492 lines
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492 lines
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using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror.Tests.SyncVarAttributeTests
class HookBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(OnValueChanged))]
public int value = 0;
public event Action<int, int> HookCalled;
void OnValueChanged(int oldValue, int newValue)
HookCalled.Invoke(oldValue, newValue);
class GameObjectHookBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(OnValueChanged))]
public GameObject value = null;
public event Action<GameObject, GameObject> HookCalled;
void OnValueChanged(GameObject oldValue, GameObject newValue)
HookCalled.Invoke(oldValue, newValue);
class NetworkIdentityHookBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(OnValueChanged))]
public NetworkIdentity value = null;
public event Action<NetworkIdentity, NetworkIdentity> HookCalled;
void OnValueChanged(NetworkIdentity oldValue, NetworkIdentity newValue)
HookCalled.Invoke(oldValue, newValue);
class NetworkBehaviourHookBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(OnValueChanged))]
public NetworkBehaviourHookBehaviour value = null;
public event Action<NetworkBehaviourHookBehaviour, NetworkBehaviourHookBehaviour> HookCalled;
void OnValueChanged(NetworkBehaviourHookBehaviour oldValue, NetworkBehaviourHookBehaviour newValue)
HookCalled.Invoke(oldValue, newValue);
class StaticHookBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(OnValueChanged))]
public int value = 0;
public static event Action<int, int> HookCalled;
static void OnValueChanged(int oldValue, int newValue)
HookCalled.Invoke(oldValue, newValue);
class VirtualHookBase : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(OnValueChanged))]
public int value = 0;
public event Action<int, int> BaseHookCalled;
protected virtual void OnValueChanged(int oldValue, int newValue)
BaseHookCalled.Invoke(oldValue, newValue);
class VirtualOverrideHook : VirtualHookBase
public event Action<int, int> OverrideHookCalled;
protected override void OnValueChanged(int oldValue, int newValue)
OverrideHookCalled.Invoke(oldValue, newValue);
abstract class AbstractHookBase : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(OnValueChanged))]
public int value = 0;
protected abstract void OnValueChanged(int oldValue, int newValue);
class AbstractHook : AbstractHookBase
public event Action<int, int> HookCalled;
protected override void OnValueChanged(int oldValue, int newValue)
HookCalled.Invoke(oldValue, newValue);
public struct Proportions
public byte[] Array;
class ImerHook_Ldflda : NetworkBehaviour
// to check
public byte[] ldflda_Array;
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(OnUpdateProportions))]
public Proportions _syncProportions;
protected void OnUpdateProportions(Proportions old, Proportions new_)
// _new is fine with the new values.
// assigning to _syncProportions is fine too.
_syncProportions = new_;
// loading _syncProportions.Array would still load the original SyncVar,
// not the replacement. so .Array was still null.
// we needed to replace ldflda here.
// this throws if it still loads the old _syncProportions after weaving
// because the .Array was still null there.
ldflda_Array = _syncProportions.Array;
Debug.Log("Array= " + ldflda_Array);
// repro for the bug found by David_548219 in discord where setting
// MyStruct.value would throw invalid IL
public struct DavidStruct
public int Value;
class DavidHookComponent : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar] public DavidStruct syncvar;
public override void OnStartServer()
syncvar.Value = 42;
public class SyncVarAttributeHookTest : MirrorTest
public override void SetUp()
// start server & connect client because we need spawn functions
ConnectClientBlockingAuthenticatedAndReady(out _);
public override void TearDown()
public void Hook_CalledWhenSyncingChangedValued()
out _, out _, out HookBehaviour serverObject,
out _, out _, out HookBehaviour clientObject);
const int serverValue = 24;
// change it on server
serverObject.value = serverValue;
// hook should change it on client
int callCount = 0;
clientObject.HookCalled += (oldValue, newValue) =>
Assert.That(oldValue, Is.EqualTo(0));
Assert.That(newValue, Is.EqualTo(serverValue));
Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void Hook_NotCalledWhenSyncingSameValued()
out _, out _, out HookBehaviour serverObject,
out _, out _, out HookBehaviour clientObject);
const int clientValue = 16;
const int serverValue = 16;
// set both to same values once
serverObject.value = serverValue;
clientObject.value = clientValue;
// client hook
int callCount = 0;
clientObject.HookCalled += (oldValue, newValue) =>
// hook shouldn't be called because both already have same value
Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(0));
public void Hook_OnlyCalledOnClientd()
out _, out _, out HookBehaviour serverObject,
out _, out _, out HookBehaviour clientObject);
// set up hooks on server and client
int clientCalled = 0;
int serverCalled = 0;
clientObject.HookCalled += (oldValue, newValue) => ++clientCalled;
serverObject.HookCalled += (oldValue, newValue) => ++serverCalled;
// change on server
// sync. hook should've only been called on client.
Assert.That(clientCalled, Is.EqualTo(1));
Assert.That(serverCalled, Is.EqualTo(0));
public void StaticMethod_HookCalledWhenSyncingChangedValued()
out _, out _, out StaticHookBehaviour serverObject,
out _, out _, out StaticHookBehaviour clientObject);
const int serverValue = 24;
// change it on server
serverObject.value = serverValue;
// hook should change it on client
int hookcallCount = 0;
StaticHookBehaviour.HookCalled += (oldValue, newValue) =>
Assert.That(oldValue, Is.EqualTo(0));
Assert.That(newValue, Is.EqualTo(serverValue));
Assert.That(hookcallCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void GameObjectHook_HookCalledWhenSyncingChangedValued()
out _, out _, out GameObjectHookBehaviour serverObject,
out _, out _, out GameObjectHookBehaviour clientObject);
// create spawned because we will look up netId in .spawned
out GameObject serverValue, out _,
out GameObject clientValue, out _);
// change it on server
clientObject.value = null;
serverObject.value = serverValue;
// hook should change it on client
int callCount = 0;
clientObject.HookCalled += (oldValue, newValue) =>
Assert.That(oldValue, Is.EqualTo(null));
Assert.That(newValue, Is.EqualTo(clientValue));
Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void NetworkIdentityHook_HookCalledWhenSyncingChangedValued()
out _, out _, out NetworkIdentityHookBehaviour serverObject,
out _, out _, out NetworkIdentityHookBehaviour clientObject);
// create spawned because we will look up netId in .spawned
out _, out NetworkIdentity serverValue,
out _, out NetworkIdentity clientValue);
// change it on server
serverObject.value = serverValue;
clientObject.value = null;
// hook should change it on client
int callCount = 0;
clientObject.HookCalled += (oldValue, newValue) =>
Assert.That(oldValue, Is.EqualTo(null));
Assert.That(newValue, Is.EqualTo(clientValue));
Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void NetworkBehaviourHook_HookCalledWhenSyncingChangedValued()
out _, out _, out NetworkBehaviourHookBehaviour serverObject,
out _, out _, out NetworkBehaviourHookBehaviour clientObject);
// create spawned because we will look up netId in .spawned
out _, out _, out NetworkBehaviourHookBehaviour serverValue,
out _, out _, out NetworkBehaviourHookBehaviour clientValue);
// change it on server
serverObject.value = serverValue;
clientObject.value = null;
// hook should change it on client
int callCount = 0;
clientObject.HookCalled += (oldValue, newValue) =>
Assert.That(oldValue, Is.EqualTo(null));
Assert.That(newValue, Is.EqualTo(clientValue));
Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void VirtualHook_HookCalledWhenSyncingChangedValued()
out _, out _, out VirtualHookBase serverObject,
out _, out _, out VirtualHookBase clientObject);
const int clientValue = 10;
const int serverValue = 24;
// change it on server
serverObject.value = serverValue;
clientObject.value = clientValue;
// hook should change it on client
int baseCallCount = 0;
clientObject.BaseHookCalled += (oldValue, newValue) =>
Assert.That(oldValue, Is.EqualTo(clientValue));
Assert.That(newValue, Is.EqualTo(serverValue));
Assert.That(baseCallCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
public void VirtualOverrideHook_HookCalledWhenSyncingChangedValued()
out _, out _, out VirtualOverrideHook serverObject,
out _, out _, out VirtualOverrideHook clientObject);
const int serverValue = 24;
// change it on server
serverObject.value = serverValue;
// hook should change it on client
int overrideCallCount = 0;
int baseCallCount = 0;
clientObject.OverrideHookCalled += (oldValue, newValue) =>
Assert.That(oldValue, Is.EqualTo(0));
Assert.That(newValue, Is.EqualTo(serverValue));
clientObject.BaseHookCalled += (oldValue, newValue) =>
Assert.That(overrideCallCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
Assert.That(baseCallCount, Is.EqualTo(0));
public void AbstractHook_HookCalledWhenSyncingChangedValued()
out _, out _, out AbstractHook serverObject,
out _, out _, out AbstractHook clientObject);
const int clientValue = 10;
const int serverValue = 24;
// change it on server
serverObject.value = serverValue;
clientObject.value = clientValue;
// hook should change it on client
int callCount = 0;
clientObject.HookCalled += (oldValue, newValue) =>
Assert.That(oldValue, Is.EqualTo(clientValue));
Assert.That(newValue, Is.EqualTo(serverValue));
Assert.That(callCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
// test to prevent the SyncVar<T> Weaver bug that imer found.
// https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/pull/2957#issuecomment-1019692366
// when loading "n = MySyncVar.n", 'ldfdla' loads 'MySyncVar'.
// if we replace MySyncVar with a weaved version like for SyncVar<T>,
// then ldflda for cases like "n = MySyncVar.n" needs to be replaced too.
// this wasn't necessary for the original SyncVars, which is why the bug
// wasn't caught by a unit test to begin with.
public void ImerHook_Ldflda_Uses_Correct_SyncVard()
out _, out _, out ImerHook_Ldflda serverObject,
out _, out _, out ImerHook_Ldflda clientObject);
// change it on server
serverObject._syncProportions = new Proportions{Array = new byte[]{3, 4}};
// sync to client
// client uses ldflda to get replacement.Array.
// we synced an array with two values, so if ldflda uses the correct
// SyncVar then it shouldn't be null anymore now.
Assert.That(clientObject.ldflda_Array, !Is.Null);
// repro for the bug found by David_548219 in discord where setting
// MyStruct.value would throw invalid IL.
// could happen if we change Weaver [SyncVar] logic / replacements.
// testing syncVar = X isn't enough.
// we should have a test for syncVar.value = X too.
public void DavidHook_SetSyncVarStructsValued()
out _, out _, out DavidHookComponent serverObject,
out _, out _, out DavidHookComponent clientObject);
// change it on server.
// should not throw.
serverObject.syncvar.Value = 1337;