2024-02-19 21:00:36 +03:00

188 lines
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using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace Mirror.Examples.AdditiveLevels
public class AdditiveLevelsNetworkManager : NetworkManager
[Header("Additive Scenes - First is start scene")]
[Scene, Tooltip("Add additive scenes here.\nFirst entry will be players' start scene")]
public string[] additiveScenes;
[Header("Fade Control - See child FadeCanvas")]
[Tooltip("Reference to FadeInOut script on child FadeCanvas")]
public FadeInOut fadeInOut;
// This is set true after server loads all subscene instances
bool subscenesLoaded;
// This is managed in LoadAdditive, UnloadAdditive, and checked in OnClientSceneChanged
bool isInTransition;
#region Scene Management
/// <summary>
/// Called on the server when a scene is completed loaded, when the scene load was initiated by the server with ServerChangeScene().
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sceneName">The name of the new scene.</param>
public override void OnServerSceneChanged(string sceneName)
// This fires after server fully changes scenes, e.g. offline to online
// If server has just loaded the Container (online) scene, load the subscenes on server
if (sceneName == onlineScene)
IEnumerator ServerLoadSubScenes()
foreach (string additiveScene in additiveScenes)
yield return SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(additiveScene, new LoadSceneParameters
loadSceneMode = LoadSceneMode.Additive,
localPhysicsMode = LocalPhysicsMode.Physics3D // change this to .Physics2D for a 2D game
subscenesLoaded = true;
/// <summary>
/// Called from ClientChangeScene immediately before SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync is executed
/// <para>This allows client to do work / cleanup / prep before the scene changes.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sceneName">Name of the scene that's about to be loaded</param>
/// <param name="sceneOperation">Scene operation that's about to happen</param>
/// <param name="customHandling">true to indicate that scene loading will be handled through overrides</param>
public override void OnClientChangeScene(string sceneName, SceneOperation sceneOperation, bool customHandling)
//Debug.Log($"{System.DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss:fff} OnClientChangeScene {sceneName} {sceneOperation}");
if (sceneOperation == SceneOperation.UnloadAdditive)
if (sceneOperation == SceneOperation.LoadAdditive)
IEnumerator LoadAdditive(string sceneName)
isInTransition = true;
// This will return immediately if already faded in
// e.g. by UnloadAdditive above or by default startup state
yield return fadeInOut.FadeIn();
// host client is on server...don't load the additive scene again
if (mode == NetworkManagerMode.ClientOnly)
// Start loading the additive subscene
loadingSceneAsync = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
while (loadingSceneAsync != null && !loadingSceneAsync.isDone)
yield return null;
// Reset these to false when ready to proceed
NetworkClient.isLoadingScene = false;
isInTransition = false;
yield return fadeInOut.FadeOut();
IEnumerator UnloadAdditive(string sceneName)
isInTransition = true;
// This will return immediately if already faded in
// e.g. by LoadAdditive above or by default startup state
yield return fadeInOut.FadeIn();
if (mode == NetworkManagerMode.ClientOnly)
yield return SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(sceneName);
yield return Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets();
// Reset these to false when ready to proceed
NetworkClient.isLoadingScene = false;
isInTransition = false;
// There is no call to FadeOut here on purpose.
// Expectation is that a LoadAdditive will follow
// that will call FadeOut after that scene loads.
/// <summary>
/// Called on clients when a scene has completed loaded, when the scene load was initiated by the server.
/// <para>Scene changes can cause player objects to be destroyed. The default implementation of OnClientSceneChanged in the NetworkManager is to add a player object for the connection if no player object exists.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="conn">The network connection that the scene change message arrived on.</param>
public override void OnClientSceneChanged()
//Debug.Log($"{System.DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss:fff} OnClientSceneChanged {isInTransition}");
// Only call the base method if not in a transition.
// This will be called from DoTransition after setting doingTransition to false
// but will also be called first by Mirror when the scene loading finishes.
if (!isInTransition)
#region Server System Callbacks
/// <summary>
/// Called on the server when a client is ready.
/// <para>The default implementation of this function calls NetworkServer.SetClientReady() to continue the network setup process.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="conn">Connection from client.</param>
public override void OnServerReady(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
//Debug.Log($"OnServerReady {conn} {conn.identity}");
// This fires from a Ready message client sends to server after loading the online scene
if (conn.identity == null)
// This delay is mostly for the host player that loads too fast for the
// server to have subscenes async loaded from OnServerSceneChanged ahead of it.
IEnumerator AddPlayerDelayed(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
// Wait for server to async load all subscenes for game instances
while (!subscenesLoaded)
yield return null;
// Send Scene msg to client telling it to load the first additive scene
conn.Send(new SceneMessage { sceneName = additiveScenes[0], sceneOperation = SceneOperation.LoadAdditive, customHandling = true });
// We have Network Start Positions in first additive scene...pick one
Transform start = GetStartPosition();
// Instantiate player as child of start position - this will place it in the additive scene
// This also lets player object "inherit" pos and rot from start position transform
GameObject player = Instantiate(playerPrefab, start);
// now set parent null to get it out from under the Start Position object
// Wait for end of frame before adding the player to ensure Scene Message goes first
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// Finally spawn the player object for this connection
NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(conn, player);