using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; namespace ParrelSync { /// <summary> /// Contains all required methods for creating a linked clone of the Unity project. /// </summary> public class ClonesManager { /// <summary> /// Name used for an identifying file created in the clone project directory. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// (!) Do not change this after the clone was created, because then connection will be lost. /// </remarks> public const string CloneFileName = ".clone"; /// <summary> /// Suffix added to the end of the project clone name when it is created. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// (!) Do not change this after the clone was created, because then connection will be lost. /// </remarks> public const string CloneNameSuffix = "_clone"; public const string ProjectName = "ParrelSync"; /// <summary> /// The maximum number of clones /// </summary> public const int MaxCloneProjectCount = 10; /// <summary> /// Name of the file for storing clone's argument. /// </summary> public const string ArgumentFileName = ".parrelsyncarg"; /// <summary> /// Default argument of the new clone /// </summary> public const string DefaultArgument = "client"; #region Managing clones /// <summary> /// Creates clone from the project currently open in Unity Editor. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static Project CreateCloneFromCurrent() { if (IsClone()) { Debug.LogError("This project is already a clone. Cannot clone it."); return null; } string currentProjectPath = ClonesManager.GetCurrentProjectPath(); return ClonesManager.CreateCloneFromPath(currentProjectPath); } /// <summary> /// Creates clone of the project located at the given path. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceProjectPath"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Project CreateCloneFromPath(string sourceProjectPath) { Project sourceProject = new Project(sourceProjectPath); string cloneProjectPath = null; //Find available clone suffix id for (int i = 0; i < MaxCloneProjectCount; i++) { string originalProjectPath = ClonesManager.GetCurrentProject().projectPath; string possibleCloneProjectPath = originalProjectPath + ClonesManager.CloneNameSuffix + "_" + i; if (!Directory.Exists(possibleCloneProjectPath)) { cloneProjectPath = possibleCloneProjectPath; break; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cloneProjectPath)) { Debug.LogError("The number of cloned projects has reach its limit. Limit: " + MaxCloneProjectCount); return null; } Project cloneProject = new Project(cloneProjectPath); Debug.Log("Start cloning project, original project: " + sourceProject + ", clone project: " + cloneProject); ClonesManager.CreateProjectFolder(cloneProject); //Copy Folders Debug.Log("Library copy: " + cloneProject.libraryPath); ClonesManager.CopyDirectoryWithProgressBar(sourceProject.libraryPath, cloneProject.libraryPath, "Cloning Project Library '" + + "'. "); Debug.Log("Packages copy: " + cloneProject.libraryPath); ClonesManager.CopyDirectoryWithProgressBar(sourceProject.packagesPath, cloneProject.packagesPath, "Cloning Project Packages '" + + "'. "); //Link Folders ClonesManager.LinkFolders(sourceProject.assetPath, cloneProject.assetPath); ClonesManager.LinkFolders(sourceProject.projectSettingsPath, cloneProject.projectSettingsPath); ClonesManager.LinkFolders(sourceProject.autoBuildPath, cloneProject.autoBuildPath); ClonesManager.LinkFolders(sourceProject.localPackages, cloneProject.localPackages); //Optional Link Folders var optionalLinkPaths = Preferences.OptionalSymbolicLinkFolders.GetStoredValue(); var projectSettings = ParrelSyncProjectSettings.GetSerializedSettings(); var projectSettingsProperty = projectSettings.FindProperty("m_OptionalSymbolicLinkFolders"); if (projectSettingsProperty is { isArray: true, arrayElementType: "string" }) { for (var i = 0; i < projectSettingsProperty.arraySize; ++i) { optionalLinkPaths.Add(projectSettingsProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).stringValue); } } foreach (var path in optionalLinkPaths) { var sourceOptionalPath = sourceProjectPath + path; var cloneOptionalPath = cloneProjectPath + path; LinkFolders(sourceOptionalPath, cloneOptionalPath); } ClonesManager.RegisterClone(cloneProject); return cloneProject; } /// <summary> /// Registers a clone by placing an identifying ".clone" file in its root directory. /// </summary> /// <param name="cloneProject"></param> private static void RegisterClone(Project cloneProject) { /// Add clone identifier file. string identifierFile = Path.Combine(cloneProject.projectPath, ClonesManager.CloneFileName); File.Create(identifierFile).Dispose(); //Add argument file with default argument string argumentFilePath = Path.Combine(cloneProject.projectPath, ClonesManager.ArgumentFileName); File.WriteAllText(argumentFilePath, DefaultArgument, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); /// Add collabignore.txt to stop the clone from messing with Unity Collaborate if it's enabled. Just in case. string collabignoreFile = Path.Combine(cloneProject.projectPath, "collabignore.txt"); File.WriteAllText(collabignoreFile, "*"); /// Make it ignore ALL files in the clone. } /// <summary> /// Opens a project located at the given path (if one exists). /// </summary> /// <param name="projectPath"></param> public static void OpenProject(string projectPath) { if (!Directory.Exists(projectPath)) { Debug.LogError("Cannot open the project - provided folder (" + projectPath + ") does not exist."); return; } if (projectPath == ClonesManager.GetCurrentProjectPath()) { Debug.LogError("Cannot open the project - it is already open."); return; } //Validate (and update if needed) the "Packages" folder before opening clone project to ensure the clone project will have the //same "compiling environment" as the original project ValidateCopiedFoldersIntegrity.ValidateFolder(projectPath, GetOriginalProjectPath(), "Packages"); string fileName = GetApplicationPath(); string args = "-projectPath \"" + projectPath + "\""; Debug.Log("Opening project \"" + fileName + " " + args + "\""); ClonesManager.StartHiddenConsoleProcess(fileName, args); } private static string GetApplicationPath() { switch (Application.platform) { case RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor: return EditorApplication.applicationPath; case RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor: return EditorApplication.applicationPath + "/Contents/MacOS/Unity"; case RuntimePlatform.LinuxEditor: return EditorApplication.applicationPath; default: throw new System.NotImplementedException("Platform has not supported yet ;("); } } /// <summary> /// Is this project being opened by an Unity editor? /// </summary> /// <param name="projectPath"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsCloneProjectRunning(string projectPath) { //Determine whether it is opened in another instance by checking the UnityLockFile string UnityLockFilePath = new string[] { projectPath, "Temp", "UnityLockfile" } .Aggregate(Path.Combine); switch (Application.platform) { case (RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor): //Windows editor will lock "UnityLockfile" file when project is being opened. //Sometime, for instance: windows editor crash, the "UnityLockfile" will not be deleted even the project //isn't being opened, so a check to the "UnityLockfile" lock status may be necessary. if (Preferences.AlsoCheckUnityLockFileStaPref.Value) return File.Exists(UnityLockFilePath) && FileUtilities.IsFileLocked(UnityLockFilePath); else return File.Exists(UnityLockFilePath); case (RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor): //Mac editor won't lock "UnityLockfile" file when project is being opened return File.Exists(UnityLockFilePath); case (RuntimePlatform.LinuxEditor): return File.Exists(UnityLockFilePath); default: throw new System.NotImplementedException("IsCloneProjectRunning: Unsupport Platfrom: " + Application.platform); } } /// <summary> /// Deletes the clone of the currently open project, if such exists. /// </summary> public static void DeleteClone(string cloneProjectPath) { /// Clone won't be able to delete itself. if (ClonesManager.IsClone()) return; ///Extra precautions. if (cloneProjectPath == string.Empty) return; if (cloneProjectPath == ClonesManager.GetOriginalProjectPath()) return; //Check what OS is string identifierFile; string args; switch (Application.platform) { case (RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor): Debug.Log("Attempting to delete folder \"" + cloneProjectPath + "\""); //The argument file will be deleted first at the beginning of the project deletion process //to prevent any further reading and writing to it(There's a File.Exist() check at the (file)editor windows.) //If there's any file in the directory being write/read during the deletion process, the directory can't be fully removed. identifierFile = Path.Combine(cloneProjectPath, ClonesManager.ArgumentFileName); File.Delete(identifierFile); args = "/c " + @"rmdir /s/q " + string.Format("\"{0}\"", cloneProjectPath); StartHiddenConsoleProcess("cmd.exe", args); break; case (RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor): Debug.Log("Attempting to delete folder \"" + cloneProjectPath + "\""); //The argument file will be deleted first at the beginning of the project deletion process //to prevent any further reading and writing to it(There's a File.Exist() check at the (file)editor windows.) //If there's any file in the directory being write/read during the deletion process, the directory can't be fully removed. identifierFile = Path.Combine(cloneProjectPath, ClonesManager.ArgumentFileName); File.Delete(identifierFile); FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(cloneProjectPath); break; case (RuntimePlatform.LinuxEditor): Debug.Log("Attempting to delete folder \"" + cloneProjectPath + "\""); identifierFile = Path.Combine(cloneProjectPath, ClonesManager.ArgumentFileName); File.Delete(identifierFile); FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(cloneProjectPath); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("Not in a known editor. Where are you!?"); break; } } #endregion #region Creating project folders /// <summary> /// Creates an empty folder using data in the given Project object /// </summary> /// <param name="project"></param> public static void CreateProjectFolder(Project project) { string path = project.projectPath; Debug.Log("Creating new empty folder at: " + path); Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } /// <summary> /// Copies the full contents of the unity library. We want to do this to avoid the lengthy re-serialization of the whole project when it opens up the clone. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceProject"></param> /// <param name="destinationProject"></param> [System.Obsolete] public static void CopyLibraryFolder(Project sourceProject, Project destinationProject) { if (Directory.Exists(destinationProject.libraryPath)) { Debug.LogWarning("Library copy: destination path already exists! "); return; } Debug.Log("Library copy: " + destinationProject.libraryPath); ClonesManager.CopyDirectoryWithProgressBar(sourceProject.libraryPath, destinationProject.libraryPath, "Cloning project '" + + "'. "); } #endregion #region Creating symlinks /// <summary> /// Creates a symlink between destinationPath and sourcePath (Mac version). /// </summary> /// <param name="sourcePath"></param> /// <param name="destinationPath"></param> private static void CreateLinkMac(string sourcePath, string destinationPath) { sourcePath = sourcePath.Replace(" ", "\\ "); destinationPath = destinationPath.Replace(" ", "\\ "); var command = string.Format("ln -s {0} {1}", sourcePath, destinationPath); Debug.Log("Mac hard link " + command); ClonesManager.ExecuteBashCommand(command); } /// <summary> /// Creates a symlink between destinationPath and sourcePath (Linux version). /// </summary> /// <param name="sourcePath"></param> /// <param name="destinationPath"></param> private static void CreateLinkLinux(string sourcePath, string destinationPath) { sourcePath = sourcePath.Replace(" ", "\\ "); destinationPath = destinationPath.Replace(" ", "\\ "); var command = string.Format("ln -s {0} {1}", sourcePath, destinationPath); Debug.Log("Linux Symlink " + command); ClonesManager.ExecuteBashCommand(command); } /// <summary> /// Creates a symlink between destinationPath and sourcePath (Windows version). /// </summary> /// <param name="sourcePath"></param> /// <param name="destinationPath"></param> private static void CreateLinkWin(string sourcePath, string destinationPath) { string cmd = "/C mklink /J " + string.Format("\"{0}\" \"{1}\"", destinationPath, sourcePath); Debug.Log("Windows junction: " + cmd); ClonesManager.StartHiddenConsoleProcess("cmd.exe", cmd); } //TODO(?) avoid terminal calls and use proper api stuff. See below for windows! //// //[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] //private static extern bool DeviceIoControl(System.IntPtr hDevice, uint dwIoControlCode, // System.IntPtr InBuffer, int nInBufferSize, // System.IntPtr OutBuffer, int nOutBufferSize, // out int pBytesReturned, System.IntPtr lpOverlapped); /// <summary> /// Create a link / junction from the original project to it's clone. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourcePath"></param> /// <param name="destinationPath"></param> public static void LinkFolders(string sourcePath, string destinationPath) { if ((Directory.Exists(destinationPath) == false) && (Directory.Exists(sourcePath) == true)) { switch (Application.platform) { case (RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor): CreateLinkWin(sourcePath, destinationPath); break; case (RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor): CreateLinkMac(sourcePath, destinationPath); break; case (RuntimePlatform.LinuxEditor): CreateLinkLinux(sourcePath, destinationPath); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("Not in a known editor. Application.platform: " + Application.platform); break; } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping Asset link, it already exists: " + destinationPath); } } #endregion #region Utility methods private static bool? isCloneFileExistCache = null; /// <summary> /// Returns true if the project currently open in Unity Editor is a clone. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsClone() { if (isCloneFileExistCache == null) { /// The project is a clone if its root directory contains an empty file named ".clone". string cloneFilePath = Path.Combine(ClonesManager.GetCurrentProjectPath(), ClonesManager.CloneFileName); isCloneFileExistCache = File.Exists(cloneFilePath); } return (bool)isCloneFileExistCache; } /// <summary> /// Get the path to the current unityEditor project folder's info /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetCurrentProjectPath() { return Application.dataPath.Replace("/Assets", ""); } /// <summary> /// Return a project object that describes all the paths we need to clone it. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static Project GetCurrentProject() { string pathString = ClonesManager.GetCurrentProjectPath(); return new Project(pathString); } /// <summary> /// Get the argument of this clone project. /// If this is the original project, will return an empty string. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetArgument() { string argument = ""; if (IsClone()) { string argumentFilePath = Path.Combine(GetCurrentProjectPath(), ClonesManager.ArgumentFileName); if (File.Exists(argumentFilePath)) { argument = File.ReadAllText(argumentFilePath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); } } return argument; } /// <summary> /// Returns the path to the original project. /// If currently open project is the original, returns its own path. /// If the original project folder cannot be found, retuns an empty string. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetOriginalProjectPath() { if (IsClone()) { /// If this is a clone... /// Original project path can be deduced by removing the suffix from the clone's path. string cloneProjectPath = ClonesManager.GetCurrentProject().projectPath; int index = cloneProjectPath.LastIndexOf(ClonesManager.CloneNameSuffix); if (index > 0) { string originalProjectPath = cloneProjectPath.Substring(0, index); if (Directory.Exists(originalProjectPath)) return originalProjectPath; } return string.Empty; } else { /// If this is the original, we return its own path. return ClonesManager.GetCurrentProjectPath(); } } /// <summary> /// Returns all clone projects path. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List<string> GetCloneProjectsPath() { List<string> projectsPath = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < MaxCloneProjectCount; i++) { string originalProjectPath = ClonesManager.GetCurrentProject().projectPath; string cloneProjectPath = originalProjectPath + ClonesManager.CloneNameSuffix + "_" + i; if (Directory.Exists(cloneProjectPath)) projectsPath.Add(cloneProjectPath); } return projectsPath; } /// <summary> /// Copies directory located at sourcePath to destinationPath. Displays a progress bar. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">Directory to be copied.</param> /// <param name="destination">Destination directory (created automatically if needed).</param> /// <param name="progressBarPrefix">Optional string added to the beginning of the progress bar window header.</param> public static void CopyDirectoryWithProgressBar(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, string progressBarPrefix = "") { var source = new DirectoryInfo(sourcePath); var destination = new DirectoryInfo(destinationPath); long totalBytes = 0; long copiedBytes = 0; ClonesManager.CopyDirectoryWithProgressBarRecursive(source, destination, ref totalBytes, ref copiedBytes, progressBarPrefix); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } /// <summary> /// Copies directory located at sourcePath to destinationPath. Displays a progress bar. /// Same as the previous method, but uses recursion to copy all nested folders as well. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">Directory to be copied.</param> /// <param name="destination">Destination directory (created automatically if needed).</param> /// <param name="totalBytes">Total bytes to be copied. Calculated automatically, initialize at 0.</param> /// <param name="copiedBytes">To track already copied bytes. Calculated automatically, initialize at 0.</param> /// <param name="progressBarPrefix">Optional string added to the beginning of the progress bar window header.</param> private static void CopyDirectoryWithProgressBarRecursive(DirectoryInfo source, DirectoryInfo destination, ref long totalBytes, ref long copiedBytes, string progressBarPrefix = "") { /// Directory cannot be copied into itself. if (source.FullName.ToLower() == destination.FullName.ToLower()) { Debug.LogError("Cannot copy directory into itself."); return; } /// Calculate total bytes, if required. if (totalBytes == 0) { totalBytes = ClonesManager.GetDirectorySize(source, true, progressBarPrefix); } /// Create destination directory, if required. if (!Directory.Exists(destination.FullName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destination.FullName); } /// Copy all files from the source. foreach (FileInfo file in source.GetFiles()) { // Ensure file exists before continuing. if (!file.Exists) { continue; } try { file.CopyTo(Path.Combine(destination.ToString(), file.Name), true); } catch (IOException) { /// Some files may throw IOException if they are currently open in Unity editor. /// Just ignore them in such case. } /// Account the copied file size. copiedBytes += file.Length; /// Display the progress bar. float progress = (float)copiedBytes / (float)totalBytes; bool cancelCopy = EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar( progressBarPrefix + "Copying '" + source.FullName + "' to '" + destination.FullName + "'...", "(" + (progress * 100f).ToString("F2") + "%) Copying file '" + file.Name + "'...", progress); if (cancelCopy) return; } /// Copy all nested directories from the source. foreach (DirectoryInfo sourceNestedDir in source.GetDirectories()) { DirectoryInfo nextDestingationNestedDir = destination.CreateSubdirectory(sourceNestedDir.Name); ClonesManager.CopyDirectoryWithProgressBarRecursive(sourceNestedDir, nextDestingationNestedDir, ref totalBytes, ref copiedBytes, progressBarPrefix); } } /// <summary> /// Calculates the size of the given directory. Displays a progress bar. /// </summary> /// <param name="directory">Directory, which size has to be calculated.</param> /// <param name="includeNested">If true, size will include all nested directories.</param> /// <param name="progressBarPrefix">Optional string added to the beginning of the progress bar window header.</param> /// <returns>Size of the directory in bytes.</returns> private static long GetDirectorySize(DirectoryInfo directory, bool includeNested = false, string progressBarPrefix = "") { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(progressBarPrefix + "Calculating size of directories...", "Scanning '" + directory.FullName + "'...", 0f); /// Calculate size of all files in directory. long filesSize = directory.GetFiles().Sum((FileInfo file) => file.Exists ? file.Length : 0); /// Calculate size of all nested directories. long directoriesSize = 0; if (includeNested) { IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> nestedDirectories = directory.GetDirectories(); foreach (DirectoryInfo nestedDir in nestedDirectories) { directoriesSize += ClonesManager.GetDirectorySize(nestedDir, true, progressBarPrefix); } } return filesSize + directoriesSize; } /// <summary> /// Starts process in the system console, taking the given fileName and args. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> private static void StartHiddenConsoleProcess(string fileName, string args) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fileName, args); } /// <summary> /// Thanks to /// </summary> /// <param name="command"></param> private static void ExecuteBashCommand(string command) { command = command.Replace("\"", "\"\""); var proc = new Process() { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "/bin/bash", Arguments = "-c \"" + command + "\"", UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; using (proc) { proc.Start(); proc.WaitForExit(); if (!proc.StandardError.EndOfStream) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(proc.StandardError.ReadToEnd()); } } } public static void OpenProjectInFileExplorer(string path) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@path); } #endregion } }