//#if MIRROR <- commented out because MIRROR isn't defined on first import yet using System; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using Mirror; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace kcp2k { [HelpURL("https://mirror-networking.gitbook.io/docs/transports/kcp-transport")] [DisallowMultipleComponent] public class KcpTransport : Transport, PortTransport { // scheme used by this transport public const string Scheme = "kcp"; // common [Header("Transport Configuration")] [FormerlySerializedAs("Port")] public ushort port = 7777; public ushort Port { get => port; set => port=value; } [Tooltip("DualMode listens to IPv6 and IPv4 simultaneously. Disable if the platform only supports IPv4.")] public bool DualMode = true; [Tooltip("NoDelay is recommended to reduce latency. This also scales better without buffers getting full.")] public bool NoDelay = true; [Tooltip("KCP internal update interval. 100ms is KCP default, but a lower interval is recommended to minimize latency and to scale to more networked entities.")] public uint Interval = 10; [Tooltip("KCP timeout in milliseconds. Note that KCP sends a ping automatically.")] public int Timeout = 10000; [Tooltip("Socket receive buffer size. Large buffer helps support more connections. Increase operating system socket buffer size limits if needed.")] public int RecvBufferSize = 1024 * 1027 * 7; [Tooltip("Socket send buffer size. Large buffer helps support more connections. Increase operating system socket buffer size limits if needed.")] public int SendBufferSize = 1024 * 1027 * 7; [Header("Advanced")] [Tooltip("KCP fastresend parameter. Faster resend for the cost of higher bandwidth. 0 in normal mode, 2 in turbo mode.")] public int FastResend = 2; [Tooltip("KCP congestion window. Restricts window size to reduce congestion. Results in only 2-3 MTU messages per Flush even on loopback. Best to keept his disabled.")] /*public*/ bool CongestionWindow = false; // KCP 'NoCongestionWindow' is false by default. here we negate it for ease of use. [Tooltip("KCP window size can be modified to support higher loads. This also increases max message size.")] public uint ReceiveWindowSize = 4096; //Kcp.WND_RCV; 128 by default. Mirror sends a lot, so we need a lot more. [Tooltip("KCP window size can be modified to support higher loads.")] public uint SendWindowSize = 4096; //Kcp.WND_SND; 32 by default. Mirror sends a lot, so we need a lot more. [Tooltip("KCP will try to retransmit lost messages up to MaxRetransmit (aka dead_link) before disconnecting.")] public uint MaxRetransmit = Kcp.DEADLINK * 2; // default prematurely disconnects a lot of people (#3022). use 2x. [Tooltip("Enable to automatically set client & server send/recv buffers to OS limit. Avoids issues with too small buffers under heavy load, potentially dropping connections. Increase the OS limit if this is still too small.")] [FormerlySerializedAs("MaximizeSendReceiveBuffersToOSLimit")] public bool MaximizeSocketBuffers = true; [Header("Allowed Max Message Sizes\nBased on Receive Window Size")] [Tooltip("KCP reliable max message size shown for convenience. Can be changed via ReceiveWindowSize.")] [ReadOnly] public int ReliableMaxMessageSize = 0; // readonly, displayed from OnValidate [Tooltip("KCP unreliable channel max message size for convenience. Not changeable.")] [ReadOnly] public int UnreliableMaxMessageSize = 0; // readonly, displayed from OnValidate // config is created from the serialized properties above. // we can expose the config directly in the future. // for now, let's not break people's old settings. protected KcpConfig config; // use default MTU for this transport. const int MTU = Kcp.MTU_DEF; // server & client protected KcpServer server; protected KcpClient client; // debugging [Header("Debug")] public bool debugLog; // show statistics in OnGUI public bool statisticsGUI; // log statistics for headless servers that can't show them in GUI public bool statisticsLog; // translate Kcp <-> Mirror channels public static int FromKcpChannel(KcpChannel channel) => channel == KcpChannel.Reliable ? Channels.Reliable : Channels.Unreliable; public static KcpChannel ToKcpChannel(int channel) => channel == Channels.Reliable ? KcpChannel.Reliable : KcpChannel.Unreliable; public static TransportError ToTransportError(ErrorCode error) { switch(error) { case ErrorCode.DnsResolve: return TransportError.DnsResolve; case ErrorCode.Timeout: return TransportError.Timeout; case ErrorCode.Congestion: return TransportError.Congestion; case ErrorCode.InvalidReceive: return TransportError.InvalidReceive; case ErrorCode.InvalidSend: return TransportError.InvalidSend; case ErrorCode.ConnectionClosed: return TransportError.ConnectionClosed; case ErrorCode.Unexpected: return TransportError.Unexpected; default: throw new InvalidCastException($"KCP: missing error translation for {error}"); } } protected virtual void Awake() { // logging // Log.Info should use Debug.Log if enabled, or nothing otherwise // (don't want to spam the console on headless servers) if (debugLog) Log.Info = Debug.Log; else Log.Info = _ => {}; Log.Warning = Debug.LogWarning; Log.Error = Debug.LogError; // create config from serialized settings config = new KcpConfig(DualMode, RecvBufferSize, SendBufferSize, MTU, NoDelay, Interval, FastResend, CongestionWindow, SendWindowSize, ReceiveWindowSize, Timeout, MaxRetransmit); // client (NonAlloc version is not necessary anymore) client = new KcpClient( () => OnClientConnected.Invoke(), (message, channel) => OnClientDataReceived.Invoke(message, FromKcpChannel(channel)), () => OnClientDisconnected?.Invoke(), // may be null in StopHost(): https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/Mirror/issues/3708 (error, reason) => OnClientError.Invoke(ToTransportError(error), reason), config ); // server server = new KcpServer( (connectionId) => OnServerConnected.Invoke(connectionId), (connectionId, message, channel) => OnServerDataReceived.Invoke(connectionId, message, FromKcpChannel(channel)), (connectionId) => OnServerDisconnected.Invoke(connectionId), (connectionId, error, reason) => OnServerError.Invoke(connectionId, ToTransportError(error), reason), config ); if (statisticsLog) InvokeRepeating(nameof(OnLogStatistics), 1, 1); Log.Info("KcpTransport initialized!"); } protected virtual void OnValidate() { // show max message sizes in inspector for convenience. // 'config' isn't available in edit mode yet, so use MTU define. ReliableMaxMessageSize = KcpPeer.ReliableMaxMessageSize(MTU, ReceiveWindowSize); UnreliableMaxMessageSize = KcpPeer.UnreliableMaxMessageSize(MTU); } // all except WebGL // Do not change this back to using Application.platform // because that doesn't work in the Editor! public override bool Available() => #if UNITY_WEBGL false; #else true; #endif // client public override bool ClientConnected() => client.connected; public override void ClientConnect(string address) { client.Connect(address, Port); } public override void ClientConnect(Uri uri) { if (uri.Scheme != Scheme) throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid url {uri}, use {Scheme}://host:port instead", nameof(uri)); int serverPort = uri.IsDefaultPort ? Port : uri.Port; client.Connect(uri.Host, (ushort)serverPort); } public override void ClientSend(ArraySegment segment, int channelId) { client.Send(segment, ToKcpChannel(channelId)); // call event. might be null if no statistics are listening etc. OnClientDataSent?.Invoke(segment, channelId); } public override void ClientDisconnect() => client.Disconnect(); // process incoming in early update public override void ClientEarlyUpdate() { // only process messages while transport is enabled. // scene change messsages disable it to stop processing. // (see also: https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/pull/379) if (enabled) client.TickIncoming(); } // process outgoing in late update public override void ClientLateUpdate() => client.TickOutgoing(); // server public override Uri ServerUri() { UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder(); builder.Scheme = Scheme; builder.Host = Dns.GetHostName(); builder.Port = Port; return builder.Uri; } public override bool ServerActive() => server.IsActive(); public override void ServerStart() => server.Start(Port); public override void ServerSend(int connectionId, ArraySegment segment, int channelId) { server.Send(connectionId, segment, ToKcpChannel(channelId)); // call event. might be null if no statistics are listening etc. OnServerDataSent?.Invoke(connectionId, segment, channelId); } public override void ServerDisconnect(int connectionId) => server.Disconnect(connectionId); public override string ServerGetClientAddress(int connectionId) { IPEndPoint endPoint = server.GetClientEndPoint(connectionId); return endPoint != null // Map to IPv4 if "IsIPv4MappedToIPv6" // "::ffff:" -> "" ? (endPoint.Address.IsIPv4MappedToIPv6 ? endPoint.Address.MapToIPv4().ToString() : endPoint.Address.ToString()) : ""; } public override void ServerStop() => server.Stop(); public override void ServerEarlyUpdate() { // only process messages while transport is enabled. // scene change messsages disable it to stop processing. // (see also: https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/pull/379) if (enabled) server.TickIncoming(); } // process outgoing in late update public override void ServerLateUpdate() => server.TickOutgoing(); // common public override void Shutdown() {} // max message size public override int GetMaxPacketSize(int channelId = Channels.Reliable) { // switch to kcp channel. // unreliable or reliable. // default to reliable just to be sure. switch (channelId) { case Channels.Unreliable: return KcpPeer.UnreliableMaxMessageSize(config.Mtu); default: return KcpPeer.ReliableMaxMessageSize(config.Mtu, ReceiveWindowSize); } } // kcp reliable channel max packet size is MTU * WND_RCV // this allows 144kb messages. but due to head of line blocking, all // other messages would have to wait until the maxed size one is // delivered. batching 144kb messages each time would be EXTREMELY slow // and fill the send queue nearly immediately when using it over the // network. // => instead we always use MTU sized batches. // => people can still send maxed size if needed. public override int GetBatchThreshold(int channelId) => KcpPeer.UnreliableMaxMessageSize(config.Mtu); // server statistics // LONG to avoid int overflows with connections.Sum. // see also: https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/pull/2777 public long GetAverageMaxSendRate() => server.connections.Count > 0 ? server.connections.Values.Sum(conn => conn.MaxSendRate) / server.connections.Count : 0; public long GetAverageMaxReceiveRate() => server.connections.Count > 0 ? server.connections.Values.Sum(conn => conn.MaxReceiveRate) / server.connections.Count : 0; long GetTotalSendQueue() => server.connections.Values.Sum(conn => conn.SendQueueCount); long GetTotalReceiveQueue() => server.connections.Values.Sum(conn => conn.ReceiveQueueCount); long GetTotalSendBuffer() => server.connections.Values.Sum(conn => conn.SendBufferCount); long GetTotalReceiveBuffer() => server.connections.Values.Sum(conn => conn.ReceiveBufferCount); // PrettyBytes function from DOTSNET // pretty prints bytes as KB/MB/GB/etc. // long to support > 2GB // divides by floats to return "2.5MB" etc. public static string PrettyBytes(long bytes) { // bytes if (bytes < 1024) return $"{bytes} B"; // kilobytes else if (bytes < 1024L * 1024L) return $"{(bytes / 1024f):F2} KB"; // megabytes else if (bytes < 1024 * 1024L * 1024L) return $"{(bytes / (1024f * 1024f)):F2} MB"; // gigabytes return $"{(bytes / (1024f * 1024f * 1024f)):F2} GB"; } protected virtual void OnGUIStatistics() { GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(5, 110, 300, 300)); if (ServerActive()) { GUILayout.BeginVertical("Box"); GUILayout.Label("SERVER"); GUILayout.Label($" connections: {server.connections.Count}"); GUILayout.Label($" MaxSendRate (avg): {PrettyBytes(GetAverageMaxSendRate())}/s"); GUILayout.Label($" MaxRecvRate (avg): {PrettyBytes(GetAverageMaxReceiveRate())}/s"); GUILayout.Label($" SendQueue: {GetTotalSendQueue()}"); GUILayout.Label($" ReceiveQueue: {GetTotalReceiveQueue()}"); GUILayout.Label($" SendBuffer: {GetTotalSendBuffer()}"); GUILayout.Label($" ReceiveBuffer: {GetTotalReceiveBuffer()}"); GUILayout.EndVertical(); } if (ClientConnected()) { GUILayout.BeginVertical("Box"); GUILayout.Label("CLIENT"); GUILayout.Label($" MaxSendRate: {PrettyBytes(client.MaxSendRate)}/s"); GUILayout.Label($" MaxRecvRate: {PrettyBytes(client.MaxReceiveRate)}/s"); GUILayout.Label($" SendQueue: {client.SendQueueCount}"); GUILayout.Label($" ReceiveQueue: {client.ReceiveQueueCount}"); GUILayout.Label($" SendBuffer: {client.SendBufferCount}"); GUILayout.Label($" ReceiveBuffer: {client.ReceiveBufferCount}"); GUILayout.EndVertical(); } GUILayout.EndArea(); } // OnGUI allocates even if it does nothing. avoid in release. #if UNITY_EDITOR || DEVELOPMENT_BUILD protected virtual void OnGUI() { if (statisticsGUI) OnGUIStatistics(); } #endif protected virtual void OnLogStatistics() { if (ServerActive()) { string log = "kcp SERVER @ time: " + NetworkTime.localTime + "\n"; log += $" connections: {server.connections.Count}\n"; log += $" MaxSendRate (avg): {PrettyBytes(GetAverageMaxSendRate())}/s\n"; log += $" MaxRecvRate (avg): {PrettyBytes(GetAverageMaxReceiveRate())}/s\n"; log += $" SendQueue: {GetTotalSendQueue()}\n"; log += $" ReceiveQueue: {GetTotalReceiveQueue()}\n"; log += $" SendBuffer: {GetTotalSendBuffer()}\n"; log += $" ReceiveBuffer: {GetTotalReceiveBuffer()}\n\n"; Log.Info(log); } if (ClientConnected()) { string log = "kcp CLIENT @ time: " + NetworkTime.localTime + "\n"; log += $" MaxSendRate: {PrettyBytes(client.MaxSendRate)}/s\n"; log += $" MaxRecvRate: {PrettyBytes(client.MaxReceiveRate)}/s\n"; log += $" SendQueue: {client.SendQueueCount}\n"; log += $" ReceiveQueue: {client.ReceiveQueueCount}\n"; log += $" SendBuffer: {client.SendBufferCount}\n"; log += $" ReceiveBuffer: {client.ReceiveBufferCount}\n\n"; Log.Info(log); } } public override string ToString() => $"KCP [{port}]"; } } //#endif MIRROR <- commented out because MIRROR isn't defined on first import yet