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2024-10-17 17:23:05 +03:00
// overwrite RawSend/Receive
using System;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using Mirror;
using UnityEngine;
using kcp2k;
namespace Edgegap
public class EdgegapKcpClient : KcpClient
// need buffer larger than KcpClient.rawReceiveBuffer to add metadata
readonly byte[] relayReceiveBuffer;
// authentication
public uint userId;
public uint sessionId;
public ConnectionState connectionState = ConnectionState.Disconnected;
// ping
double lastPingTime;
public EdgegapKcpClient(
Action OnConnected,
Action<ArraySegment<byte>, KcpChannel> OnData,
Action OnDisconnected,
Action<ErrorCode, string> OnError,
KcpConfig config)
: base(OnConnected, OnData, OnDisconnected, OnError, config)
relayReceiveBuffer = new byte[config.Mtu + Protocol.Overhead];
// custom start function with relay parameters; connects udp client.
public void Connect(string relayAddress, ushort relayPort, uint userId, uint sessionId)
// reset last state
connectionState = ConnectionState.Checking;
this.userId = userId;
this.sessionId = sessionId;
// reuse base connect
base.Connect(relayAddress, relayPort);
// parse metadata, then pass to kcp
protected override bool RawReceive(out ArraySegment<byte> segment)
segment = default;
if (socket == null) return false;
if (socket.ReceiveNonBlocking(relayReceiveBuffer, out ArraySegment<byte> content))
using (NetworkReaderPooled reader = NetworkReaderPool.Get(content))
// parse message type
if (reader.Remaining == 0)
Debug.LogWarning($"EdgegapClient: message of {content.Count} is too small to parse.");
return false;
byte messageType = reader.ReadByte();
// handle message type
switch (messageType)
case (byte)MessageType.Ping:
// parse state
if (reader.Remaining < 1) return false;
ConnectionState last = connectionState;
connectionState = (ConnectionState)reader.ReadByte();
// log state changes for debugging.
if (connectionState != last) Debug.Log($"EdgegapClient: state updated to: {connectionState}");
// return true indicates Mirror to keep checking
// for further messages.
return true;
case (byte)MessageType.Data:
segment = reader.ReadBytesSegment(reader.Remaining);
return true;
// wrong message type. return false, don't throw.
default: return false;
catch (SocketException e)
Log.Info($"EdgegapClient: looks like the other end has closed the connection. This is fine: {e}");
return false;
protected override void RawSend(ArraySegment<byte> data)
using (NetworkWriterPooled writer = NetworkWriterPool.Get())
writer.WriteBytes(data.Array, data.Offset, data.Count);
void SendPing()
using (NetworkWriterPooled writer = NetworkWriterPool.Get())
public override void TickOutgoing()
if (connected)
// ping every interval for keepalive & handshake
if (NetworkTime.localTime >= lastPingTime + Protocol.PingInterval)
lastPingTime = NetworkTime.localTime;