using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEngine; namespace Mirror { // Mirror's Weaver automatically detects all NetworkReader function types, // but they do all need to be extensions. public static class NetworkReaderExtensions { public static byte ReadByte(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static byte? ReadByteNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static sbyte ReadSByte(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static sbyte? ReadSByteNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); // bool is not blittable. read as ushort. public static char ReadChar(this NetworkReader reader) => (char)reader.ReadBlittable(); public static char? ReadCharNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => (char?)reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); // bool is not blittable. read as byte. public static bool ReadBool(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable() != 0; public static bool? ReadBoolNullable(this NetworkReader reader) { byte? value = reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); return value.HasValue ? (value.Value != 0) : default(bool?); } public static short ReadShort(this NetworkReader reader) => (short)reader.ReadUShort(); public static short? ReadShortNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static ushort ReadUShort(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static ushort? ReadUShortNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static int ReadInt(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static int? ReadIntNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static uint ReadUInt(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static uint? ReadUIntNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static long ReadLong(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static long? ReadLongNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static ulong ReadULong(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static ulong? ReadULongNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static float ReadFloat(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static float? ReadFloatNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static double ReadDouble(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static double? ReadDoubleNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static decimal ReadDecimal(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static decimal? ReadDecimalNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); /// if an invalid utf8 string is sent public static string ReadString(this NetworkReader reader) { // read number of bytes ushort size = reader.ReadUShort(); // null support, see NetworkWriter if (size == 0) return null; ushort realSize = (ushort)(size - 1); // make sure it's within limits to avoid allocation attacks etc. if (realSize > NetworkWriter.MaxStringLength) throw new EndOfStreamException($"NetworkReader.ReadString - Value too long: {realSize} bytes. Limit is: {NetworkWriter.MaxStringLength} bytes"); ArraySegment data = reader.ReadBytesSegment(realSize); // convert directly from buffer to string via encoding // throws in case of invalid utf8. // see test: ReadString_InvalidUTF8() return reader.encoding.GetString(data.Array, data.Offset, data.Count); } public static byte[] ReadBytes(this NetworkReader reader, int count) { // prevent allocation attacks with a reasonable limit. // server shouldn't allocate too much on client devices. // client shouldn't allocate too much on server in ClientToServer [SyncVar]s. if (count > NetworkReader.AllocationLimit) { // throw EndOfStream for consistency with ReadBlittable when out of data throw new EndOfStreamException($"NetworkReader attempted to allocate {count} bytes, which is larger than the allowed limit of {NetworkReader.AllocationLimit} bytes."); } byte[] bytes = new byte[count]; reader.ReadBytes(bytes, count); return bytes; } /// if count is invalid public static byte[] ReadBytesAndSize(this NetworkReader reader) { // count = 0 means the array was null // otherwise count -1 is the length of the array uint count = reader.ReadUInt(); // Use checked() to force it to throw OverflowException if data is invalid return count == 0 ? null : reader.ReadBytes(checked((int)(count - 1u))); } // Reads ArraySegment and size header /// if count is invalid public static ArraySegment ReadArraySegmentAndSize(this NetworkReader reader) { // count = 0 means the array was null // otherwise count - 1 is the length of the array uint count = reader.ReadUInt(); // Use checked() to force it to throw OverflowException if data is invalid return count == 0 ? default : reader.ReadBytesSegment(checked((int)(count - 1u))); } public static Vector2 ReadVector2(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static Vector2? ReadVector2Nullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static Vector3 ReadVector3(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static Vector3? ReadVector3Nullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static Vector4 ReadVector4(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static Vector4? ReadVector4Nullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static Vector2Int ReadVector2Int(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static Vector2Int? ReadVector2IntNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static Vector3Int ReadVector3Int(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static Vector3Int? ReadVector3IntNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static Color ReadColor(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static Color? ReadColorNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static Color32 ReadColor32(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static Color32? ReadColor32Nullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static Quaternion ReadQuaternion(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static Quaternion? ReadQuaternionNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); // Rect is a struct with properties instead of fields public static Rect ReadRect(this NetworkReader reader) => new Rect(reader.ReadVector2(), reader.ReadVector2()); public static Rect? ReadRectNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadRect(reader) : default(Rect?); // Plane is a struct with properties instead of fields public static Plane ReadPlane(this NetworkReader reader) => new Plane(reader.ReadVector3(), reader.ReadFloat()); public static Plane? ReadPlaneNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadPlane(reader) : default(Plane?); // Ray is a struct with properties instead of fields public static Ray ReadRay(this NetworkReader reader) => new Ray(reader.ReadVector3(), reader.ReadVector3()); public static Ray? ReadRayNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadRay(reader) : default(Ray?); // LayerMask is a struct with properties instead of fields public static LayerMask ReadLayerMask(this NetworkReader reader) { // LayerMask doesn't have a constructor that takes an initial value. // 32 layers as a flags enum, max value of 496, we only need a UShort. LayerMask layerMask = default; layerMask.value = reader.ReadUShort(); return layerMask; } public static LayerMask? ReadLayerMaskNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadLayerMask(reader) : default(LayerMask?); public static Matrix4x4 ReadMatrix4x4(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittable(); public static Matrix4x4? ReadMatrix4x4Nullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBlittableNullable(); public static Guid ReadGuid(this NetworkReader reader) { #if !UNITY_2021_3_OR_NEWER // Unity 2019 doesn't have Span yet return new Guid(reader.ReadBytes(16)); #else // ReadBlittable(Guid) isn't safe. see ReadBlittable comments. // Guid is Sequential, but we can't guarantee packing. if (reader.Remaining >= 16) { ReadOnlySpan span = new ReadOnlySpan(reader.buffer.Array, reader.buffer.Offset + reader.Position, 16); reader.Position += 16; return new Guid(span); } throw new EndOfStreamException($"ReadGuid out of range: {reader}"); #endif } public static Guid? ReadGuidNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadGuid(reader) : default(Guid?); public static NetworkIdentity ReadNetworkIdentity(this NetworkReader reader) { uint netId = reader.ReadUInt(); if (netId == 0) return null; // NOTE: a netId not being in spawned is common. // for example, "[SyncVar] NetworkIdentity target" netId would not // be known on client if the monster walks out of proximity for a // moment. no need to log any error or warning here. return Utils.GetSpawnedInServerOrClient(netId); } public static NetworkBehaviour ReadNetworkBehaviour(this NetworkReader reader) { // read netId first. // // IMPORTANT: if netId != 0, writer always writes componentIndex. // reusing ReadNetworkIdentity() might return a null NetworkIdentity // even if netId was != 0 but the identity disappeared on the client, // resulting in unequal amounts of data being written / read. // uint netId = reader.ReadUInt(); if (netId == 0) return null; // read component index in any case, BEFORE searching the spawned // NetworkIdentity by netId. byte componentIndex = reader.ReadByte(); // NOTE: a netId not being in spawned is common. // for example, "[SyncVar] NetworkIdentity target" netId would not // be known on client if the monster walks out of proximity for a // moment. no need to log any error or warning here. NetworkIdentity identity = Utils.GetSpawnedInServerOrClient(netId); return identity != null ? identity.NetworkBehaviours[componentIndex] : null; } public static T ReadNetworkBehaviour(this NetworkReader reader) where T : NetworkBehaviour { return reader.ReadNetworkBehaviour() as T; } public static NetworkBehaviourSyncVar ReadNetworkBehaviourSyncVar(this NetworkReader reader) { uint netId = reader.ReadUInt(); byte componentIndex = default; // if netId is not 0, then index is also sent to read before returning if (netId != 0) { componentIndex = reader.ReadByte(); } return new NetworkBehaviourSyncVar(netId, componentIndex); } public static Transform ReadTransform(this NetworkReader reader) { // Don't use null propagation here as it could lead to MissingReferenceException NetworkIdentity networkIdentity = reader.ReadNetworkIdentity(); return networkIdentity != null ? networkIdentity.transform : null; } public static GameObject ReadGameObject(this NetworkReader reader) { // Don't use null propagation here as it could lead to MissingReferenceException NetworkIdentity networkIdentity = reader.ReadNetworkIdentity(); return networkIdentity != null ? networkIdentity.gameObject : null; } // while SyncList is recommended for NetworkBehaviours, // structs may have .List members which weaver needs to be able to // fully serialize for NetworkMessages etc. // note that Weaver/Readers/GenerateReader() handles this manually. public static List ReadList(this NetworkReader reader) { int length = reader.ReadInt(); // 'null' is encoded as '-1' if (length < 0) return null; // prevent allocation attacks with a reasonable limit. // server shouldn't allocate too much on client devices. // client shouldn't allocate too much on server in ClientToServer [SyncVar]s. if (length > NetworkReader.AllocationLimit) { // throw EndOfStream for consistency with ReadBlittable when out of data throw new EndOfStreamException($"NetworkReader attempted to allocate a List<{typeof(T)}> {length} elements, which is larger than the allowed limit of {NetworkReader.AllocationLimit}."); } List result = new List(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result.Add(reader.Read()); } return result; } // while SyncSet is recommended for NetworkBehaviours, // structs may have .Set members which weaver needs to be able to // fully serialize for NetworkMessages etc. // note that Weaver/Readers/GenerateReader() handles this manually. // TODO writer not found. need to adjust weaver first. see tests. /* public static HashSet ReadHashSet(this NetworkReader reader) { int length = reader.ReadInt(); if (length < 0) return null; HashSet result = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result.Add(reader.Read()); } return result; } */ public static T[] ReadArray(this NetworkReader reader) { int length = reader.ReadInt(); // 'null' is encoded as '-1' if (length < 0) return null; // prevent allocation attacks with a reasonable limit. // server shouldn't allocate too much on client devices. // client shouldn't allocate too much on server in ClientToServer [SyncVar]s. if (length > NetworkReader.AllocationLimit) { // throw EndOfStream for consistency with ReadBlittable when out of data throw new EndOfStreamException($"NetworkReader attempted to allocate an Array<{typeof(T)}> with {length} elements, which is larger than the allowed limit of {NetworkReader.AllocationLimit}."); } // we can't check if reader.Remaining < length, // because we don't know sizeof(T) since it's a managed type. // if (length > reader.Remaining) throw new EndOfStreamException($"Received array that is too large: {length}"); T[] result = new T[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = reader.Read(); } return result; } public static Uri ReadUri(this NetworkReader reader) { string uriString = reader.ReadString(); return (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uriString) ? null : new Uri(uriString)); } public static Texture2D ReadTexture2D(this NetworkReader reader) { // support 'null' textures for [SyncVar]s etc. // short width = reader.ReadShort(); if (width == -1) return null; // read height short height = reader.ReadShort(); // prevent allocation attacks with a reasonable limit. // server shouldn't allocate too much on client devices. // client shouldn't allocate too much on server in ClientToServer [SyncVar]s. // log an error and return default. // we don't want attackers to be able to trigger exceptions. int totalSize = width * height; if (totalSize > NetworkReader.AllocationLimit) { Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkReader attempted to allocate a Texture2D with total size (width * height) of {totalSize}, which is larger than the allowed limit of {NetworkReader.AllocationLimit}."); return null; } Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(width, height); // read pixel content Color32[] pixels = reader.ReadArray(); texture2D.SetPixels32(pixels); texture2D.Apply(); return texture2D; } public static Sprite ReadSprite(this NetworkReader reader) { // support 'null' textures for [SyncVar]s etc. // Texture2D texture = reader.ReadTexture2D(); if (texture == null) return null; // otherwise create a valid sprite return Sprite.Create(texture, reader.ReadRect(), reader.ReadVector2()); } public static DateTime ReadDateTime(this NetworkReader reader) => DateTime.FromOADate(reader.ReadDouble()); public static DateTime? ReadDateTimeNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadDateTime(reader) : default(DateTime?); } }