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99 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror
public class NetworkScenePostProcess : MonoBehaviour
public static void OnPostProcessScene()
// find all NetworkIdentities in all scenes
// => can't limit it to GetActiveScene() because that wouldn't work
// for additive scene loads (the additively loaded scene is never
// the active scene)
// => ignore DontDestroyOnLoad scene! this avoids weird situations
// like in NetworkZones when we destroy the local player and
// load another scene afterwards, yet the local player is still
// in the FindObjectsOfType result with scene=DontDestroyOnLoad
// for some reason
// => OfTypeAll so disabled objects are included too
// => Unity 2019 returns prefabs here too, so filter them out.
IEnumerable<NetworkIdentity> identities = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<NetworkIdentity>()
.Where(identity => identity.gameObject.hideFlags != HideFlags.NotEditable &&
identity.gameObject.hideFlags != HideFlags.HideAndDontSave &&
identity.gameObject.scene.name != "DontDestroyOnLoad" &&
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in identities)
// if we had a [ConflictComponent] attribute that would be better than this check.
// also there is no context about which scene this is in.
if (identity.GetComponent<NetworkManager>() != null)
Debug.LogError("NetworkManager has a NetworkIdentity component. This will cause the NetworkManager object to be disabled, so it is not recommended.");
// not spawned before?
// OnPostProcessScene is called after additive scene loads too,
// and we don't want to set main scene's objects inactive again
if (!identity.isClient && !identity.isServer)
// valid scene object?
// otherwise it might be an unopened scene that still has null
// sceneIds. builds are interrupted if they contain 0 sceneIds,
// but it's still possible that we call LoadScene in Editor
// for a previously unopened scene.
// (and only do SetActive if this was actually a scene object)
if (identity.sceneId != 0)
// throwing an exception would only show it for one object
// because this function would return afterwards.
// there are two cases where sceneId == 0:
// * if we have a prefab open in the prefab scene
// * if an unopened scene needs resaving
// show a proper error message in both cases so the user
// knows what to do.
string path = identity.gameObject.scene.path;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))
Debug.LogError($"{identity.name} is currently open in Prefab Edit Mode. Please open the actual scene before launching Mirror.");
Debug.LogError($"Scene {path} needs to be opened and resaved, because the scene object {identity.name} has no valid sceneId yet.");
// either way we shouldn't continue. nothing good will
// happen when trying to launch with invalid sceneIds.
EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;
static void PrepareSceneObject(NetworkIdentity identity)
// set scene hash
// spawnable scene objects are force disabled on scene load to
// ensure Start/Update/etc. aren't called until actually spawned.
// note: NetworkIdentity.OnDisable adds itself to the
// spawnableObjects dictionary (only if sceneId != 0)
// safety check for prefabs with more than one NetworkIdentity
GameObject prefabGO = PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(identity.gameObject);
if (prefabGO)
GameObject prefabRootGO = prefabGO.transform.root.gameObject;
if (prefabRootGO != null && prefabRootGO.GetComponentsInChildren<NetworkIdentity>().Length > 1)
Debug.LogWarning($"Prefab {prefabRootGO.name} has several NetworkIdentity components attached to itself or its children, this is not supported.");