2024-10-17 17:23:05 +03:00

656 lines
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// threaded transport to handle all the magic.
// implementations are automatically elevated to the worker thread
// by simply overwriting all the thread functions
// note that ThreadLog.cs is required for Debug.Log from threads to work in builds.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror
// buffered events for main thread
enum ClientMainEventType
enum ServerMainEventType
// buffered events for worker thread
enum ThreadEventType
struct ClientMainEvent
public ClientMainEventType type;
public object param;
// some events have value type parameters: connectionId, error.
// store them explicitly to avoid boxing allocations to 'object param'.
public int? channelId; // connect/disconnect don't have a channel
public TransportError? error;
public ClientMainEvent(
ClientMainEventType type,
object param,
int? channelId = null,
TransportError? error = null)
this.type = type;
this.channelId = channelId;
this.error = error;
this.param = param;
struct ServerMainEvent
public ServerMainEventType type;
public object param;
// some events have value type parameters: connectionId, error.
// store them explicitly to avoid boxing allocations to 'object param'.
public int? connectionId; // only server needs connectionId
public int? channelId; // connect/disconnect don't have a channel
public TransportError? error;
public ServerMainEvent(
ServerMainEventType type,
object param,
int? connectionId,
int? channelId = null,
TransportError? error = null)
this.type = type;
this.channelId = channelId;
this.connectionId = connectionId;
this.error = error;
this.param = param;
struct ThreadEvent
public ThreadEventType type;
public object param;
// some events have value type parameters: connectionId.
// store them explicitly to avoid boxing allocations to 'object param'.
public int? connectionId;
public int? channelId;
public ThreadEvent(
ThreadEventType type,
object param,
int? connectionId = null,
int? channelId = null)
this.type = type;
this.connectionId = connectionId;
this.channelId = channelId;
this.param = param;
public abstract class ThreadedTransport : Transport
WorkerThread thread;
// main thread's event queue.
// worker thread puts events in, main thread processes them.
// client & server separate because EarlyUpdate is separate too.
// TODO nonalloc
readonly ConcurrentQueue<ClientMainEvent> clientMainQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<ClientMainEvent>();
readonly ConcurrentQueue<ServerMainEvent> serverMainQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<ServerMainEvent>();
// worker thread's event queue
// main thread puts events in, worker thread processes them.
// TODO nonalloc
readonly ConcurrentQueue<ThreadEvent> threadQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<ThreadEvent>();
// active flags, since we can't access server/client from main thread
volatile bool serverActive;
volatile bool clientConnected;
// max number of thread messages to process per tick in main thread.
// very large limit to prevent deadlocks.
const int MaxProcessingPerTick = 10_000_000;
// communication between main & worker thread //////////////////////////
void EnqueueClientMain(
ClientMainEventType type,
object param,
int? channelId,
TransportError? error) =>
clientMainQueue.Enqueue(new ClientMainEvent(type, param, channelId, error));
// add an event for main thread
void EnqueueServerMain(
ServerMainEventType type,
object param,
int? connectionId,
int? channelId,
TransportError? error) =>
serverMainQueue.Enqueue(new ServerMainEvent(type, param, connectionId, channelId, error));
void EnqueueThread(
ThreadEventType type,
object param,
int? channelId,
int? connectionId) =>
threadQueue.Enqueue(new ThreadEvent(type, param, connectionId, channelId));
// Unity callbacks /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
protected virtual void Awake()
// start the thread.
// if main application terminates, this thread needs to terminate too.
thread = new WorkerThread(ToString());
thread.Tick = ThreadTick;
thread.Cleanup = ThreadedShutdown;
protected virtual void OnDestroy()
// stop thread fully
// TODO recycle writers.
// worker thread ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void ProcessThreadQueue()
// TODO deadlock protection. worker thread may be to slow to process all.
while (threadQueue.TryDequeue(out ThreadEvent elem))
switch (elem.type)
// SERVER EVENTS ///////////////////////////////////////////
case ThreadEventType.DoServerStart: // start listening
// call the threaded function
case ThreadEventType.DoServerSend:
// call the threaded function
ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled writer = (ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled)elem.param;
ThreadedServerSend(elem.connectionId.Value, writer, elem.channelId.Value);
// recycle writer to thread safe pool for reuse
case ThreadEventType.DoServerDisconnect:
// call the threaded function
case ThreadEventType.DoServerStop: // stop listening
// call the threaded function
// CLIENT EVENTS ///////////////////////////////////////////
case ThreadEventType.DoClientConnect:
// call the threaded function
if (elem.param is string address)
else if (elem.param is Uri uri)
case ThreadEventType.DoClientSend:
// call the threaded function
ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled writer = (ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled)elem.param;
ThreadedClientSend(writer, elem.channelId.Value);
// recycle writer to thread safe pool for reuse
case ThreadEventType.DoClientDisconnect:
// call the threaded function
// SHUTDOWN ////////////////////////////////////////////////
case ThreadEventType.DoShutdown:
// call the threaded function
void ThreadTick()
// early update the implementation first
// process queued user requests
// late update the implementation at the end
// save some cpu power.
// TODO update interval and sleep extra time would be ideal
// threaded callbacks to call from transport thread.
// they will be queued up for main thread automatically.
protected void OnThreadedClientConnected()
EnqueueClientMain(ClientMainEventType.OnClientConnected, null, null, null);
protected void OnThreadedClientSend(ArraySegment<byte> message, int channelId)
// ArraySegment is only valid until returning.
// copy to a writer until main thread processes it.
// make sure to recycle the writer in main thread.
ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled writer = ConcurrentNetworkWriterPool.Get();
writer.WriteBytes(message.Array, message.Offset, message.Count);
EnqueueClientMain(ClientMainEventType.OnClientSent, writer, channelId, null);
protected void OnThreadedClientReceive(ArraySegment<byte> message, int channelId)
// ArraySegment is only valid until returning.
// copy to a writer until main thread processes it.
// make sure to recycle the writer in main thread.
ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled writer = ConcurrentNetworkWriterPool.Get();
writer.WriteBytes(message.Array, message.Offset, message.Count);
EnqueueClientMain(ClientMainEventType.OnClientReceived, writer, channelId, null);
protected void OnThreadedClientError(TransportError error, string reason)
EnqueueClientMain(ClientMainEventType.OnClientError, reason, null, error);
protected void OnThreadedClientDisconnected()
EnqueueClientMain(ClientMainEventType.OnClientDisconnected, null, null, null);
protected void OnThreadedServerConnected(int connectionId)
EnqueueServerMain(ServerMainEventType.OnServerConnected, null, connectionId, null, null);
protected void OnThreadedServerSend(int connectionId, ArraySegment<byte> message, int channelId)
// ArraySegment is only valid until returning.
// copy to a writer until main thread processes it.
// make sure to recycle the writer in main thread.
ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled writer = ConcurrentNetworkWriterPool.Get();
writer.WriteBytes(message.Array, message.Offset, message.Count);
EnqueueServerMain(ServerMainEventType.OnServerSent, writer, connectionId, channelId, null);
protected void OnThreadedServerReceive(int connectionId, ArraySegment<byte> message, int channelId)
// ArraySegment is only valid until returning.
// copy to a writer until main thread processes it.
// make sure to recycle the writer in main thread.
ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled writer = ConcurrentNetworkWriterPool.Get();
writer.WriteBytes(message.Array, message.Offset, message.Count);
EnqueueServerMain(ServerMainEventType.OnServerReceived, writer, connectionId, channelId, null);
protected void OnThreadedServerError(int connectionId, TransportError error, string reason)
EnqueueServerMain(ServerMainEventType.OnServerError, reason, connectionId, null, error);
protected void OnThreadedServerDisconnected(int connectionId)
EnqueueServerMain(ServerMainEventType.OnServerDisconnected, null, connectionId, null, null);
protected abstract void ThreadedClientConnect(string address);
protected abstract void ThreadedClientConnect(Uri address);
protected abstract void ThreadedClientSend(ArraySegment<byte> message, int channelId);
protected abstract void ThreadedClientDisconnect();
protected abstract void ThreadedServerStart();
protected abstract void ThreadedServerStop();
protected abstract void ThreadedServerSend(int connectionId, ArraySegment<byte> message, int channelId);
protected abstract void ThreadedServerDisconnect(int connectionId);
// threaded update functions.
// make sure not to call main thread OnReceived etc. events.
// queue everything.
protected abstract void ThreadedClientEarlyUpdate();
protected abstract void ThreadedClientLateUpdate();
protected abstract void ThreadedServerEarlyUpdate();
protected abstract void ThreadedServerLateUpdate();
protected abstract void ThreadedShutdown();
// client //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// implementations need to use ThreadedEarlyUpdate
public override void ClientEarlyUpdate()
// regular transports process OnReceive etc. from early update.
// need to process the worker thread's queued events here too.
// process only up to N messages per tick here.
// if main thread becomes too slow, we don't want to deadlock.
int processed = 0;
while (clientMainQueue.TryDequeue(out ClientMainEvent elem))
switch (elem.type)
// CLIENT EVENTS ///////////////////////////////////////////
case ClientMainEventType.OnClientConnected:
// call original transport event
case ClientMainEventType.OnClientSent:
// call original transport event
ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled writer = (ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled)elem.param;
OnClientDataSent?.Invoke(writer, elem.channelId.Value);
// recycle writer to thread safe pool for reuse
case ClientMainEventType.OnClientReceived:
// call original transport event
ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled writer = (ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled)elem.param;
OnClientDataReceived?.Invoke(writer, elem.channelId.Value);
// recycle writer to thread safe pool for reuse
case ClientMainEventType.OnClientError:
// call original transport event
OnClientError?.Invoke(elem.error.Value, (string)elem.param);
case ClientMainEventType.OnClientDisconnected:
// call original transport event
// process only up to N messages per tick here.
// if main thread becomes too slow, we don't want to deadlock.
if (++processed >= MaxProcessingPerTick)
Debug.LogWarning($"ThreadedTransport processed the limit of {MaxProcessingPerTick} messages this tick. Continuing next tick to prevent deadlock.");
// manual state flag because implementations can't access their
// threaded .server/.client state from main thread.
public override bool ClientConnected() => clientConnected;
public override void ClientConnect(string address)
// don't connect the thread twice
if (ClientConnected())
Debug.LogWarning($"Threaded transport: client already connected!");
// enqueue to process in worker thread
EnqueueThread(ThreadEventType.DoClientConnect, address, null, null);
// manual state flag because implementations can't access their
// threaded .server/.client state from main thread.
clientConnected = true;
public override void ClientConnect(Uri uri)
// don't connect the thread twice
if (ClientConnected())
Debug.LogWarning($"Threaded transport: client already connected!");
// enqueue to process in worker thread
EnqueueThread(ThreadEventType.DoClientConnect, uri, null, null);
// manual state flag because implementations can't access their
// threaded .server/.client state from main thread.
clientConnected = true;
public override void ClientSend(ArraySegment<byte> segment, int channelId = Channels.Reliable)
if (!ClientConnected()) return;
// segment is only valid until returning.
// copy it to a writer.
// make sure to recycle it from worker thread.
ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled writer = ConcurrentNetworkWriterPool.Get();
writer.WriteBytes(segment.Array, segment.Offset, segment.Count);
// enqueue to process in worker thread
EnqueueThread(ThreadEventType.DoClientSend, writer, channelId, null);
public override void ClientDisconnect()
EnqueueThread(ThreadEventType.DoClientDisconnect, null, null, null);
// manual state flag because implementations can't access their
// threaded .server/.client state from main thread.
clientConnected = false;
// server //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// implementations need to use ThreadedEarlyUpdate
public override void ServerEarlyUpdate()
// regular transports process OnReceive etc. from early update.
// need to process the worker thread's queued events here too.
// process only up to N messages per tick here.
// if main thread becomes too slow, we don't want to deadlock.
int processed = 0;
while (serverMainQueue.TryDequeue(out ServerMainEvent elem))
switch (elem.type)
// SERVER EVENTS ///////////////////////////////////////////
case ServerMainEventType.OnServerConnected:
// call original transport event
// TODO pass client address in OnConnect here later
OnServerConnected?.Invoke(elem.connectionId.Value);//, (string)elem.param);
case ServerMainEventType.OnServerSent:
// call original transport event
ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled writer = (ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled)elem.param;
OnServerDataSent?.Invoke(elem.connectionId.Value, writer, elem.channelId.Value);
// recycle writer to thread safe pool for reuse
case ServerMainEventType.OnServerReceived:
// call original transport event
ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled writer = (ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled)elem.param;
OnServerDataReceived?.Invoke(elem.connectionId.Value, writer, elem.channelId.Value);
// recycle writer to thread safe pool for reuse
case ServerMainEventType.OnServerError:
// call original transport event
OnServerError?.Invoke(elem.connectionId.Value, elem.error.Value, (string)elem.param);
case ServerMainEventType.OnServerDisconnected:
// call original transport event
// process only up to N messages per tick here.
// if main thread becomes too slow, we don't want to deadlock.
if (++processed >= MaxProcessingPerTick)
Debug.LogWarning($"ThreadedTransport processed the limit of {MaxProcessingPerTick} messages this tick. Continuing next tick to prevent deadlock.");
// implementations need to use ThreadedLateUpdate
public override void ServerLateUpdate() {}
// manual state flag because implementations can't access their
// threaded .server/.client state from main thread.
public override bool ServerActive() => serverActive;
public override void ServerStart()
// don't start the thread twice
if (ServerActive())
Debug.LogWarning($"Threaded transport: server already started!");
// enqueue to process in worker thread
EnqueueThread(ThreadEventType.DoServerStart, null, null, null);
// manual state flag because implementations can't access their
// threaded .server/.client state from main thread.
serverActive = true;
public override void ServerSend(int connectionId, ArraySegment<byte> segment, int channelId = Channels.Reliable)
if (!ServerActive()) return;
// segment is only valid until returning.
// copy it to a writer.
// make sure to recycle it from worker thread.
ConcurrentNetworkWriterPooled writer = ConcurrentNetworkWriterPool.Get();
writer.WriteBytes(segment.Array, segment.Offset, segment.Count);
// enqueue to process in worker thread
EnqueueThread(ThreadEventType.DoServerSend, writer, channelId, connectionId);
public override void ServerDisconnect(int connectionId)
// enqueue to process in worker thread
EnqueueThread(ThreadEventType.DoServerDisconnect, null, null, connectionId);
// TODO pass address in OnConnected.
// querying this at runtime won't work for threaded transports.
public override string ServerGetClientAddress(int connectionId)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void ServerStop()
// enqueue to process in worker thread
EnqueueThread(ThreadEventType.DoServerStop, null, null, null);
// manual state flag because implementations can't access their
// threaded .server/.client state from main thread.
serverActive = false;
// shutdown ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public override void Shutdown()
// enqueue to process in worker thread
EnqueueThread(ThreadEventType.DoShutdown, null, null, null);
// need to wait a little for worker thread to process the enqueued
// Shutdown event and do proper cleanup.
// otherwise if a server with a connected client is stopped,
// and then started, a warning would be shown when starting again
// about an old connection not being found because it wasn't cleared
// in KCP
// TODO cleaner
// stop thread fully, with timeout
// ?.: 'thread' might be null after script reload -> stop play
// clear queues so we don't process old messages
// when listening again later