2024-10-17 17:23:05 +03:00

1982 lines
91 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Mirror.RemoteCalls;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror
/// <summary>NetworkServer handles remote connections and has a local connection for a local client.</summary>
public static partial class NetworkServer
static bool initialized;
public static int maxConnections;
/// <summary>Server Update frequency, per second. Use around 60Hz for fast paced games like Counter-Strike to minimize latency. Use around 30Hz for games like WoW to minimize computations. Use around 1-10Hz for slow paced games like EVE.</summary>
// overwritten by NetworkManager (if any)
public static int tickRate = 60;
// tick rate is in Hz.
// convert to interval in seconds for convenience where needed.
// send interval is 1 / sendRate.
// but for tests we need a way to set it to exactly 0.
// 1 / int.max would not be exactly 0, so handel that manually.
public static float tickInterval => tickRate < int.MaxValue ? 1f / tickRate : 0; // for 30 Hz, that's 33ms
// time & value snapshot interpolation are separate.
// -> time is interpolated globally on NetworkClient / NetworkConnection
// -> value is interpolated per-component, i.e. NetworkTransform.
// however, both need to be on the same send interval.
public static int sendRate => tickRate;
public static float sendInterval => sendRate < int.MaxValue ? 1f / sendRate : 0; // for 30 Hz, that's 33ms
static double lastSendTime;
/// <summary>Connection to host mode client (if any)</summary>
public static LocalConnectionToClient localConnection { get; private set; }
/// <summary>Dictionary of all server connections, with connectionId as key</summary>
public static Dictionary<int, NetworkConnectionToClient> connections =
new Dictionary<int, NetworkConnectionToClient>();
/// <summary>Message Handlers dictionary, with messageId as key</summary>
internal static Dictionary<ushort, NetworkMessageDelegate> handlers =
new Dictionary<ushort, NetworkMessageDelegate>();
/// <summary>All spawned NetworkIdentities by netId.</summary>
// server sees ALL spawned ones.
public static readonly Dictionary<uint, NetworkIdentity> spawned =
new Dictionary<uint, NetworkIdentity>();
/// <summary>Single player mode can use dontListen to not accept incoming connections</summary>
// see also: https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/pull/2595
public static bool dontListen;
/// <summary>active checks if the server has been started either has standalone or as host server.</summary>
public static bool active { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>active checks if the server has been started in host mode.</summary>
// naming consistent with NetworkClient.activeHost.
public static bool activeHost => localConnection != null;
// scene loading
public static bool isLoadingScene;
// interest management component (optional)
// by default, everyone observes everyone
public static InterestManagementBase aoi;
// For security, it is recommended to disconnect a player if a networked
// action triggers an exception\nThis could prevent components being
// accessed in an undefined state, which may be an attack vector for
// exploits.
// However, some games may want to allow exceptions in order to not
// interrupt the player's experience.
public static bool exceptionsDisconnect = true; // security by default
// Mirror global disconnect inactive option, independent of Transport.
// not all Transports do this properly, and it's easiest to configure this just once.
// this is very useful for some projects, keep it.
public static bool disconnectInactiveConnections;
public static float disconnectInactiveTimeout = 60;
// OnConnected / OnDisconnected used to be NetworkMessages that were
// invoked. this introduced a bug where external clients could send
// Connected/Disconnected messages over the network causing undefined
// behaviour.
// => public so that custom NetworkManagers can hook into it
public static Action<NetworkConnectionToClient> OnConnectedEvent;
public static Action<NetworkConnectionToClient> OnDisconnectedEvent;
public static Action<NetworkConnectionToClient, TransportError, string> OnErrorEvent;
// keep track of actual achieved tick rate.
// might become lower under heavy load.
// very useful for profiling etc.
// measured over 1s each, same as frame rate. no EMA here.
public static int actualTickRate;
static double actualTickRateStart; // start time when counting
static int actualTickRateCounter; // current counter since start
// profiling
// includes transport update time, because transport calls handlers etc.
// averaged over 1s by passing 'tickRate' to constructor.
public static TimeSample earlyUpdateDuration;
public static TimeSample lateUpdateDuration;
// capture full Unity update time from before Early- to after LateUpdate
public static TimeSample fullUpdateDuration;
/// <summary>Starts server and listens to incoming connections with max connections limit.</summary>
public static void Listen(int maxConns)
maxConnections = maxConns;
// only start server if we want to listen
if (!dontListen)
if (Transport.active is PortTransport portTransport)
if (Utils.IsHeadless())
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine($"Server listening on port {portTransport.Port}");
Debug.Log($"Server listening on port {portTransport.Port}");
Debug.Log("Server started listening");
active = true;
// initialization / shutdown ///////////////////////////////////////////
static void Initialize()
if (initialized)
// safety: ensure Weaving succeded.
// if it silently failed, we would get lots of 'writer not found'
// and other random errors at runtime instead. this is cleaner.
if (!WeaverFuse.Weaved())
// if it failed, throw an exception to early exit all Listen calls.
throw new Exception("NetworkServer won't start because Weaving failed or didn't run.");
// Debug.Log($"NetworkServer Created version {Version.Current}");
//Make sure connections are cleared in case any old connections references exist from previous sessions
// reset Interest Management so that rebuild intervals
// start at 0 when starting again.
if (aoi != null) aoi.ResetState();
// reset NetworkTime
Debug.Assert(Transport.active != null, "There was no active transport when calling NetworkServer.Listen, If you are calling Listen manually then make sure to set 'Transport.active' first");
initialized = true;
// profiling
earlyUpdateDuration = new TimeSample(sendRate);
lateUpdateDuration = new TimeSample(sendRate);
fullUpdateDuration = new TimeSample(sendRate);
static void AddTransportHandlers()
// += so that other systems can also hook into it (i.e. statistics)
Transport.active.OnServerConnected += OnTransportConnected;
Transport.active.OnServerDataReceived += OnTransportData;
Transport.active.OnServerDisconnected += OnTransportDisconnected;
Transport.active.OnServerError += OnTransportError;
/// <summary>Shuts down the server and disconnects all clients</summary>
// RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod -> fast playmode without domain reload
public static void Shutdown()
if (initialized)
// stop the server.
// we do NOT call Transport.Shutdown, because someone only
// called NetworkServer.Shutdown. we can't assume that the
// client is supposed to be shut down too!
// NOTE: stop no matter what, even if 'dontListen':
// someone might enabled dontListen at runtime.
// but we still need to stop the server.
// fixes https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/2536
// transport handlers are hooked into when initializing.
// so only remove them when shutting down.
initialized = false;
// Reset all statics here....
dontListen = false;
isLoadingScene = false;
lastSendTime = 0;
actualTickRate = 0;
localConnection = null;
// destroy all spawned objects, _then_ set inactive.
// make sure .active is still true before calling this.
// otherwise modifying SyncLists in OnStopServer would throw
// because .IsWritable() check checks if NetworkServer.active.
// https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/Mirror/issues/3344
active = false;
// sets nextNetworkId to 1
// sets clientAuthorityCallback to null
// sets previousLocalPlayer to null
// clear events. someone might have hooked into them before, but
// we don't want to use those hooks after Shutdown anymore.
OnConnectedEvent = null;
OnDisconnectedEvent = null;
OnErrorEvent = null;
if (aoi != null) aoi.ResetState();
static void RemoveTransportHandlers()
// -= so that other systems can also hook into it (i.e. statistics)
Transport.active.OnServerConnected -= OnTransportConnected;
Transport.active.OnServerDataReceived -= OnTransportData;
Transport.active.OnServerDisconnected -= OnTransportDisconnected;
Transport.active.OnServerError -= OnTransportError;
// Note: NetworkClient.DestroyAllClientObjects does the same on client.
static void CleanupSpawned()
// iterate a COPY of spawned.
// DestroyObject removes them from the original collection.
// removing while iterating is not allowed.
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in spawned.Values.ToList())
if (identity != null)
// NetworkServer.Destroy resets if scene object, destroys if prefab.
internal static void RegisterMessageHandlers()
RegisterHandler<NetworkPingMessage>(NetworkTime.OnServerPing, false);
RegisterHandler<NetworkPongMessage>(NetworkTime.OnServerPong, false);
RegisterHandler<EntityStateMessage>(OnEntityStateMessage, true);
RegisterHandler<TimeSnapshotMessage>(OnTimeSnapshotMessage, true);
// remote calls ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Handle command from specific player, this could be one of multiple
// players on a single client
// default ready handler.
static void OnClientReadyMessage(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, ReadyMessage msg)
// Debug.Log($"Default handler for ready message from {conn}");
static void OnCommandMessage(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, CommandMessage msg, int channelId)
if (!conn.isReady)
// Clients may be set NotReady due to scene change or other game logic by user, e.g. respawning.
// Ignore commands that may have been in flight before client received NotReadyMessage message.
// Unreliable messages may be out of order, so don't spam warnings for those.
if (channelId == Channels.Reliable)
// Attempt to identify the target object, component, and method to narrow down the cause of the error.
if (spawned.TryGetValue(msg.netId, out NetworkIdentity netIdentity))
if (msg.componentIndex < netIdentity.NetworkBehaviours.Length && netIdentity.NetworkBehaviours[msg.componentIndex] is NetworkBehaviour component)
if (RemoteProcedureCalls.GetFunctionMethodName(msg.functionHash, out string methodName))
Debug.LogWarning($"Command {methodName} received for {netIdentity.name} [netId={msg.netId}] component {component.name} [index={msg.componentIndex}] when client not ready.\nThis may be ignored if client intentionally set NotReady.");
Debug.LogWarning("Command received while client is not ready.\nThis may be ignored if client intentionally set NotReady.");
if (!spawned.TryGetValue(msg.netId, out NetworkIdentity identity))
// over reliable channel, commands should always come after spawn.
// over unreliable, they might come in before the object was spawned.
// for example, NetworkTransform.
// let's not spam the console for unreliable out of order messages.
if (channelId == Channels.Reliable)
Debug.LogWarning($"Spawned object not found when handling Command message {identity.name} netId={msg.netId}");
// Commands can be for player objects, OR other objects with client-authority
// -> so if this connection's controller has a different netId then
// only allow the command if clientAuthorityOwner
bool requiresAuthority = RemoteProcedureCalls.CommandRequiresAuthority(msg.functionHash);
if (requiresAuthority && identity.connectionToClient != conn)
// Attempt to identify the component and method to narrow down the cause of the error.
if (msg.componentIndex < identity.NetworkBehaviours.Length && identity.NetworkBehaviours[msg.componentIndex] is NetworkBehaviour component)
if (RemoteProcedureCalls.GetFunctionMethodName(msg.functionHash, out string methodName))
Debug.LogWarning($"Command {methodName} received for {identity.name} [netId={msg.netId}] component {component.name} [index={msg.componentIndex}] without authority");
Debug.LogWarning($"Command received for {identity.name} [netId={msg.netId}] without authority");
// Debug.Log($"OnCommandMessage for netId:{msg.netId} conn:{conn}");
using (NetworkReaderPooled networkReader = NetworkReaderPool.Get(msg.payload))
identity.HandleRemoteCall(msg.componentIndex, msg.functionHash, RemoteCallType.Command, networkReader, conn);
// client to server broadcast //////////////////////////////////////////
// for client's owned ClientToServer components.
static void OnEntityStateMessage(NetworkConnectionToClient connection, EntityStateMessage message)
// need to validate permissions carefully.
// an attacker may attempt to modify a not-owned or not-ClientToServer component.
// valid netId?
if (spawned.TryGetValue(message.netId, out NetworkIdentity identity) && identity != null)
// owned by the connection?
if (identity.connectionToClient == connection)
using (NetworkReaderPooled reader = NetworkReaderPool.Get(message.payload))
// DeserializeServer checks permissions internally.
// failure to deserialize disconnects to prevent exploits.
if (!identity.DeserializeServer(reader))
if (exceptionsDisconnect)
Debug.LogError($"Server failed to deserialize client state for {identity.name} with netId={identity.netId}, Disconnecting.");
Debug.LogWarning($"Server failed to deserialize client state for {identity.name} with netId={identity.netId}.");
// An attacker may attempt to modify another connection's entity
// This could also be a race condition of message in flight when
// RemoveClientAuthority is called, so not malicious.
// Don't disconnect, just log the warning.
Debug.LogWarning($"EntityStateMessage from {connection} for {identity.name} without authority.");
// no warning. don't spam server logs.
// else Debug.LogWarning($"Did not find target for sync message for {message.netId} . Note: this can be completely normal because UDP messages may arrive out of order, so this message might have arrived after a Destroy message.");
// client sends TimeSnapshotMessage every sendInterval.
// batching already includes the remoteTimestamp.
// we simply insert it on-message here.
// => only for reliable channel. unreliable would always arrive earlier.
static void OnTimeSnapshotMessage(NetworkConnectionToClient connection, TimeSnapshotMessage _)
// insert another snapshot for snapshot interpolation.
// before calling OnDeserialize so components can use
// NetworkTime.time and NetworkTime.timeStamp.
// TODO validation?
// maybe we shouldn't allow timeline to deviate more than a certain %.
// for now, this is only used for client authority movement.
// Unity 2019 doesn't have Time.timeAsDouble yet
// NetworkTime uses unscaled time and ignores Time.timeScale.
// fixes Time.timeScale getting server & client time out of sync:
// https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/Mirror/issues/3409
connection.OnTimeSnapshot(new TimeSnapshot(connection.remoteTimeStamp, NetworkTime.localTime));
// connections /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Add a connection and setup callbacks. Returns true if not added yet.</summary>
public static bool AddConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
if (!connections.ContainsKey(conn.connectionId))
// connection cannot be null here or conn.connectionId
// would throw NRE
connections[conn.connectionId] = conn;
return true;
// already a connection with this id
return false;
/// <summary>Removes a connection by connectionId. Returns true if removed.</summary>
public static bool RemoveConnection(int connectionId) =>
// called by LocalClient to add itself. don't call directly.
// TODO consider internal setter instead?
internal static void SetLocalConnection(LocalConnectionToClient conn)
if (localConnection != null)
Debug.LogError("Local Connection already exists");
localConnection = conn;
// removes local connection to client
internal static void RemoveLocalConnection()
if (localConnection != null)
localConnection = null;
/// <summary>True if we have external connections (that are not host)</summary>
public static bool HasExternalConnections()
// any connections?
if (connections.Count > 0)
// only host connection?
if (connections.Count == 1 && localConnection != null)
return false;
// otherwise we have real external connections
return true;
return false;
// send ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Send a message to all clients, even those that haven't joined the world yet (non ready)</summary>
public static void SendToAll<T>(T message, int channelId = Channels.Reliable, bool sendToReadyOnly = false)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
if (!active)
Debug.LogWarning("Can not send using NetworkServer.SendToAll<T>(T msg) because NetworkServer is not active");
// Debug.Log($"Server.SendToAll {typeof(T)}");
using (NetworkWriterPooled writer = NetworkWriterPool.Get())
// pack message only once
NetworkMessages.Pack(message, writer);
ArraySegment<byte> segment = writer.ToArraySegment();
// validate packet size immediately.
// we know how much can fit into one batch at max.
// if it's larger, log an error immediately with the type <T>.
// previously we only logged in Update() when processing batches,
// but there we don't have type information anymore.
int max = NetworkMessages.MaxMessageSize(channelId);
if (writer.Position > max)
Debug.LogError($"NetworkServer.SendToAll: message of type {typeof(T)} with a size of {writer.Position} bytes is larger than the max allowed message size in one batch: {max}.\nThe message was dropped, please make it smaller.");
// filter and then send to all internet connections at once
// -> makes code more complicated, but is HIGHLY worth it to
// avoid allocations, allow for multicast, etc.
int count = 0;
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in connections.Values)
if (sendToReadyOnly && !conn.isReady)
conn.Send(segment, channelId);
NetworkDiagnostics.OnSend(message, channelId, segment.Count, count);
/// <summary>Send a message to all clients which have joined the world (are ready).</summary>
// TODO put rpcs into NetworkServer.Update WorldState packet, then finally remove SendToReady!
public static void SendToReady<T>(T message, int channelId = Channels.Reliable)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
if (!active)
Debug.LogWarning("Can not send using NetworkServer.SendToReady<T>(T msg) because NetworkServer is not active");
SendToAll(message, channelId, true);
// this is like SendToReadyObservers - but it doesn't check the ready flag on the connection.
// this is used for ObjectDestroy messages.
static void SendToObservers<T>(NetworkIdentity identity, T message, int channelId = Channels.Reliable)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
// Debug.Log($"Server.SendToObservers {typeof(T)}");
if (identity == null || identity.observers.Count == 0)
using (NetworkWriterPooled writer = NetworkWriterPool.Get())
// pack message into byte[] once
NetworkMessages.Pack(message, writer);
ArraySegment<byte> segment = writer.ToArraySegment();
// validate packet size immediately.
// we know how much can fit into one batch at max.
// if it's larger, log an error immediately with the type <T>.
// previously we only logged in Update() when processing batches,
// but there we don't have type information anymore.
int max = NetworkMessages.MaxMessageSize(channelId);
if (writer.Position > max)
Debug.LogError($"NetworkServer.SendToObservers: message of type {typeof(T)} with a size of {writer.Position} bytes is larger than the max allowed message size in one batch: {max}.\nThe message was dropped, please make it smaller.");
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in identity.observers.Values)
conn.Send(segment, channelId);
NetworkDiagnostics.OnSend(message, channelId, segment.Count, identity.observers.Count);
/// <summary>Send a message to only clients which are ready with option to include the owner of the object identity</summary>
// TODO obsolete this later. it's not used anymore
public static void SendToReadyObservers<T>(NetworkIdentity identity, T message, bool includeOwner = true, int channelId = Channels.Reliable)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
// Debug.Log($"Server.SendToReady {typeof(T)}");
if (identity == null || identity.observers.Count == 0)
using (NetworkWriterPooled writer = NetworkWriterPool.Get())
// pack message only once
NetworkMessages.Pack(message, writer);
ArraySegment<byte> segment = writer.ToArraySegment();
// validate packet size immediately.
// we know how much can fit into one batch at max.
// if it's larger, log an error immediately with the type <T>.
// previously we only logged in Update() when processing batches,
// but there we don't have type information anymore.
int max = NetworkMessages.MaxMessageSize(channelId);
if (writer.Position > max)
Debug.LogError($"NetworkServer.SendToReadyObservers: message of type {typeof(T)} with a size of {writer.Position} bytes is larger than the max allowed message size in one batch: {max}.\nThe message was dropped, please make it smaller.");
int count = 0;
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in identity.observers.Values)
bool isOwner = conn == identity.connectionToClient;
if ((!isOwner || includeOwner) && conn.isReady)
conn.Send(segment, channelId);
NetworkDiagnostics.OnSend(message, channelId, segment.Count, count);
/// <summary>Send a message to only clients which are ready including the owner of the NetworkIdentity</summary>
// TODO obsolete this later. it's not used anymore
public static void SendToReadyObservers<T>(NetworkIdentity identity, T message, int channelId)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
SendToReadyObservers(identity, message, true, channelId);
// transport events ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// called by transport
static void OnTransportConnected(int connectionId)
// Debug.Log($"Server accepted client:{connectionId}");
// connectionId needs to be != 0 because 0 is reserved for local player
// note that some transports like kcp generate connectionId by
// hashing which can be < 0 as well, so we need to allow < 0!
if (connectionId == 0)
Debug.LogError($"Server.HandleConnect: invalid connectionId: {connectionId} . Needs to be != 0, because 0 is reserved for local player.");
// connectionId not in use yet?
if (connections.ContainsKey(connectionId))
// Debug.Log($"Server connectionId {connectionId} already in use...kicked client");
// are more connections allowed? if not, kick
// (it's easier to handle this in Mirror, so Transports can have
// less code and third party transport might not do that anyway)
// (this way we could also send a custom 'tooFull' message later,
// Transport can't do that)
if (connections.Count < maxConnections)
// add connection
NetworkConnectionToClient conn = new NetworkConnectionToClient(connectionId);
// kick
// Debug.Log($"Server full, kicked client {connectionId}");
internal static void OnConnected(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
// Debug.Log($"Server accepted client:{conn}");
// add connection and invoke connected event
static bool UnpackAndInvoke(NetworkConnectionToClient connection, NetworkReader reader, int channelId)
if (NetworkMessages.UnpackId(reader, out ushort msgType))
// try to invoke the handler for that message
if (handlers.TryGetValue(msgType, out NetworkMessageDelegate handler))
handler.Invoke(connection, reader, channelId);
connection.lastMessageTime = Time.time;
return true;
// message in a batch are NOT length prefixed to save bandwidth.
// every message needs to be handled and read until the end.
// otherwise it would overlap into the next message.
// => need to warn and disconnect to avoid undefined behaviour.
// => WARNING, not error. can happen if attacker sends random data.
Debug.LogWarning($"Unknown message id: {msgType} for connection: {connection}. This can happen if no handler was registered for this message.");
// simply return false. caller is responsible for disconnecting.
return false;
// => WARNING, not error. can happen if attacker sends random data.
Debug.LogWarning($"Invalid message header for connection: {connection}.");
// simply return false. caller is responsible for disconnecting.
return false;
// called by transport
internal static void OnTransportData(int connectionId, ArraySegment<byte> data, int channelId)
if (connections.TryGetValue(connectionId, out NetworkConnectionToClient connection))
// client might batch multiple messages into one packet.
// feed it to the Unbatcher.
// NOTE: we don't need to associate a channelId because we
// always process all messages in the batch.
if (!connection.unbatcher.AddBatch(data))
if (exceptionsDisconnect)
Debug.LogError($"NetworkServer: received message from connectionId:{connectionId} was too short (messages should start with message id). Disconnecting.");
Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkServer: received message from connectionId:{connectionId} was too short (messages should start with message id).");
// process all messages in the batch.
// only while NOT loading a scene.
// if we get a scene change message, then we need to stop
// processing. otherwise we might apply them to the old scene.
// => fixes https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/2651
// NOTE: if scene starts loading, then the rest of the batch
// would only be processed when OnTransportData is called
// the next time.
// => consider moving processing to NetworkEarlyUpdate.
while (!isLoadingScene &&
connection.unbatcher.GetNextMessage(out ArraySegment<byte> message, out double remoteTimestamp))
using (NetworkReaderPooled reader = NetworkReaderPool.Get(message))
// enough to read at least header size?
if (reader.Remaining >= NetworkMessages.IdSize)
// make remoteTimeStamp available to the user
connection.remoteTimeStamp = remoteTimestamp;
// handle message
if (!UnpackAndInvoke(connection, reader, channelId))
// warn, disconnect and return if failed
// -> warning because attackers might send random data
// -> messages in a batch aren't length prefixed.
// failing to read one would cause undefined
// behaviour for every message afterwards.
// so we need to disconnect.
// -> return to avoid the below unbatches.count error.
// we already disconnected and handled it.
if (exceptionsDisconnect)
Debug.LogError($"NetworkServer: failed to unpack and invoke message. Disconnecting {connectionId}.");
Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkServer: failed to unpack and invoke message from connectionId:{connectionId}.");
// otherwise disconnect
if (exceptionsDisconnect)
Debug.LogError($"NetworkServer: received message from connectionId:{connectionId} was too short (messages should start with message id). Disconnecting.");
Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkServer: received message from connectionId:{connectionId} was too short (messages should start with message id).");
// if we weren't interrupted by a scene change,
// then all batched messages should have been processed now.
// otherwise batches would silently grow.
// we need to log an error to avoid debugging hell.
// EXAMPLE: https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/2882
// -> UnpackAndInvoke silently returned because no handler for id
// -> Reader would never be read past the end
// -> Batch would never be retired because end is never reached
// NOTE: prefixing every message in a batch with a length would
// avoid ever not reading to the end. for extra bandwidth.
// IMPORTANT: always keep this check to detect memory leaks.
// this took half a day to debug last time.
if (!isLoadingScene && connection.unbatcher.BatchesCount > 0)
Debug.LogError($"Still had {connection.unbatcher.BatchesCount} batches remaining after processing, even though processing was not interrupted by a scene change. This should never happen, as it would cause ever growing batches.\nPossible reasons:\n* A message didn't deserialize as much as it serialized\n*There was no message handler for a message id, so the reader wasn't read until the end.");
else Debug.LogError($"HandleData Unknown connectionId:{connectionId}");
// called by transport
// IMPORTANT: often times when disconnecting, we call this from Mirror
// too because we want to remove the connection and handle
// the disconnect immediately.
// => which is fine as long as we guarantee it only runs once
// => which we do by removing the connection!
internal static void OnTransportDisconnected(int connectionId)
// Debug.Log($"Server disconnect client:{connectionId}");
if (connections.TryGetValue(connectionId, out NetworkConnectionToClient conn))
// Debug.Log($"Server lost client:{connectionId}");
// NetworkManager hooks into OnDisconnectedEvent to make
// DestroyPlayerForConnection(conn) optional, e.g. for PvP MMOs
// where players shouldn't be able to escape combat instantly.
if (OnDisconnectedEvent != null)
// if nobody hooked into it, then simply call DestroyPlayerForConnection
// transport errors are forwarded to high level
static void OnTransportError(int connectionId, TransportError error, string reason)
// transport errors will happen. logging a warning is enough.
// make sure the user does not panic.
Debug.LogWarning($"Server Transport Error for connId={connectionId}: {error}: {reason}. This is fine.");
// try get connection. passes null otherwise.
connections.TryGetValue(connectionId, out NetworkConnectionToClient conn);
OnErrorEvent?.Invoke(conn, error, reason);
/// <summary>Destroys all of the connection's owned objects on the server.</summary>
// This is used when a client disconnects, to remove the players for
// that client. This also destroys non-player objects that have client
// authority set for this connection.
public static void DestroyPlayerForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
// destroy all objects owned by this connection, including the player object
// remove connection from all of its observing entities observers
// fixes https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/2737
// -> cleaning those up in NetworkConnection.Disconnect is NOT enough
// because voluntary disconnects from the other end don't call
// NetworkConnection.Disconnect()
conn.identity = null;
// message handlers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Register a handler for message type T. Most should require authentication.</summary>
// TODO obsolete this some day to always use the channelId version.
// all handlers in this version are wrapped with 1 extra action.
public static void RegisterHandler<T>(Action<NetworkConnectionToClient, T> handler, bool requireAuthentication = true)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
ushort msgType = NetworkMessageId<T>.Id;
if (handlers.ContainsKey(msgType))
Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkServer.RegisterHandler replacing handler for {typeof(T).FullName}, id={msgType}. If replacement is intentional, use ReplaceHandler instead to avoid this warning.");
// register Id <> Type in lookup for debugging.
NetworkMessages.Lookup[msgType] = typeof(T);
handlers[msgType] = NetworkMessages.WrapHandler(handler, requireAuthentication, exceptionsDisconnect);
/// <summary>Register a handler for message type T. Most should require authentication.</summary>
// This version passes channelId to the handler.
public static void RegisterHandler<T>(Action<NetworkConnectionToClient, T, int> handler, bool requireAuthentication = true)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
ushort msgType = NetworkMessageId<T>.Id;
if (handlers.ContainsKey(msgType))
Debug.LogWarning($"NetworkServer.RegisterHandler replacing handler for {typeof(T).FullName}, id={msgType}. If replacement is intentional, use ReplaceHandler instead to avoid this warning.");
// register Id <> Type in lookup for debugging.
NetworkMessages.Lookup[msgType] = typeof(T);
handlers[msgType] = NetworkMessages.WrapHandler(handler, requireAuthentication, exceptionsDisconnect);
/// <summary>Replace a handler for message type T. Most should require authentication.</summary>
public static void ReplaceHandler<T>(Action<T> handler, bool requireAuthentication = true)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
ReplaceHandler<T>((_, value) => { handler(value); }, requireAuthentication);
/// <summary>Replace a handler for message type T. Most should require authentication.</summary>
public static void ReplaceHandler<T>(Action<NetworkConnectionToClient, T> handler, bool requireAuthentication = true)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
ushort msgType = NetworkMessageId<T>.Id;
// register Id <> Type in lookup for debugging.
NetworkMessages.Lookup[msgType] = typeof(T);
handlers[msgType] = NetworkMessages.WrapHandler(handler, requireAuthentication, exceptionsDisconnect);
/// <summary>Replace a handler for message type T. Most should require authentication.</summary>
public static void ReplaceHandler<T>(Action<NetworkConnectionToClient, T, int> handler, bool requireAuthentication = true)
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
ushort msgType = NetworkMessageId<T>.Id;
// register Id <> Type in lookup for debugging.
NetworkMessages.Lookup[msgType] = typeof(T);
handlers[msgType] = NetworkMessages.WrapHandler(handler, requireAuthentication, exceptionsDisconnect);
/// <summary>Unregister a handler for a message type T.</summary>
public static void UnregisterHandler<T>()
where T : struct, NetworkMessage
ushort msgType = NetworkMessageId<T>.Id;
/// <summary>Clears all registered message handlers.</summary>
public static void ClearHandlers() => handlers.Clear();
internal static bool GetNetworkIdentity(GameObject go, out NetworkIdentity identity)
if (!go.TryGetComponent(out identity))
Debug.LogError($"GameObject {go.name} doesn't have NetworkIdentity.");
return false;
return true;
// disconnect //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Disconnect all connections, including the local connection.</summary>
// synchronous: handles disconnect events and cleans up fully before returning!
public static void DisconnectAll()
// disconnect and remove all connections.
// we can not use foreach here because if
// conn.Disconnect -> Transport.ServerDisconnect calls
// OnDisconnect -> NetworkServer.OnDisconnect(connectionId)
// immediately then OnDisconnect would remove the connection while
// we are iterating here.
// see also: https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/2357
// this whole process should be simplified some day.
// until then, let's copy .Values to avoid InvalidOperationException.
// note that this is only called when stopping the server, so the
// copy is no performance problem.
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in connections.Values.ToList())
// disconnect via connection->transport
// we want this function to be synchronous: handle disconnect
// events and clean up fully before returning.
// -> OnTransportDisconnected can safely be called without
// waiting for the Transport's callback.
// -> it has checks to only run once.
// call OnDisconnected unless local player in host mod
// TODO unnecessary check?
if (conn.connectionId != NetworkConnection.LocalConnectionId)
// cleanup
localConnection = null;
// this used to set active=false.
// however, then Shutdown can't properly destroy objects:
// https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/Mirror/issues/3344
// "DisconnectAll" should only disconnect all, not set inactive.
// active = false;
// add/remove/replace player ///////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Called by server after AddPlayer message to add the player for the connection.</summary>
// When a player is added for a connection, the client for that
// connection is made ready automatically. The player object is
// automatically spawned, so you do not need to call NetworkServer.Spawn
// for that object. This function is used for "adding" a player, not for
// "replacing" the player on a connection. If there is already a player
// on this playerControllerId for this connection, this will fail.
public static bool AddPlayerForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, GameObject player, uint assetId)
if (GetNetworkIdentity(player, out NetworkIdentity identity))
identity.assetId = assetId;
return AddPlayerForConnection(conn, player);
/// <summary>Called by server after AddPlayer message to add the player for the connection.</summary>
// When a player is added for a connection, the client for that
// connection is made ready automatically. The player object is
// automatically spawned, so you do not need to call NetworkServer.Spawn
// for that object. This function is used for "adding" a player, not for
// "replacing" the player on a connection. If there is already a player
// on this playerControllerId for this connection, this will fail.
public static bool AddPlayerForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, GameObject player)
if (!player.TryGetComponent(out NetworkIdentity identity))
Debug.LogWarning($"AddPlayer: player GameObject has no NetworkIdentity. Please add a NetworkIdentity to {player}");
return false;
// cannot have a player object in "Add" version
if (conn.identity != null)
Debug.Log("AddPlayer: player object already exists");
return false;
// make sure we have a controller before we call SetClientReady
// because the observers will be rebuilt only if we have a controller
conn.identity = identity;
// Set the connection on the NetworkIdentity on the server, NetworkIdentity.SetLocalPlayer is not called on the server (it is on clients)
// special case, we are in host mode, set hasAuthority to true so that all overrides see it
if (conn is LocalConnectionToClient)
identity.isOwned = true;
// set ready if not set yet
// Debug.Log($"Adding new playerGameObject object netId: {identity.netId} asset ID: {identity.assetId}");
return true;
/// <summary>Replaces connection's player object. The old object is not destroyed.</summary>
// This does NOT change the ready state of the connection, so it can
// safely be used while changing scenes.
public static bool ReplacePlayerForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, GameObject player, bool keepAuthority = false)
if (!player.TryGetComponent(out NetworkIdentity identity))
Debug.LogError($"ReplacePlayer: playerGameObject has no NetworkIdentity. Please add a NetworkIdentity to {player}");
return false;
if (identity.connectionToClient != null && identity.connectionToClient != conn)
Debug.LogError($"Cannot replace player for connection. New player is already owned by a different connection{player}");
return false;
//NOTE: there can be an existing player
//Debug.Log("NetworkServer ReplacePlayer");
NetworkIdentity previousPlayer = conn.identity;
conn.identity = identity;
// Set the connection on the NetworkIdentity on the server, NetworkIdentity.SetLocalPlayer is not called on the server (it is on clients)
// special case, we are in host mode, set hasAuthority to true so that all overrides see it
if (conn is LocalConnectionToClient)
identity.isOwned = true;
// add connection to observers AFTER the playerController was set.
// by definition, there is nothing to observe if there is no player
// controller.
// IMPORTANT: do this in AddPlayerForConnection & ReplacePlayerForConnection!
//Debug.Log($"Replacing playerGameObject object netId:{player.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>().netId} asset ID {player.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>().assetId}");
if (keepAuthority)
// This needs to be sent to clear isLocalPlayer on
// client while keeping hasAuthority true
SendChangeOwnerMessage(previousPlayer, conn);
// This clears both isLocalPlayer and hasAuthority on client
return true;
/// <summary>Replaces connection's player object. The old object is not destroyed.</summary>
// This does NOT change the ready state of the connection, so it can
// safely be used while changing scenes.
public static bool ReplacePlayerForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, GameObject player, uint assetId, bool keepAuthority = false)
if (GetNetworkIdentity(player, out NetworkIdentity identity))
identity.assetId = assetId;
return ReplacePlayerForConnection(conn, player, keepAuthority);
/// <summary>Removes the player object from the connection</summary>
// destroyServerObject: Indicates whether the server object should be destroyed
public static void RemovePlayerForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn, bool destroyServerObject)
if (conn.identity != null)
if (destroyServerObject)
conn.identity = null;
//else Debug.Log($"Connection {conn} has no identity");
// ready ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Flags client connection as ready (=joined world).</summary>
// When a client has signaled that it is ready, this method tells the
// server that the client is ready to receive spawned objects and state
// synchronization updates. This is usually called in a handler for the
// SYSTEM_READY message. If there is not specific action a game needs to
// take for this message, relying on the default ready handler function
// is probably fine, so this call wont be needed.
public static void SetClientReady(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
// Debug.Log($"SetClientReadyInternal for conn:{conn}");
// set ready
conn.isReady = true;
// client is ready to start spawning objects
if (conn.identity != null)
static void SpawnObserversForConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
//Debug.Log($"Spawning {spawned.Count} objects for conn {conn}");
if (!conn.isReady)
// client needs to finish initializing before we can spawn objects
// otherwise it would not find them.
// let connection know that we are about to start spawning...
conn.Send(new ObjectSpawnStartedMessage());
// add connection to each nearby NetworkIdentity's observers, which
// internally sends a spawn message for each one to the connection.
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in spawned.Values)
// try with far away ones in ummorpg!
if (identity.gameObject.activeSelf) //TODO this is different
//Debug.Log($"Sending spawn message for current server objects name:{identity.name} netId:{identity.netId} sceneId:{identity.sceneId:X}");
// we need to support three cases:
// - legacy system (identity has .visibility)
// - new system (networkserver has .aoi)
// - default case: no .visibility and no .aoi means add all
// connections by default)
// ForceHidden/ForceShown overwrite all systems so check it
// first!
// ForceShown: add no matter what
if (identity.visibility == Visibility.ForceShown)
// ForceHidden: don't show no matter what
else if (identity.visibility == Visibility.ForceHidden)
// do nothing
// default: legacy system / new system / no system support
else if (identity.visibility == Visibility.Default)
// aoi system
if (aoi != null)
// call OnCheckObserver
if (aoi.OnCheckObserver(identity, conn))
// no system: add all observers by default
// let connection know that we finished spawning, so it can call
// OnStartClient on each one (only after all were spawned, which
// is how Unity's Start() function works too)
conn.Send(new ObjectSpawnFinishedMessage());
/// <summary>Marks the client of the connection to be not-ready.</summary>
// Clients that are not ready do not receive spawned objects or state
// synchronization updates. They client can be made ready again by
// calling SetClientReady().
public static void SetClientNotReady(NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
conn.isReady = false;
conn.Send(new NotReadyMessage());
/// <summary>Marks all connected clients as no longer ready.</summary>
// All clients will no longer be sent state synchronization updates. The
// player's clients can call ClientManager.Ready() again to re-enter the
// ready state. This is useful when switching scenes.
public static void SetAllClientsNotReady()
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in connections.Values)
// show / hide for connection //////////////////////////////////////////
internal static void ShowForConnection(NetworkIdentity identity, NetworkConnection conn)
if (conn.isReady)
SendSpawnMessage(identity, conn);
internal static void HideForConnection(NetworkIdentity identity, NetworkConnection conn)
ObjectHideMessage msg = new ObjectHideMessage
netId = identity.netId
// spawning ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
internal static void SendSpawnMessage(NetworkIdentity identity, NetworkConnection conn)
if (identity.serverOnly) return;
//Debug.Log($"Server SendSpawnMessage: name:{identity.name} sceneId:{identity.sceneId:X} netid:{identity.netId}");
// one writer for owner, one for observers
using (NetworkWriterPooled ownerWriter = NetworkWriterPool.Get(), observersWriter = NetworkWriterPool.Get())
bool isOwner = identity.connectionToClient == conn;
ArraySegment<byte> payload = CreateSpawnMessagePayload(isOwner, identity, ownerWriter, observersWriter);
SpawnMessage message = new SpawnMessage
netId = identity.netId,
isLocalPlayer = conn.identity == identity,
isOwner = isOwner,
sceneId = identity.sceneId,
assetId = identity.assetId,
// use local values for VR support
position = identity.transform.localPosition,
rotation = identity.transform.localRotation,
scale = identity.transform.localScale,
payload = payload
static ArraySegment<byte> CreateSpawnMessagePayload(bool isOwner, NetworkIdentity identity, NetworkWriterPooled ownerWriter, NetworkWriterPooled observersWriter)
// Only call SerializeAll if there are NetworkBehaviours
if (identity.NetworkBehaviours.Length == 0)
return default;
// serialize all components with initialState = true
// (can be null if has none)
identity.SerializeServer(true, ownerWriter, observersWriter);
// convert to ArraySegment to avoid reader allocations
// if nothing was written, .ToArraySegment returns an empty segment.
ArraySegment<byte> ownerSegment = ownerWriter.ToArraySegment();
ArraySegment<byte> observersSegment = observersWriter.ToArraySegment();
// use owner segment if 'conn' owns this identity, otherwise
// use observers segment
ArraySegment<byte> payload = isOwner ? ownerSegment : observersSegment;
return payload;
internal static void SendChangeOwnerMessage(NetworkIdentity identity, NetworkConnectionToClient conn)
// Don't send if identity isn't spawned or only exists on server
if (identity.netId == 0 || identity.serverOnly) return;
// Don't send if conn doesn't have the identity spawned yet
// May be excluded from the client by interest management
if (!conn.observing.Contains(identity)) return;
//Debug.Log($"Server SendChangeOwnerMessage: name={identity.name} netid={identity.netId}");
conn.Send(new ChangeOwnerMessage
netId = identity.netId,
isOwner = identity.connectionToClient == conn,
isLocalPlayer = conn.identity == identity
// check NetworkIdentity parent before spawning it.
// - without parent, they are spawned
// - with parent, only if the parent is active in hierarchy
// note that active parents may have inactive parents of their own.
// we need to check .activeInHierarchy.
// fixes: https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/Mirror/issues/3330
// https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/2778
static bool ValidParent(NetworkIdentity identity) =>
identity.transform.parent == null ||
/// <summary>Spawns NetworkIdentities in the scene on the server.</summary>
// NetworkIdentity objects in a scene are disabled by default. Calling
// SpawnObjects() causes these scene objects to be enabled and spawned.
// It is like calling NetworkServer.Spawn() for each of them.
public static bool SpawnObjects()
// only if server active
if (!active)
return false;
// find all NetworkIdentities in the scene.
// all of them are disabled because of NetworkScenePostProcess.
NetworkIdentity[] identities = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<NetworkIdentity>();
// first pass: activate all scene objects
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in identities)
// only spawn scene objects which haven't been spawned yet.
// SpawnObjects may be called multiple times for additive scenes.
// https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/Mirror/issues/3318
// note that we even activate objects under inactive parents.
// while they are not spawned, they do need to be activated
// in order to be spawned later. so here, we don't check parents.
// https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/Mirror/issues/3330
if (Utils.IsSceneObject(identity) && identity.netId == 0)
// Debug.Log($"SpawnObjects sceneId:{identity.sceneId:X} name:{identity.gameObject.name}");
// second pass: spawn all scene objects
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in identities)
// scene objects may be children of inactive parents.
// users would put them under disabled parents to 'deactivate' them.
// those should not be used by Mirror at all.
// fixes: https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/Mirror/issues/3330
// https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/2778
if (Utils.IsSceneObject(identity) && identity.netId == 0 && ValidParent(identity))
// pass connection so that authority is not lost when server loads a scene
// https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/pull/2987
Spawn(identity.gameObject, identity.connectionToClient);
return true;
/// <summary>Spawns an object and also assigns Client Authority to the specified client.</summary>
// This is the same as calling NetworkIdentity.AssignClientAuthority on the spawned object.
public static void Spawn(GameObject obj, GameObject ownerPlayer)
if (!ownerPlayer.TryGetComponent(out NetworkIdentity identity))
Debug.LogError("Player object has no NetworkIdentity");
if (identity.connectionToClient == null)
Debug.LogError("Player object is not a player.");
Spawn(obj, identity.connectionToClient);
static void Respawn(NetworkIdentity identity)
if (identity.netId == 0)
// If the object has not been spawned, then do a full spawn and update observers
Spawn(identity.gameObject, identity.connectionToClient);
// otherwise just replace his data
SendSpawnMessage(identity, identity.connectionToClient);
/// <summary>Spawn the given game object on all clients which are ready.</summary>
// This will cause a new object to be instantiated from the registered
// prefab, or from a custom spawn function.
public static void Spawn(GameObject obj, NetworkConnection ownerConnection = null)
SpawnObject(obj, ownerConnection);
/// <summary>Spawns an object and also assigns Client Authority to the specified client.</summary>
// This is the same as calling NetworkIdentity.AssignClientAuthority on the spawned object.
public static void Spawn(GameObject obj, uint assetId, NetworkConnection ownerConnection = null)
if (GetNetworkIdentity(obj, out NetworkIdentity identity))
identity.assetId = assetId;
SpawnObject(obj, ownerConnection);
static void SpawnObject(GameObject obj, NetworkConnection ownerConnection)
// verify if we can spawn this
if (Utils.IsPrefab(obj))
Debug.LogError($"GameObject {obj.name} is a prefab, it can't be spawned. Instantiate it first.", obj);
if (!active)
Debug.LogError($"SpawnObject for {obj}, NetworkServer is not active. Cannot spawn objects without an active server.", obj);
if (!obj.TryGetComponent(out NetworkIdentity identity))
Debug.LogError($"SpawnObject {obj} has no NetworkIdentity. Please add a NetworkIdentity to {obj}", obj);
if (identity.SpawnedFromInstantiate)
// Using Instantiate on SceneObject is not allowed, so stop spawning here
// NetworkIdentity.Awake already logs error, no need to log a second error here
// Spawn should only be called once per netId.
// calling it twice would lead to undefined behaviour.
// https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/Mirror/pull/3205
if (spawned.ContainsKey(identity.netId))
Debug.LogWarning($"{identity.name} [netId={identity.netId}] was already spawned.", identity.gameObject);
identity.connectionToClient = (NetworkConnectionToClient)ownerConnection;
// special case to make sure hasAuthority is set
// on start server in host mode
if (ownerConnection is LocalConnectionToClient)
identity.isOwned = true;
// NetworkServer.Unspawn sets object as inactive.
// NetworkServer.Spawn needs to set them active again in case they were previously unspawned / inactive.
// only call OnStartServer if not spawned yet.
// check used to be in NetworkIdentity. may not be necessary anymore.
if (!identity.isServer && identity.netId == 0)
// configure NetworkIdentity
// this may be called in host mode, so we need to initialize
// isLocalPlayer/isClient flags too.
identity.isLocalPlayer = NetworkClient.localPlayer == identity;
identity.isClient = NetworkClient.active;
identity.isServer = true;
identity.netId = NetworkIdentity.GetNextNetworkId();
// add to spawned (after assigning netId)
spawned[identity.netId] = identity;
// callback after all fields were set
// Debug.Log($"SpawnObject instance ID {identity.netId} asset ID {identity.assetId}");
if (aoi)
// This calls user code which might throw exceptions
// We don't want this to leave us in bad state
catch (Exception e)
RebuildObservers(identity, true);
/// <summary>This takes an object that has been spawned and un-spawns it.</summary>
// The object will be removed from clients that it was spawned on, or
// the custom spawn handler function on the client will be called for
// the object.
// Unlike when calling NetworkServer.Destroy(), on the server the object
// will NOT be destroyed. This allows the server to re-use the object,
// even spawn it again later.
public static void UnSpawn(GameObject obj)
// Debug.Log($"DestroyObject instance:{identity.netId}");
// NetworkServer.Unspawn should only be called on server or host.
// on client, show a warning to explain what it does.
if (!active)
Debug.LogWarning("NetworkServer.Unspawn() called without an active server. Servers can only destroy while active, clients can only ask the server to destroy (for example, with a [Command]), after which the server may decide to destroy the object and broadcast the change to all clients.");
if (obj == null)
Debug.Log("NetworkServer.Unspawn(): object is null");
if (!GetNetworkIdentity(obj, out NetworkIdentity identity))
// only call OnRebuildObservers while active,
// not while shutting down
// (https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/2977)
if (active && aoi)
// This calls user code which might throw exceptions
// We don't want this to leave us in bad state
catch (Exception e)
// remove from NetworkServer (this) dictionary
// send object destroy message to all observers, clear observers
SendToObservers(identity, new ObjectDestroyMessage
netId = identity.netId
// in host mode, call OnStopClient/OnStopLocalPlayer manually
if (NetworkClient.active && activeHost)
if (identity.isLocalPlayer)
// The object may have been spawned with host client ownership,
// e.g. a pet so we need to clear hasAuthority and call
// NotifyAuthority which invokes OnStopAuthority if hasAuthority.
identity.isOwned = false;
// remove from NetworkClient dictionary
// we are on the server. call OnStopServer.
// finally reset the state and deactivate it
// destroy /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Destroys this object and corresponding objects on all clients.</summary>
// In some cases it is useful to remove an object but not delete it on
// the server. For that, use NetworkServer.UnSpawn() instead of
// NetworkServer.Destroy().
public static void Destroy(GameObject obj)
// NetworkServer.Destroy should only be called on server or host.
// on client, show a warning to explain what it does.
if (!active)
Debug.LogWarning("NetworkServer.Destroy() called without an active server. Servers can only destroy while active, clients can only ask the server to destroy (for example, with a [Command]), after which the server may decide to destroy the object and broadcast the change to all clients.");
if (obj == null)
Debug.Log("NetworkServer.Destroy(): object is null");
// first, we unspawn it on clients and server
// additionally, if it's a prefab then we destroy it completely.
// we never destroy scene objects on server or on client, since once
// they are gone, they are gone forever and can't be instantiate again.
// for example, server may Destroy() a scene object and once a match
// restarts, the scene objects would be gone from the new match.
if (GetNetworkIdentity(obj, out NetworkIdentity identity) &&
identity.sceneId == 0)
identity.destroyCalled = true;
// Destroy if application is running
if (Application.isPlaying)
// Destroy can't be used in Editor during tests. use DestroyImmediate.
// interest management /////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Helper function to add all server connections as observers.
// This is used if none of the components provides their own
// OnRebuildObservers function.
// rebuild observers default method (no AOI) - adds all connections
static void RebuildObserversDefault(NetworkIdentity identity, bool initialize)
// only add all connections when rebuilding the first time.
// second time we just keep them without rebuilding anything.
if (initialize)
// not force hidden?
if (identity.visibility != Visibility.ForceHidden)
internal static void AddAllReadyServerConnectionsToObservers(NetworkIdentity identity)
// add all server connections
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in connections.Values)
// only if authenticated (don't send to people during logins)
if (conn.isReady)
// add local host connection (if any)
if (localConnection != null && localConnection.isReady)
// RebuildObservers does a local rebuild for the NetworkIdentity.
// This causes the set of players that can see this object to be rebuild.
// => global rebuild would be more simple, BUT
// => local rebuild is way faster for spawn/despawn because we can
// simply rebuild a select NetworkIdentity only
// => having both .observers and .observing is necessary for local
// rebuilds
// in other words, this is the perfect solution even though it's not
// completely simple (due to .observers & .observing)
// Mirror maintains .observing automatically in the background. best of
// both worlds without any worrying now!
public static void RebuildObservers(NetworkIdentity identity, bool initialize)
// if there is no interest management system,
// or if 'force shown' then add all connections
if (aoi == null || identity.visibility == Visibility.ForceShown)
RebuildObserversDefault(identity, initialize);
// otherwise let interest management system rebuild
aoi.Rebuild(identity, initialize);
// broadcasting ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// helper function to get the right serialization for a connection
static NetworkWriter SerializeForConnection(NetworkIdentity identity, NetworkConnectionToClient connection)
// get serialization for this entity (cached)
// IMPORTANT: int tick avoids floating point inaccuracy over days/weeks
NetworkIdentitySerialization serialization = identity.GetServerSerializationAtTick(Time.frameCount);
// is this entity owned by this connection?
bool owned = identity.connectionToClient == connection;
// send serialized data
// owner writer if owned
if (owned)
// was it dirty / did we actually serialize anything?
if (serialization.ownerWriter.Position > 0)
return serialization.ownerWriter;
// observers writer if not owned
// was it dirty / did we actually serialize anything?
if (serialization.observersWriter.Position > 0)
return serialization.observersWriter;
// nothing was serialized
return null;
// helper function to broadcast the world to a connection
static void BroadcastToConnection(NetworkConnectionToClient connection)
// for each entity that this connection is seeing
foreach (NetworkIdentity identity in connection.observing)
// make sure it's not null or destroyed.
// (which can happen if someone uses
// GameObject.Destroy instead of
// NetworkServer.Destroy)
if (identity != null)
// get serialization for this entity viewed by this connection
// (if anything was serialized this time)
NetworkWriter serialization = SerializeForConnection(identity, connection);
if (serialization != null)
EntityStateMessage message = new EntityStateMessage
netId = identity.netId,
payload = serialization.ToArraySegment()
// spawned list should have no null entries because we
// always call Remove in OnObjectDestroy everywhere.
// if it does have null then someone used
// GameObject.Destroy instead of NetworkServer.Destroy.
else Debug.LogWarning($"Found 'null' entry in observing list for connectionId={connection.connectionId}. Please call NetworkServer.Destroy to destroy networked objects. Don't use GameObject.Destroy.");
// helper function to check a connection for inactivity and disconnect if necessary
// returns true if disconnected
static bool DisconnectIfInactive(NetworkConnectionToClient connection)
// check for inactivity
if (disconnectInactiveConnections &&
Debug.LogWarning($"Disconnecting {connection} for inactivity!");
return true;
return false;
// NetworkLateUpdate called after any Update/FixedUpdate/LateUpdate
// (we add this to the UnityEngine in NetworkLoop)
// internal for tests
internal static readonly List<NetworkConnectionToClient> connectionsCopy =
new List<NetworkConnectionToClient>();
static void Broadcast()
// copy all connections into a helper collection so that
// OnTransportDisconnected can be called while iterating.
// -> OnTransportDisconnected removes from the collection
// -> which would throw 'can't modify while iterating' errors
// => see also: https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/2739
// (copy nonalloc)
// TODO remove this when we move to 'lite' transports with only
// socket send/recv later.
// go through all connections
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient connection in connectionsCopy)
// check for inactivity. disconnects if necessary.
if (DisconnectIfInactive(connection))
// has this connection joined the world yet?
// for each READY connection:
// pull in UpdateVarsMessage for each entity it observes
if (connection.isReady)
// send time for snapshot interpolation every sendInterval.
// BroadcastToConnection() may not send if nothing is new.
// sent over unreliable.
// NetworkTime / Transform both use unreliable.
// make sure Broadcast() is only called every sendInterval,
// even if targetFrameRate isn't set in host mode (!)
// (done via AccurateInterval)
connection.Send(new TimeSnapshotMessage(), Channels.Unreliable);
// broadcast world state to this connection
// update connection to flush out batched messages
// TODO this is way too slow because we iterate ALL spawned :/
// TODO this is way too complicated :/
// to understand what this tries to prevent, consider this example:
// monster has health=100
// we change health=200, dirty bit is set
// player comes in range, gets full serialization spawn packet.
// next Broadcast(), player gets the health=200 change because dirty bit was set.
// this code clears all dirty bits if no players are around to prevent it.
// BUT there are two issues:
// 1. what if a playerB was around the whole time?
// 2. why don't we handle broadcast and spawn packets both HERE?
// handling spawn separately is why we need this complex magic
// see test: DirtyBitsAreClearedForSpawnedWithoutObservers()
// see test: SyncObjectChanges_DontGrowWithoutObservers()
// PAUL: we also do this to avoid ever growing SyncList .changes
// this was moved to NetworkIdentity.AddObserver!
// same result, but no more O(N) loop in here!
// TODO remove this comment after moving spawning into Broadcast()!
// update //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// NetworkEarlyUpdate called before any Update/FixedUpdate
// (we add this to the UnityEngine in NetworkLoop)
internal static void NetworkEarlyUpdate()
// measure update time for profiling.
if (active)
// process all incoming messages first before updating the world
if (Transport.active != null)
// step each connection's local time interpolation in early update.
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient connection in connections.Values)
if (active) earlyUpdateDuration.End();
internal static void NetworkLateUpdate()
if (active)
// measure update time for profiling.
// only broadcast world if active
// broadcast every sendInterval.
// AccurateInterval to avoid update frequency inaccuracy issues:
// https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/pull/3153
// for example, host mode server doesn't set .targetFrameRate.
// Broadcast() would be called every tick.
// snapshots might be sent way too often, etc.
// during tests, we always call Broadcast() though.
// also important for syncInterval=0 components like
// NetworkTransform, so they can sync on same interval as time
// snapshots _but_ not every single tick.
// Unity 2019 doesn't have Time.timeAsDouble yet
if (!Application.isPlaying || AccurateInterval.Elapsed(NetworkTime.localTime, sendInterval, ref lastSendTime))
// process all outgoing messages after updating the world
// (even if not active. still want to process disconnects etc.)
if (Transport.active != null)
// measure actual tick rate every second.
if (active)
// NetworkTime.localTime has defines for 2019 / 2020 compatibility
if (NetworkTime.localTime >= actualTickRateStart + 1)
// calculate avg by exact elapsed time.
// assuming 1s wouldn't be accurate, usually a few more ms passed.
float elapsed = (float)(NetworkTime.localTime - actualTickRateStart);
actualTickRate = Mathf.RoundToInt(actualTickRateCounter / elapsed);
actualTickRateStart = NetworkTime.localTime;
actualTickRateCounter = 0;
// measure total update time. including transport.
// because in early update, transport update calls handlers.