2024-02-19 21:00:36 +03:00

130 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror.RemoteCalls
// invoke type for Cmd/Rpc
public enum RemoteCallType { Command, ClientRpc }
// remote call function delegate
public delegate void RemoteCallDelegate(NetworkBehaviour obj, NetworkReader reader, NetworkConnectionToClient senderConnection);
class Invoker
// GameObjects might have multiple components of TypeA.CommandA().
// when invoking, we check if 'TypeA' is an instance of the type.
// the hash itself isn't enough because we wouldn't know which component
// to invoke it on if there are multiple of the same type.
public Type componentType;
public RemoteCallType callType;
public RemoteCallDelegate function;
public bool cmdRequiresAuthority;
public bool AreEqual(Type componentType, RemoteCallType remoteCallType, RemoteCallDelegate invokeFunction) =>
this.componentType == componentType &&
this.callType == remoteCallType &&
this.function == invokeFunction;
/// <summary>Used to help manage remote calls for NetworkBehaviours</summary>
public static class RemoteProcedureCalls
// one lookup for all remote calls.
// allows us to easily add more remote call types without duplicating code.
// note: do not clear those with [RuntimeInitializeOnLoad]
static readonly Dictionary<int, Invoker> remoteCallDelegates = new Dictionary<int, Invoker>();
static bool CheckIfDelegateExists(Type componentType, RemoteCallType remoteCallType, RemoteCallDelegate func, int functionHash)
if (remoteCallDelegates.ContainsKey(functionHash))
// something already registered this hash.
// it's okay if it was the same function.
Invoker oldInvoker = remoteCallDelegates[functionHash];
if (oldInvoker.AreEqual(componentType, remoteCallType, func))
return true;
// otherwise notify user. there is a rare chance of string
// hash collisions.
Debug.LogError($"Function {oldInvoker.componentType}.{oldInvoker.function.GetMethodName()} and {componentType}.{func.GetMethodName()} have the same hash. Please rename one of them");
return false;
// pass full function name to avoid ClassA.Func & ClassB.Func collisions
internal static int RegisterDelegate(Type componentType, string functionFullName, RemoteCallType remoteCallType, RemoteCallDelegate func, bool cmdRequiresAuthority = true)
// type+func so Inventory.RpcUse != Equipment.RpcUse
int hash = functionFullName.GetStableHashCode();
if (CheckIfDelegateExists(componentType, remoteCallType, func, hash))
return hash;
remoteCallDelegates[hash] = new Invoker
callType = remoteCallType,
componentType = componentType,
function = func,
cmdRequiresAuthority = cmdRequiresAuthority
return hash;
// pass full function name to avoid ClassA.Func <-> ClassB.Func collisions
// need to pass componentType to support invoking on GameObjects with
// multiple components of same type with same remote call.
public static void RegisterCommand(Type componentType, string functionFullName, RemoteCallDelegate func, bool requiresAuthority) =>
RegisterDelegate(componentType, functionFullName, RemoteCallType.Command, func, requiresAuthority);
// pass full function name to avoid ClassA.Func <-> ClassB.Func collisions
// need to pass componentType to support invoking on GameObjects with
// multiple components of same type with same remote call.
public static void RegisterRpc(Type componentType, string functionFullName, RemoteCallDelegate func) =>
RegisterDelegate(componentType, functionFullName, RemoteCallType.ClientRpc, func);
// to clean up tests
internal static void RemoveDelegate(int hash) =>
// note: no need to throw an error if not found.
// an attacker might just try to call a cmd with an rpc's hash etc.
// returning false is enough.
static bool GetInvokerForHash(int functionHash, RemoteCallType remoteCallType, out Invoker invoker) =>
remoteCallDelegates.TryGetValue(functionHash, out invoker) &&
invoker != null &&
invoker.callType == remoteCallType;
// InvokeCmd/Rpc Delegate can all use the same function here
internal static bool Invoke(int functionHash, RemoteCallType remoteCallType, NetworkReader reader, NetworkBehaviour component, NetworkConnectionToClient senderConnection = null)
// IMPORTANT: we check if the message's componentIndex component is
// actually of the right type. prevents attackers trying
// to invoke remote calls on wrong components.
if (GetInvokerForHash(functionHash, remoteCallType, out Invoker invoker) &&
// invoke function on this component
invoker.function(component, reader, senderConnection);
return true;
return false;
// check if the command 'requiresAuthority' which is set in the attribute
internal static bool CommandRequiresAuthority(int cmdHash) =>
GetInvokerForHash(cmdHash, RemoteCallType.Command, out Invoker invoker) &&
/// <summary>Gets the handler function by hash. Useful for profilers and debuggers.</summary>
public static RemoteCallDelegate GetDelegate(int functionHash) =>
remoteCallDelegates.TryGetValue(functionHash, out Invoker invoker)
? invoker.function
: null;