324 lines
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324 lines
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// wraps around a transport and adds latency/loss/scramble simulation.
// reliable: latency
// unreliable: latency, loss, scramble (unreliable isn't ordered so we scramble)
// IMPORTANT: use Time.unscaledTime instead of Time.time.
// some games might have Time.timeScale modified.
// see also: https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/2907
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace Mirror
struct QueuedMessage
public int connectionId;
public byte[] bytes;
public double time;
public class LatencySimulation : Transport
public Transport wrap;
// latency always needs to be applied to both channels!
// fixes a bug in prediction where predictedTime would have no latency, but [Command]s would have 100ms latency resulting in heavy, hard to debug jittering!
// in real world, all UDP channels go over the same socket connection with the same latency.
[Tooltip("Latency in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second). Always applied to both reliable and unreliable, otherwise unreliable NetworkTime may be behind reliable [SyncVars/Commands/Rpcs] or vice versa!")]
[Range(0, 10000)] public float latency = 100;
[Tooltip("Jitter latency via perlin(Time * jitterSpeed) * jitter")]
[Range(0, 1)] public float jitter = 0.02f;
[Tooltip("Jitter latency via perlin(Time * jitterSpeed) * jitter")]
public float jitterSpeed = 1;
[Header("Reliable Messages")]
// note: packet loss over reliable manifests itself in latency.
// don't need (and can't add) a loss option here.
// note: reliable is ordered by definition. no need to scramble.
[Header("Unreliable Messages")]
[Tooltip("Packet loss in %\n2% recommended for long term play testing, upto 5% for short bursts.\nAnything higher, or for a prolonged amount of time, suggests user has a connection fault.")]
[Range(0, 100)] public float unreliableLoss = 2;
[Tooltip("Scramble % of unreliable messages, just like over the real network. Mirror unreliable is unordered.")]
[Range(0, 100)] public float unreliableScramble = 2;
// message queues
// list so we can insert randomly (scramble)
readonly List<QueuedMessage> reliableClientToServer = new List<QueuedMessage>();
readonly List<QueuedMessage> reliableServerToClient = new List<QueuedMessage>();
readonly List<QueuedMessage> unreliableClientToServer = new List<QueuedMessage>();
readonly List<QueuedMessage> unreliableServerToClient = new List<QueuedMessage>();
// random
// UnityEngine.Random.value is [0, 1] with both upper and lower bounds inclusive
// but we need the upper bound to be exclusive, so using System.Random instead.
// => NextDouble() is NEVER < 0 so loss=0 never drops!
// => NextDouble() is ALWAYS < 1 so loss=1 always drops!
readonly System.Random random = new System.Random();
public void Awake()
if (wrap == null)
throw new Exception("LatencySimulationTransport requires an underlying transport to wrap around.");
// forward enable/disable to the wrapped transport
void OnEnable() { wrap.enabled = true; }
void OnDisable() { wrap.enabled = false; }
// noise function can be replaced if needed
protected virtual float Noise(float time) => Mathf.PerlinNoise(time, time);
// helper function to simulate latency
float SimulateLatency(int channeldId)
// spike over perlin noise.
// no spikes isn't realistic.
// sin is too predictable / no realistic.
// perlin is still deterministic and random enough.
#if !UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
float spike = Noise((float)NetworkTime.localTime * jitterSpeed) * jitter;
float spike = Noise((float)Time.unscaledTimeAsDouble * jitterSpeed) * jitter;
// base latency
switch (channeldId)
case Channels.Reliable:
return latency/1000 + spike;
case Channels.Unreliable:
return latency/1000 + spike;
return 0;
// helper function to simulate a send with latency/loss/scramble
void SimulateSend(
int connectionId,
ArraySegment<byte> segment,
int channelId,
float latency,
List<QueuedMessage> reliableQueue,
List<QueuedMessage> unreliableQueue)
// segment is only valid after returning. copy it.
// (allocates for now. it's only for testing anyway.)
byte[] bytes = new byte[segment.Count];
Buffer.BlockCopy(segment.Array, segment.Offset, bytes, 0, segment.Count);
// enqueue message. send after latency interval.
QueuedMessage message = new QueuedMessage
connectionId = connectionId,
bytes = bytes,
#if !UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
time = NetworkTime.localTime + latency
time = Time.unscaledTimeAsDouble + latency
switch (channelId)
case Channels.Reliable:
// simulate latency
case Channels.Unreliable:
// simulate packet loss
bool drop = random.NextDouble() < unreliableLoss/100;
if (!drop)
// simulate scramble (Random.Next is < max, so +1)
bool scramble = random.NextDouble() < unreliableScramble/100;
int last = unreliableQueue.Count;
int index = scramble ? random.Next(0, last + 1) : last;
// simulate latency
unreliableQueue.Insert(index, message);
Debug.LogError($"{nameof(LatencySimulation)} unexpected channelId: {channelId}");
public override bool Available() => wrap.Available();
public override void ClientConnect(string address)
wrap.OnClientConnected = OnClientConnected;
wrap.OnClientDataReceived = OnClientDataReceived;
wrap.OnClientError = OnClientError;
wrap.OnClientDisconnected = OnClientDisconnected;
public override void ClientConnect(Uri uri)
wrap.OnClientConnected = OnClientConnected;
wrap.OnClientDataReceived = OnClientDataReceived;
wrap.OnClientError = OnClientError;
wrap.OnClientDisconnected = OnClientDisconnected;
public override bool ClientConnected() => wrap.ClientConnected();
public override void ClientDisconnect()
public override void ClientSend(ArraySegment<byte> segment, int channelId)
float latency = SimulateLatency(channelId);
SimulateSend(0, segment, channelId, latency, reliableClientToServer, unreliableClientToServer);
public override Uri ServerUri() => wrap.ServerUri();
public override bool ServerActive() => wrap.ServerActive();
public override string ServerGetClientAddress(int connectionId) => wrap.ServerGetClientAddress(connectionId);
public override void ServerDisconnect(int connectionId) => wrap.ServerDisconnect(connectionId);
public override void ServerSend(int connectionId, ArraySegment<byte> segment, int channelId)
float latency = SimulateLatency(channelId);
SimulateSend(connectionId, segment, channelId, latency, reliableServerToClient, unreliableServerToClient);
public override void ServerStart()
wrap.OnServerConnected = OnServerConnected;
wrap.OnServerDataReceived = OnServerDataReceived;
wrap.OnServerError = OnServerError;
wrap.OnServerDisconnected = OnServerDisconnected;
public override void ServerStop()
public override void ClientEarlyUpdate() => wrap.ClientEarlyUpdate();
public override void ServerEarlyUpdate() => wrap.ServerEarlyUpdate();
public override void ClientLateUpdate()
// flush reliable messages after latency.
// need to iterate all, since queue isn't a sortedlist.
for (int i = 0; i < reliableClientToServer.Count; ++i)
// message ready to be sent?
QueuedMessage message = reliableClientToServer[i];
#if !UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
if (message.time <= NetworkTime.localTime)
if (message.time <= Time.unscaledTimeAsDouble)
// send and eat
wrap.ClientSend(new ArraySegment<byte>(message.bytes), Channels.Reliable);
// flush unreliable messages after latency.
// need to iterate all, since queue isn't a sortedlist.
for (int i = 0; i < unreliableClientToServer.Count; ++i)
// message ready to be sent?
QueuedMessage message = unreliableClientToServer[i];
#if !UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
if (message.time <= NetworkTime.localTime)
if (message.time <= Time.unscaledTimeAsDouble)
// send and eat
wrap.ClientSend(new ArraySegment<byte>(message.bytes), Channels.Reliable);
// update wrapped transport too
public override void ServerLateUpdate()
// flush reliable messages after latency.
// need to iterate all, since queue isn't a sortedlist.
for (int i = 0; i < reliableServerToClient.Count; ++i)
// message ready to be sent?
QueuedMessage message = reliableServerToClient[i];
#if !UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
if (message.time <= NetworkTime.localTime)
if (message.time <= Time.unscaledTimeAsDouble)
// send and eat
wrap.ServerSend(message.connectionId, new ArraySegment<byte>(message.bytes), Channels.Reliable);
// flush unreliable messages after latency.
// need to iterate all, since queue isn't a sortedlist.
for (int i = 0; i < unreliableServerToClient.Count; ++i)
// message ready to be sent?
QueuedMessage message = unreliableServerToClient[i];
#if !UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER
if (message.time <= NetworkTime.localTime)
if (message.time <= Time.unscaledTimeAsDouble)
// send and eat
wrap.ServerSend(message.connectionId, new ArraySegment<byte>(message.bytes), Channels.Reliable);
// update wrapped transport too
public override int GetBatchThreshold(int channelId) => wrap.GetBatchThreshold(channelId);
public override int GetMaxPacketSize(int channelId = 0) => wrap.GetMaxPacketSize(channelId);
public override void Shutdown() => wrap.Shutdown();
public override string ToString() => $"{nameof(LatencySimulation)} {wrap}";