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// standalone utility functions for PredictedRigidbody component.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror
public static class PredictionUtils
// rigidbody ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// move a Rigidbody + settings from one GameObject to another.
public static void MoveRigidbody(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
// create a new Rigidbody component on destination.
// note that adding a Joint automatically adds a Rigidbody.
// so first check if one was added yet.
Rigidbody original = source.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
if (original == null) throw new Exception($"Prediction: attempted to move {source}'s Rigidbody to the predicted copy, but there was no component.");
Rigidbody rigidbodyCopy;
if (!destination.TryGetComponent(out rigidbodyCopy))
rigidbodyCopy = destination.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();
// copy all properties
rigidbodyCopy.mass = original.mass;
rigidbodyCopy.drag = original.drag;
rigidbodyCopy.angularDrag = original.angularDrag;
rigidbodyCopy.useGravity = original.useGravity;
rigidbodyCopy.isKinematic = original.isKinematic;
rigidbodyCopy.interpolation = original.interpolation;
rigidbodyCopy.collisionDetectionMode = original.collisionDetectionMode;
rigidbodyCopy.constraints = original.constraints;
rigidbodyCopy.sleepThreshold = original.sleepThreshold;
rigidbodyCopy.freezeRotation = original.freezeRotation;
// moving (Configurable)Joints messes up their range of motion unless
// we reset to initial position first (we do this in PredictedRigibody.cs).
// so here we don't set the Rigidbody's physics position at all.
// rigidbodyCopy.position = original.position;
// rigidbodyCopy.rotation = original.rotation;
// projects may keep Rigidbodies as kinematic sometimes. in that case, setting velocity would log an error
if (!original.isKinematic)
rigidbodyCopy.velocity = original.velocity;
rigidbodyCopy.angularVelocity = original.angularVelocity;
// destroy original
// helper function: if a collider is on a child, copy that child first.
// this way child's relative position/rotation/scale are preserved.
public static GameObject CopyRelativeTransform(GameObject source, Transform sourceChild, GameObject destination)
// is this on the source root? then we want to put it on the destination root.
if (sourceChild == source.transform) return destination;
// is this on a child? then create the same child with the same transform on destination.
// note this is technically only correct for the immediate child since
// .localPosition is relative to parent, but this is good enough.
GameObject child = new GameObject(sourceChild.name);
child.transform.SetParent(destination.transform, true);
child.transform.localPosition = sourceChild.localPosition;
child.transform.localRotation = sourceChild.localRotation;
child.transform.localScale = sourceChild.localScale;
// assign the same Layer for the physics copy.
// games may use a custom physics collision matrix, layer matters.
child.layer = sourceChild.gameObject.layer;
return child;
// colliders ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// move all BoxColliders + settings from one GameObject to another.
public static void MoveBoxColliders(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
// colliders may be on children
BoxCollider[] sourceColliders = source.GetComponentsInChildren<BoxCollider>();
foreach (BoxCollider sourceCollider in sourceColliders)
// copy the relative transform:
// if collider is on root, it returns destination root.
// if collider is on a child, it creates and returns a child on destination.
GameObject target = CopyRelativeTransform(source, sourceCollider.transform, destination);
BoxCollider colliderCopy = target.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
colliderCopy.center = sourceCollider.center;
colliderCopy.size = sourceCollider.size;
colliderCopy.isTrigger = sourceCollider.isTrigger;
colliderCopy.material = sourceCollider.material;
// move all SphereColliders + settings from one GameObject to another.
public static void MoveSphereColliders(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
// colliders may be on children
SphereCollider[] sourceColliders = source.GetComponentsInChildren<SphereCollider>();
foreach (SphereCollider sourceCollider in sourceColliders)
// copy the relative transform:
// if collider is on root, it returns destination root.
// if collider is on a child, it creates and returns a child on destination.
GameObject target = CopyRelativeTransform(source, sourceCollider.transform, destination);
SphereCollider colliderCopy = target.AddComponent<SphereCollider>();
colliderCopy.center = sourceCollider.center;
colliderCopy.radius = sourceCollider.radius;
colliderCopy.isTrigger = sourceCollider.isTrigger;
colliderCopy.material = sourceCollider.material;
// move all CapsuleColliders + settings from one GameObject to another.
public static void MoveCapsuleColliders(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
// colliders may be on children
CapsuleCollider[] sourceColliders = source.GetComponentsInChildren<CapsuleCollider>();
foreach (CapsuleCollider sourceCollider in sourceColliders)
// copy the relative transform:
// if collider is on root, it returns destination root.
// if collider is on a child, it creates and returns a child on destination.
GameObject target = CopyRelativeTransform(source, sourceCollider.transform, destination);
CapsuleCollider colliderCopy = target.AddComponent<CapsuleCollider>();
colliderCopy.center = sourceCollider.center;
colliderCopy.radius = sourceCollider.radius;
colliderCopy.height = sourceCollider.height;
colliderCopy.direction = sourceCollider.direction;
colliderCopy.isTrigger = sourceCollider.isTrigger;
colliderCopy.material = sourceCollider.material;
// move all MeshColliders + settings from one GameObject to another.
public static void MoveMeshColliders(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
// colliders may be on children
MeshCollider[] sourceColliders = source.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshCollider>();
foreach (MeshCollider sourceCollider in sourceColliders)
// when Models have Mesh->Read/Write disabled, it means that Unity
// uploads the mesh directly to the GPU and erases it on the CPU.
// on some platforms this makes moving a MeshCollider in builds impossible:
// "CollisionMeshData couldn't be created because the mesh has been marked as non-accessible."
// on other platforms, this works fine.
// let's show an explicit log message so in case collisions don't
// work at runtime, it's obvious why it happens and how to fix it.
if (!sourceCollider.sharedMesh.isReadable)
Debug.Log($"[Prediction]: MeshCollider on {sourceCollider.name} isn't readable, which may indicate that the Mesh only exists on the GPU. If {sourceCollider.name} is missing collisions, then please select the model in the Project Area, and enable Mesh->Read/Write so it's also available on the CPU!");
// don't early return. keep trying, it may work.
// copy the relative transform:
// if collider is on root, it returns destination root.
// if collider is on a child, it creates and returns a child on destination.
GameObject target = CopyRelativeTransform(source, sourceCollider.transform, destination);
MeshCollider colliderCopy = target.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();
colliderCopy.sharedMesh = sourceCollider.sharedMesh;
colliderCopy.convex = sourceCollider.convex;
colliderCopy.isTrigger = sourceCollider.isTrigger;
colliderCopy.material = sourceCollider.material;
// move all Colliders + settings from one GameObject to another.
public static void MoveAllColliders(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
MoveBoxColliders(source, destination);
MoveSphereColliders(source, destination);
MoveCapsuleColliders(source, destination);
MoveMeshColliders(source, destination);
// joints //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// move all CharacterJoints + settings from one GameObject to another.
public static void MoveCharacterJoints(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
// colliders may be on children
CharacterJoint[] sourceJoints = source.GetComponentsInChildren<CharacterJoint>();
foreach (CharacterJoint sourceJoint in sourceJoints)
// copy the relative transform:
// if joint is on root, it returns destination root.
// if joint is on a child, it creates and returns a child on destination.
GameObject target = CopyRelativeTransform(source, sourceJoint.transform, destination);
CharacterJoint jointCopy = target.AddComponent<CharacterJoint>();
// apply settings, in alphabetical order
jointCopy.anchor = sourceJoint.anchor;
jointCopy.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = sourceJoint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor;
jointCopy.axis = sourceJoint.axis;
jointCopy.breakForce = sourceJoint.breakForce;
jointCopy.breakTorque = sourceJoint.breakTorque;
jointCopy.connectedAnchor = sourceJoint.connectedAnchor;
jointCopy.connectedBody = sourceJoint.connectedBody;
jointCopy.connectedMassScale = sourceJoint.connectedMassScale;
jointCopy.enableCollision = sourceJoint.enableCollision;
jointCopy.enablePreprocessing = sourceJoint.enablePreprocessing;
jointCopy.enableProjection = sourceJoint.enableProjection;
jointCopy.highTwistLimit = sourceJoint.highTwistLimit;
jointCopy.lowTwistLimit = sourceJoint.lowTwistLimit;
jointCopy.massScale = sourceJoint.massScale;
jointCopy.projectionAngle = sourceJoint.projectionAngle;
jointCopy.projectionDistance = sourceJoint.projectionDistance;
jointCopy.swing1Limit = sourceJoint.swing1Limit;
jointCopy.swing2Limit = sourceJoint.swing2Limit;
jointCopy.swingAxis = sourceJoint.swingAxis;
jointCopy.swingLimitSpring = sourceJoint.swingLimitSpring;
jointCopy.twistLimitSpring = sourceJoint.twistLimitSpring;
#if UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
jointCopy.connectedArticulationBody = sourceJoint.connectedArticulationBody;
// move all ConfigurableJoints + settings from one GameObject to another.
public static void MoveConfigurableJoints(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
// colliders may be on children
ConfigurableJoint[] sourceJoints = source.GetComponentsInChildren<ConfigurableJoint>();
foreach (ConfigurableJoint sourceJoint in sourceJoints)
// copy the relative transform:
// if joint is on root, it returns destination root.
// if joint is on a child, it creates and returns a child on destination.
GameObject target = CopyRelativeTransform(source, sourceJoint.transform, destination);
ConfigurableJoint jointCopy = target.AddComponent<ConfigurableJoint>();
// apply settings, in alphabetical order
jointCopy.anchor = sourceJoint.anchor;
jointCopy.angularXLimitSpring = sourceJoint.angularXLimitSpring;
jointCopy.angularXDrive = sourceJoint.angularXDrive;
jointCopy.angularXMotion = sourceJoint.angularXMotion;
jointCopy.angularYLimit = sourceJoint.angularYLimit;
jointCopy.angularYMotion = sourceJoint.angularYMotion;
jointCopy.angularYZDrive = sourceJoint.angularYZDrive;
jointCopy.angularYZLimitSpring = sourceJoint.angularYZLimitSpring;
jointCopy.angularZLimit = sourceJoint.angularZLimit;
jointCopy.angularZMotion = sourceJoint.angularZMotion;
jointCopy.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = sourceJoint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor;
jointCopy.axis = sourceJoint.axis;
jointCopy.breakForce = sourceJoint.breakForce;
jointCopy.breakTorque = sourceJoint.breakTorque;
jointCopy.configuredInWorldSpace = sourceJoint.configuredInWorldSpace;
jointCopy.connectedAnchor = sourceJoint.connectedAnchor;
jointCopy.connectedBody = sourceJoint.connectedBody;
jointCopy.connectedMassScale = sourceJoint.connectedMassScale;
jointCopy.enableCollision = sourceJoint.enableCollision;
jointCopy.enablePreprocessing = sourceJoint.enablePreprocessing;
jointCopy.highAngularXLimit = sourceJoint.highAngularXLimit; // moving this only works if the object is at initial position/rotation/scale, see PredictedRigidbody.cs
jointCopy.linearLimitSpring = sourceJoint.linearLimitSpring;
jointCopy.linearLimit = sourceJoint.linearLimit;
jointCopy.lowAngularXLimit = sourceJoint.lowAngularXLimit; // moving this only works if the object is at initial position/rotation/scale, see PredictedRigidbody.cs
jointCopy.massScale = sourceJoint.massScale;
jointCopy.projectionAngle = sourceJoint.projectionAngle;
jointCopy.projectionDistance = sourceJoint.projectionDistance;
jointCopy.projectionMode = sourceJoint.projectionMode;
jointCopy.rotationDriveMode = sourceJoint.rotationDriveMode;
jointCopy.secondaryAxis = sourceJoint.secondaryAxis;
jointCopy.slerpDrive = sourceJoint.slerpDrive;
jointCopy.swapBodies = sourceJoint.swapBodies;
jointCopy.targetAngularVelocity = sourceJoint.targetAngularVelocity;
jointCopy.targetPosition = sourceJoint.targetPosition;
jointCopy.targetRotation = sourceJoint.targetRotation;
jointCopy.targetVelocity = sourceJoint.targetVelocity;
jointCopy.xDrive = sourceJoint.xDrive;
jointCopy.xMotion = sourceJoint.xMotion;
jointCopy.yDrive = sourceJoint.yDrive;
jointCopy.yMotion = sourceJoint.yMotion;
jointCopy.zDrive = sourceJoint.zDrive;
jointCopy.zMotion = sourceJoint.zMotion;
#if UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
jointCopy.connectedArticulationBody = sourceJoint.connectedArticulationBody;
// move all FixedJoints + settings from one GameObject to another.
public static void MoveFixedJoints(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
// colliders may be on children
FixedJoint[] sourceJoints = source.GetComponentsInChildren<FixedJoint>();
foreach (FixedJoint sourceJoint in sourceJoints)
// copy the relative transform:
// if joint is on root, it returns destination root.
// if joint is on a child, it creates and returns a child on destination.
GameObject target = CopyRelativeTransform(source, sourceJoint.transform, destination);
FixedJoint jointCopy = target.AddComponent<FixedJoint>();
// apply settings, in alphabetical order
jointCopy.anchor = sourceJoint.anchor;
jointCopy.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = sourceJoint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor;
jointCopy.axis = sourceJoint.axis;
jointCopy.breakForce = sourceJoint.breakForce;
jointCopy.breakTorque = sourceJoint.breakTorque;
jointCopy.connectedAnchor = sourceJoint.connectedAnchor;
jointCopy.connectedBody = sourceJoint.connectedBody;
jointCopy.connectedMassScale = sourceJoint.connectedMassScale;
jointCopy.enableCollision = sourceJoint.enableCollision;
jointCopy.enablePreprocessing = sourceJoint.enablePreprocessing;
jointCopy.massScale = sourceJoint.massScale;
#if UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
jointCopy.connectedArticulationBody = sourceJoint.connectedArticulationBody;
// move all HingeJoints + settings from one GameObject to another.
public static void MoveHingeJoints(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
// colliders may be on children
HingeJoint[] sourceJoints = source.GetComponentsInChildren<HingeJoint>();
foreach (HingeJoint sourceJoint in sourceJoints)
// copy the relative transform:
// if joint is on root, it returns destination root.
// if joint is on a child, it creates and returns a child on destination.
GameObject target = CopyRelativeTransform(source, sourceJoint.transform, destination);
HingeJoint jointCopy = target.AddComponent<HingeJoint>();
// apply settings, in alphabetical order
jointCopy.anchor = sourceJoint.anchor;
jointCopy.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = sourceJoint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor;
jointCopy.axis = sourceJoint.axis;
jointCopy.breakForce = sourceJoint.breakForce;
jointCopy.breakTorque = sourceJoint.breakTorque;
jointCopy.connectedAnchor = sourceJoint.connectedAnchor;
jointCopy.connectedBody = sourceJoint.connectedBody;
jointCopy.connectedMassScale = sourceJoint.connectedMassScale;
jointCopy.enableCollision = sourceJoint.enableCollision;
jointCopy.enablePreprocessing = sourceJoint.enablePreprocessing;
jointCopy.limits = sourceJoint.limits;
jointCopy.massScale = sourceJoint.massScale;
jointCopy.motor = sourceJoint.motor;
jointCopy.spring = sourceJoint.spring;
jointCopy.useLimits = sourceJoint.useLimits;
jointCopy.useMotor = sourceJoint.useMotor;
jointCopy.useSpring = sourceJoint.useSpring;
#if UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
jointCopy.connectedArticulationBody = sourceJoint.connectedArticulationBody;
#if UNITY_2022_3_OR_NEWER
jointCopy.extendedLimits = sourceJoint.extendedLimits;
jointCopy.useAcceleration = sourceJoint.useAcceleration;
// move all SpringJoints + settings from one GameObject to another.
public static void MoveSpringJoints(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
// colliders may be on children
SpringJoint[] sourceJoints = source.GetComponentsInChildren<SpringJoint>();
foreach (SpringJoint sourceJoint in sourceJoints)
// copy the relative transform:
// if joint is on root, it returns destination root.
// if joint is on a child, it creates and returns a child on destination.
GameObject target = CopyRelativeTransform(source, sourceJoint.transform, destination);
SpringJoint jointCopy = target.AddComponent<SpringJoint>();
// apply settings, in alphabetical order
jointCopy.anchor = sourceJoint.anchor;
jointCopy.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = sourceJoint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor;
jointCopy.axis = sourceJoint.axis;
jointCopy.breakForce = sourceJoint.breakForce;
jointCopy.breakTorque = sourceJoint.breakTorque;
jointCopy.connectedAnchor = sourceJoint.connectedAnchor;
jointCopy.connectedBody = sourceJoint.connectedBody;
jointCopy.connectedMassScale = sourceJoint.connectedMassScale;
jointCopy.damper = sourceJoint.damper;
jointCopy.enableCollision = sourceJoint.enableCollision;
jointCopy.enablePreprocessing = sourceJoint.enablePreprocessing;
jointCopy.massScale = sourceJoint.massScale;
jointCopy.maxDistance = sourceJoint.maxDistance;
jointCopy.minDistance = sourceJoint.minDistance;
jointCopy.spring = sourceJoint.spring;
jointCopy.tolerance = sourceJoint.tolerance;
#if UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
jointCopy.connectedArticulationBody = sourceJoint.connectedArticulationBody;
// move all Joints + settings from one GameObject to another.
public static void MoveAllJoints(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
MoveCharacterJoints(source, destination);
MoveConfigurableJoints(source, destination);
MoveFixedJoints(source, destination);
MoveHingeJoints(source, destination);
MoveSpringJoints(source, destination);
// all /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// move all physics components from one GameObject to another.
public static void MovePhysicsComponents(GameObject source, GameObject destination)
// need to move joints first, otherwise we might see:
// 'can't move Rigidbody because a Joint depends on it'
MoveAllJoints(source, destination);
MoveAllColliders(source, destination);
MoveRigidbody(source, destination);