2024-02-19 21:00:36 +03:00

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using UnityEngine;
Documentation: https://mirror-networking.gitbook.io/docs/components/network-manager
API Reference: https://mirror-networking.com/docs/api/Mirror.NetworkManager.html
namespace Mirror.Examples.NetworkRoom
public class NetworkRoomManagerExt : NetworkRoomManager
[Header("Spawner Setup")]
[Tooltip("Reward Prefab for the Spawner")]
public GameObject rewardPrefab;
/// <summary>
/// This is called on the server when a networked scene finishes loading.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sceneName">Name of the new scene.</param>
public override void OnRoomServerSceneChanged(string sceneName)
// spawn the initial batch of Rewards
if (sceneName == GameplayScene)
/// <summary>
/// Called just after GamePlayer object is instantiated and just before it replaces RoomPlayer object.
/// This is the ideal point to pass any data like player name, credentials, tokens, colors, etc.
/// into the GamePlayer object as it is about to enter the Online scene.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="roomPlayer"></param>
/// <param name="gamePlayer"></param>
/// <returns>true unless some code in here decides it needs to abort the replacement</returns>
public override bool OnRoomServerSceneLoadedForPlayer(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, GameObject roomPlayer, GameObject gamePlayer)
PlayerScore playerScore = gamePlayer.GetComponent<PlayerScore>();
playerScore.index = roomPlayer.GetComponent<NetworkRoomPlayer>().index;
return true;
public override void OnRoomStopClient()
public override void OnRoomStopServer()
This code below is to demonstrate how to do a Start button that only appears for the Host player
showStartButton is a local bool that's needed because OnRoomServerPlayersReady is only fired when
all players are ready, but if a player cancels their ready state there's no callback to set it back to false
Therefore, allPlayersReady is used in combination with showStartButton to show/hide the Start button correctly.
Setting showStartButton false when the button is pressed hides it in the game scene since NetworkRoomManager
is set as DontDestroyOnLoad = true.
bool showStartButton;
public override void OnRoomServerPlayersReady()
// calling the base method calls ServerChangeScene as soon as all players are in Ready state.
showStartButton = true;
public override void OnGUI()
if (allPlayersReady && showStartButton && GUI.Button(new Rect(150, 300, 120, 20), "START GAME"))
// set to false to hide it in the game scene
showStartButton = false;