97 lines
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97 lines
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using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Sandbox.Utility;
namespace Sandbox;
[Title( "Connect" )]
[Category( "KPTL" )]
[Icon( "electrical_services" )]
public sealed class KPTLConnect : Component, Component.INetworkListener
[Property] public bool StartServer { get; set; } = true;
[Property] public GameObject PlayerPrefab { get; set; }
[Property] public List<GameObject> SpawnPoints { get; set; }
protected override async Task OnLoad()
if ( Scene.IsEditor )
if ( StartServer && !Networking.IsActive )
LoadingScreen.Title = "Creating Lobby";
await Task.DelayRealtimeSeconds( 0.1f );
} else
string lobbyId = await Http.RequestStringAsync( "https://sbox.koptilnya.xyz/string" );
/// <summary>
/// A client is fully connected to the server. This is called on the host.
/// </summary>
public void OnActive( Connection channel )
Log.Info( $"Player '{channel.DisplayName}' has joined the game" );
if ( !PlayerPrefab.IsValid() )
// Find a spawn location for this player
var startLocation = FindSpawnLocation().WithScale( 1 );
// Spawn this object and make the client the owner
var player = PlayerPrefab.Clone( startLocation, name: $"Player - {channel.DisplayName}" );
player.NetworkSpawn( channel );
if ( Networking.IsHost )
Task.RunInThreadAsync( UpdateLobbyId );
private async Task UpdateLobbyId()
await Task.DelayRealtimeSeconds( 2f );
var lobbyList = await Networking.QueryLobbies();
await Http.RequestAsync( $"https://sbox.koptilnya.xyz/string?text={lobbyList[0].LobbyId}", "POST" );
/// <summary>
/// Find the most appropriate place to respawn
/// </summary>
Transform FindSpawnLocation()
// If they have spawn point set then use those
if ( SpawnPoints is not null && SpawnPoints.Count > 0 )
return Random.Shared.FromList( SpawnPoints, default ).Transform.World;
// If we have any SpawnPoint components in the scene, then use those
var spawnPoints = Scene.GetAllComponents<SpawnPoint>().ToArray();
if ( spawnPoints.Length > 0 )
return Random.Shared.FromArray( spawnPoints ).Transform.World;
// Failing that, spawn where we are
return Transform.World;