namespace SWB.Base; public class ScopeInfo { /// 2D lens texture [Property, ImageAssetPathAttribute] public string LensTexture { get; set; } = "/materials/swb/scopes/swb_lens_hunter.png"; /// 2D scope texture [Property, ImageAssetPathAttribute] public string ScopeTexture { get; set; } = "/materials/swb/scopes/swb_scope_hunter.png"; /// Delay between ADS and scoping in ms [Property] public float ScopeInDelay { get; set; } = 0.2f; /// Sound that plays when scoping starts [Property] public SoundEvent ScopeInSound { get; set; } /// Sound that plays when scoping ends [Property] public SoundEvent ScopeOutSound { get; set; } /// Player FOV while scoping [Property] public float FOV { get; set; } = 8f; /// Mouse sensitivity while scoping (lower is slower, 0 to use AimSensitivity while scoped) [Property] public float AimSensitivity { get; set; } = 0.25f; }