using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Mirror
    /// <summary>Base NetworkConnection class for server-to-client and client-to-server connection.</summary>
    public abstract class NetworkConnection
        public const int LocalConnectionId = 0;

        /// <summary>Unique identifier for this connection that is assigned by the transport layer.</summary>
        // assigned by transport, this id is unique for every connection on server.
        // clients don't know their own id and they don't know other client's ids.
        public readonly int connectionId;

        /// <summary>Flag that indicates the client has been authenticated.</summary>
        public bool isAuthenticated;

        /// <summary>General purpose object to hold authentication data, character selection, tokens, etc.</summary>
        public object authenticationData;

        /// <summary>A server connection is ready after joining the game world.</summary>
        // TODO move this to ConnectionToClient so the flag only lives on server
        // connections? clients could use NetworkClient.ready to avoid redundant
        // state.
        public bool isReady;

        /// <summary>Last time a message was received for this connection. Includes system and user messages.</summary>
        public float lastMessageTime;

        /// <summary>This connection's main object (usually the player object).</summary>
        public NetworkIdentity identity { get; internal set; }

        /// <summary>All NetworkIdentities owned by this connection. Can be main player, pets, etc.</summary>
        // .owned is now valid both on server and on client.
        // IMPORTANT: this needs to be <NetworkIdentity>, not <uint netId>.
        //            fixes a bug where DestroyOwnedObjects wouldn't find the
        //            netId anymore:
        //            Works fine with NetworkIdentity pointers though.
        public readonly HashSet<NetworkIdentity> owned = new HashSet<NetworkIdentity>();

        // batching from server to client & client to server.
        // fewer transport calls give us significantly better performance/scale.
        // for a 64KB max message transport and 64 bytes/message on average, we
        // reduce transport calls by a factor of 1000.
        // depending on the transport, this can give 10x performance.
        // Dictionary<channelId, batch> because we have multiple channels.
        protected Dictionary<int, Batcher> batches = new Dictionary<int, Batcher>();

        /// <summary>last batch's remote timestamp. not interpolated. useful for NetworkTransform etc.</summary>
        // for any given NetworkMessage/Rpc/Cmd/OnSerialize, this was the time
        // on the REMOTE END when it was sent.
        // NOTE: this is NOT in NetworkTime, it needs to be per-connection
        //       because the server receives different batch timestamps from
        //       different connections.
        public double remoteTimeStamp { get; internal set; }

        internal NetworkConnection()
            // set lastTime to current time when creating connection to make
            // sure it isn't instantly kicked for inactivity
            lastMessageTime = Time.time;

        internal NetworkConnection(int networkConnectionId) : this()
            connectionId = networkConnectionId;

        // TODO if we only have Reliable/Unreliable, then we could initialize
        // two batches and avoid this code
        protected Batcher GetBatchForChannelId(int channelId)
            // get existing or create new writer for the channelId
            Batcher batch;
            if (!batches.TryGetValue(channelId, out batch))
                // get max batch size for this channel
                int threshold =;

                // create batcher
                batch = new Batcher(threshold);
                batches[channelId] = batch;
            return batch;

        // Send stage one: NetworkMessage<T>
        /// <summary>Send a NetworkMessage to this connection over the given channel.</summary>
        public void Send<T>(T message, int channelId = Channels.Reliable)
            where T : struct, NetworkMessage
            using (NetworkWriterPooled writer = NetworkWriterPool.Get())
                // pack message
                NetworkMessages.Pack(message, writer);

                // validate packet size immediately.
                // we know how much can fit into one batch at max.
                // if it's larger, log an error immediately with the type <T>.
                // previously we only logged in Update() when processing batches,
                // but there we don't have type information anymore.
                int max = NetworkMessages.MaxMessageSize(channelId);
                if (writer.Position > max)
                    Debug.LogError($"NetworkConnection.Send: message of type {typeof(T)} with a size of {writer.Position} bytes is larger than the max allowed message size in one batch: {max}.\nThe message was dropped, please make it smaller.");

                // send allocation free
                NetworkDiagnostics.OnSend(message, channelId, writer.Position, 1);
                Send(writer.ToArraySegment(), channelId);

        // Send stage two: serialized NetworkMessage as ArraySegment<byte>
        // internal because no one except Mirror should send bytes directly to
        // the client. they would be detected as a message. send messages instead.
        // => make sure to validate message<T> size before calling Send<byte>!
        internal virtual void Send(ArraySegment<byte> segment, int channelId = Channels.Reliable)
            //Debug.Log($"ConnectionSend {this} bytes:{BitConverter.ToString(segment.Array, segment.Offset, segment.Count)}");

            // add to batch no matter what.
            // batching will try to fit as many as possible into MTU.
            // but we still allow > MTU, e.g. kcp max packet size 144kb.
            // those are simply sent as single batches.
            // IMPORTANT: do NOT send > batch sized messages directly:
            // - data race: large messages would be sent directly. small
            //   messages would be sent in the batch at the end of frame
            // - timestamps: if batching assumes a timestamp, then large
            //   messages need that too.
            // NOTE: we ALWAYS batch. it's not optional, because the
            //       receiver needs timestamps for NT etc.
            // NOTE: we do NOT ValidatePacketSize here yet. the final packet
            //       will be the full batch, including timestamp.
            GetBatchForChannelId(channelId).AddMessage(segment, NetworkTime.localTime);

        // Send stage three: hand off to transport
        protected abstract void SendToTransport(ArraySegment<byte> segment, int channelId = Channels.Reliable);

        // flush batched messages at the end of every Update.
        internal virtual void Update()
            // go through batches for all channels
            // foreach ((int key, Batcher batcher) in batches) // Unity 2020 doesn't support deconstruct yet
            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Batcher> kvp in batches)
                // make and send as many batches as necessary from the stored
                // messages.
                using (NetworkWriterPooled writer = NetworkWriterPool.Get())
                    // make a batch with our local time (double precision)
                    while (kvp.Value.GetBatch(writer))
                        // message size is validated in Send<T>, with test coverage.
                        // we can send directly without checking again.
                        ArraySegment<byte> segment = writer.ToArraySegment();

                        // send to transport
                        SendToTransport(segment, kvp.Key);
                        //UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"sending batch of {writer.Position} bytes for channel={kvp.Key} connId={connectionId}");

                        // reset writer for each new batch
                        writer.Position = 0;

        /// <summary>Check if we received a message within the last 'timeout' seconds.</summary>
        internal virtual bool IsAlive(float timeout) => Time.time - lastMessageTime < timeout;

        /// <summary>Disconnects this connection.</summary>
        // for future reference, here is how Disconnects work in Mirror.
        // first, there are two types of disconnects:
        // * voluntary: the other end simply disconnected
        // * involuntary: server disconnects a client by itself
        // UNET had special (complex) code to handle both cases differently.
        // Mirror handles both cases the same way:
        // * Disconnect is called from TOP to BOTTOM
        //   NetworkServer/Client -> NetworkConnection -> Transport.Disconnect()
        // * Disconnect is handled from BOTTOM to TOP
        //   Transport.OnDisconnected -> ...
        // in other words, calling Disconnect() does no cleanup whatsoever.
        // it simply asks the transport to disconnect.
        // then later the transport events will do the clean up.
        public abstract void Disconnect();

        public override string ToString() => $"connection({connectionId})";