription to Weaver error messages
public static Action<string> OnWeaverError;
// controls whether Weaver errors are reported direct to the Unity console (tests enable this)
public static bool UnityLogEnabled = true;
public static void OnInitializeOnLoad()
CompilationPipeline.assemblyCompilationFinished += OnCompilationFinished;
// We only need to run this once per session
// after that, all assemblies will be weaved by the event
if (!SessionState.GetBool("MIRROR_WEAVED", false))
// reset session flag
SessionState.SetBool("MIRROR_WEAVED", true);
SessionState.SetBool("MIRROR_WEAVE_SUCCESS", true);
public static void WeaveExistingAssemblies()
foreach (UnityAssembly assembly in CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblies())
if (File.Exists(assembly.outputPath))
OnCompilationFinished(assembly.outputPath, new CompilerMessage[0]);
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
static Assembly FindCompilationPipelineAssembly(string assemblyName) =>
CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblies().First(assembly => assembly.name == assemblyName);
static bool CompilerMessagesContainError(CompilerMessage[] messages) =>
messages.Any(msg => msg.type == CompilerMessageType.Error);
public static void OnCompilationFinished(string assemblyPath, CompilerMessage[] messages)
// Do nothing if there were compile errors on the target
if (CompilerMessagesContainError(messages))
Debug.Log("Weaver: stop because compile errors on target");
// Should not run on the editor only assemblies
if (assemblyPath.Contains("-Editor") || assemblyPath.Contains(".Editor"))
// don't weave mirror files
string assemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyPath);
if (assemblyName == MirrorRuntimeAssemblyName || assemblyName == MirrorWeaverAssemblyName)
// find Mirror.dll
Assembly mirrorAssembly = FindCompilationPipelineAssembly(MirrorRuntimeAssemblyName);
if (mirrorAssembly == null)
Debug.LogError("Failed to find Mirror runtime assembly");
string mirrorRuntimeDll = mirrorAssembly.outputPath;
if (!File.Exists(mirrorRuntimeDll))
// this is normal, it happens with any assembly that is built before mirror
// such as unity packages or your own assemblies
// those don't need to be weaved
// if any assembly depends on mirror, then it will be built after
// find UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
string unityEngineCoreModuleDLL = UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.GetEngineCoreModuleAssemblyPath();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(unityEngineCoreModuleDLL))
Debug.LogError("Failed to find UnityEngine assembly");
HashSet<string> dependencyPaths = GetDependencyPaths(assemblyPath);
if (!WeaveFromFile(assemblyPath, dependencyPaths.ToArray()))
// Set false...will be checked in \Editor\EnterPlayModeSettingsCheck.CheckSuccessfulWeave()
SessionState.SetBool("MIRROR_WEAVE_SUCCESS", false);
if (UnityLogEnabled) Debug.LogError($"Weaving failed for {assemblyPath}");
static HashSet<string> GetDependencyPaths(string assemblyPath)
// build directory list for later asm/symbol resolving using CompilationPipeline refs
HashSet<string> dependencyPaths = new HashSet<string>
foreach (Assembly assembly in CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblies())
if (assembly.outputPath == assemblyPath)
foreach (string reference in assembly.compiledAssemblyReferences)
return dependencyPaths;
// helper function to invoke Weaver with an AssemblyDefinition from a
// file path, with dependencies added.
static bool WeaveFromFile(string assemblyPath, string[] dependencies)
// resolve assembly from stream
using (DefaultAssemblyResolver asmResolver = new DefaultAssemblyResolver())
using (AssemblyDefinition assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assemblyPath, new ReaderParameters{ ReadWrite = true, ReadSymbols = true, AssemblyResolver = asmResolver }))
// add this assembly's path and unity's assembly path
// add dependencies
if (dependencies != null)
foreach (string path in dependencies)
// create weaver with logger
weaver = new Weaver(new CompilationFinishedLogger());
if (weaver.Weave(assembly, asmResolver, out bool modified))
// write changes to file if modified
if (modified)
assembly.Write(new WriterParameters{WriteSymbols = true});
return true;
return false;