using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; namespace Edgegap { internal static class EdgegapBuildUtils { public static bool IsArmCPU() => RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture == Architecture.Arm || RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture == Architecture.Arm64; public static BuildReport BuildServer() { IEnumerable scenes = EditorBuildSettings.scenes.Select(s=>s.path); BuildPlayerOptions options = new BuildPlayerOptions { scenes = scenes.ToArray(), target = BuildTarget.StandaloneLinux64, // MIRROR CHANGE #if UNITY_2021_3_OR_NEWER subtarget = (int)StandaloneBuildSubtarget.Server, // dedicated server with UNITY_SERVER define #else options = BuildOptions.EnableHeadlessMode, // obsolete and missing UNITY_SERVER define #endif // END MIRROR CHANGE locationPathName = "Builds/EdgegapServer/ServerBuild" }; return BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(options); } public static async Task DockerSetupAndInstallationCheck() { if (!File.Exists("Dockerfile")) { File.WriteAllText("Dockerfile", dockerFileText); } string output = null; string error = null; await RunCommand_DockerVersion(msg => output = msg, msg => error = msg); // MIRROR CHANGE if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Debug.LogError(error); return false; } Debug.Log($"[Edgegap] Docker version detected: {output}"); // MIRROR CHANGE return true; } // MIRROR CHANGE static async Task RunCommand_DockerVersion(Action outputReciever = null, Action errorReciever = null) { #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN await RunCommand("cmd.exe", "/c docker --version", outputReciever, errorReciever); #elif UNITY_EDITOR_OSX await RunCommand("/bin/bash", "-c \"docker --version\"", outputReciever, errorReciever); #elif UNITY_EDITOR_LINUX await RunCommand("/bin/bash", "-c \"docker --version\"", outputReciever, errorReciever); #else Debug.LogError("The platform is not supported yet."); #endif } // MIRROR CHANGE public static async Task RunCommand_DockerBuild(string registry, string imageRepo, string tag, Action onStatusUpdate) { string realErrorMessage = null; // ARM -> x86 support: // build commands use 'buildx' on ARM cpus for cross compilation. // otherwise docker builds would not launch when deployed because // Edgegap's infrastructure is on x86. instead the deployment logs // would show an error in a linux .go file with 'not found'. string buildCommand = IsArmCPU() ? "buildx build --platform linux/amd64" : "build"; #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN await RunCommand("docker.exe", $"{buildCommand} -t {registry}/{imageRepo}:{tag} .", onStatusUpdate, #elif UNITY_EDITOR_OSX await RunCommand("/bin/bash", $"-c \"docker {buildCommand} -t {registry}/{imageRepo}:{tag} .\"", onStatusUpdate, #elif UNITY_EDITOR_LINUX await RunCommand("/bin/bash", $"-c \"docker {buildCommand} -t {registry}/{imageRepo}:{tag} .\"", onStatusUpdate, #endif (msg) => { if (msg.Contains("ERROR")) { realErrorMessage = msg; } onStatusUpdate(msg); }); if(realErrorMessage != null) { throw new Exception(realErrorMessage); } } public static async Task<(bool, string)> RunCommand_DockerPush(string registry, string imageRepo, string tag, Action onStatusUpdate) { string error = string.Empty; #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN await RunCommand("docker.exe", $"push {registry}/{imageRepo}:{tag}", onStatusUpdate, (msg) => error += msg + "\n"); #elif UNITY_EDITOR_OSX await RunCommand("/bin/bash", $"-c \"docker push {registry}/{imageRepo}:{tag}\"", onStatusUpdate, (msg) => error += msg + "\n"); #elif UNITY_EDITOR_LINUX await RunCommand("/bin/bash", $"-c \"docker push {registry}/{imageRepo}:{tag}\"", onStatusUpdate, (msg) => error += msg + "\n"); #endif if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Debug.LogError(error); return (false, error); } return (true, null); } // END MIRROR CHANGE static async Task RunCommand(string command, string arguments, Action outputReciever = null, Action errorReciever = null) { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = command, Arguments = arguments, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, }; // MIRROR CHANGE #if !UNITY_EDITOR_WIN // on mac, commands like 'docker' aren't found because it's not in the application's PATH // even if it runs on mac's terminal. // to solve this we need to do two steps: // 1. add /usr/bin/local to PATH if it's not there already. often this is missing in the application. // this is where docker is usually instaled. // 2. add PATH to ProcessStartInfo string existingPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"); string customPath = $"{existingPath}:/usr/local/bin"; startInfo.EnvironmentVariables["PATH"] = customPath; // Debug.Log("PATH: " + customPath); #endif // END MIRROR CHANGE Process proc = new Process() { StartInfo = startInfo, }; proc.EnableRaisingEvents = true; ConcurrentQueue errors = new ConcurrentQueue(); ConcurrentQueue outputs = new ConcurrentQueue(); void pipeQueue(ConcurrentQueue q, Action opt) { while (!q.IsEmpty) { if (q.TryDequeue(out string msg) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg)) { opt?.Invoke(msg); } } } proc.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => outputs.Enqueue(e.Data); proc.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => errors.Enqueue(e.Data); proc.Start(); proc.BeginOutputReadLine(); proc.BeginErrorReadLine(); while (!proc.HasExited) { await Task.Delay(100); pipeQueue(errors, errorReciever); pipeQueue(outputs, outputReciever); } pipeQueue(errors, errorReciever); pipeQueue(outputs, outputReciever); } static void Proc_OutputDataReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } static Regex lastDigitsRegex = new Regex("([0-9])+$"); public static string IncrementTag(string tag) { Match lastDigits = lastDigitsRegex.Match(tag); if (!lastDigits.Success) { return tag + " _1"; } int number = int.Parse(lastDigits.Groups[0].Value); number++; return lastDigitsRegex.Replace(tag, number.ToString()); } public static void UpdateEdgegapAppTag(string tag) { // throw new NotImplementedException(); } // -batchmode -nographics remains for Unity 2019/2020 support pre-dedicated server builds static string dockerFileText = @"FROM ubuntu:bionic ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive COPY Builds/EdgegapServer /root/build/ WORKDIR /root/ RUN chmod +x /root/build/ServerBuild ENTRYPOINT [ ""/root/build/ServerBuild"", ""-batchmode"", ""-nographics""] "; /// Run a Docker cmd with streaming log response. TODO: Plugin to other Docker cmds /// Throws if logs contain "ERROR" /// /// ex: "" /// ex: "robot$mycompany-asdf+client-push" /// Different from ApiToken; sometimes called "Container Registry Password" /// Log stream // MIRROR CHANGE: CROSS PLATFORM SUPPORT static async Task RunCommand_DockerLogin( string registryUrl, string repoUsername, string repoPasswordToken, Action outputReciever = null, Action errorReciever = null) { // TODO: Use --password-stdin for security (!) This is no easy task for child Process | // (!) Don't use single quotes for cross-platform support (works unexpectedly in `cmd`). try { #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN await RunCommand("cmd.exe", $"/c docker login -u \"{repoUsername}\" --password \"{repoPasswordToken}\" \"{registryUrl}\"", outputReciever, errorReciever); #elif UNITY_EDITOR_OSX await RunCommand("/bin/bash", $"-c \"docker login -u \"{repoUsername}\" --password \"{repoPasswordToken}\" \"{registryUrl}\"\"", outputReciever, errorReciever); #elif UNITY_EDITOR_LINUX await RunCommand("/bin/bash", $"-c \"docker login -u \"{repoUsername}\" --password \"{repoPasswordToken}\" \"{registryUrl}\"\"", outputReciever, errorReciever); #else Debug.LogError("The platform is not supported yet."); #endif } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError($"Error: {e}"); return false; } return true; } /// /// v2: Login to Docker Registry via RunCommand(), returning streamed log messages: /// "docker login {registryUrl} {repository} {repoUsername} {repoPasswordToken}" /// /// ex: "" /// ex: "robot$mycompany-asdf+client-push" /// Different from ApiToken; sometimes called "Container Registry Password" /// Log stream /// isSuccess public static async Task LoginContainerRegistry( string registryUrl, string repoUsername, string repoPasswordToken, Action onStatusUpdate) { string error = null; await RunCommand_DockerLogin(registryUrl, repoUsername, repoPasswordToken, onStatusUpdate, msg => error = msg); // MIRROR CHANGE if (error.Contains("ERROR")) { Debug.LogError(error); return false; } return true; } } }