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2024-10-17 17:23:05 +03:00
// Applies HistoryBounds to the physics world by projecting to a trigger Collider.
// This way we can use Physics.Raycast on it.
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror
public class HistoryCollider : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("The object's actual collider. We need to know where it is, and how large it is.")]
public Collider actualCollider;
[Tooltip("The helper collider that the history bounds are projected onto.\nNeeds to be added to a child GameObject to counter-rotate an axis aligned Bounding Box onto it.\nThis is only used by this component.")]
public BoxCollider boundsCollider;
[Tooltip("Keep this many past bounds in the buffer. The larger this is, the further we can raycast into the past.\nMaximum time := historyAmount * captureInterval")]
public int boundsLimit = 8;
[Tooltip("Gather N bounds at a time into a bucket for faster encapsulation. A factor of 2 will be twice as fast, etc.")]
public int boundsPerBucket = 2;
[Tooltip("Capture bounds every 'captureInterval' seconds. Larger values will require fewer computations, but may not capture every small move.")]
public float captureInterval = 0.100f; // 100 ms
double lastCaptureTime = 0;
public Color historyColor = new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
public Color currentColor = Color.red;
protected HistoryBounds history = null;
protected virtual void Awake()
history = new HistoryBounds(boundsLimit, boundsPerBucket);
// ensure colliders were set.
// bounds collider should always be a trigger.
if (actualCollider == null) Debug.LogError("HistoryCollider: actualCollider was not set.");
if (boundsCollider == null) Debug.LogError("HistoryCollider: boundsCollider was not set.");
if (boundsCollider.transform.parent != transform) Debug.LogError("HistoryCollider: boundsCollider must be a child of this GameObject.");
if (!boundsCollider.isTrigger) Debug.LogError("HistoryCollider: boundsCollider must be a trigger.");
// capturing and projecting onto colliders should use physics update
protected virtual void FixedUpdate()
// capture current bounds every interval
if (NetworkTime.localTime >= lastCaptureTime + captureInterval)
lastCaptureTime = NetworkTime.localTime;
// project bounds onto helper collider
protected virtual void CaptureBounds()
// grab current collider bounds
// this is in world space coordinates, and axis aligned
// TODO double check
Bounds bounds = actualCollider.bounds;
// insert into history
protected virtual void ProjectBounds()
// grab total collider encapsulating all of history
Bounds total = history.total;
// don't assign empty bounds, this will throw a Unity warning
if (history.boundsCount == 0) return;
// scale projection doesn't work yet.
// for now, don't allow scale changes.
if (transform.lossyScale != Vector3.one)
Debug.LogWarning($"HistoryCollider: {name}'s transform global scale must be (1,1,1).");
// counter rotate the child collider against the gameobject's rotation.
// we need this to always be axis aligned.
boundsCollider.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation);
// project world space bounds to collider's local space
boundsCollider.center = boundsCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(total.center);
boundsCollider.size = total.size; // TODO projection?
// TODO runtime drawing for debugging?
protected virtual void OnDrawGizmos()
// draw total bounds
Gizmos.color = historyColor;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(history.total.center, history.total.size);
// draw current bounds
Gizmos.color = currentColor;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(actualCollider.bounds.center, actualCollider.bounds.size);