// simple component that holds match information using System; using UnityEngine; namespace Mirror { [DisallowMultipleComponent] [AddComponentMenu("Network/ Interest Management/ Match/Network Match")] [HelpURL("https://mirror-networking.gitbook.io/docs/guides/interest-management")] public class NetworkMatch : NetworkBehaviour { Guid _matchId; #pragma warning disable IDE0052 // Suppress warning for unused field...this is for debugging purposes [SerializeField, ReadOnly] [Tooltip("Match ID is shown here on server for debugging purposes.")] string MatchID = string.Empty; #pragma warning restore IDE0052 ///<summary>Set this to the same value on all networked objects that belong to a given match</summary> public Guid matchId { get => _matchId; set { if (!NetworkServer.active) throw new InvalidOperationException("matchId can only be set at runtime on active server"); if (_matchId == value) return; Guid oldMatch = _matchId; _matchId = value; MatchID = value.ToString(); // Only inform the AOI if this netIdentity has been spawned (isServer) and only if using a MatchInterestManagement if (isServer && NetworkServer.aoi is MatchInterestManagement matchInterestManagement) matchInterestManagement.OnMatchChanged(this, oldMatch); } } } }