using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Security.Cryptography; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace Mirror { // Handles network messages on client and server public delegate void NetworkMessageDelegate(NetworkConnection conn, NetworkReader reader, int channelId); // Handles requests to spawn objects on the client public delegate GameObject SpawnDelegate(Vector3 position, uint assetId); public delegate GameObject SpawnHandlerDelegate(SpawnMessage msg); // Handles requests to unspawn objects on the client public delegate void UnSpawnDelegate(GameObject spawned); // channels are const ints instead of an enum so people can add their own // channels (can't extend an enum otherwise). // // note that Mirror is slowly moving towards quake style networking which // will only require reliable for handshake, and unreliable for the rest. // so eventually we can change this to an Enum and transports shouldn't // add custom channels anymore. public static class Channels { public const int Reliable = 0; // ordered public const int Unreliable = 1; // unordered } public static class Utils { // detect headless / dedicated server mode // SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType is never null in the editor. // UNITY_SERVER works in builds for all Unity versions 2019 LTS and later. // For Unity 2019 / 2020, there is no way to detect Server Build checkbox // state in Build Settings, so they never auto-start headless server / client. // UNITY_SERVER works in the editor in Unity 2021 LTS and later // because that's when Dedicated Server platform was added. // It is intentional for editor play mode to auto-start headless server / client // when Dedicated Server platform is selected in the editor so that editor // acts like a headless build to every extent possible for testing / debugging. public static bool IsHeadless() => #if UNITY_SERVER true; #else SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == GraphicsDeviceType.Null; #endif // detect WebGL mode public const bool IsWebGL = #if UNITY_WEBGL true; #else false; #endif // detect Debug mode public const bool IsDebug = #if DEBUG true; #else false; #endif public static uint GetTrueRandomUInt() { // use Crypto RNG to avoid having time based duplicates using (RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()) { byte[] bytes = new byte[4]; rng.GetBytes(bytes); return BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0); } } public static bool IsPrefab(GameObject obj) { #if UNITY_EDITOR return UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(obj); #else return false; #endif } // simplified IsSceneObject check from Mirror II public static bool IsSceneObject(NetworkIdentity identity) { // original UNET / Mirror still had the IsPersistent check. // it never fires though. even for Prefabs dragged to the Scene. // (see Scene Objects example scene.) // #if UNITY_EDITOR // if (UnityEditor.EditorUtility.IsPersistent(identity.gameObject)) // return false; // #endif return identity.gameObject.hideFlags != HideFlags.NotEditable && identity.gameObject.hideFlags != HideFlags.HideAndDontSave && identity.sceneId != 0; } public static bool IsSceneObjectWithPrefabParent(GameObject gameObject, out GameObject prefab) { prefab = null; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabInstance(gameObject)) { return false; } prefab = UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(gameObject); #endif if (prefab == null) { Debug.LogError($"Failed to find prefab parent for scene object [name:{}]"); return false; } return true; } // is a 2D point in screen? (from ummorpg) // (if width = 1024, then indices from 0..1023 are valid (=1024 indices) [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public static bool IsPointInScreen(Vector2 point) => 0 <= point.x && point.x < Screen.width && 0 <= point.y && point.y < Screen.height; // pretty print bytes as KB/MB/GB/etc. from DOTSNET // long to support > 2GB // divides by floats to return "2.5MB" etc. public static string PrettyBytes(long bytes) { // bytes if (bytes < 1024) return $"{bytes} B"; // kilobytes else if (bytes < 1024L * 1024L) return $"{(bytes / 1024f):F2} KB"; // megabytes else if (bytes < 1024 * 1024L * 1024L) return $"{(bytes / (1024f * 1024f)):F2} MB"; // gigabytes return $"{(bytes / (1024f * 1024f * 1024f)):F2} GB"; } // pretty print seconds as hours:minutes:seconds(.milliseconds/100)s. // double for long running servers. public static string PrettySeconds(double seconds) { TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds); string res = ""; if (t.Days > 0) res += $"{t.Days}d"; if (t.Hours > 0) res += $"{(res.Length > 0 ? " " : "")}{t.Hours}h"; if (t.Minutes > 0) res += $"{(res.Length > 0 ? " " : "")}{t.Minutes}m"; // 0.5s, 1.5s etc. if any milliseconds. 1s, 2s etc. if any seconds if (t.Milliseconds > 0) res += $"{(res.Length > 0 ? " " : "")}{t.Seconds}.{(t.Milliseconds / 100)}s"; else if (t.Seconds > 0) res += $"{(res.Length > 0 ? " " : "")}{t.Seconds}s"; // if the string is still empty because the value was '0', then at least // return the seconds instead of returning an empty string return res != "" ? res : "0s"; } // universal .spawned function public static NetworkIdentity GetSpawnedInServerOrClient(uint netId) { // server / host mode: use the one from server. // host mode has access to all spawned. if ( { NetworkServer.spawned.TryGetValue(netId, out NetworkIdentity entry); return entry; } // client if ( { NetworkClient.spawned.TryGetValue(netId, out NetworkIdentity entry); return entry; } return null; } // keep a GUI window in screen. // for example. if it's at x=1000 and screen is resized to w=500, // it won't get lost in the invisible area etc. public static Rect KeepInScreen(Rect rect) { // ensure min rect.x = Math.Max(rect.x, 0); rect.y = Math.Max(rect.y, 0); // ensure max rect.x = Math.Min(rect.x, Screen.width - rect.width); rect.y = Math.Min(rect.y, Screen.width - rect.height); return rect; } // create local connections pair and connect them public static void CreateLocalConnections( out LocalConnectionToClient connectionToClient, out LocalConnectionToServer connectionToServer) { connectionToServer = new LocalConnectionToServer(); connectionToClient = new LocalConnectionToClient(); connectionToServer.connectionToClient = connectionToClient; connectionToClient.connectionToServer = connectionToServer; } public static bool IsSceneActive(string scene) { Scene activeScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); return activeScene.path == scene || == scene; } } }