2024-02-19 21:00:36 +03:00

149 lines
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using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror
// message packing all in one place, instead of constructing headers in all
// kinds of different places
// MsgType (2 bytes)
// Content (ContentSize bytes)
public static class MessagePacking
// message header size
public const int HeaderSize = sizeof(ushort);
// max message content size (without header) calculation for convenience
// -> Transport.GetMaxPacketSize is the raw maximum
// -> Every message gets serialized into <<id, content>>
// -> Every serialized message get put into a batch with a header
public static int MaxContentSize
get => Transport.activeTransport.GetMaxPacketSize()
- HeaderSize
- Batcher.HeaderSize;
// paul: 16 bits is enough to avoid collisions
// - keeps the message size small
// - in case of collisions, Mirror will display an error
public static ushort GetId<T>() where T : struct, NetworkMessage =>
(ushort)(typeof(T).FullName.GetStableHashCode() & 0xFFFF);
// pack message before sending
// -> NetworkWriter passed as arg so that we can use .ToArraySegment
// and do an allocation free send before recycling it.
public static void Pack<T>(T message, NetworkWriter writer)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
ushort msgType = GetId<T>();
// serialize message into writer
// unpack message after receiving
// -> pass NetworkReader so it's less strange if we create it in here
// and pass it upwards.
// -> NetworkReader will point at content afterwards!
public static bool Unpack(NetworkReader messageReader, out ushort msgType)
// read message type
msgType = messageReader.ReadUShort();
return true;
catch (System.IO.EndOfStreamException)
msgType = 0;
return false;
// version for handlers with channelId
// inline! only exists for 20-30 messages and they call it all the time.
internal static NetworkMessageDelegate WrapHandler<T, C>(Action<C, T, int> handler, bool requireAuthentication)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
where C : NetworkConnection
=> (conn, reader, channelId) =>
// protect against DOS attacks if attackers try to send invalid
// data packets to crash the server/client. there are a thousand
// ways to cause an exception in data handling:
// - invalid headers
// - invalid message ids
// - invalid data causing exceptions
// - negative ReadBytesAndSize prefixes
// - invalid utf8 strings
// - etc.
// let's catch them all and then disconnect that connection to avoid
// further attacks.
T message = default;
// record start position for NetworkDiagnostics because reader might contain multiple messages if using batching
int startPos = reader.Position;
if (requireAuthentication && !conn.isAuthenticated)
// message requires authentication, but the connection was not authenticated
Debug.LogWarning($"Closing connection: {conn}. Received message {typeof(T)} that required authentication, but the user has not authenticated yet");
//Debug.Log($"ConnectionRecv {conn} msgType:{typeof(T)} content:{BitConverter.ToString(reader.buffer.Array, reader.buffer.Offset, reader.buffer.Count)}");
// if it is a value type, just use default(T)
// otherwise allocate a new instance
message = reader.Read<T>();
catch (Exception exception)
Debug.LogError($"Closed connection: {conn}. This can happen if the other side accidentally (or an attacker intentionally) sent invalid data. Reason: {exception}");
int endPos = reader.Position;
// TODO: Figure out the correct channel
NetworkDiagnostics.OnReceive(message, channelId, endPos - startPos);
// user handler exception should not stop the whole server
// user implemented handler
handler((C)conn, message, channelId);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError($"Disconnecting connId={conn.connectionId} to prevent exploits from an Exception in MessageHandler: {e.GetType().Name} {e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
// version for handlers without channelId
// TODO obsolete this some day to always use the channelId version.
// all handlers in this version are wrapped with 1 extra action.
internal static NetworkMessageDelegate WrapHandler<T, C>(Action<C, T> handler, bool requireAuthentication)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
where C : NetworkConnection
// wrap action as channelId version, call original
void Wrapped(C conn, T msg, int _) => handler(conn, msg);
return WrapHandler((Action<C, T, int>) Wrapped, requireAuthentication);