using UnityEngine;

namespace Mirror.Examples.MultipleAdditiveScenes
    public class PhysicsCollision : NetworkBehaviour
        [Tooltip("how forcefully to push this object")]
        public float force = 12;

        public Rigidbody rigidbody3D;

        protected override void OnValidate()

            if (rigidbody3D == null)
                rigidbody3D = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

        void Start()
            rigidbody3D.isKinematic = !isServer;

        void OnCollisionStay(Collision other)
            if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
                // get direction from which player is contacting object
                Vector3 direction = other.contacts[0].normal;

                // zero the y and normalize so we don't shove this through the floor or launch this over the wall
                direction.y = 0;
                direction = direction.normalized;

                // push this away from player...a bit less force for host player
                if (other.gameObject.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>().connectionToClient.connectionId == NetworkConnection.LocalConnectionId)
                    rigidbody3D.AddForce(direction * force * .5f);
                    rigidbody3D.AddForce(direction * force);