2024-02-19 21:00:36 +03:00

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using System;
using UnityEngine;
#if !UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
using Stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch;
namespace Mirror
/// <summary>Synchronizes server time to clients.</summary>
public static class NetworkTime
/// <summary>Ping message frequency, used to calculate network time and RTT</summary>
public static float PingFrequency = 2.0f;
/// <summary>Average out the last few results from Ping</summary>
public static int PingWindowSize = 10;
static double lastPingTime;
static ExponentialMovingAverage _rtt = new ExponentialMovingAverage(10);
static ExponentialMovingAverage _offset = new ExponentialMovingAverage(10);
// the true offset guaranteed to be in this range
static double offsetMin = double.MinValue;
static double offsetMax = double.MaxValue;
/// <summary>Returns double precision clock time _in this system_, unaffected by the network.</summary>
#if UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
public static double localTime => Time.timeAsDouble;
// need stopwatch for older Unity versions, but it's quite slow.
// CAREFUL: unlike Time.time, this is not a FRAME time.
// it changes during the frame too.
static readonly Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
static NetworkTime() => stopwatch.Start();
public static double localTime => stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;
/// <summary>The time in seconds since the server started.</summary>
// I measured the accuracy of float and I got this:
// for the same day, accuracy is better than 1 ms
// after 1 day, accuracy goes down to 7 ms
// after 10 days, accuracy is 61 ms
// after 30 days , accuracy is 238 ms
// after 60 days, accuracy is 454 ms
// in other words, if the server is running for 2 months,
// and you cast down to float, then the time will jump in 0.4s intervals.
// TODO consider using Unbatcher's remoteTime for NetworkTime
public static double time => localTime - _offset.Value;
/// <summary>Time measurement variance. The higher, the less accurate the time is.</summary>
// TODO does this need to be public? user should only need NetworkTime.time
public static double timeVariance => _offset.Var;
/// <summary>Time standard deviation. The highe, the less accurate the time is.</summary>
// TODO does this need to be public? user should only need NetworkTime.time
public static double timeStandardDeviation => Math.Sqrt(timeVariance);
/// <summary>Clock difference in seconds between the client and the server. Always 0 on server.</summary>
public static double offset => _offset.Value;
/// <summary>Round trip time (in seconds) that it takes a message to go client->server->client.</summary>
public static double rtt => _rtt.Value;
/// <summary>Round trip time variance. The higher, the less accurate the rtt is.</summary>
// TODO does this need to be public? user should only need NetworkTime.time
public static double rttVariance => _rtt.Var;
/// <summary>Round trip time standard deviation. The higher, the less accurate the rtt is.</summary>
// TODO does this need to be public? user should only need NetworkTime.time
public static double rttStandardDeviation => Math.Sqrt(rttVariance);
// RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod -> fast playmode without domain reload
public static void ResetStatics()
PingFrequency = 2.0f;
PingWindowSize = 10;
lastPingTime = 0;
_rtt = new ExponentialMovingAverage(PingWindowSize);
_offset = new ExponentialMovingAverage(PingWindowSize);
offsetMin = double.MinValue;
offsetMax = double.MaxValue;
#if !UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
internal static void UpdateClient()
// localTime (double) instead of Time.time for accuracy over days
if (localTime - lastPingTime >= PingFrequency)
NetworkPingMessage pingMessage = new NetworkPingMessage(localTime);
NetworkClient.Send(pingMessage, Channels.Unreliable);
lastPingTime = localTime;
// executed at the server when we receive a ping message
// reply with a pong containing the time from the client
// and time from the server
internal static void OnServerPing(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, NetworkPingMessage message)
// Debug.Log($"OnPingServerMessage conn:{conn}");
NetworkPongMessage pongMessage = new NetworkPongMessage
clientTime = message.clientTime,
serverTime = localTime
conn.Send(pongMessage, Channels.Unreliable);
// Executed at the client when we receive a Pong message
// find out how long it took since we sent the Ping
// and update time offset
internal static void OnClientPong(NetworkPongMessage message)
double now = localTime;
// how long did this message take to come back
double newRtt = now - message.clientTime;
// the difference in time between the client and the server
// but subtract half of the rtt to compensate for latency
// half of rtt is the best approximation we have
double newOffset = now - newRtt * 0.5f - message.serverTime;
double newOffsetMin = now - newRtt - message.serverTime;
double newOffsetMax = now - message.serverTime;
offsetMin = Math.Max(offsetMin, newOffsetMin);
offsetMax = Math.Min(offsetMax, newOffsetMax);
if (_offset.Value < offsetMin || _offset.Value > offsetMax)
// the old offset was offrange, throw it away and use new one
_offset = new ExponentialMovingAverage(PingWindowSize);
else if (newOffset >= offsetMin || newOffset <= offsetMax)
// new offset looks reasonable, add to the average