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// Quaternion compression from DOTSNET
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror
/// <summary>Functions to Compress Quaternions and Floats</summary>
public static class Compression
// quaternion compression //////////////////////////////////////////////
// smallest three: https://gafferongames.com/post/snapshot_compression/
// compresses 16 bytes quaternion into 4 bytes
// helper function to find largest absolute element
// returns the index of the largest one
public static int LargestAbsoluteComponentIndex(Vector4 value, out float largestAbs, out Vector3 withoutLargest)
// convert to abs
Vector4 abs = new Vector4(Mathf.Abs(value.x), Mathf.Abs(value.y), Mathf.Abs(value.z), Mathf.Abs(value.w));
// set largest to first abs (x)
largestAbs = abs.x;
withoutLargest = new Vector3(value.y, value.z, value.w);
int largestIndex = 0;
// compare to the others, starting at second value
// performance for 100k calls
// for-loop: 25ms
// manual checks: 22ms
if (abs.y > largestAbs)
largestIndex = 1;
largestAbs = abs.y;
withoutLargest = new Vector3(value.x, value.z, value.w);
if (abs.z > largestAbs)
largestIndex = 2;
largestAbs = abs.z;
withoutLargest = new Vector3(value.x, value.y, value.w);
if (abs.w > largestAbs)
largestIndex = 3;
largestAbs = abs.w;
withoutLargest = new Vector3(value.x, value.y, value.z);
return largestIndex;
// scale a float within min/max range to an ushort between min/max range
// note: can also use this for byte range from byte.MinValue to byte.MaxValue
public static ushort ScaleFloatToUShort(float value, float minValue, float maxValue, ushort minTarget, ushort maxTarget)
// note: C# ushort - ushort => int, hence so many casts
// max ushort - min ushort only fits into something bigger
int targetRange = maxTarget - minTarget;
float valueRange = maxValue - minValue;
float valueRelative = value - minValue;
return (ushort)(minTarget + (ushort)(valueRelative / valueRange * targetRange));
// scale an ushort within min/max range to a float between min/max range
// note: can also use this for byte range from byte.MinValue to byte.MaxValue
public static float ScaleUShortToFloat(ushort value, ushort minValue, ushort maxValue, float minTarget, float maxTarget)
// note: C# ushort - ushort => int, hence so many casts
float targetRange = maxTarget - minTarget;
ushort valueRange = (ushort)(maxValue - minValue);
ushort valueRelative = (ushort)(value - minValue);
return minTarget + (valueRelative / (float)valueRange * targetRange);
const float QuaternionMinRange = -0.707107f;
const float QuaternionMaxRange = 0.707107f;
const ushort TenBitsMax = 0x3FF;
// helper function to access 'nth' component of quaternion
static float QuaternionElement(Quaternion q, int element)
switch (element)
case 0: return q.x;
case 1: return q.y;
case 2: return q.z;
case 3: return q.w;
default: return 0;
// note: assumes normalized quaternions
public static uint CompressQuaternion(Quaternion q)
// note: assuming normalized quaternions is enough. no need to force
// normalize here. we already normalize when decompressing.
// find the largest component index [0,3] + value
int largestIndex = LargestAbsoluteComponentIndex(new Vector4(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w), out float _, out Vector3 withoutLargest);
// from here on, we work with the 3 components without largest!
// "You might think you need to send a sign bit for [largest] in
// case it is negative, but you dont, because you can make
// [largest] always positive by negating the entire quaternion if
// [largest] is negative. in quaternion space (x,y,z,w) and
// (-x,-y,-z,-w) represent the same rotation."
if (QuaternionElement(q, largestIndex) < 0)
withoutLargest = -withoutLargest;
// put index & three floats into one integer.
// => index is 2 bits (4 values require 2 bits to store them)
// => the three floats are between [-0.707107,+0.707107] because:
// "If v is the absolute value of the largest quaternion
// component, the next largest possible component value occurs
// when two components have the same absolute value and the
// other two components are zero. The length of that quaternion
// (v,v,0,0) is 1, therefore v^2 + v^2 = 1, 2v^2 = 1,
// v = 1/sqrt(2). This means you can encode the smallest three
// components in [-0.707107,+0.707107] instead of [-1,+1] giving
// you more precision with the same number of bits."
// => the article recommends storing each float in 9 bits
// => our uint has 32 bits, so we might as well store in (32-2)/3=10
// 10 bits max value: 1023=0x3FF (use OSX calc to flip 10 bits)
ushort aScaled = ScaleFloatToUShort(withoutLargest.x, QuaternionMinRange, QuaternionMaxRange, 0, TenBitsMax);
ushort bScaled = ScaleFloatToUShort(withoutLargest.y, QuaternionMinRange, QuaternionMaxRange, 0, TenBitsMax);
ushort cScaled = ScaleFloatToUShort(withoutLargest.z, QuaternionMinRange, QuaternionMaxRange, 0, TenBitsMax);
// now we just need to pack them into one integer
// -> index is 2 bit and needs to be shifted to 31..32
// -> a is 10 bit and needs to be shifted 20..30
// -> b is 10 bit and needs to be shifted 10..20
// -> c is 10 bit and needs to be at 0..10
return (uint)(largestIndex << 30 | aScaled << 20 | bScaled << 10 | cScaled);
// Quaternion normalizeSAFE from ECS math.normalizesafe()
// => useful to produce valid quaternions even if client sends invalid
// data
static Quaternion QuaternionNormalizeSafe(Quaternion value)
// The smallest positive normal number representable in a float.
const float FLT_MIN_NORMAL = 1.175494351e-38F;
Vector4 v = new Vector4(value.x, value.y, value.z, value.w);
float length = Vector4.Dot(v, v);
return length > FLT_MIN_NORMAL
? value.normalized
: Quaternion.identity;
// note: gives normalized quaternions
public static Quaternion DecompressQuaternion(uint data)
// get cScaled which is at 0..10 and ignore the rest
ushort cScaled = (ushort)(data & TenBitsMax);
// get bScaled which is at 10..20 and ignore the rest
ushort bScaled = (ushort)((data >> 10) & TenBitsMax);
// get aScaled which is at 20..30 and ignore the rest
ushort aScaled = (ushort)((data >> 20) & TenBitsMax);
// get 2 bit largest index, which is at 31..32
int largestIndex = (int)(data >> 30);
// scale back to floats
float a = ScaleUShortToFloat(aScaled, 0, TenBitsMax, QuaternionMinRange, QuaternionMaxRange);
float b = ScaleUShortToFloat(bScaled, 0, TenBitsMax, QuaternionMinRange, QuaternionMaxRange);
float c = ScaleUShortToFloat(cScaled, 0, TenBitsMax, QuaternionMinRange, QuaternionMaxRange);
// calculate the omitted component based on a²+b²+c²+d²=1
float d = Mathf.Sqrt(1 - a*a - b*b - c*c);
// reconstruct based on largest index
Vector4 value;
switch (largestIndex)
case 0: value = new Vector4(d, a, b, c); break;
case 1: value = new Vector4(a, d, b, c); break;
case 2: value = new Vector4(a, b, d, c); break;
default: value = new Vector4(a, b, c, d); break;
// ECS Rotation only works with normalized quaternions.
// make sure that's always the case here to avoid ECS bugs where
// everything stops moving if the quaternion isn't normalized.
// => NormalizeSafe returns a normalized quaternion even if we pass
// in NaN from deserializing invalid values!
return QuaternionNormalizeSafe(new Quaternion(value.x, value.y, value.z, value.w));
// varint compression //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// compress ulong varint.
// same result for int, short and byte. only need one function.
// NOT an extension. otherwise weaver might accidentally use it.
public static void CompressVarUInt(NetworkWriter writer, ulong value)
if (value <= 240)
if (value <= 2287)
writer.Write((byte)(((value - 240) >> 8) + 241));
writer.Write((byte)((value - 240) & 0xFF));
if (value <= 67823)
writer.Write((byte)((value - 2288) >> 8));
writer.Write((byte)((value - 2288) & 0xFF));
if (value <= 16777215)
writer.Write((byte)(value & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 16) & 0xFF));
if (value <= 4294967295)
writer.Write((byte)(value & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 16) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 24) & 0xFF));
if (value <= 1099511627775)
writer.Write((byte)(value & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 16) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 24) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 32) & 0xFF));
if (value <= 281474976710655)
writer.Write((byte)(value & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 16) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 24) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 32) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 40) & 0xFF));
if (value <= 72057594037927935)
writer.Write((byte)(value & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 16) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 24) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 32) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 40) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 48) & 0xFF));
// all others
writer.Write((byte)(value & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 16) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 24) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 32) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 40) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 48) & 0xFF));
writer.Write((byte)((value >> 56) & 0xFF));
// zigzag encoding https://gist.github.com/mfuerstenau/ba870a29e16536fdbaba
public static void CompressVarInt(NetworkWriter writer, long i)
ulong zigzagged = (ulong)((i >> 63) ^ (i << 1));
CompressVarUInt(writer, zigzagged);
// NOT an extension. otherwise weaver might accidentally use it.
public static ulong DecompressVarUInt(NetworkReader reader)
byte a0 = reader.ReadByte();
if (a0 < 241)
return a0;
byte a1 = reader.ReadByte();
if (a0 <= 248)
return 240 + ((a0 - (ulong)241) << 8) + a1;
byte a2 = reader.ReadByte();
if (a0 == 249)
return 2288 + ((ulong)a1 << 8) + a2;
byte a3 = reader.ReadByte();
if (a0 == 250)
return a1 + (((ulong)a2) << 8) + (((ulong)a3) << 16);
byte a4 = reader.ReadByte();
if (a0 == 251)
return a1 + (((ulong)a2) << 8) + (((ulong)a3) << 16) + (((ulong)a4) << 24);
byte a5 = reader.ReadByte();
if (a0 == 252)
return a1 + (((ulong)a2) << 8) + (((ulong)a3) << 16) + (((ulong)a4) << 24) + (((ulong)a5) << 32);
byte a6 = reader.ReadByte();
if (a0 == 253)
return a1 + (((ulong)a2) << 8) + (((ulong)a3) << 16) + (((ulong)a4) << 24) + (((ulong)a5) << 32) + (((ulong)a6) << 40);
byte a7 = reader.ReadByte();
if (a0 == 254)
return a1 + (((ulong)a2) << 8) + (((ulong)a3) << 16) + (((ulong)a4) << 24) + (((ulong)a5) << 32) + (((ulong)a6) << 40) + (((ulong)a7) << 48);
byte a8 = reader.ReadByte();
if (a0 == 255)
return a1 + (((ulong)a2) << 8) + (((ulong)a3) << 16) + (((ulong)a4) << 24) + (((ulong)a5) << 32) + (((ulong)a6) << 40) + (((ulong)a7) << 48) + (((ulong)a8) << 56);
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"DecompressVarInt failure: {a0}");
// zigzag decoding https://gist.github.com/mfuerstenau/ba870a29e16536fdbaba
public static long DecompressVarInt(NetworkReader reader)
ulong data = DecompressVarUInt(reader);
return ((long)(data >> 1)) ^ -((long)data & 1);