147 lines
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147 lines
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// interest management component for custom solutions like
// distance based, spatial hashing, raycast based, etc.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror
public abstract class InterestManagement : InterestManagementBase
// allocate newObservers helper HashSet
readonly HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient> newObservers =
new HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient>();
// rebuild observers for the given NetworkIdentity.
// Server will automatically spawn/despawn added/removed ones.
// newObservers: cached hashset to put the result into
// initialize: true if being rebuilt for the first time
// => global rebuild would be more simple, BUT
// => local rebuild is way faster for spawn/despawn because we can
// simply rebuild a select NetworkIdentity only
// => having both .observers and .observing is necessary for local
// rebuilds
// in other words, this is the perfect solution even though it's not
// completely simple (due to .observers & .observing).
// Mirror maintains .observing automatically in the background. best of
// both worlds without any worrying now!
public abstract void OnRebuildObservers(NetworkIdentity identity, HashSet<NetworkConnectionToClient> newObservers);
// helper function to trigger a full rebuild.
// most implementations should call this in a certain interval.
// some might call this all the time, or only on team changes or
// scene changes and so on.
// IMPORTANT: check if NetworkServer.active when using Update()!
protected void RebuildAll()
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in NetworkServer.spawned.Values)
NetworkServer.RebuildObservers(identity, false);
public override void Rebuild(NetworkIdentity identity, bool initialize)
// clear newObservers hashset before using it
// not force hidden?
if (identity.visibility != Visibility.ForceHidden)
OnRebuildObservers(identity, newObservers);
// IMPORTANT: AFTER rebuilding add own player connection in any case
// to ensure player always sees himself no matter what.
// -> OnRebuildObservers might clear observers, so we need to add
// the player's own connection AFTER. 100% fail safe.
// -> fixes https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/692 where a
// player might teleport out of the ProximityChecker's cast,
// losing the own connection as observer.
if (identity.connectionToClient != null)
bool changed = false;
// add all newObservers that aren't in .observers yet
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in newObservers)
// only add ready connections.
// otherwise the player might not be in the world yet or anymore
if (conn != null && conn.isReady)
if (initialize || !identity.observers.ContainsKey(conn.connectionId))
// new observer
// Debug.Log($"New Observer for {gameObject} {conn}");
changed = true;
// remove all old .observers that aren't in newObservers anymore
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in identity.observers.Values)
if (!newObservers.Contains(conn))
// removed observer
conn.RemoveFromObserving(identity, false);
// Debug.Log($"Removed Observer for {gameObject} {conn}");
changed = true;
// copy new observers to observers
if (changed)
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in newObservers)
if (conn != null && conn.isReady)
identity.observers.Add(conn.connectionId, conn);
// special case for host mode: we use SetHostVisibility to hide
// NetworkIdentities that aren't in observer range from host.
// this is what games like Dota/Counter-Strike do too, where a host
// does NOT see all players by default. they are in memory, but
// hidden to the host player.
// this code is from UNET, it's a bit strange but it works:
// * it hides newly connected identities in host mode
// => that part was the intended behaviour
// * it hides ALL NetworkIdentities in host mode when the host
// connects but hasn't selected a character yet
// => this only works because we have no .localConnection != null
// check. at this stage, localConnection is null because
// StartHost starts the server first, then calls this code,
// then starts the client and sets .localConnection. so we can
// NOT add a null check without breaking host visibility here.
// * it hides ALL NetworkIdentities in server-only mode because
// observers never contain the 'null' .localConnection
// => that was not intended, but let's keep it as it is so we
// don't break anything in host mode. it's way easier than
// iterating all identities in a special function in StartHost.
if (initialize)
if (!newObservers.Contains(NetworkServer.localConnection))
SetHostVisibility(identity, false);