// edgegap relay transport. // reuses KcpTransport with custom KcpServer/Client. //#if MIRROR <- commented out because MIRROR isn't defined on first import yet using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEngine; using Mirror; using kcp2k; namespace Edgegap { [DisallowMultipleComponent] public class EdgegapKcpTransport : KcpTransport { [Header("Relay")] public string relayAddress = ""; public ushort relayGameServerPort = 8888; public ushort relayGameClientPort = 9999; // mtu for kcp transport. respects relay overhead. public const int MaxPayload = Kcp.MTU_DEF - Protocol.Overhead; [Header("Relay")] public bool relayGUI = true; public uint userId = 11111111; public uint sessionId = 22222222; // helper internal static String ReParse(String cmd, String pattern, String defaultValue) { Match match = Regex.Match(cmd, pattern); return match.Success ? match.Groups[1].Value : defaultValue; } protected override void Awake() { // logging // Log.Info should use Debug.Log if enabled, or nothing otherwise // (don't want to spam the console on headless servers) if (debugLog) Log.Info = Debug.Log; else Log.Info = _ => {}; Log.Warning = Debug.LogWarning; Log.Error = Debug.LogError; // create config from serialized settings. // with MaxPayload as max size to respect relay overhead. config = new KcpConfig(DualMode, RecvBufferSize, SendBufferSize, MaxPayload, NoDelay, Interval, FastResend, false, SendWindowSize, ReceiveWindowSize, Timeout, MaxRetransmit); // client (NonAlloc version is not necessary anymore) client = new EdgegapKcpClient( () => OnClientConnected.Invoke(), (message, channel) => OnClientDataReceived.Invoke(message, FromKcpChannel(channel)), () => OnClientDisconnected.Invoke(), (error, reason) => OnClientError.Invoke(ToTransportError(error), reason), config ); // server server = new EdgegapKcpServer( (connectionId) => OnServerConnected.Invoke(connectionId), (connectionId, message, channel) => OnServerDataReceived.Invoke(connectionId, message, FromKcpChannel(channel)), (connectionId) => OnServerDisconnected.Invoke(connectionId), (connectionId, error, reason) => OnServerError.Invoke(connectionId, ToTransportError(error), reason), config); if (statisticsLog) InvokeRepeating(nameof(OnLogStatistics), 1, 1); Debug.Log("EdgegapTransport initialized!"); } protected override void OnValidate() { // show max message sizes in inspector for convenience. // 'config' isn't available in edit mode yet, so use MTU define. ReliableMaxMessageSize = KcpPeer.ReliableMaxMessageSize(MaxPayload, ReceiveWindowSize); UnreliableMaxMessageSize = KcpPeer.UnreliableMaxMessageSize(MaxPayload); } // client overwrites to use EdgegapClient instead of KcpClient public override void ClientConnect(string address) { // connect to relay address:port instead of the expected server address EdgegapKcpClient client = (EdgegapKcpClient)this.client; client.userId = userId; client.sessionId = sessionId; client.connectionState = ConnectionState.Checking; // reset from last time client.Connect(relayAddress, relayGameClientPort); } public override void ClientConnect(Uri uri) { if (uri.Scheme != Scheme) throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid url {uri}, use {Scheme}://host:port instead", nameof(uri)); // connect to relay address:port instead of the expected server address EdgegapKcpClient client = (EdgegapKcpClient)this.client; client.Connect(relayAddress, relayGameClientPort, userId, sessionId); } // server overwrites to use EdgegapServer instead of KcpServer public override void ServerStart() { // start the server EdgegapKcpServer server = (EdgegapKcpServer)this.server; server.Start(relayAddress, relayGameServerPort, userId, sessionId); } void OnGUIRelay() { // if (server.IsActive()) return; GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(300, 30, 200, 100)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("SessionId:"); sessionId = Convert.ToUInt32(GUILayout.TextField(sessionId.ToString())); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("UserId:"); userId = Convert.ToUInt32(GUILayout.TextField(userId.ToString())); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (NetworkServer.active) { EdgegapKcpServer server = (EdgegapKcpServer)this.server; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("State:"); GUILayout.Label(server.state.ToString()); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else if (NetworkClient.active) { EdgegapKcpClient client = (EdgegapKcpClient)this.client; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("State:"); GUILayout.Label(client.connectionState.ToString()); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndArea(); } // base OnGUI only shows in editor & development builds. // here we always show it because we need the sessionid & userid buttons. #pragma warning disable CS0109 new void OnGUI() { #if UNITY_EDITOR || DEVELOPMENT_BUILD base.OnGUI(); #endif if (relayGUI) OnGUIRelay(); } public override string ToString() => "Edgegap Kcp Transport"; } #pragma warning restore CS0109 } //#endif MIRROR <- commented out because MIRROR isn't defined on first import yet